How To Use bookstall In A Sentence
- I even had the bookstall manager at Vantaa Airport remove all copies until we were well clear of the place. COVER STORY
- A good number of members joined and the room was greatly appreciated by those who lived in outside places, away from the railway, bookstalls and newsagents.
- The second-hand bookstalls on the Passeig de Gracia will sell you yellowed copies of Civil War newspapers celebrating exaggerated or imaginary victories over Franco.
- One reader, describing the paucity of music available, compared it to ‘an airport bookstall, only without the gum and cigarettes’.
- We're all familiar with the simple urban pleasure of browsing around open air bookstalls looking for that elusive first edition.
- For the same reason, the peripatetic bookstall would concentrate on school and college campuses.
- I know there are in Belfast tidy gardens of roses, bookstalls with shelves of poetry, cats soaking up sun in shop windows.
- For this weekend only, book lovers will be able to follow the ‘book trail’ around the numerous temporary bookstalls that will be dotted around the picturesque Kilkenny town.
- The edition being limited, it was advisable to apply early for copies, which were on sale at all booksellers, bookstalls and newsagents, priced 3d.
- One hot afternoon I picked up a book on a second-hand bookstall in the old town and I read that the literary career is ‘une affaire de longue haleine’.