How To Use Brain science In A Sentence
he worked at the frontier of brain science
Patricia Kuhl will codirect research conducted by the University of Washington's Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences.
The Seattle Times
The author's writing on neuroaesthetics, in which brain science figures rather intermittently, reveals how little the "tell-tale brain" tells us about ourselves.
The Mind in the Mirror
Before they have language, infants pay attention to what I call informational hotspots," where their mother or father is looking, said Andrew N. Meltzoff, a psychologist who is co-director of university's Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences. - News
He worked at the frontier of brain science.

Aligning the design of life and a sustaining culture with the human needs that brain science is beginning to reveal would, I think, have a profound impact on many of the most troubling social dilemmas we face.
In Bentham's day, the cutting edge of brain science was phrenology - the idea that you could read someone's character by feeling the contours of his or her skull.