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brain wave

  1. (neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph

How To Use brain wave In A Sentence

  • However, in addition to those forms of energy, such as beta, alpha, theta, delta, brain waves, other fields of energy are also believed to be created.
  • At the very least, we can reintegrate Bell's brain wave pattern with her body.
  • I challenge the thousand of you who read Brain Waves each day to use your social networks for this purpose.
  • Just as a personal computer emits a characteristic sound whenever its central processing unit is transferring information to or from or the hard drive, the human brain emits a characteristic electrical brain wave response, known as a P300 and a MERMER (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response), whenever the subject responds to a known stimulus. Brain Fingerprinting - Ruled Admissable
  • To induce a coma, an anesthesiologist typically infuses a patient with increasing doses of the barbiturate pentobarbital while monitoring her brain waves with electrodes.
  • Brain research has shown that using sound phasing for brain synchrony will adjust the brain waves to deeper states down to the delta wave pattern.
  • Brain wave activity is measured by an encephalogram which is a valuable instrument to measure brain wave activity in c.p.s., cycles per second. EzineArticles
  • From this, I assume that you are a green space alien from Venus made of cheese blown out of the nostril of a Neptunian writing this by focusing your brain waves through the gravitational field of Sirius. Science, Non-Science, and Pseudoscience - The Panda's Thumb
  • The stroboscope creates patterns and colors by interference with the brain waves.
  • As a narrative idea, Roth's latest brain wave is down there with the one animating The Breast (1972) — perhaps even lower, because at least the Breast had Kafka's cockroach for a predecessor. Fatherland
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