
How To Use Begotten In A Sentence

  • If, however, the Logos is intrinsically the Son of God, then Christ is the Son of God, not because he is the begotten of God in the flesh (early Christian), but because the spiritual being existing in him is the antemundane reproduction of History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
  • An unspecified surfer from the USA came by via Yahoo looking for "gisele lindley" -- Ms. Lindley was the daring and lovely actress who played Princess in Oingo Boingo's misbegotten Forbidden Zone movie. View from the Northern Border
  • The central tenet of the Baptist faith, “soul competency”, which begat or was begotten by their anti-papism/episcopacy, actually has a lefty component to it. Matthew Yglesias » Things I Did Not Know
  • But slowly it dawned on me that it was, perhaps, more about the most classic of misbegotten South African stereotypes.
  • That hubris strikes me as even more misbegotten given what's happened since the war ended.
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  • Only-begotten, that is, of the substance of the Father, God of God, NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Even when she doesn't start it herself (and even I don't blame her for everything that happens in this misbegotten town), she flies straight to trouble like beetles to a lava lamp.
  • Looking ahead towards his - and mankind's - future, the misbegotten son of this unholiest union history has ever known said he was optimistic.
  • The Arians were accused of confounding personal attributes (like, say, the unbegottenness of the Father alone) with natural attributes (like, say, the uncreatedness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit alike). Energetic Procession
  • Should we suppose him a natural necessary eradication from the Father's glory or glorious essence, or substance, he must be the only-begotten: and then it will be a mystery and miracle of divine love that such a Son should be sent into our world for us! Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • In the Homily of Pope John Paul II Sunday 24 September 2000 at the closing of the 20th International Mariological Marian Conference, he said: If Mary is the Theotokos, the Mother of the Only-begotten Son of God, how can we be surprised that she enjoys a quite unique relationship also with the Father and the Holy Spirit? A Most Sublime Prayer
  • ‘Will you then,’ he addresses his opponents, ‘give up your contention against the Spirit, that He must be altogether begotten, or else cannot be consubstantial, or God?’
  • He was, as they believed, a superangelic being, the only begotten Son of God, possessing a nature, powers, and credentials transcending those delegated to any other being below The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • There came to light about the yeare of Christ 1561, a very deformed impe, begotten by a certain Pedlar of Germany: namely a booke of German rimes of al that euer were read the most filthy and most slanderous against the nation of Island. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • She was, after all, chosen to be mother to God's only-begotten Son.
  • And what about you, George you misbegotten cretin.
  • And just as we say that fire has brightness [1539] through the light proceeding from it, and do not consider the light of the fire as an instrument ministering to the fire, but rather as its natural force: so we say that the Father creates all that He creates through His Only-begotten Son, not as though the Son were a mere instrument serving [1540] the Father's ends, but as His natural and subsistential force [1541]. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • From the doorsteps, some misbegotten mutts might cast a malevolent but lazy eye toward us.
  • Those, therefore, who have excogitated [the theory of] emissions have not discovered anything great, or revealed any abstruse mystery, when they have simply transferred what all understand to the only-begotten Word of God; and while they style Him unspeakable and unnameable, they nevertheless set forth the production and formation of ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • One kind of misbegotten movie derided by C. B.'s possee has gotta be George Cukor's lugubrious My Fair Lady, also shown on TCM this weekend. View from the Northern Border
  • The former of these hath begotten two arts, both of prediction or prenotion; whereof the one is honoured with the inquiry of Aristotle, and the other of Hippocrates. The Advancement of Learning
  • And in the life which is begotten of life, i.e. in the essence which is born of essence, seeing that it is not born unlike (and that because life is of life), He keeps in Himself a nature wholly similar to His original, because there is no diversity in the likeness of the essence that is born and that begets, that is, of the life which is possessed and which has been given. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Lo, I was begotten in sin, and my mother conceived me in iniquity.
  • But her lyrics touch on stalkers, stabbing, and misbegotten foreign policy.
  • Possibly because of this tragedy rightly overshadowing all other aspects, little has been heard of the monetary cost of this misbegotten adventure.
  • There is today an incredible amount riding on the continued extreme monetary expansion emanating from one particular misbegotten sector of the U.S. credit system - mortgage finance.
  • At least, as you say, you always bring one of your poor misbegotten lackeys with you when you get those promotions.
  • A young cowboy out hunting antelope on the high Trans-Pecos desert, he stumbles upon the aftermath of the drug war and makes the mistake of absconding with $2 million worth of unclaimed and misbegotten dinero.
  • But also the moralist forgets that morality cannot be imposed or legislated or begotten by an act of will.
  • Still, the fact that every finisher is received like a survivor from some misbegotten Arctic expedition is nice.
  • Through his tear-filled eyes Harry glimpsed the misbegotten face in front of him, its hands slack with shock. EVERVILLE
  • Maybe he has a mistaken notion of what "begotten" means. Archive 2009-06-07
  • But all the rest heretofore remembered in this chapter there is none more ugly and odious in sight, cruel and fierce in deed, nor untractable in hand, than that which is begotten between the bear and the bandog. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Look at that B, and that G; their formae formativae never were begotten in a hedge-school. Westward Ho!
  • For the essence of the adversary is corruption and darkness, for he is hylic and composite, (49) but the essence of the unbegotten A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • To call lifting 25 million people out of fear and despair, into freedom and hope, a misbegotten adventure beggars belief.
  • This Is my true-begotten lather, who, being more than sand-blind, high gravel-blind, knows me not.
  • He would have found these Confederates standing calmly in the open field, waiting the command to rush upon Hancock's advancing legions, and filled with more anxiety for Lee's safety than for their own, thus exhibiting that true intrepidity which is begotten only in bravest breasts amid greatest perils. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • Many a time I've kept a-thinking of that verse which says, 'He that spared not His only-begotten Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all things' -- the _all things_ there meaning, you see, the troubles and losses as much as the gains, and successes, and pleasures. The Story of the White-Rock Cove
  • Possibly because of this tragedy rightly overshadowing all other aspects, little has been heard of the monetary cost of this misbegotten adventure.
  • _Ferondo, having swallowed a certain powder, is entombed for dead and being taken forth of the sepulchre by the abbot, who enjoyeth his wife the while, is put in prison and given to believe that he is in purgatory; after which, being raised up again, he reareth for his own a child begotten of the abbot on his wife_ 169 The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • The increases are in line with promises President-elect Barack Obama made during his campaign to pull forces from what he calls a misbegotten Iraq war and concentrate on a neglected Afghanistan. Elections - fresh news by
  • The Duke wondered what he should do and the idea came into his head that he should go back to Abdullah's where this whole misbegotten night had started, as if by retracing his steps that way he could somehow straighten things out.
  • They may have 2 seats in the European Parliament (a huge talking shop with no real power) but I'm counting the hours until OLAF start telling us how venal and shoite the incompetent misbegotten retromingent miscreants of the BNP really are. Army Rumour Service
  • It would be a boon to cities if they could get rid of such misbegotten places.
  • Jechonias may then have contracted a levirate marriage with the widow of the childless Neri, and begotten Salathiel, who was therefore the leviratical son of Neri. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • They unequivocally express these thoughts: that God is the only being who was from eternity; that the Logos was the first begotten, antemundane being, that he was the likeness, image, immediate manifestation, of the Father; that he was the medium of creation, the instrumental means in the outward formation of the world. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Ahead, the sun began to emerge from hiding, and it was as caliginous as the misbegotten stars. The Howling Stones
  • It is a commonplace of our patristic tradition that the image of God is only one and the image of God is his only-begotten Son, our Christological archetype.
  • Wherefore they which be indued with so excellent a benefite of God, be called accordyng to Gods purpose by his spirite workyng in due season: they through grace obey the callyng: they be iustified freely: they be made sonnes of God by adoption: they be made lyke the image of his onelye begotten sonne Jesus Christe: they walke religiously in good workes, and at length by Gods mercy, they attaine to euerlastyng felicitie. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • The increases are in line with promises President-elect Barack Obama made during the campaign this year to pull forces out of what he calls a misbegotten Iraq war and concentrate on a neglected Afghanistan. Army Times - News
  • Our capital cities and coastal conglomerates are full of misbegotten monstrosities.
  • Sykes was uppity, cunning and work-shy, while Hattie - magnificent in stature - was timid and trusting by nature, and easily suckered into her brother's misbegotten schemes.
  • The Bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in Him shouldn't perish but have everlasting life.
  • The irony of it all is that what was once thought to be ‘a very predictable, very successful marriage negotiation’ turns out be a disastrous misbegotten marriage.
  • Its hard clear outlines, and perhaps somewhat bleak atmosphere, seem to have resulted from a sort of reaction against the sentimental “dreamery” begotten of his Gossensass experiences. Hedda Gabler
  • The artist on the operatic stage or the speaker on the platform, without facial expression begotten of muscular activity, may lessen by half his power over an audience. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • He is sinking fast but in defiance of midcult verities is still loved, so they say, by the misbegotten, 13,000 lobbyists, the Kansas suburbs, 90,000 filling station attendants, Tucker Carlson’s barber and Lou (’Of course I’m too fat but I can’t get enough of Mexica food’) Dobbs. — The Times and the McCain Op-Ed - The Caucus Blog -
  • Although both "come from" the Father, who is their sole fons et origo, the Son is "begotten" and the Spirit is "spirated"; so, aside from what, exactly, that difference consists in, we must say that there is a difference. The filioque V: replies to objections
  • Kanshin would have thought that this "Hadanelith" was some kind of misbegotten sport, created from a normal man by the mad magic, if he had not once seen the Emperor's kestra-chern, The Silver Veil, with his own eyes. The White Gryphon
  • This would have been the case if, as you suppose, the hoodoo were a myth begotten of a series of fortuitous events. The Hoodoo of the Minnietta
  • The Logos is an ambassador and suppliant, neither unbegotten nor begotten as are sensible things.
  • Now the intercourse with heaven, by angels, with which the patriarchs had been dignified, but which had been long disused, begins to be revived; for, when the First-begotten is to be brought into the world, the angels are ordered to attend his motions. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Although both "come from" the Father, who is their sole fons et origo, the Son is "begotten" and the Spirit is "spirated"; so, aside from what, exactly, that difference consists in, we must say that there is a difference. The filioque V: replies to objections
  • And not only the extensity, but the intensity of God's love is made plain by the little adverb "so," — God so loved the world, in spite of its wickedness, that He gave His only begotten The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • For so none hath seen him at any time; but the only-begotten, which is in the bosom of the Father, he declares him: John i. Christologia
  • naturally begotten child
  • But the fittest has survived, and Byron's unlovely and misbegotten "lauwine" has died a natural death.] [ni] _But I have seen the virgin Jungfrau rear_. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • And those poor schmucks who are over there fighting and dying for this misbegotten war need to believe that they are doing a good deed for their fellow man and protecting their own.
  • As I don't own a television, my irregular glimpses of that misbegotten medium derive from the hospitality of someone else.
  • Children are begotten in drunkenness, saturated in drink before they draw their first breath, born to the smell and taste of it, and brought up in the midst of it. DRINK, TEMPERANCE, AND THRIFT
  • Harvey's rendering is: "For, say they, Christ taught them the nature of their copulae, (namely,) that being cognisant of their (limited) perception of the Unbegotten they needed no higher knowledge, and that He enounced," etc. the words seem scarcely capable of yielding this sense: we have followed the interpretation of Billius. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has repeatedly committed to send three or four additional brigades, creating a total of 20,000 more troops, into Afghanistan in 2009, as his new administration shifts focus away from what he's called the misbegotten Iraq war. News Feed
  • Time out for complaint: Is there ever any sunshine on this misbegotten planet?
  • What titles appertaining to God do not apply also to Him, except for Unbegotten and Begotten? This Is Life!: Revolutions Around the Cruciform Axis
  • First-begotten from the dead, he is become the First-born among many brethren, even of all that are planted together in the likeness of his resurrection. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The First-begotten is here brought into the world; let us go meet him with our hosannas, blessed is he that cometh. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Other than the odd splutter, my cold is now firmly kicked into touch, and I can review with a head no muzzier than usual progress on the misbegotten work in progress. Archive 2008-11-01
  • You must break the will of His minions that cause the gates to stand, and face the misbegotten army that defends them.
  • 'The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baron of the kingdom of Great Britain to Sir Barnard Bray, Baronet; by the name stile and title of Baron Bray, of Bray hall in the county of Somerset; and to the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten.' The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • For the only-begotten Son, marvelously born of the Father before the ages and marvelously coming from the Father, revealed his glory when the Virgin conceived him by the warmth of the Holy Spirit.
  • And all of this must be viewed within the conditions that exist in this poor misbegotten place as we speak.
  • The personae are distinguished by their difference in origin: the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten, the Spirit proceeding.
  • For next to God, we worship and love the logos who is from the unbegotten and ineffable God.
  • Liguori, Burchard, Billuard, Rousselot, Gordon, Gaisson, are put into their hands at an early age -- works which reveal more secrets of impudicity than Aretino has described, or Commodus can have practiced -- works which recommend more craft and treachery and fraud and falsehood than Machiavelli accorded to his misbegotten Saviour of Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • The law is so indulgent as not to bastardize the child, if born, though not begotten, in lawful wedlock.
  • There's a daughter, her misbegotten marriage to a dopehead musician over, now returned to the parental home with her two upset teenage children. You Can Go Home Again
  • It is my good fortune to have begotten two that gladly follow my lead and contribute as much as they can to my work. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • If a man should anoint his body therewithal, having first appeased the Maiden, the only-begotten, with sacrifice by night, surely that man could not be wounded by the stroke of bronze nor would he flinch from blazing fire; but for that day he would prove superior both in prowess and in might. The Argonautica
  • Ah, but nothing comes for free, and among the means the Mustang employs to achieve its celebrated highway mpg is a host of fine-grain aerodynamic tweaks, including smaller, more streamlined side mirrors, which some misbegotten son-of-a-dog safety engineer decided needed spotter mirrors. The Power and the Fuel-Sipping Glory2.73:1
  • I bless You always and glorify You with Your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete , forever and ever.
  • The other is just out and hopefully will be equally misbegotten.
  • This has been part of the fallacy driving Junior's misbegotten strategy from day one.
  • Such as affirm that wind-eggs are the residua of eggs previously begotten from copulation are mistaken in this assertion, for we have cases well authenticated where chickens of the common hen and goose have laid wind-eggs without ever having been subjected to copulation. The History of Animals
  • For who calls God Father, in that one title confesses at once the forgiveness of sins, the adoption, the heirship, the brotherhood, which he has with the Only-begotten, and the gift of the Spirit. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • This misbegotten reversion to the failed doctrines of the Volkstead era of Prohibition has less than the chance of success which that effort had.
  • We rejected the brutality, the propaganda, the misbegotten wars, the imperial arrogance.
  • Her misbegotten father spent most of his adult life in prison.
  • Why couldn't they lock the woman up in the Tower of London for the rest of her misbegotten life?
  • 12 The latter part of the tenth Nemean Ode recounts, with every appearance of devout belief, the history of Castor and Pollux, the god begotten twins, who, reversing conditions with each other on successive days and nights, spent their interchangeable immortality each alternately in heaven and in Hades. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • People have long memories, and they're still holding a few grudges from his misbegotten childhood. LADY BE GOOD
  • We face a perfect storm of environmental degradation and the ongoing collapse of a rickety, misbegotten infrastructure that in most cases is provoking the very conditions that will topple it.
  • Is this the misbegotten principle on which he wants to take a stand?
  • The second is an act of the will and the reason, in their purity strict identities, and therefore not begotten or filiated, but proceeding from intelligent essence and essential intelligence combining in the act, necessarily and coeternally. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • So he'd helped his miserable friend console his woe begotten soul with some more hard liquor until he'd passed out.
  • From the hill folk, I had heard Cyneric was begotten to a Danish woman by a famous jarl named Sigólfr, a name Cyneric bore whether or not the tale was false.
  • Finally, the Apology Resolution and its misbegotten offspring, the Akaka Bill, betray this nation's sacred motto: E pluribus unum.
  • Ronald Reagan made communism look a lot less like the wave of the future and a lot more like another misbegotten nineteenth-century ideology, such as syndicalism or anarchism, that was destined for the ash heap of history.
  • [hypokeimenon], (99) but that of His own will and counsel He has subsisted before time and before ages, as perfect God only begotten and unchangeable, and that before He was begotten or created or purposed or established He was not. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • Yet U.S. policy in Afghanistan, borne out of ignorance and/or willful neglect, appears bent on doing both as America's miscalculations continue to breathe life into a rag-tag acephalic insurgency - misbegotten strategies that shall likely yield a foreign military presence in Central Asia until the end times. Michael Hughes: Saving Afghanistan Requires Smashing Dangerous Delusions
  • But the prospect of unsettling protest within India was not a thing of the past, particularly following the misbegotten partition of Bengal in 1905.
  • God did ‘send his only-begotten Son,’ and even if God in no way caused the sins of those who brought about Christ's suffering and death, God presumably knew what was going to happen as a result of those sins.
  • God truly shows Himself by sending His only-begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, who is the image of his Father in heaven.
  • Father, only begotten, that is of the _ousia_ of the Father, God of God, A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • It's a stupid, unnecessary error to be proven impotent by lying so boldly and being wrong so grandly, which is what we did with our misbegotten invasion of Iraq. Hullabaloo
  • They aren't like anything we've seen on this misbegotten dirtball so far.
  • EXAMPLE: My elderly aunt has never met a foreigner, and she has many strange, misbegotten ideas about how dangerous and unpleasant they must be.
  • We know there is one God, alone unbegotten, alone eternal, alone without beginning, alone true, alone immortal.
  • Then the firstborn child was thought to be god-begotten.
  • And Scaliger4 to that purpose hath another from the tip of the ear: + most men are begotten in the night, animals in the day; but whether more persons have been born in the night or day, were a curiosity undecidable, though more have perished by violent deaths in the day; yet in natural dissolutions both times may hold an indifferency, at least but contingent inequality. Letter to a Friend
  • His only begotten son sulks in his room listening to angst rock over Easter.
  • Any child begotten by Ian or myself would certainly never be recognized… even though I don't think I could have turned away a child of my blood.
  • In due course she bore the son begotten on her by Thyestes.
  • He, as we are informed by tradition, was begotten of Uranus, rightly so called (apo tou oran ta ano) from looking upwards; which, as philosophers tell us, is the way to have a pure mind, and the name Uranus is therefore correct. The CRATYLUS
  • _ Why, sir, his hide is so tanned with his trade, that he will keep out water a great while; and your water is a sore decayer of your ill-begotten dead body. Hamlet
  • The offspring must seek and love the begetter; and especially so when begetter and begotten are alone in their sphere; when, in addition, the begetter is the highest good, the offspring [inevitably seeking its Good] is attached by a bond of sheer necessity, separated only in being distinct. The Six Enneads.
  • Richard, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a widowed Ann Ulysses

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