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brain science

  1. the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain

How To Use brain science In A Sentence

  • he worked at the frontier of brain science
  • Patricia Kuhl will codirect research conducted by the University of Washington's Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences. The Seattle Times
  • The author's writing on neuroaesthetics, in which brain science figures rather intermittently, reveals how little the "tell-tale brain" tells us about ourselves. The Mind in the Mirror
  • Before they have language, infants pay attention to what I call informational hotspots," where their mother or father is looking, said Andrew N. Meltzoff, a psychologist who is co-director of university's Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences. - News
  • He worked at the frontier of brain science.
  • Aligning the design of life and a sustaining culture with the human needs that brain science is beginning to reveal would, I think, have a profound impact on many of the most troubling social dilemmas we face.
  • In Bentham's day, the cutting edge of brain science was phrenology - the idea that you could read someone's character by feeling the contours of his or her skull.
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