How To Use Blank verse In A Sentence

  • It is written in rhymed tetrameters, the most artless of English metres and quite unlike the majestic blank verse of Prospero the magician.
  • England blank verse, which he borrowed from the Italian _versi sciolti_, fixing that decasyllable iambic rhythm for English versification in which our greatest poetical triumphs have been achieved. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III
  • Instead of songs from the Sound of Music and blank verse we get steel pans, boxercise to eye of the tiger, massed voices believing they can fly, dramas and natch a leavers' video including just about all the year 6 kids - sponsored by Apple UK. Archive 2007-07-15
  • But I don't want to suggest that Martin writes merely a serviceable blank verse.
  • Poet to dictate blank verse to the pretty young secretary, who curled both feet round one leg of her chair, told him that she "loved his potry more'n anythink she'd ever read" and asked how all the hard words like "chrysoprase" and "asphdel" were spelt. Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy
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  • overthrown" between lines 17 and 113 — the poem nevertheless "feels" like it is somehow between rhyming and blank verse. The Transcendental: Deleuze, P. B. Shelley, and the Freedom of Immobility
  • This passage is in blank verse, that is, iambic pentameter, which is to say in a five-stress line composed of five 'feet' ( 'penta' means 'five') that move iambically from an unstressed to a stressed syllable: 'And all the clouds that loured upon our house'. Shakespeare
  • [3] The poem was published in Nathaniel Bloomfield's volume An Essay on War, in Blank Verse; Honington Green, a Ballad ... and Other Poems (London: Hurst, Vernor and Hood, 1803), pp. 85 – 88. Letter 423
  • The more important metrical tests include the following: the frequency of rhyme, whether in the heroic couplet or, as not uncommonly occurs in early plays, in alternates and even such elaborate arrangements as the sonnet; doggerel lines; alexandrines, or lines of twelve syllables; the presence of an extra syllable before a pause within the line; short lines, especially at the end of speeches; the substitution of other feet for the regular iambic movement of blank verse; weak and light endings; and, most valuable, the position of the pause in the line ( "end-stopped" or "run on"), and feminine endings or hypermetrical lines, such as The Facts About Shakespeare
  • James I., been moulded into an heroic poem in English octave stanza, or epic blank verse; -- which, however, at that time had not been invented, and which, alas! still remains the sole property of the inventor, as if the Muses had given him an unevadible patent for it. Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • Coleridge had developed an apparently relaxed, but in fact extremely clever style of blank verse.
  • Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.
  • Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse.
  • writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net
  • Yet his blank verse is lively and energetically handled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our hearing is indissolubly wedded to five-beat Shakespearean blank verse, usually unrhymed iambic pentameter.
  • Think about taking away the net and writing some blank verse with some metaphors in it.
  • Yet his blank verse is lively and energetically handled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good blank verse and stately sentiment, but something lukewarmish, excepting Douglas, which is certainly a masterpiece. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • But he read their blank verse cadences as cadences, and as poets writing within a Protestant tradition who were trying to also revive a mystical tradition.
  • Most of Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse.
  • When Dyer wrote blank verse he slipped into the Thomsonian diction, "cumbent sheep" and "purple groves pomaceous. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • As the Arabs ignore blank verse, when we come upon a rhymeless couplet we know that it is an extract from a longer composition in monorhyme. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse.
  • Blank verse like this is like tennis without the net; it is prose with line breaks.
  • It was written with newspapers before me," Southey recalled, "as fast as newspaper could be put into blank verse" (LR 1. 3n), and Woodring offers that "Few belletristic works signed by major writers can ever have come hotter from the chronicled events" (195). Introduction
  • ‘Yardley Oak’ is an account of the life of a tree and it shows all Cowper's strengths in its vigorous blank verse.
  • He kept the iambic blank verse form but relieved it entirely of its poetic burden.
  • The artists built the city of Boston on stage, and I wrote a kind of heroic Shakespearean text in blank verse and rhyme (which two characters recited) about the city's history.
  • There is no action on the stage, the events being narrated in blank verse.
  • All translation is compromise, and any decision leans one way or the other, but the idea that free verse is automatically the best and most “transparent” choice is full of assumptions, as is the idea that blank verse is somehow the perfect choice for the dactylic heptameter of classical epics. And the pleiades : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Bear in mind that the poem is more than 21,000 lines of blank verse - about twice the length of Paradise Lost.
  • Blank verse makes some approach to that which is called the lapidary style; has neither the easiness of prose, nor the melody of numbers, and, therefore, tires by long continuance. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Contending angels may shake the regions of heaven in blank verse; but the flow of equal measures, and the embellishment of rhyme, must recommend to our attention the art of engrafting, and decide the merit of the redstreak and pearmain. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Coleridge had developed an apparently relaxed, but in fact extremely clever style of blank verse.
  • This has all the technical marks of late Elizabethan dramatic blank verse: "vision" as a trisyllable; the redundant syllable in the middle of the line; the colloquial abbreviation of "in the"; not to mention the fanciful vein of the whole passage, which might lead any one unacquainted with Milton to look for this quotation among the dramas of the prime. Milton
  • [3] This verse-debate about war springs from the differing sentiments expressed in Nathaniel Bloomfield's 'Essay on War', published in An Essay on War, in Blank Verse; Honington Green, a Letter 238

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