How To Use book review In A Sentence
- There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
- Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
- We will have the book reviews continue on Monday and Wednesday, the Queen Stories on Thursday, and an article from the guest mzee every Friday. The Student Operated Press
- He pointed out that the book review is a news service, a digest of the latest news about books - not publicity for publishers, nor a rarified forum for highbrow esoterica.
- Star Trek phaser replica is set to stunning | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News Star Trek phaser replica is set to stunning | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
- Némirovsky's Suite Française is a book that could have used some actual literary criticism, by critics (maybe even "scholars") rather than "book reviewers. Book Reviewing
- The Guardian's Book Review has a review of his new biography of the grumpiest man in popular music, which advises you to snap it up quick before Van's solicitors run their toothcombs over it.
- Tangential factoids, unrhymed chiming, and wanton speculation: New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani is somehat, er, somewhat known for her frequent use of the word limn, apparently it's an inside joke among writers and critics. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
- That the Toibin review is of a novel while the Updike review considers a collection of stories may partly account for the greater reliance on plot summary in the former (as well might various editorial policies of which we as readers of the review cannot finally be aware), but the temptation to "review" mostly by condensing story and making a few unsupported critical remarks is apparently an inherent feature of journalism-based book reviewing. Book Reviewing
- Book review: all marketers are liars by seth godin 2009 September | Zeeshan Hamid