How To Use Bumptious In A Sentence

  • Actually it sounds more like you and your management need to receive a MCP envelope. hit your regiment is, I cannot comment too much, except to note that if (when I was a soldier) some useless twát had got a course because I had to fill their slot on an exercise then a formal complaint would have gone in (maybe that's why my final CR as a soldier before I went to RMAS stated I was "bumptious" and "truculent"?) Army Rumour Service
  • The logs of each proprietor, detected by their marks, pay toll as they pass the gates and rush bumptiously down the flood. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 58, August, 1862
  • When the bill arrived at one table of four, one particularly bumptious oaf grabbed it, held it aloft, and started braying to his companions: ‘Guess how much!’
  • Why you Elders of Sodom even waste your breath on such bumptious bluster, we really don't know! Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • This bumptious charlatan then presumes to lecture others on issues of morality and governance.
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  • It is also that they can't stand his mix of bumptiousness and headmasterly pomposity. Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
  • And, among the contestants, David Fynn as the bumptious know-all, Hayley Gallivan as a lovelorn loser and Harry Hepple as the guy with the erectile issues make their mark. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - review
  • Surely if a new student shows, in the language of cant, "bumptiousness," the older students could "take him down" by dignity of manner or quiet sarcasm, rather than descend to the level of the blacking brush. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • We may be perky and bumptious and relatively youthful, but a lot of us are quite tired of working.
  • They disported themselves bumptiously, like they were aces.
  • At the time of Britpop, he appeared just another brash and bumptious pop star with plenty of flash and attitude.
  • There was none of the extreme 'bumptiousness' and pugnacious impudence of twenty years ago; indeed, the beach-boys, nowhere a promising class, were rather civil than otherwise. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • 'bumptious' - about it, because his own red hair was very plainly to be seen behind. David Copperfield
  • And the authorities can't be fooled into making bumptious statements because they're all media-savvy now.
  • His letters display both the bumptiousness and self-integrity which got him kicked out of Cuba and Prague.
  • At times the orchestra 's bumptious brass swallowed the performers whole, while vocal tone flattened into cardboard if they sang on the move. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was rude, aggressive, invasive and just about as bumptious a little man as it's ever been my misfortune to meet.
  • At different times poets and writers, good people of distinction and philanthropy, weary of the "storm and stress" of life and of invasions and intolerable "bumptiousness" of the vulgar and indiscriminating, have tried to secure a place and surroundings where high thinking and simple living might order their days and secure to them companionship fit for the gods; but the noblest and best of humanity are not permitted to go off by themselves in such ways and have a little heaven on earth all to themselves. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • Canellos is bumptiously content with the White Houses protestations of innocence in this matter. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Everybody's motives and tactics were so bumptiously obvious that it the debate took on the low spectacle of a traveling carnival dunking pool -- or would have, had anyone managed to hit the bullseye square. Sunday in the Vajayjay with Hillaray: James Wolcott
  • I followed my climbing partner, a bumptious 56-year-old Catholic priest from Glasgow, Scotland, up our fourth alpine face in three days.
  • Englishmen, however, increasingly viewed the rapidly developing ‘Great Republic of the West’ with the pride of a parent mixed with annoyance at the adolescent's bumptiousness.
  • Those who were on the alert for offence, who resented a marginal note as a slight, and bumptiously demanded that their work should be printed just as they had written it, were commonly not much more desired by the reader than by the editor. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • And even if Mozart was an often bumptious prankster, I cannot buy Shaffer's unhinged buffoon, especially when Michael Sheen, camping sky-high, is disgraceful in the early clownish sequences and creepy in the later pathetic ones.
  • They disported themselves bumptiously, like they were aces.
  • Personally I deal with bumptious chuckleheads with attitudes like this every day.
  • Himself is a bulgy, bumptious, plethoric person with a great deal of manner which may be translated by the French word empressement. Janey Canuck in the West
  • The novel careens bumptiously forward to a fantastical ending. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is bumptiously funky, respectably organic and engaging music that truly aspires to get young children excited about jazz.
  • I do not think that ever again has that hopeful, almost bumptiously hopeful, atmosphere reappeared in this country.
  • Churchill was a survivor from that earlier age of adventure who never fossilised, and what he breathed over his comrades - bumptiousness, energy, sometimes alcohol, sometimes deathless words - was always charged with life.
  • Yes, sir," I returned proudly, for the word "bumptious" had a ring of importance in it, and I had every reason to believe that the Malcolms were persons of quite large importance. David Malcolm
  • She was clearly embarrassed at times by Durkin's bumptious behaviour.
  • bumptiousness," or would -- while breaking them off as fast as they appeared -- ask them to accumulate "sufficient data to convince an intelligent public opinion. The Arena Volume 4, No. 21, August, 1891
  • How he could let these bumptious bimbos into his home to slag off and chuck out most of his wardrobe is a mystery to me.
  • Now was the time -- he had such confidence in the man, that the idea of getting him in for next race entirely changed the aspect of affairs to him, and made him feel as "bumptious" again as he had done in the morning. Tom Brown at Oxford
  • The only time we see her working she's trying to pick up guests at a hotel by greeting them at the elevator with the same bumptious and naive enthusiasm as she would greet potential diners as she handed out menus in front of the drive-in where she worked as a carhop. Lance Mannion:
  • This bumptious charlatan then presumes to lecture others on issues of morality and governance.
  • I am ready," said Mark, rather bumptiously; "but I am disappointed, all the same. Dead Man's Land Being the Voyage to Zimbambangwe of certain and uncertain
  • Leon looked after him rather disconsolately, as though at a loss to understand what could have happened to take all the fight and "bumptiousness" out of the former bully. The Chums of Scranton High at Ice Hockey
  • He is, accordingly, by turns bumptious, diffident, selfish, generous, thoughtless, befuddled and acute.
  • Can I say that about content on my own site without sounding bumptious?
  • Snappy dialogue, a rollicking storyline of love and piracy, and excellent supporting turns by Harlow, Beery, and Lewis Stone keep the bumptious "China Seas" afloat for the whole voyage. John Farr: Clark Gable: King of Hollywood
  • They also acted their parts as classically as the admirable comedians interfered bumptiously with all the sobriety, and Phillip Addis must be commended for his singing as well.
  • This is the Balkan - a florilegium of contradictions within contraventions, the mawkish and the jaded, the charitable and the deleterious, the feckless and the bumptious, evanescent and exotic, Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • She had been out with a young lawyer once, a bumptious and ambitious man, and a boring one.
  • Bumptious is bumptious, and gumptious is gumptious," said the landlord, delighted to puzzle a Parson. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • This is often accompanied, in drink, by a strutting, swaggering bumptiousness.
  • In fact, they seem determined to recreate the bawdy, bumptious atmosphere of a redneck boozer.
  • No, that was an era full of bumptious government employees and crazed moralistic zealots forever threatening to incarcerate the peasantry, largely on some kind of trumped up charge or other.
  • And the Jersey driver remains a prominent folk devil all over the Northeast: bumptious, heedless, hostile and barely competent.
  • For Luciano is full of the bumptiousness of the man, and tries just as hard to please.
  • he behaved rather bumptiously and offended the hostess
  • Shortly after as he lighteth hys cigarre at ye barre, he enquireth bumptiously, 'Who might that good ladie be?' In Bohemia with Du Maurier The First Of A Series Of Reminiscences
  • Or bummed out, or bumped off, or some bumptious buckaroo had burst your bubble.
  • I was well aware of his reputation for bumptiousness. The White House Car Czar
  • But they daren't hurt us," cried Smith bumptiously. Blue Jackets The Log of the Teaser
  • He came as a bumptious outsider to the Alberta Tories but soon elbowed his way to the top, winning the leadership as a rookie MP.
  • One of the real dangers the BJP Government has created is the rise of intolerant and bellicose people who bumptiously air their views.
  • To me it also leaves open whether he actually did think it was a good book but didn't want to sound bumptious.
  • Philanthropy had come to know Mrs. Crisparkle during the last re – matching of the china ornaments (in other words during her last annual visit to her sister), after a public occasion of a philanthropic nature, when certain devoted orphans of tender years had been glutted with plum buns, and plump bumptiousness. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • She had been out with a young lawyer once, a bumptious and ambitious man, and a boring one.
  • Personally I deal with bumptious chuckleheads with attitudes like this every day.
  • Bumptious is bumptious, and gumptious is Bumptious," said the landlord, delighted to puzzle a parson. My Novel — Complete
  • He broods about his wife's abandonment of him for a wealthy investment banker; he broods over his daughter's decision to live in Buenos Aires; and he broods over his son's development into a bumptiously opinionated replica of himself. The Misogynist by Piers Paul Read
  • The bumptious, impudent, selfish, "hateful" boy may become a man of force, of learning, of decided capacity, even of polish and good manners, and score success, so that those who know him say how remarkable it is that such a "knurly" lad should have turned out so well. That Fortune
  • At times the orchestra 's bumptious brass swallowed the performers whole, while vocal tone flattened into cardboard if they sang on the move. Times, Sunday Times
  • And who is to settle as to what is "an intelligent public opinion," that has the right to put down "bumptiousness"? The Arena Volume 4, No. 21, August, 1891
  • A famous roué who played the violin, swilled whiskey, ran after women, and could charm even the most bumptious crowd of voters. Suzanne Berne's "Missing Lucile," reviewed by Carolyn See
  • Bumptious, opinionated, insatiably inquisitive, she was just the kind of sheila he'd normally avoid like a swarm of blowies. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Smith was a young man of about twenty-eight, vain and no doubt somewhat "bumptious," and it is easy to believe that Wingfield and the others who felt his superior force and realized his experience, honestly suspected him of designs against the expedition. Captain John Smith
  • Well," said the Captain, a little bumptiously, "a parabola is a curve of the second order, formed by the intersection of a cone by a plane parallel to one of its sides. All Around the Moon
  • It is also that they can't stand his mix of bumptiousness and headmasterly pomposity. Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
  • This bumptious bloke is either a nonentity or is likely to be a nuisance - never heard of his name among the boss's acquaintances.
  • We may be perky and bumptious and relatively youthful, but a lot of us are quite tired of working.
  • Buster will be in Edinburgh again this year, more bumptious than ever, because the bestseller - as well as being translated into German, French, Italian and Magyar - is now available in Japanese.
  • Graeme Kent tells the story of how more than 30 fighters - the Great White Hopes, though most of them were no more than second-rate brawlers - who tried to dump the bumptious champion on his backside only to suffer that fate themselves.

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