[ UK /bˈʌmpʃəs/ ]
  1. offensively self-assertive
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How To Use bumptious In A Sentence

  • Actually it sounds more like you and your management need to receive a MCP envelope. hit your regiment is, I cannot comment too much, except to note that if (when I was a soldier) some useless twát had got a course because I had to fill their slot on an exercise then a formal complaint would have gone in (maybe that's why my final CR as a soldier before I went to RMAS stated I was "bumptious" and "truculent"?) Army Rumour Service
  • The logs of each proprietor, detected by their marks, pay toll as they pass the gates and rush bumptiously down the flood. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 58, August, 1862
  • When the bill arrived at one table of four, one particularly bumptious oaf grabbed it, held it aloft, and started braying to his companions: ‘Guess how much!’
  • Why you Elders of Sodom even waste your breath on such bumptious bluster, we really don't know! Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • This bumptious charlatan then presumes to lecture others on issues of morality and governance.
  • It is also that they can't stand his mix of bumptiousness and headmasterly pomposity. Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
  • And, among the contestants, David Fynn as the bumptious know-all, Hayley Gallivan as a lovelorn loser and Harry Hepple as the guy with the erectile issues make their mark. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - review
  • Surely if a new student shows, in the language of cant, "bumptiousness," the older students could "take him down" by dignity of manner or quiet sarcasm, rather than descend to the level of the blacking brush. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • We may be perky and bumptious and relatively youthful, but a lot of us are quite tired of working.
  • They disported themselves bumptiously, like they were aces.
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