

[ US /biˈɡɔtɪn/ ]
[ UK /bɪɡˈɒtən/ ]
  1. (of offspring) generated by procreation
    naturally begotten child

How To Use begotten In A Sentence

  • If, however, the Logos is intrinsically the Son of God, then Christ is the Son of God, not because he is the begotten of God in the flesh (early Christian), but because the spiritual being existing in him is the antemundane reproduction of History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
  • An unspecified surfer from the USA came by via Yahoo looking for "gisele lindley" -- Ms. Lindley was the daring and lovely actress who played Princess in Oingo Boingo's misbegotten Forbidden Zone movie. View from the Northern Border
  • The central tenet of the Baptist faith, “soul competency”, which begat or was begotten by their anti-papism/episcopacy, actually has a lefty component to it. Matthew Yglesias » Things I Did Not Know
  • But slowly it dawned on me that it was, perhaps, more about the most classic of misbegotten South African stereotypes.
  • That hubris strikes me as even more misbegotten given what's happened since the war ended.
  • Only-begotten, that is, of the substance of the Father, God of God, NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Even when she doesn't start it herself (and even I don't blame her for everything that happens in this misbegotten town), she flies straight to trouble like beetles to a lava lamp.
  • Looking ahead towards his - and mankind's - future, the misbegotten son of this unholiest union history has ever known said he was optimistic.
  • The Arians were accused of confounding personal attributes (like, say, the unbegottenness of the Father alone) with natural attributes (like, say, the uncreatedness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit alike). Energetic Procession
  • Should we suppose him a natural necessary eradication from the Father's glory or glorious essence, or substance, he must be the only-begotten: and then it will be a mystery and miracle of divine love that such a Son should be sent into our world for us! Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
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