How To Use Brain wave In A Sentence
However, in addition to those forms of energy, such as beta, alpha, theta, delta, brain waves, other fields of energy are also believed to be created.
At the very least, we can reintegrate Bell's brain wave pattern with her body.
I challenge the thousand of you who read Brain Waves each day to use your social networks for this purpose.
Just as a personal computer emits a characteristic sound whenever its central processing unit is transferring information to or from or the hard drive, the human brain emits a characteristic electrical brain wave response, known as a P300 and a MERMER (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response), whenever the subject responds to a known stimulus.
Brain Fingerprinting - Ruled Admissable
To induce a coma, an anesthesiologist typically infuses a patient with increasing doses of the barbiturate pentobarbital while monitoring her brain waves with electrodes.

Brain research has shown that using sound phasing for brain synchrony will adjust the brain waves to deeper states down to the delta wave pattern.
Brain wave activity is measured by an encephalogram which is a valuable instrument to measure brain wave activity in c.p.s., cycles per second.
From this, I assume that you are a green space alien from Venus made of cheese blown out of the nostril of a Neptunian writing this by focusing your brain waves through the gravitational field of Sirius.
Science, Non-Science, and Pseudoscience - The Panda's Thumb
The stroboscope creates patterns and colors by interference with the brain waves.
As a narrative idea, Roth's latest brain wave is down there with the one animating The Breast (1972) — perhaps even lower, because at least the Breast had Kafka's cockroach for a predecessor.
After investigation they learned that the brain wave, which was a side of the brain will sleep.
The marketing propaganda said that the device was supposed to promote relaxation and "synchronize" one's brain waves, whatever that meant.
Interesting Thing of the Day
Sleep researchers divide up sleep time into stages, mainly defined by the electrical activity of cortical neurons represented as brain waves by an electroencephalograph.
It is a Walkman-sized device wired to a skull cap that monitors brain waves.
That's because it is known to increase alpha brain waves and reduce beta ones, a process that makes us less mentally alert.
Times, Sunday Times
The goal of brain wave biofeedback is to teach people to control their own brain wave patterns using electroencephalography feedback.
Once in Wisconsin, the monks were hooked up to Davidson's electroencephalograph sensors, which check for brain waves.
The idea grew out of the difficulties with EEG (electro-encephalogram) reading because each person's brain waves are so unique.
Beyond Passwords -- Measure brainwaves?
Focused massage itself induces a meditative state in the giver as well as the receiver, taking brain wave patterns into alpha.
And what they ` ll show is that the brain waves will actually switch to the opposite side of the brain when they ` re assessing psychometrize (ph), when they assess what an object, who it belongs to, and the characterology of the person that they ` re trying to assess.
CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2005
the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves
It isn't until at least 47 days when brain waves can first be detected that the embryo has developed enough to even begin imagining a "snuggle", and even then it's a stretch.
The War on Science (and Common Sense): Abstinence-Only Sex Ed
the stimulus produced a desynchronizing of the brain waves
The researchers discovered that when a sound was restored perceptually (ie when the participant "heard" it), slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which occur when the brain is encoding boundaries of sound, were suppressed during the interruption of that sound.
Health News from Medical News Today
Neurofeedback tools require users to wear an EEG headband with small sensors that track brain waves.
To induce a coma, an anesthesiologist typically infuses a patient with increasing doses of the barbiturate pentobarbital while monitoring her brain waves with electrodes.
The incident was reported in the Washington Post and an enterprising Brooklyn toyshop owner had the brain wave of creating a toy bear named Teddy's Bear.
After investigation they learned that the brain wave, which was a side of the brain will sleep.
Jean, lenny is a nonlinear dynamicist by training, he works on a bunch of different things including brain waves in epileptics or something like that and also economics.
Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
The x-axis of the couch represents Maassen's brain waves in hertz, while the y-axis shows the amount of alpha activity as a percentage, and the z-axis is the time in milliseconds.
Such devices may include an electromyograph (EMG), which monitors muscle tension, an electroencephalograph (EEG), which monitors brain waves, or a heart monitor.
Is Biofeedback Effective in Relieving Certain Health Disorders?
Brain research has shown that using sound phasing for brain synchrony will adjust the brain waves to deeper states down to the delta wave pattern.
Your brain and brain waves are also affected.
Beat Stress
In the individual study, the primary goal is to continue to uncover brain wave differences between addicts and non-addicts and to see if any of those differences also show themselves to be hereditable.
It is a Walkman-sized device wired to a skull cap that monitors brain waves.
Your brain and brain waves are also affected.
Beat Stress
Brain waves, absent when the animal is deeply torpid, return spontaneously.
After investigation they learned that the brain wave, which was a side of the brain will sleep.
They found that slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which are involved in encoding boundaries of sounds, were suppressed during an interruption in a sound when that sound was illusorily restored.
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