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How To Use Bookstall In A Sentence

  • I even had the bookstall manager at Vantaa Airport remove all copies until we were well clear of the place. COVER STORY
  • A good number of members joined and the room was greatly appreciated by those who lived in outside places, away from the railway, bookstalls and newsagents.
  • The second-hand bookstalls on the Passeig de Gracia will sell you yellowed copies of Civil War newspapers celebrating exaggerated or imaginary victories over Franco.
  • One reader, describing the paucity of music available, compared it to ‘an airport bookstall, only without the gum and cigarettes’.
  • We're all familiar with the simple urban pleasure of browsing around open air bookstalls looking for that elusive first edition.
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  • For the same reason, the peripatetic bookstall would concentrate on school and college campuses.
  • I know there are in Belfast tidy gardens of roses, bookstalls with shelves of poetry, cats soaking up sun in shop windows.
  • For this weekend only, book lovers will be able to follow the ‘book trail’ around the numerous temporary bookstalls that will be dotted around the picturesque Kilkenny town.
  • The edition being limited, it was advisable to apply early for copies, which were on sale at all booksellers, bookstalls and newsagents, priced 3d.
  • One hot afternoon I picked up a book on a second-hand bookstall in the old town and I read that the literary career is ‘une affaire de longue haleine’.
  • The stuff of pulp novels at airport bookstalls is a reality.
  • Over by the bookstall Cristobel was now on her own, but looking quietly pleased with herself. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Apart from the bookshops, they can be found on numerous unattended open-air bookstalls, exposed to the elements: sun-beaten and often soaked with rainwater.
  • There will also be a mind, body and spirit bookstall, flower essences and aloe vera products for sale, and a café area providing healthy refreshments.
  • The ambience is one of art and history, the main focus of this 57-year-old bookstall on Brigade Road.
  • It's a heady mix of cool cafes and cockles, windsurfers and artists, beach volleyball and bookstalls, fresh fish and funky T-shirts.
  • Bibliophiles can always go to some of the older bookstalls specialising in second-hand books just off Brigade Road or on Avenue Road.
  • Shoppers stroll through the bookstalls, cafes and flower marts that line the Ramblas, the promenade near the medieval quarter of Barrio Gotico.
  • The formula of the bookstall blockbuster is only too persuasive, offering an optimistic view of social dangers and confusions.
  • He came to have bookstalls on virtually every railway station in the land, and thus sold vast quantities of books, newspapers, and magazines.
  • While I am enjoying the sunshine, I browse the second hand bookstall.
  • - you actually buy something at that very station bookstall. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • There were no posters in the streets, few reminiscences on the bookstalls, and only a moderate media build-up.
  • The formula of the bookstall blockbuster is only too persuasive, offering an optimistic view of social dangers and confusions.
  • It was the first book in English I ever bought, and to this day when I see a copy of the Seasons on a bookstall, which is often enough, I cannot keep my fingers off it and find it hard to resist the temptation to throw Afoot in England
  • After remitting the sale proceeds - minus 40 per cent commission - to the bookstall owner, he winds up the show.
  • One day, looking over a second-hand bookstall with Minna, she opened a snuffy volume that had English poems in it. "One could love her for the only sufficient reason that one chose to."
  • City Books' owners, Paul and Inge Sweetman, and their delightful team yet again got into the spirit of the event, manning their bookstall dressed in yellow high-visibility jackets and hard hats. My favourite independent bookshop: City Books, Hove
  • While it is true that the Hogwarts tales are supposed to appeal to young readers, personnel at bookstalls say that there is no dearth of adult readers who cannot wait to see what Rowling has in store in the new book.
  • The other thing that struck me was the number of bookstalls on street corners.
  • To please her Sophia spent some time beating down the bookstall man. Commonplace
  • Fear of criticism goes with every person into the bookstall. The Volokh Conspiracy » North Carolina Tax Officials Allegedly Seeking Names of All Amazon Customers in North Carolina
  • His routine begins with receiving as many as 40 books meant for both children and adults in English and Tamil from a bookstall at the Anna Bus Stand.
  • In England, I found the woman who'd discovered Ali and Nino in a postwar Berlin bookstall and done the first translation of it into English in the 1960's. A Conversation with Tom Reiss
  • But which is the lesser evil, until we are able to remoralise whole groups and classes of people, undoing the harm done when already weak restraints on strong instincts are further weakened by permissiveness in television, in films, on bookstalls? Howard Flight echoes Keith Joseph's 1974 warning that 'our human stock is threatened'
  • To kill that half-hour break after lunch, do browse in one of the pavement bookstalls, avoiding those selling only pirated books.
  • There will be various stalls including a bookstall, cake stall, bric-a-brac and tombola.

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