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How To Use Book review In A Sentence

  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • We will have the book reviews continue on Monday and Wednesday, the Queen Stories on Thursday, and an article from the guest mzee every Friday. The Student Operated Press
  • He pointed out that the book review is a news service, a digest of the latest news about books - not publicity for publishers, nor a rarified forum for highbrow esoterica.
  • Star Trek phaser replica is set to stunning | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News Star Trek phaser replica is set to stunning | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
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  • Némirovsky's Suite Française is a book that could have used some actual literary criticism, by critics (maybe even "scholars") rather than "book reviewers. Book Reviewing
  • The Guardian's Book Review has a review of his new biography of the grumpiest man in popular music, which advises you to snap it up quick before Van's solicitors run their toothcombs over it.
  • Tangential factoids, unrhymed chiming, and wanton speculation: New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani is somehat, er, somewhat known for her frequent use of the word limn, apparently it's an inside joke among writers and critics. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
  • That the Toibin review is of a novel while the Updike review considers a collection of stories may partly account for the greater reliance on plot summary in the former (as well might various editorial policies of which we as readers of the review cannot finally be aware), but the temptation to "review" mostly by condensing story and making a few unsupported critical remarks is apparently an inherent feature of journalism-based book reviewing. Book Reviewing
  • Book review: all marketers are liars by seth godin 2009 September | Zeeshan Hamid
  • This is a real problem, albeit not one of recent vintage; mutual backscratching is especially endemic in academic book reviews.
  • This book review was written with acrimony.
  • Check it out to see which she liked best at Fair Weather and The Devil in the White City: Book Review posted at the imponderabilia of actual life. Archive 2007-06-01
  • There will continue to be resistance to the idea that book reviewers should seek the more congenial, if also more narrowly focused, space afforded by the quarterlies (or, for that matter, literary blogs). Book Reviewing
  • Michael also reviewed many books for the journal, combining speed of turnaround, with incisiveness and a broad understanding of transport history with which to contextualise the book reviewed.
  • In regard to my print book reviews, my editor is a lot like my radio producer; busy, not wishing to be put on the spot so to speak by an author or a publicist. How to prepare an author for an interview « The Book Publicity Blog
  • Perhaps it could be argued that there is a heirarchy among publishers of poetry, certain publishers on whose list many poets would like to be included, but this is a heirarchy of community esteem, as Silliman might put it, not a heirarchy based on "marketing budgets" and "clout" with bookstores or newspaper book reviews. Poetry
  • For the bibliophile there are essays on small presses, blogs, ‘the book,’ poetry and fiction, along with the regular roundup of book reviews. 2009 March 20 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • I even wrote a monthly column of book reviews plus a feature on newly released recordings, both popular and classical.
  • I was interested in this notion of Grisham the Populist, based on reading the book reviews and seeing several Grisham flicks.
  • Every bound galley that goes out to book reviewers has a notice on the front saying that this is uncorrected nonfinal text, so please don't quote from it. Boing Boing
  • This book reviews the current status of the inter-dependence of the chemistry and ecotoxicity of agrochemicals and related substances. 1. Designing integrated pest management for sustainable and productive futures.
  • There are thousands of media portals on the Web: newspapers, periodicals, academic journals, e-zines, book reviews and more.
  • And I use Big Words, like "ambrosial," which bothers some children's book reviewers. INTERVIEW: Vandana Singh
  • This is going to be the most biased, one-sided, totally untrustworthy book review you'll ever read.
  • I dearly hope you've got swim shorts on, because the idea that you're reading my book reviews in the nude is more than my feeble mind can process. REVIEW: Duma Key by Stephen King
  • He adds that he recently had dinner with a literary editor and a book reviewer and they both felt the same way.
  • Although promptory has not yet found its way into Webster's Third (promptuary, a poorer-sounding variant suggestive of a mortuary, has), it is a worthy and useful addition to the language; for example, good use of it was made in a recent VERBATIM book review [VII, 3, 12]. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 3
  • August 31, 2007 in anis mojgani, book reviews so i get it now. all the hype about Tao Lin. I am more than a little bit happier with this book « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Articles and essays, as well as recent book reviews, are also indexed on-line.
  • Tasks include line-editing, copy-editing, proofreading, research, promotional activities, and writing book reviews for our ‘Received and Noted’ section.
  • This issue has two book reviews, both concerned with econometrics and forecasting.
  • And I became interested in book reviewing, in writing the entertaining or amusing review, in the construction of reviews and essays.
  • The author of Interpreter of Maladies and The Namesake talks about her affinity for "plainness," why she avoids book reviews, and her new collection of short stories. Jhumpa Lahiri
  • For the first few years, he spent most of his time on court- and race-reporting and writing theatre, film and book reviews.
  • For, be it known in advance, Lee Barton was a super-man and Ida Barton a super-woman -- or at least the were personalities so designated by the cub book reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who, from across the dreary levels of their living, can descry no glorious humans overtopping their horizons. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • Rather belatedly we've got round to The Collection (Chatto & Windus, 25) by Peter Ackroyd, which in Scots might be called a gallimaufry, comprising as it does journalism, book reviews, essays, short stories and lectures.
  • Our first English assignment was to write a book review.
  • My publication was called, "Eldritch Leanings"; and would contain minor thoughts, movie and book reviews, pictures, a little bit of artwork (mostly the cover), and began as a Xeroxed production, then switched to mimeographed, and finally to high-quality printing before I gave it up due to time constraints and embarrassment over how poor my offerings were compared to the scholarly works of others like S.T. Joshi. Archive 2009-08-01
  • It appears to be a book review of a many volumed book attacking the supposed author of the books, and the sentences are convoluted things that rarely come in under 100 words.
  • This article explores the definition, content and features of book reviews, the selection of books for review, the function and criteria of book reviews, as well as the self-cultivation of reviewers.
  • This article explores the definition, content and features of book reviews, the selection of books for review, the function and criteria of book reviews, as well as the self-cultivation of reviewers.
  • There are reports on cultural events, book reviews and press clippings of developmental news.
  • Harry Potter has already been on the cover of Time Magazine and achieved the unprecedented feat of occupying the top three places in the New York Times Book Review of bestselling hardbacks.
  • The word giddy has appeared in 287 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Oct. 23 in the book review, "The Radical Entertainment of Harry Belafonte", by Garrison Keillor: NYT > Home Page
  • Anyone who doubts the declining literacy of book reviewers need only consider how the gabbiest of all prose styles is invariably praised as "lean," "spare," even "minimalist. A Reader's Manifesto
  • On a regular basis, the newspaper runs poetry, fiction, book reviews, essays on reading, author profiles, and excerpts from books.
  • Other differences are inventoried in this book review.
  • If youre going to charge someone with being a bigot surely the onus is on you to come up with something better than a decontextualised quote featured in a book review. Matthew Yglesias » Steyn’s Islamophobia
  • I had read enough Indian book reviews to know that reviewers are ustads with blades sharpened on a cruelly efficient whetstone.
  • Elite editors and book reviews and media types have confirmed anti-firearm views.
  • ALA amazon anti-intellectualism book review cataloging college students conferences e-research 2009 June | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • I'm thinking of becoming a book reviewer or a satirical writer, or maybe a sociological analyst or an entertainment specialist.
  • He wrote librettos, screenplays, book reviews, everything possible in the English language, and on top of all that he played the French horn.
  • Janice Harayada of One-Minute Book Reviews [9] examines backscratching in our time [10]. A Progressive on the Prairie » Weekend Edition: 10-3 » Print
  • Since _The New York Times Book Review_ very unjustly raised a question of the authorship of "Derelict," it has been my privilege to read the really remarkable correspondence that has reached Mr. Allison from men all over the country who have been treasuring newspaper clippings of perverted versions of the poem out of pure admiration for its classical lines and the bold portrayal of a grewsome story. The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • Writing in The New York Times Book Review, Judith Shulevitz gushed, ‘Novelists, in short, have become our public intellectuals - our polymaths, our geographers, our scholars of the material world.’
  • In this NYT book review he discusses symbiosis in evolution, an oft neglected part of the whole evolutionary story.
  • The world of book reviewing is full of people writing about books written by people they know. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, there has also undeniably always been an uneasy relationship between creative writing and literary criticism, sometimes verging on hostility, and I don't just mean the "snarkiness," as it's now called, that some creative writers justifiably resent vis-a-vis some book reviewers. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • I am an author and book reviewer, and my site honors veterans of many wars from many eras.
  • I'll be getting to a book review that touches on Philosophy of Mind subjects (in part) before long – and what do you know, it happens to be a book which advocates something along the lines of the hylomorphic view. Book Review: Quantum Enigma
  • A book excerpt (book extract) from A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True by Brigid Pasulka, plus multiple book reviews & a biography of Brigid Pasulka. Excerpt: A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True by Brigid Pasulka
  • New York Times book reviewer Connie Schultz calls "gossipy tidbits that fuel a narrative about their marriage and how it has shaped the presidency. The Full Feed from
  • The world of book reviewing is full of people writing about books written by people they know. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do get a lot about his relationship with his parents, and there are pieces - generally written as book reviews, eulogies or appreciations - that touch on some professional colleagues.
  • I reveled in snarky book reviews and grinned wide, my lips curving into a knowing sneer. June 2006
  • In this book review he discusses symbiosis in evolution, an oft neglected part of the whole evolutionary story.
  • In this book review I will just note some points about Pennock's treatment of the subject.
  • There is a particularly misogynist school of romance critique which we are not interested in espousing; no, Maggie Stiefvater is not a great prose stylist, but neither is Tom Clancy, and we have yet to read a book review elaborating on what silly and addlepated creatures men are for their biological yearnings toward homoerotic narratives of exploding submarines and menacing Russians. Archive 2009-11-01
  • It would be difficult to praise his work as Book Review Editor more highly than it deserves, and those of us who have worked with him most closely will miss his imperturbable good humor and complete reliability.
  • After that I headed back to the 'brary and sat in the break room eating my pasta dish and reading the New York Times Book Review. All we need is Blog?
  • Tasks include line-editing, copy-editing, proofreading, research, promotional activities, and writing book reviews for our ‘Received and Noted’ section.
  • I bit my tongue, but I believed that this cover policy succeeded in diminishing the appeal and significance of the Book Review, one of the Times's signature sections. My Times
  • Note: To comply with the new FTC regs that will enter into effect soon, we will try and mark the provenience of each book reviewed here. "Daughters of the North" by Sarah Hall (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • A book review -- which can appear in a journal, magazine or newspaper -- provides a descriptive, evaluative discussion of a recently published book.
  • Most of all, it is a public celebration of that most underpaid and undervalued form of journalism: the book review. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in an ostensibly substantial and argumentative book review?
  • As for book reviewing, I have to say I know too many women who have gotten the runaround from editors to see the lack of women as a problem of supply.
  • The editor of the Times books supplement is obviously a reader of Petrona, because in the "hot type" industry column this week are two stories you read here first: the woman who was rude about bloggers as book reviewers while her publicist was asking them to review her latest book; and the Harry Potter bookshelf poetry competition. Miscellaneous
  • This book reviews the treatment, epidemiology and unique clinical aspects of epilepsy.
  • Last April, the Horn Book Blog did its usual "pour trail of gunpowder, light match, stand back and look thoughtful" thing and made a statement about the "squishiness" in children's book reviewing. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Sunday Book Review cover: Walter Kirn on How Fiction Works by James Wood: The heroes of this great artistic labor tend to be semimonastic intro­verts who, like Wood’s beloved Henry James and Gustave Flaubert, toil with the doors shut and locked, in soundproof splendid isolation, attentive to the subtle frictions among nouns and adjectival phrases .... An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • The Auk, their quarterly journal of ornithology, contains the results of original scientific research and book reviews and is one of the foremost in the field.
  • This has a long antecedence, and the book reviews some of the historical and theoretical literature on the nature of law, including some Marxist sources.
  • BTW, sorta related – kwik BOOK review: kitteh lubbers everywher will enjoy a book I just bot and read. Tutor Kitty - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I’m on a semi-vacation for a couple of weeks and posting lightly or on offbeat topics such such as plaudit abuse that I normally deal with only in the context of book reviews. 2009 July 14 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Apparently newspaper book review sections are suffering not because the reviews they publish increasingly go unread, or because the newspapers that sponsor them are being irresponsible in abandoning literary/cultural coverage that doesn't fill the financial coffers amply enough, but because of bloggers and their incessant scribbling, their blogs with funny names, and their goldarned "shallow grandstanding and overblown ranting," their "childish free-for-alls. Book Reviewing
  • Capitalism and collapse: contradictions of Jared Diamond's market meliorist strategy to save the humans [A book review from: Ecological Economics] by R. Smith In the Week of the Economic Circus: Which Way Recovery?
  • And you, editors of my beloved Book Review, without which no weekend would be complete, should be ashamed, deeply so, for giving this mountebank such unwarranted attention.
  • So pity the poor book reviewer, her desk piled high with vanity press or self-published dross.
  • A shame, then; in the book reviewed here… a picture gradually emerges of the artist as a cantankerous and socially maladroit buffoon.
  • I even wrote a monthly column of book reviews plus a feature on newly released recordings, both popular and classical.
  • But there are many reasons I don't bother with regular book reviews, even as I indulge in flamboyant movie coverage. Books books books books books
  • I know full well that expert book reviewers, librarians, and teachers don't get the $$$ that many a publisher and/or book creator does ... and I also know full well that no expert reviewer, librarian, or teacher has the vested self interest in publicity that most book creator/blogger reviewers have -- not that such publicity is as much of a publicity as the bloggers seem to think it it all is. This is why I don't have a blogroll. Or friends.
  • That ensures that the book is treated seriously in The New York Times Book Review and kindred publications.
  • Christine is fluently bilingual and will be soliciting book reviews in both English and French.
  • The reader should know," writes Henry Kissinger in his lengthy coronation of John Lewis Gaddis's "magisterial" biography of the American foreign-policy seer and remonstrant George Kennan in the November 13 New York Times Book Review, "that for the past decade, I have occasionally met with the students of the Grand Strategy seminar John Gaddis conducts at Yale and that we encounter each other on social occasions from time to time. Jim Sleeper: Henry Kissinger's Grand Strategy Takes a New Turn at Yale
  • One-Minute Book Reviews will be having other contests this summer that will allow you to win bestsellers and other books reviewed on this site. Win a Free Copy of Nora Ephron’s ‘I Feel Bad About My Neck’ « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Let me add quickly: please don’t write in with your answers; my goal here is not to provide a forum for book reviews or literary criticism, but to provide a good example of the type of call Millicent has to make with every single submission she sees. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Seeing submissions from the other side of the desk, epilogue: an excellent example of how to do it right
  • This book reviews the cutting-edge significant research in the field of smart light-responsive materials based on azobenzene polymers and liquid crystals. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Filed under: Book Reviews, Books, Latin American, Novels, Quotes of the Day, Reading, Reporting, Writing — 1minutebookreviewswordpresscom @ 7: 14 pm Gabriel García Márquez on the Difference Between Novels and Journalism … Quote of the Day #15 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • He is the senior coeditor of the Contemporary Economic Policy, and the Book Review Editor. He also serves on the editorial board of several economic journals.
  • My first ever published book review in issue one was written from a copy of the typescript of her On the Periphery.
  • These disagreements are particularly evident in book reviews. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Tyree's earlier work has been reviewed in well-regarded publications such as Kirkus Book Review and Publisher's Weekly.
  • Therefore, of course, the book reviewed is by Henning Mankell, in this case Faceless Killers. The hieroglyphic streets
  • He is the senior coeditor of the Contemporary Economic Policy, and the Book Review Editor. He also serves on the editorial board of several economic journals.
  • The discussion really wasn't so much about "ethics" as it was about insuring that most of the assumptions motivating mainstream book reviewing remain resolutely unexamined. Book Reviewing
  • It has something to do with the book reviewing climate and the endless din buzzing around readers and publishers alike.
  • I write the occasional personal essayish type thing, the occasional book review (I used to do a lot of those; not so much now), and I’ve even got some weird steady freelance gigs, notably reviewing porn movies (a job my 14-year-old-self would be very proud of me for having) and writing a weekly column about sex-related stuff on the internet. What a writer’s gotta do «
  • While neither of these explanations speaks well of American book reviewing -- even though Queenan does try to make excuses for it -- I believe the simplest explanation goes even farther in clarifying the problem with newpaper book reviews: Honest criticism can't be found in these pages because criticism itself can't be found there, for reasons that are inherent to the medium. Book Reviewing
  • The second piece was a book review of American swing and jazz, and how adult pop culture was supplanted by teen pop culture.
  • Adichie's family experienced the war in Biafra and from this comes her latest book reviewed here last year Half of a Yellow Sun 54 entries from April 2007
  • In his excellent and thought-provoking address about humanities and philanthropy (Australian Book Review, June), Professor Malcolm Gillies directs our attention to the concluding poem (Carmen xxx) in Book III of the Odes of Horace in the verse translation by John Conington, specifically to the phrase “… usque ego postera/Crescam laude recens …,” of which the fragment “postera crescam laude” has since 1854 served as the motto of my alma mater, the University of Melbourne. Postera crescam laude
  • I even wrote a monthly column of book reviews plus a feature on newly released recordings, both popular and classical.
  • As in previous years, J. A. Alien wrote nearly all the book reviews published in 1904.
  • The same afternoon we talked also about the process of book reviewing, whether or not the use of insult and/or invective is ever justified and if so, when. On Negative Book Reviewing: Audio Interview with John Metcalf
  • And as a final comment, I want to make it clear that spitting at book reviewers is not nice.

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