
How To Use Blair In A Sentence

  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • Blair's answer should be embalmed in the Labour party constitution, perhaps as a better substitute for the old clause four.
  • Spain blockaded Gibraltar for most of the last third of the 20th century (they gave up in 1984) and when the Blair government in Britain negotiated a co-dominium with Spain in 2002, but the locals had to be consulted, and the referendum rejected the proposal by 17,900 to 187. Eric Lurio: Thoughts on a Gibraltar Street Fair
  • Tony Blair showed impeccable timing by leaving his job just before the economy went phut. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Interviewer Ryan Tubridy sought the advice of Jon Snow ahead of the interview but was warned it would be difficult to extract anything 'revelatory' out of Tony Blair. Tony Blair interview greeted by Iraq war protesters and Jedward fans
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  • Wilco, you are bemoaning the response to Blair… I interpret the show me the links the same as I interpret the Show me the links when a right winger posts some far out “factoidal” information here. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 16, 2007
  • The confirmation came from Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair in congressional testimony last week. Think Progress » Beck calls Bush a ‘progressive,’ says Obama is doing ‘exactly’ the same thing.
  • Well, whinges the person who thinks that this is a truly astonishing apercu, Tony Blair listens to him all the time and does what he is told. I don't necessarily agree with all they do but ....
  • Animals civilise a building, and it is a pity that Mrs Blair, no cat-lover, was blamed for the dismissal of Humphrey, a dignified and sagacious mouser.
  • But when Blair said that Egypt's transition had to be 'managed' – presumably by the West – so as not to jeopardise the 'peace process', he was only saying openly what Washington believed.
  • The ex-director of public prosecutions has accused Tony Blair of "sycophancy" towards President Bush. - Articles related to Blair 'happy to be out of race for Europe job'
  • A charge has been made against Cameron that he is just a blue-rinsed Blair. Cameron`s Camelot
  • Plus an unpleasant whiff of effluent as in the previous week's remorseless attacks on Cherie Blair, not for anything she's said or done but for the way she looks.
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • The sudden cancellation of Mr Blair's trip was due to his heavy workload.
  • The spiv, the showman; Mr Blair promised a brave new world - a shining castle on the hill - very Reaganish... a promise he most certainly could not uphold as there was no hill, the castle was made of papier mache and when the rains came it melted away...... The coalition counts on blaming Labour for everything. Bad move| Rafael Behr
  • Minister Tony Blair's public statements on the buildup to the court for having called Walesa a communist-era agent. - Articles related to More Rain for Britain After Floods
  • Mr Blair was wearing a black and blue T-shirt, jeans and training shoes, while his wife was dressed for the heat in multi-coloured patterned trousers, a white smock and trainers.
  • All of these reports focused heavily on the emotional intensity of Blair's speech.
  • Alongside the advance of the domestic "progressive consensus" that New Labour has created, victory in the referendum will be the third term fulfilment of the Blair premiership and we would, in the process, achieve an irreversible shift towards a more social-democratic Britain. The great "democrat" writes
  • Blair Nimmo: ‘Throughout 2003 we have seen a marked reduction in the number of Scottish businesses failing,’.
  • Looking back at Labour health policy now, I have to ask myself how so many of us were unable to see through the mists of what Leys and Player call the "misrepresentation, obfuscation, and deception" perpetrated by Blair, Brown, and a host of health ministers all too willing to genuflect to the market zeitgeist. The Plot Against the NHS by Colin Leys and Stewart Player – review
  • Blair's Deputy PM to be investigated for corruptio... 07/09/2006
  • No, Blair's Britain had a minimum wage, a New Deal for the unemployed and spent serious money on health and education.
  • Blair came breezing in ready to tell me about the rest of her day until she saw the look on my face.
  • He had to put up his truck against the bail bond, but there was just no way he was going to let them keep Blair in jail while he found the killer.
  • The grand euro-persuasion campaign, complete with unspecified roadshows and jollities no doubt such as further Blair / Brown double-acts, could now begin.
  • These sound pretty feeble reasons for Tony Blair to flunk the great test of his leadership.
  • In a hawkish, emotional speech to the Romanian parliament, Tony Blair said Milosevic was the real target of the war.
  • French commentators, on the other hand, are suggesting that Sarkozy's real aim in "endorsing" Blair was to upstage the Socialist opposition before municipal polls rather than commit Paris to backing Blair for the EU job, for which he has also dubbed Juncker pictured an obvious candidate. It was never going to happen
  • His decade-long struggle to replace Blair as prime minister was never an open political contest, but a conniving, cowardly and petty bid for personal power.
  • As, under Blair's premiership, the UK has been reduced to the role of being an international 'chancer', our best strategy is probably to smile, back off and try to sell him a football club, a swanky townhouse or some hedge fund bonds. How Should the West Respond to Putin's Threat?
  • I also noted that the interviewer baldly misstated various facts, apparently to get a rise out of Blair, as well as taking a really insulting tone.
  • After that comment, sure enough her sister conjured up the same lecture about swearing to Blair, Blair was just a bit put down when she couldn't walk away from this incessant jabber of her sister's idea on etiquette.
  • In the period since Tony Blair took office in May 1997, anatomies of Britain have been tumbling from the presses in dizzying profusion.
  • At Montgomery Blair High School, Francis was academically ineligible as a freshman, and then a third string varsity bench warmer as a sophomore.
  • Yates: The question Blair refused to answer in honours inquiry Yates: The question Blair refused to answer in honours inquiry
  • Labour has reached its current position of dominance precisely because of the centrist policies people like Blair and Brown espouse.
  • In fact his antics often reminded me of Tony Blair, and for that matter Bill Clinton.
  • Blair pressed herself closer to him, while her hands glided across the corded muscles between his shoulder blades before lifting his shirt over his head.
  • The committee's unprecedented trawl through the secret world of British intelligence makes devastating reading for Blair.
  • But with Tony Blair and Michael Howard now representing their respective parties, he is suddenly very junior to both of his rivals.
  • Mr Blair himself was taking a personal interest: the Prime Minister's closest aides were copied in to all the memos and documents winging around Whitehall.
  • Blair's defiance is possible only because of the unprincipled character of the opposition he faces.
  • The consolation is that Blair was tormented by the encounters. Ed Miliband draws first blood at PMQs
  • In that same vote, Israel abstained, apparently fearing international interference with their own outlaw nuclear weapons program, and Britain abstained in an act of diplomatic fealty to the “special relationship” between Tony Blair and George Bush. Think Progress » The Pictures of Corruption: How Hastert Used Tax Dollars to Turn a $1.5 Million Profit
  • Blair was particularly narked by its stinging criticism that his Government had been playing to its masters in Washington.
  • Yet, there are enough Labour rebels that if the margin of victory dips below the triple digits and gets anywhere close to 50, the pressure on Blair to give way to Brown will be great.
  • Blair is a thoroughgoing scoundrel, who has been prepared to stir up the hornets 'nest of the Middle East (at the cost of enormous loss of life) for personal aggrandisement and financial gain. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • It is the taint of Eton that makes him ineligible to lead the Tory Party, in the view of some who believe that counterfeiting Blairism is the road to power.
  • Their trump card, so they thought, was an article in which Johnson had used the term 'picaninny', albeit in the context of a sarcastic vignette about Blair's supposedly patronising attitude to his visitees, on a world tour. Harry's Place
  • Blair has, it appears, accepted the reality that he can only expect limited successes in return for reverses - or at least stasis - in other areas.
  • Blair stood at the mirror, redoing her makeup.
  • But for Blairites to attack Brown for networking, briefing the press and installing placemen is a little like an alcoholic accusing a social drinker of dipsomania.
  • In the front rank of Canada's great newsmen is our guest today, Blair Fraser. China '67—Fact Or Myth?
  • Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke of his distress and the Prince of Wales wrote personal letters of condolence to both families.
  • The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
  • I hold no brief for Cherie Blair, but she had a kind of daffy genius for lifting the lid on the Blair marriage in ways that revealed far more than she realised. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Like other European leaders, he broadly supports Mr Blair on Africa and climate change.
  • He also borrowed from the playbooks of Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair by marching his party to the center.
  • Blair writes unaffectedly and charts her personal growth with honest self-deprecation.
  • Home secretary kills off Tony Blair's flagship measure to deal with youth crime and anti-social behaviour Crime statistics masked by 'year zero' reset, claims Labour
  • Whether the Blair government's new law withstands judicial scrutiny remains to be seen.
  • Mr Blair is preparing for a whistle-stop tour of Berlin, Paris, Washington, New York and Brussels.
  • Having spent vast sums of money and seen little improvement in unreformed services, Blair has finally realised that the market can - must - be used as a tool to improve the lot of those in society with the hardest deal.
  • The manor house where Orwell, a declared socialist, was forced to recuperate during one of his lung hemorrhages is among the island's most patrician -- bone-white, with many fluted chimneys, its own boat dock and a tamed lawn as sweeping as the playing fields of Eton, Eric Blair's alma mater. Literary Pilgrimages: George Orwell
  • Said Blair, it's a "satis-factory basis" for a final settlement. Starr's Search For An Exit
  • That should have ended it, except that certain newspapers have grown irritable and waspish with Tony Blair.
  • While creating dances for ‘Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe,’ he met a chorine named Betsy Blair; they married in 1940.
  • Say hello to shirtsleeved, smiling Tony Blair, the leader of the ascendant Labour Party. London Swings! Again!
  • She's the favourite to succeed Blair as leader.
  • At the same establishment the kitchen staff would get the front of house staff to sneak them cappucini and beers from the bar, which was strictly forbidden by the 'pubco' overlords. blaircooper 5 September 2011 11:36AM The Guardian World News
  • More surprising, at least to those who presumed her well-aired feminist principles to have been a continual corrective to Blair's masonic/lubricious tendencies, Cherie Blair appears to have been equally impressed by displays of New Labour virility, twitting her husband on the contrast with his own probable timidity: "John's just a man. What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
  • Everybody needs a summer holiday, but which once ageless pop star opened his Barbados home to the Blair family in August?
  • It's ten years since Tony Blair was anointed leader of the British Labour Party.
  • Would he consider becoming personal economic adviser to Tony Blair, then newly elected as leader of the Labour party?
  • Blair was at 35,000 feet, en route to Tokyo, when news of the scientist's suicide reached him like a thunderbolt on Friday morning.
  • We should be kicking Blair to kingdom come about his corrupt practices, sadly all we've heard from the Tories is a deafening silence. Is it Time for State Funding of Political Parties?
  • In fact, I would generally harry, hassle and hound them until they give up or leave the country. my emphasis obviouslyThese powers already exist to some extent note Blair's use of the word "widen". Archive 2006-04-01
  • I turned just as Piper gave a short yip and jumped up to run into Blairs arms.
  • He had as well ordered Blair's chambermaids to dress her after she had completed bathing, so that she could have some sustenance other than stale bread and other hard tack eaten on days of leave, but she had yet to emerge into the dining hall.
  • And they've put together a golf trail stretching from Edzell down to St Andrews and stretching westwards as far as Perth and Blairgowrie.
  • Altogether, by upping the ante, Blair has played a blinder, which is leaving the opposition, at home and abroad, floundering. Leaving the opposition floundering
  • Jim's jaw muscle flexed and he continued to unwrap the shirt bits from Blair's arm.
  • I want to loathe Blair, but I am forever mindful of the fact that ... in the real world, in the long run, as opposed to the rarefied ectoplasmic, legalistic fantasy-land of the peaceniks we must endure babbling about us ... in that real world, in the long run, that invasion may have saved my neck and the society I live in. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Wednesday he could have not have imagined what he called the nightmare that unfolded in Iraq but still ... Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • Marty (1955)- Approaching his middle years, lonely, overweight butcher Marty Pilletti (Ernest Borgnine) lives with his mother and has given up on love, until one day he meets plain but warm-hearted schoolteacher Clara (Betsy Blair). John Farr: For Valentine's Day, Ten Movies Sure To Inspire Romance
  • Of the many chances Scotland bombed, the most shinily gilt-edged came shortly afterwards when Ross Rennie, a real handful throughout, broke past three English defenders and fatally hesitated before trying to pass to one of Mike Blair or Laidlaw, both clear outside him. Six Nations 2012: Andy Robinson statistics fail to ease Scotland agony
  • Toward the end of this well-written and perhaps unintentionally self-revealing memoir, Tony Blair, who was Britain's prime minister during an eventful decade from 1997 to 2007, insists he is "trying valiantly not to fall into self-justifying mode -- a bane of political memoirs. Tony Blair's fierce defense of his political life
  • The babu, flat on the ground, was turning his head to polish his spectacles; Bella Blair had her face hidden, but I noticed her fists were clenched. Fiancée
  • British prime minister Tony Blair's July 30 press briefing, the last before his holiday, provided a snapshot of contemporary politics.
  • And I think he spotted what a lot of -- a lot of other people have now begun to spot in our prime minister, Mr. Blair, that dreadful phoniness, which is one of the very important developments of modern politics, an -- an emp ... The Abolition of Britain: From Winston Churchill to Princess Diana
  • If this was a covert air war, both Bush and Blair may face searching questions.
  • Britain's public services, civil service and quangocracies are stuffed to the rafters with left-wing, politically-correct placemen like Blair who have tied their colours to the Labour Party's mast far too tightly for their own good. Telegraph Blogs
  • He also defended his seizure of white-owned farms, saying the program pitted the majority against an "obdurate" racial minority which he alleged was "supported and manipulated" by Blair. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is funny to see that the rats at various British intelligence agencies are already trying to avoid the blame for the lies told to the British people by Blair.
  • Alison flurried about the room putting away her essentials and then turned to Blair and finally heaved out a breath of air.
  • This does sound very similar to what Brown's close ally Ed Balls in August 2006 described as "short-term sectional gestures on taxation" after Blairite Stephen Byers called for the abolition of inheritance tax. A cross-dressing Darling or goodbye to social democracy
  • Thatcher pushed them back temporarily and stood for a basically conservative English nation (as recent polling has shown) but Blair brought them back in a "cloaked" ship and facilitated more radical leftist entrenchment than there had ever been before. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Our National Institute for Clinical Excellence NICE, a typically Blairite acronym has done cost-benefit analyses of drugs and procedures, often very sensibly, for years. New Efficiencies in Health Care? Not Likely
  • The purloined memo made the Blair House meeting and Aspin's dip into the tank at the Pentagon look like a double sham.
  • Blair is competing for the starting quarterback position.
  • Not a sheep: Tony "perspicacity" Blair skip to main | skip to sidebar Tony "perspicacity" Blair
  • He sat down and Blair pulled his chair closer, setting his coffee cup on the edge of the desk.
  • The government's plans to regenerate the area were announced in March last year by Tony Blair and John Prescott.
  • But, largely thanks to the Blairite project, the gap that separates the Tories and Labour has dramatically moved its position on the political spectrum.
  • Motioning for her to stay around the corner until he signalled, Paris walked towards Blair's cell.
  • Tony Blair is coyly vacillating on the issue of standing for European Council president.
  • Despite his old Labour sympathies, Stewart has been a consistent supporter of Blair.
  • Blair wants UN involvement and a handover to a civil administration under a UN mandate as soon as possible.
  • Mrs Blair went so far as to pass Canon Hurley a pepper-mill when he couldn't immediately attract the attention of a waiter. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • The eventual retreat from Iraq by the British, therefore, will also mark a retreat from the US-led coalition and a move more fully into the "intergovernmental" structure of the European Union, where Blair's (or his successor's) foreign and defence policy will be increasingly defined by his colleagues in the European Council "cabinet". Democracy or stability?
  • Sheppard, who was visiting Williams from his hometown of Fort Worth, Texas, described Blair Clark as "overdrunk" and said the cousin later had to be restrained from fighting with members of the Tre Tre Crips outside the club. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • H. Raines - Blair fiasco is not just about race or lies, but Times chief's bulldozer man - agement style. Terrorism Reloaded Edition
  • The comments on Mr. Blair's Catechesis seem singulary lacking in Christian Charity. Oh dear, this is really comic...
  • Tony Blair claims that New Labour is the Third Way between capitalism and socialism.
  • Few recent films escape the upchuck, which begins quite literally with an Exorcist reprise, with Linda Blair, in this case Megan Voorhees, spewing pea soup at a couple of priests.
  • Three cups of coffee and two aspirins later Blair was starting to sound like her normal self again.
  • Prime Minister Tony Blair has aligned Britain with the US invasion plans, while attempting to mediate an agreement with the rest of the European Union.
  • in June Blair reportedly spiked the idea of introducing ID cards - but they're back.
  • He had dropped off a pair of sweats and a zip front sweatshirt for Blair to come home in.
  • At 4.15 am on Friday, Tony Blair became the first man ever to lead Labour to a third term.
  • Despite FDA inspections that found US hatcheries injecting antibiotics directly into eggs* and studies that detect antibiotic residue in egg yolks of treated chickens even after withdrawal periods and cooking, + antibiotics are not "a food safety issue for eggs" said Blair Van Zetten, on Behalf of United Egg Producers at the hearings. Got Antibiotics in Your Food? Thank the FDA
  • Blair arrives at the freezing hanger, close to tears as he delivers his condolences.
  • But I believe, "magnanimously," that if Blair had more time for practicing he could beat The Half-Back
  • Davies tried his best to rattle Mandy but to no avail: Mandelson's light, superior voice merely became airier and loftier as he explained to Davies how his book didn't make New Labour look like a great project undone by the pathetic, all-consuming, never-ending row between Blair and Brown, but instead painted a "reasonably pleasing picture". Today; Live Aid 25; London: Just Off the Plane
  • So Hattersley pointed out that one of Wilsons sons was a headmaster and the other was a professor at the Open University, and Blair said, Well, I would hope my sons do better than THAT. What's Going On
  • Blair was adamant about bringing a hound pup along with her.
  • To some extent, the heavily self-parodic aspects of the enterprise - at one point he reports on treating Tony Blair to a disquisition on the Shia, whom he compared to 'nut-rissole artists' - make the crazy-uncle outbursts less alarming. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • For the types Blair now calls "wimmin", there were all-women shortlists and a minister for women; for magazine editors, Blair held flattering lunches; and for civilians, focus groups like the one at which Alastair Campbell, in a break from squabbling with his colleagues, found himself shocked by the all-girl superficiality. What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
  • So keen, in fact, is Random House to have the great spin doctor on board that Hutchinson will shortly publish the "unexpurgated" version of its already published The Blair Years. A literary career or a brilliant, successful one-off? Take your pick
  • For 13 years the old government had failed to tackle persistent antisocial behaviour in one of London's most dysfunctional neighbourhoods: Downing St. Setting fire to speeches, throwing bricks through policy windows, the Blair Babes goody-goodies lived in terror of the Brown Shirt gang which had cocked a snook at authority. After Mandelson's storm, John Prescott calms – and charms – the Lords
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the word weirdo actually first arise from Blairite counter smearing in the long running saga of Blair-Brown? The problem is that he does look weird
  • The case brings into sharp relief some of the constitutional concepts we've been studying, as does the Blair government's re-enactment of detention-without-trial legislation.
  • Of course, I answered him that I would make the "feint," regardless of public clamor at a distance, and I did make it most effectually; using all the old boats I could get about Milliken's Bend and the mouth of the Yazoo, but taking only ten small regiments, selected out of Blair's division, to make a show of force. Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • Blair reached up to the overhead to retrieve his pack, and a twinge of remembered pain clutched his chest.
  • Asked about the Chancellor's future, Mr Blair praised Mr Brown but stopped short of anointing him.
  • However, we made up for it now by an outburst of indignation and resentment, especially violent on my part; whereupon, the sage Allie turned my own moral lecture, so lately delivered, upon myself, recalling my exhortations to the effect that we should be patient and forgiving with one so sorely afflicted as Matty Blair. Uncle Rutherford's Nieces A Story for Girls
  • Blair, content with a kennel full of poodles in the Commons, will never allow such a thing.
  • He eventually withdrew in favour of Blair, thought to be the more popular candidate.
  • Blair set his aside and just looked out the window as the copter lifted off.
  • The Labour MP, John McDonnell for one thinks the decision to go ahead with the third runway is "a disgrace to the democracy of this country", he is right but then so much of what Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's government has done has been "a disgrace to the democracy of this country". Heathrow Third Runway
  • The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
  • They were at the waiting helicopter now and Jim opened the back door, urging Blair inside, then he turned back to Simon.
  • On January 7, the very day that Porton Down came to its negative conclusion, Blair took the opportunity to make a prominent public statement. William Langewiesche on Mouloud Sihali
  • Even as Churchill exposed the horrors of Nazi Germany, Harold Pinter has exposed the brutalities of Bush and the bestialities of Blair. Archive 2006-10-01
  • We passed on staying in one of the hotel's 12 scrummy rooms and opted for one of the log cabins nestling among a Blair Witch-type forest of birch and ash just behind the Four Seasons.
  • An itty-bitty Howard and Blair and a supposedly statesman-like Kennedy looking like he's carved into Mount Rushmore.
  • Not hard to find, he is called Tony Blair and is currently enjoying a weekend at our expense at chequers ABC News Blog Says Police Have 'Crystal Clear' Pics of Bomb Suspect
  • He said: "Tony Blair was keen to fight alongside the Americans, he should be equally keen in giving out the same amount of death benefits to relatives of British troops killed.
  • Blair breezed past him towards the door, looking through the peephole before opening it.
  • Speaking for the Blair Administration, British Attorney General Lord Goldsmith made the same point.
  • Blair spends much of the book whining about his dipsomania and sexually perverted thoughts.
  • Blair could have done so whenever he wished but opted to keep this master of ‘tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend’ in office until his last moment as ‘First Lord of the Treasury’ and thus is implicated in the Socialist excesses of the last ten years not as a mere aider and abettor but as a principal in the first degree. Archive 2008-05-18
  • The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
  • Blair appears not to be fighting for control of Pentagon-based intelligence assets — like the spy satellites of the National Reconnaisance Office or the vast cryptological apparatus of the National Security Agency — with Defense Secretary Bob Gates, even though the Pentagon is estimated to control between 85 and 90 percent of the intelligence budget. There’s A War Going Down Between My Brothers Tonight | ATTACKERMAN
  • Of course, there will be people who will say that these dedicated campaigners were foolish to wave banners carrying the slogans ‘Farmers for Blair!’
  • As NPR's Elizabeth Blair reports, the documentary is also about what it's like to be a parent of someone with an intellectual disability. 'Monica And David,' Building A Life On Their Terms
  • Tony Blair was also heading for America by Concorde yesterday, having chartered a supersonic aircraft to take him to Washington DC for talks and dinner with President Bush.
  • In a heavily union-backed campaign the man sometimes nicknamed "Red Ed" advocated a clear break from the promarket and pro-U.S. policies of Tony Blair's New Labour movement. Labour Picks Ed Miliband as New Leader
  • Up in the Visitors' Gallery, Cherie Blair - seemingly unaffected by having planted a kiss on Charles Clarke's grizzly chin in the Lobby on the way in - looked on approvingly.
  • On January 18, we moved out of our home for the last eight years and inro Blair House. Barbara Bush
  • Why did the anger and resentment toward Howell Raines become the story even to the point of kind of eclipsing the Jayson Blair saga? CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2003
  • The 84-year-old leader caused outrage in October 2005 when he used a speech at the FAO to tell donor nations not to "foist" food on Zimbabwe and compared the then British premier Tony Blair to Italy's wartime dictator, Benito Mussolini. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I wonder whether the Chilcot inquiry Report, 29 January will require Tony Blair to answer a question or two about the so-called ricin plot. Letters: Chilcot should look at the ricin plot
  • Whether or not you agree with Blair's often irrational diatribes, he's arguably the most widely-read Australian blogger.
  • Michael Sheen has played former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and comedy legend Kenneth Williams.
  • Blair must have hoped that by the time of the publication of the report the problem of the non-existing weapons of mass destruction would have gone away, been forgotten or mistakenly elided in the public mind with the Hutton Inquiry.
  • So in that sense one could say that Blair has played a blinder by occupying what commentators call the ‘centre ground’ of politics.
  • Blair is uniquely unqualified for such a task because he is a warring faction.
  • Blair tossed his empty into the waste basket then crossed the room to his bed.
  • Unable to resist his charm and devastating smile, Blair nodded mutely in response.
  • The Chancellor last night attempted to seize the initiative by pledging to continue the reformist course set by Blair if he becomes leader, something widely seen within the Labour Party as a certainty.
  • I intuit Blair will win the election by a whisker.
  • In a wide-ranging law and order policy review, Tony Blair announced greater police powers to seize non-cash assets and new measures to help prisoner rehabilitation.
  • Tony Blair, the Middle East envoy, said today the ceasefire would only endure if the peace process was revitalised.
  • The term redneck was also used in The West Virginia Coal Miners March (1921) or the Battle of Blair Mountain when coal miners wore red bandannas around their necks to identify themselves as seeking the opportunity to unionize. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The picture has been variously described as a cross between Badlands, The Blair Witch Project and Deliverance.
  • Someone came forward at a crouching run and laid two charged muskets on the ground beside me; to my astonishment I saw it was Bella Blair - the fat babu I'd seen reading the previous night was similarly arming the riding-master, and the chap on t'other side of me had as his loader a very frail-looking old civilian in a dust-coat and cricket cap. Fiancée
  • ‘My mother was really weirded out at first when I began competing,’ laughs Blair.
  • The Afghan press corps stampede Blair as he emerges from the plane.
  • Tony Blair is on his way to speak at the Scottish Labour Conference in Aviemore, but on his way he's going to stop off to blow up part of the country, but all in a good cause - to enable work to start on building a hydro-electric power facility. Blair to Nuke Scotland
  • Obvious sensitivities ensured that piece of legislation was doomed! by Blair - alongwith much of the excellent Victorian legislation which kept the streets fairly crime free for many years. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • In a dark day for Labour campaign strategists, the one bright moment for No 10 was that Gordon Brown leapt to Mr Blair's defence and delivered a lucid and categoric defence of his old comrade.
  • Blair reached out for the blanket now and pulled it over his legs and body, hugging his abdomen with both arms.
  • Britain, thanks to Bush, Obama, Blair, Gordon Brown, and the not so royal family of this cesspool of human excrements - in other word shits - called America and England. An Arab Woman Blues - Reflections in a sealed bottle...
  • No wonder the Blairs hope their little bambino is of the fairer sex.
  • The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature was an equally ardent opposer of the 1991 Gulf War, the 2001 U.S. war in Afghanistan, who predicted the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 who called the American president a "bloodthirsty wild animal" condemning both Bush and Tony Blair as "war criminals. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Pinter
  • There is certainly a degree of personal animus in some of the attacks and with the increasing polarization of the political debate in the country, this question of Tony Blair's personal style -- I mean, we saw, for example, the Butler Report in it's very veiled and rather elegant way, criticizing his what they call sofa cabinet, the fact that everything is done very informally, off the record with just a few select advisors. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2004
  • Mrs Blair went so far as to pass Canon Hurley a pepper-mill when he couldn't immediately attract the attention of a waiter. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • In fact, as the lamb and red wine were served, my first impression of Blairand of his wife, Cherie, who was then very much in her slightly frumpish, pre-designer periodwas that they were bright, articulate, personable. A Question of Honour
  • Blaire stopped undressing her, nodded and resumed taking her clothes off.
  • Tony Blair has all the credentials to become the first president of the European Council," Mr Berlusconi wrote in a letter that appeared in Il Foglio, a conservative daily known for its Fox-news style neo-conservatism. Archive 2009-10-01
  • In return for dropping Mr Blair, Mr Brown secured the foreign-policy post for Lady Ashton, a career Labour party technocrat who has served as the EU's trade commissioner since October 2008.
  • The sudden cancellation of Mr Blair's trip was due to his heavy workload.
  • General Frank P. Blair had been elected as well as Garfield, and it was in Blair's case that the issue was made by those who objected to the legality of what they called a duplication of offices. Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 2 November 1863-June 1865
  • The trash bin was stuffed to the brim, but Blair's crate was set off to the side, smashed into several pieces.
  • My aunt bought me a book called Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair during grade school, which I used to develop a few original characters that I still remember how to draw to this day, such as a dim-witted cow with buckteeth. Art School, I'm confident I can get there, Part 3
  • The state headed by Blair, and partly jemmied open by FoI, is the same state that tried to spy on more and more of its citizens. First Big Brother, now Little Brother, and both are deadly
  • Blair rolled his eyes and followed Jim to the harbormaster's office but decided not to reply to that one.

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