
How To Use Beaver In A Sentence

  • From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
  • Also on the program that night were the Marshall Dancers from the Lower Yukon, dressed in sumptuous headdresses that were trimmed with wolf and beaver fur.
  • Wildlife official are celebrating the sighting of a beaver in the Detroit River for the first time in at least 75 years, signaling that efforts to clean up the waterway are paying off.
  • In a quick tour, he points out the pupfish pond, a nature trail, and the cactus and native plants, all labeled so you can distinguish a teddy bear cholla from a beavertail cactus.
  • To get there, the Beaverton, Ore., sportswear giant plans to open more stores, put a renewed focused on recreational sports such as running and snowboarding, and emphasize its stable of local endorsers such as Chinese Olympic track-and-field star Liu Xiang and Chinese tennis player Li Na. In China, Nike Sets Out to Alter Sports Mindset
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  • More than 30 Beavers, Scouts and Sea Scouts took part in a number of waterborne activities to celebrate the reopening.
  • The first beavers could arrive in Britain by autumn and would be released after six months in quarantine.
  • Neither slap-happy comedy nor aggressive action fare, The Beaver is a somber, sad domestic drama featuring an alcoholic in acute crisis.
  • Mountain beavers live in small colonies, occupying areas with plentiful green vegetation and cover.
  • Another characteristic of aquatic and semiaquatic mammals is that they are often well insulated; beavers accomplish insulation by a pelage that consists of long overfur (guard hairs) and dense underfur.
  • By the mid-1800s deer, beaver, and wild turkey, to name just a few of the most commonly hunted animals, had been all but extirpated from the northeastern United States. Overkill
  • Now here, thinks I, is a bonny kettle of fish, for Margaret was sitting with us, but for all the suddenness of it she never geed her beaver, and I kent then that she had word some way. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • _Carrambo_! it's fetched beaver down to a plew a plug; while only ten years ago, we could get six _pesos_ the skin! The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
  • For the human shell is not merely geometrical and architectural, like those of apian or beaverish communities; it holds and expresses all those differences by which we are exalted above the bee or the beaver. Civics: as Applied Sociology
  • Also in the same comic is "Buddy Beaver" and his girlfriend Bessie, proving that "bigger, wider eyes" doesn't always mean "cuter: Archive 2005-11-20
  • Skepticism regarding the new officer was confirmed after he appeared in camp at Swift Run Gap wearing a conspicuous Prince Albert coat and large beaver hat, holding an umbrella to shield himself from the sun, as troops jeered him.
  • Workers in bright-yellow hard hats are beavering away, moving bucketloads of stones in wheelbarrows and trying to clear a pile of rubble with a digger.
  • Six miles above the forks, on the west side of the Jefferson, there is a bluff or point of a high plain jutting into the valley to the brink of the river, which bears some resemblance to a beaver's head, and goes by that name. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • The electric rides in the second park too have their share of eager-beaver customers who giggle and scream through the train ride, the merry-go-round and the horse and the duck rides.
  • Learning that on his return he would proceed to the same locality in quest of "beaver plew," I determined to accompany him. Seven and Nine years Among the Camanches and Apaches An Autobiography
  • The beavers seemed quite at home, collecting snow between their forepaws and their chin and half push, half carry it along. Weatherwatch: Visit to a frozen London zoo in 1874
  • Along the old lanes there is still the feeling of Nouvelle France, of fur-trappers and voyageurs, of hearty chaps in beaver hats and birch-bark canoes who disappeared into the interior to hunt, to fish and to marry Iroquois brides.
  • The only thing better then the cartoon is the Leave it to Beaver advertisement that that goofy NC rethug has. Weenie of the Week #30 for 2006
  • Savvy Yanker bankrollers in Missouri rounded up a bunch of tough lads for capturing beaver pelts to satisfy the rage of the day - the beaver hat.
  • Working like beavers, Montcalm's men dragged twenty cannon to a hill commanding the fort, known as "Fort Rascal" because the outfort there was useless to the English. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • Beaver cloth is a heavy woolen overcoating, napped and pressed down to resemble beaver fur.
  • Many species of warblers sensitive to forest fragmentation live there, too, along with beavers, muskrats, deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, groundhogs, and other four-legged animals.
  • When we got down in flats the alders were taller than they had looked from on high, and the many winding streams and beaver activity made finding the bear difficult. Anyone have a good bear story? Here's one of mine..... Back in 1986 I was stationed in Alaska near Fairbanks.
  • Although retired, Selwyn Hopkins was a regular beaver where gardening was concerned.
  • There was no mention made of the fact that the beaver is a native North American species whereas the cherry trees are exotics, imported from Japan.
  • And if you will give us four hands of seawan we will not sell our skins to anyone but you; and after that they gave me the five beaver skins, and shouted as hard as they could: "Netho, netho, netho! Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664
  • At length this cry became a clamor that shook even the old viceroyal palace in Mexico; while in San Antonio it gave a certain pitch to all conversation, and made men wear their cloaks, and set their beavers, and display their arms, with that demonstrative air of independence they called los Americano. Remember the Alamo
  • Dressed in black, with a broad-brimmed white beaver hat, craped in consequence of the recent death of his wife, he bowed with composed ease and a somewhat military grace to the multitude. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • The Republicans say they are the "party of Lincoln" (although they probably drive Bimmers), or they invoke Ronald Reagan in worshipful tones, as if just saying the name will somehow cast a spell of happy faces, white bread and "Leave It to Beaver" marathons. March 2006
  • Basildon station officer Nick Beaver told how two crews took around 20 minutes to douse the flames and were there for another two hours damping down.
  • The GLTs foraged on the chinaberries in this area for about half an hour before returning to Beaver Valley.
  • Frenchman for cocking his beaver so bravely; and our jobbernowl Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
  • There is so little decent service in town that if we start condemning good service because it's a titch too eager, well, if we start condemning eagerness, we risk losing any population of beavers that might set up shop here.
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • The annual production is about 120,000 yards of all-wool beaver cloth.
  • The existing centre was built in 1959 and plays host to more than 20 community groups, including the Brownies, Beavers and a judo club.
  • If there had been a century gap while the Anomine beavered away at construction, the Primes would have expanded out to every star within a fifty lightyear radius before the generators were finished. The Dreaming Void
  • Other coaches have taught me more about sailing, but Coach Beaver taught me how to train to be the best at whatever I do.
  • Among them are Queen Elizabeth II, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir John A. MacDonald festooned in mink, beaver, muskrat, seal and rabbit.
  • The committee beavers away trying to have everything right and trying to make ends meet.
  • They also said that if required to vacate the site they must have alternative premises for the weekly meetings of 60 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
  • It looks a lot like a beaver - hairy body, flat tail, limbs and webbed feet adapted for swimming - but it lived 164 million years ago.
  • The Sears ad copy, ‘The coat is made from an extra good quality Rareton Mills blue beaver cloth and makes a very dressy and warm garment.’
  • You will need some tracing paper and some 12 mm or half inch thick MDF [medium density fibreboard, apparently also called beaverboard in the US].
  • This special event is open to all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers in our Group.
  • Elitist finger wagging is as Canadian as the beaver and maple syrup. Oh No! A Scary, Horrible Tiger Is Gonna Eat ME! « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • In the slap of waves against the rocky shore one can imagine hearing phantom brigades moving across the lakes, paddling in close line astern, their canoes piled high with beaver pelts destined for Bond Street and the rue de Rivoli.
  • So-called open-root teeth are common to animals that gnaw, such as beavers.
  • Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
  • At least one resident has been suggesting for a few weeks now that it would cheaper to build a new soccer-specific stadium for the Timbers somewhere -- say, at the Expo Center -- and leave the Beavers minor league baseball team in PGE Park, which is still about $28 million in hock from a recent renovation. Leave the Beavers -- move the Timbers? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Partitions and ceiling in the residence are beaverboard painted white.
  • One of the favorite targets of the trappers in North America was the beaver, the largest of the North American rodents.
  • My hibernation sarcophagus is made of gopher wood with a tastefully "beavered" finish This Just in: I Break for Holidays!
  • Back in the golden days of the space age, artists were beavering away in studios all over America creating visions of the future (a future that never came?).
  • Specially imported mohair cloths were attractively trimmed with black Persian lamb and real beaver lamb.
  • Why did the little beaver want to go across the pond?
  • The agency has now submitted new evidence from other European countries which have successfully set up beaver colonies.
  • Notable mammals include the reintroduced bison or wisent Bison bonasus (EN), wolf Canis lupus, lynx Felis lynx, otter Lutra lutra and European beaver Castor fiber, also reintroduced. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • An elderly man in a shabby black overcoat and wide-brimmed beaver hat was standing in front of the magistrate's desk, clutching a newspaper in one hand and dabbing his eyes with a none too clean handkerchief.
  • Modern beavers are found in North America, northern Europe, and northern Asia.
  • The card showed a 19th century photograph of a young boy, no more than eight, stoking the furnace in a grimy workshop, surrounded by men beavering away along a production line.
  • Grey Beaver clouted White Fang alongside the head, so that he cowered down close to the earth in respectful obedience. The Mad God
  • I also believe that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal, although I am not Canadian.
  • In the slap of waves against the rocky shore one can imagine hearing phantom brigades moving across the lakes, paddling in close line astern, their canoes piled high with beaver pelts destined for Bond Street and the rue de Rivoli.
  • The Scout group has ten Cubs and 16 Beavers, both boys and girls, and there is a waiting list for new members.
  • With floats from the schools, Brownies, Guides, Beavers and charities as well as a march past by the local cadets, there really was something for everyone.
  • Whether it's a sedge-rimmed Alberta pond or a Georgia slough choked with catbrier, pocket water that has been created by beaver, nature's most impressive engineers, provides intimate, up-close-and-personal duck hunting. Tips, Tactics, and Gear for Beaver Pond Ducks
  • It is an ambassador, opening the borders of the Canuck kitchen, and wafting forth the knowledge of other such national delights as maple syrup, tourtiere, and beaver tails.
  • Roe noted that the agency also has received reports of other exotic animals being found throughout Pennsylvania, such as a binturong found on a Beaver County family's porch in 2002; an African serval, resembling a small cheetah, which had been illegally possessed and escaped from its Pittsburgh owner several times before being confiscated in 2001; and two wallabies that escaped from their owners in Ambler in 2001. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Beavers fell trees, elephants trample plants, ants strip trees of bark, moles dig tunnels, and so the list goes on.
  • Where early travelers saw sharp-tailed grouse, bison, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, numerous beaver and even wolverines, today they see dust, feral horses, and noxious weeds including cheatgrass, halogeton and Russian thistle. Bird Cloud
  • AVON, Colorado - Stubborn, sky-high flames ravaged nearly one-quarter of the pool building at Beaver Creek West Condominiums early Wednesday morning in Avon, Colorado. The Vail Trail - All Sections
  • Whatever its benefits, a beaver lake is a conspicuous and characteristic feature of the landscape.
  • She has been beavering away at that essay for hours.
  • To him a beaver is a 1/5th of a fur coat for his wife or a nice hat. Matthew Yglesias » John McCain Pretends Not to Understand What Beaver Management Is
  • It was particularly shocking that this dreadful language was directed at a group that included members of the Cubs, Brownies and Beavers.
  • On the night of February 13, 1922, Hum Mon Sen was shot in front of his herb shop in China Alley by a highbinder who witnesses said wore a beaver cowboy hat.
  • _jobbernowl_, and shaded his right peeper, while a white beaver crowned the occiput of the Magus. Rookwood
  • He helps out with the Beaver and Cub groups and behind the scenes with the Bradfordians drama group.
  • And on the other hand, it is plain that they may be ˜introduced into discussion™ by way of plural substantival expressions, e.g. by the definite description ˜the beavers in Lake Superior™ or even by the demonstrative ˜those beavers™. Jamestown
  • Case in point, a few beavers had taken up upriver from a campground. Quick thoughts about Global Warming
  • The region teemed with muskrat, beaver, wolverine, otter, wolf, fox and bear.
  • The most obvious difference is the "postorbital processes" of the groundhog skull that are missing in the beaver skull and which are present in mine. A groundhog died in the woods and I found its skull
  • The overcoat was of navy blue beaver cloth, double-breasted, rolling collar, pocket-welts on back, breast pocket with flap on the right side, the waist extending to one inch below the hip, and the skirt to three inches below the bend of the knee, swell edge stitch one-fourth of an inch from edge, flaps on pocket, swell edge stitched one fourth of an inch from edge.
  • Beavers improve water quality, increase birdlife, increase fish population density and diversity, and help wildlife as well. Matthew Yglesias » John McCain Pretends Not to Understand What Beaver Management Is
  • House Bill 1486 allows hunters to use snares to trap animals such as raccoons, foxes and beavers on land.
  • The Wolves have taken our warm furs and given for them evil spirits which dwell in bottles, and clothes which come not from the beaver or the lynx, but are made from the grass. The Sun of the Wolf
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • Beaver lodges are also the work of a master builder.
  • Mom came home wearing her 3/4 length royal blue sheared beaver faux fur coat and her high heel black boots.
  • Lucinda said nothing, withdrawing quietly as Pavel beavered away at his work. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • In company with her friend Chick and the gingerbread man, she wandered through the palace during all that afternoo n, seeing many wonderful things that the Fairy Beavers had provided for the comfort and amusement of their community. John Dough And The Cherub
  • There was otter scat on the bank, coyote tracks on the ice, and where the bridge had arched the flow in some lost age, a recently demolished beaver dam.
  • They are seen near these dams and at their "lodges" on the banks of the stream, where they ooze out this castoreum, which is understood to be a signal to other beavers. A Narrative of Colonel Robert Campbell's Experiences in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade from 1825 to 1835.
  • The next step involves the external fitting of the safety, beavertail and mainspring housing.
  • Her coffin was lovingly wrapped in muskrat, beaver and fox furs and lowered into the ground by her family.
  • Like beavers, muskrats build lodges out of sticks, twigs, cattails and bulrushes, reinforcing them with mud.
  • Holmes has been quietly beavering away for a while now, working his way up from semi-ambient dance to stuff like the new album, Free Association, which sounds not unlike a New York jazz club in hell.
  • Information can be automatically kept up to date, and will allow individuals to co-operate on projects instead of beavering away in isolation.
  • Other finds at the Agate Fossil Beds include the remains of the chalicothere Moropus, the camel Stenomylus, the prehistoric beaver Paleocastor, and the bear-dog Daphoenodon.
  • He handed the Huronian Native the promised items and received the soft beaver pelts, placing them with the rest from that day.
  • The marchers included three bands and many different troops of youth organisations, from the Boys' Brigade down to the youngest Cubs and Beavers.
  • I was just beavering away finishing the rest of the songs and almost ignoring what was going on - I didn't want to think about it because I was worried that I'd get writer's block immediately and just clam up.
  • There were grave Spaniards in long cloaks and feathered beavers; jolly merchants and artisans in short linen jackets, each with his tabatiere, the wives with bits of finery, the children laughing and shouting and dodging in and out between fathers and mothers beaming with quiet pride and contentment; swarthy boat-men with their worsted belts, gaudy negresses chanting in the soft patois, and here and there a blanketed Indian. The Crossing
  • There the narrow space allotted to spectators was thronged with hot faces under beavers, mutches, and sun-bonnets.
  • Watching Beaverton and Portland toss the Beavers too and fro is entertaining. Plan C for Paulson (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Lord, but he was handsome in his profusion of blues—the dark blue coat of superfine, breeches of light blue silk, and his beaver hat dyed blue. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • A beaver's diet is strictly vegetarian; they feed throughout the year on bark, twigs, tree buds, grass, berries, lily roots, and other aquatic plants.
  • Busy beaver President Clinton has been working hard in his final days.
  • He was suspended during the Beavers' 66-59 loss to Arizona on Thursday for a team curfew violation.
  • The campsite at Hulton Park had played host to thousands of Bolton Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Guides over the years as an annual retreat.
  • The Scout group has ten Cubs and 16 Beavers, both boys and girls, and there is a waiting list for new members.
  • Any day now, I can just picture it, I'll nip down to them in the basement and they'll be beavering away at Two Gentlemen of Verona or A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  • When the first European settlers docked their ships here they weren't only enticed by beaver pelts.
  • Beavers have large webbed hind feet and a moderately long but highly flattened tail, which is used for propulsion in the water.
  • And if it so fall out that any goods that comes to our hands from our native countrie, may be serviceable unto you, we shall take our selves bound to help and acco [= m] adate you ther with; either for beaver or any other wares or marchandise that you should be pleased to deale for. Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' From the Original Manuscript. With a Report of the Proceedings Incident to the Return of the Manuscript to Massachusetts
  • This led to the disappearance of trees and streamside vegetation - and the loss of beaver habitat.
  • The creatures included a monstrous blue unicorn with a beard like a goat and tailless, but talented, beavers that walked on their hind legs, lived in huts and built campfires. Marc Hartzman: A Touch of Knowledge: The Man-Bats on the Moon
  • The entire building had become a giant rabbit warren of beaverboard and drywall cubicles for almost 5,000 people.
  • Just imagine two dozen toddlers beavering away in a big, busy room: the only way to avoid utter chaos is by establishing and enforcing clear rules about sharing, non-violence, cooperation, and respect.
  • He nodded and Jeffries handed him his gloves, his beaver hat, and cane.
  • The Malton end has been beavering away furiously over the last few weeks and the Boulton & Cooper boardroom has been more like the trading floors of the Stock Exchange as opposed to a Land Agents office!
  • Other animals that may carry and transmit the disease include beavers, muskrats, water and field voles, water and wood rats, squirrels, and lemmings.
  • The 1925 Hudson's Bay Point blanket's short indigo stitch lines, or ‘points,’ indicate how many beaver pelts it once traded for.
  • Those were the good old days — breakfast was mush, lunch was chitterling strut and dinner was fried beaver tail. A Book Lover’s Summer
  • He ended up going to a farmer's market, buying a key chain, and what they call a beaver tail, this kind of flattened doughnut. CNN Transcript Feb 20, 2009
  • To the former class of animals belong the so-called castor, the satyrium, the otter, and the so-called latax, or beaver. The History of Animals
  • Wolf Ridge offers activities ranging from learning about beavers and whitetail deer to nature hikes and rock climbing.
  • Effective and safe trapping requires knowledge of the habits of beaver, habitat conditions, and presence of nontarget animals as well as knowledge of the trap and lures.
  • York City Scouts had also booked the rink last night for hundreds of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and leaders.
  • Lord Beaverbrook, to put it bluntly, played hell with the war policy of the R.A.F.
  • Ask young Harry to do it — he's still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.
  • One night last December in Beaver Creek, he was hanging out in the village plaza awaiting the announcement of the starting draw and handing out of race bibs for the next day's downhill race.
  • Though considered a pest because of the culvert-clogging dams it builds on streams, the beaver is an ally in conserving valuable wetland habitat for declining amphibian populations, a University of Alberta study shows. Archive 2007-01-01
  • These skins - especially beaver - were quite valuable and used in the Eastern states and in Europe for top hats, coats and other expensive clothing.
  • Beavers are famous for their skill in building dams across streams.
  • The unconventional approach paid off for Keith Lamb, who legered lobworm to the far bank next to Beavers Bridge where he found a shoal of perch in residence.
  • Take your time choosing your ring and enjoy the benefit of receiving expert help and advice from the Beaverbrooks professionally trained staff.
  • He's a man of the shadows and back rooms and his comfort zone was hiding behind the charade of his Chancellorship bamboozling us with figures while he sold off gold reserves at rock bottom and beavered away at a Socialist usurpation of an inherently conservative Nation. Time To Set Out His Vision
  • One species is commonly found in beaver lodges!
  • ‘It's difficult to see this because it fills me with grief,’ he said, indicating the cutover valley that provides habitat for beaver, elk, deer, mountain lion, lynx, skunk, bobcat, salmon, as well as human beings.
  • The fur side print is suitabe for sheep shearling, domestic rabbit, beaver rabbit, yellow weasel, mink and bedding sack furs, and leather side print is fit in with double face.
  • Front seats were reserved for the Ladybirds, Girl Guides, Cubs, Beavers and Boy Scouts, all of whom had paraded from the Bandroom in glorious sunshine.
  • Beavers are famous for their skill in building dams across streams.
  • Orchard and his growing cadre of workers have been beavering away at the tough but always rewarding slog of organization ever since.
  • The ratel, sable, and genet belong only to the north; the beaver is found nowhere but in the Khabour and middle Euphrates; the alligator, if a denizen of the region at all exists only in the The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 4. (of 7): Babylon The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • In its present condition the scout hut is unsuitable for scout meetings, so the group has had to hire church halls and community centres across the town in the last five months for its Beaver Colony, two cub packs and scout troop.
  • The beaver uses its flat tail to warn other beavers of danger by slapping the water surface before diving.
  • Beaver, who says he was passed the information by reliable military sources, says the equipment simply did not arrive in time.
  • Beaver County native Lauryn Williams is in the running for that, along with an olive wreath and a gold medal, when she begins competing today.
  • They are also known as coypu, Greek for mouse and beaver and the preferred designation of biologists. Into the Story
  • A hat made of beaver fur or an imitation.
  • There are also round-leaved sundews, some shrubs of Labrador tea and bog bilberry, and various colorful wildflowers, including four members of the lily family - bog asphodel, western tofieldia, beavertail grass, and Hastingsia alba.
  • We watch him beavering away at his painting.
  • On the near side of a waist-high beaverboard counter, a jeans-clad lady fussed to firm up further arrangements.
  • Twice or thrice pinnate leaves, toothed like a tenon saw, with conspicuous veins ending in the notches, brand it as the beaver poison, otherwise known as the musquash root and spotted cowbane. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • Finally I pledge we'll find a way to preserve our P.C.D.s without, in the future, harming beavers.
  • Exceptions to this rule are dark sheared faux furs, such as black sheared beaver and longhaired Mongolian lamb; cut these with the pile running upward.
  • Sorry there's no proper post from me today as I've been a busy little beaver
  • Beaverbrook had some genuine concern, and was less consistently anti-Baldwin.
  • Developed much more recently than Vail, Beaver Creek pampers visitors with escalators between its main village plaza and the lifts.
  • Another curious circumstance connected with this "castoreum" is, that as soon as one beaver has deposited any of it on the ground, the beavers from another lodge go to the spot, and after covering it with earth and leaves, deposit their own "castoreum" on it. Afar in the Forest
  • Yes, beavers are industrious rodents whose dams help our river systems.
  • It is similar to beaver cloth but lighter and finer.
  • As a result the 115 members of its Beaver colony, two Cub packs and Scout troop have had to meet in community centres and halls across town.
  • Reruns of "Leave It to Beaver" transformed Mrs. Billingsley into what was often described as "America's second mom," and she reprised her role in reunion shows, including "Still the Beaver" in the 1980s. Barbara Billingsley, 94, dies; actress was model mom on 'Leave It To Beaver'
  • And as for you, Mr Beaver, when you get home you will find your dam finished and mended and all the leaks stopped and a new sluicegate fitted. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Mink is America's favorite fur, according to the Fur Information Council of America, followed by sable, fox and beaver.
  • While turkey hunting on beaver island we heard and saw a nice gobbler from a distance. Worst Hunting Stories
  • Working not only across Simenon's Electric Tones label but also having finishing the latest Bomb The Bass record, the London duo of Corker and Conboy have certainly been busy little beavers over the past year.
  • The loon is a proud symbol of our great land, much like that other mighty, noble creature, the beaver. DOCUMENTARY ROUNDUP
  • But she was ever a careless child, and honored not her ancestors from the time the Beaver, son of the son of Zing-ha, first cast eyes upon her. THE LAW OF LIFE
  • In spring, beaver switch to green and leafy vegetation.
  • Right here in Canada, Molson struck gold when Joe Canadian proclaimed that not only is the beaver a noble creature, it's pronounced "zed;" not "zee" - "zed. Craig and Marc Kielburger: Everything in Moderation
  • Jim Beaver does an excellent job of conveying a man desperate to outwit, outlast and outplay a reaper who's after Bobby. Supernatural Episode Recap: "Death's Door"
  • As in his cubhood he had been made to feel his smallness and puniness on the day he first came in from the Wild to the village of Grey Beaver, so now, in his full-grown stature and pride of strength, he was made to feel small and puny. The Southland
  • Other animals that may carry and transmit the disease include beavers, muskrats, water and field voles, water and wood rats, squirrels, and lemmings.
  • Wolf Ridge offers activities ranging from learning about beavers and whitetail deer to nature hikes and rock climbing.
  • Another odd characteristic of beavers is that their epiglottis lies above the soft palate, within the narial passage.
  • Few are more iconic, though, than Grant Wood's application of oil on beaverboard, the 75 year history of which professor Steven Biel has captured in his just-published. Undefined
  • Even though they are allegedly "acting" for Alonso's camera, there is more authenticity and less encumberment by what Robert Beavers recently termed the "shadow of performance. Twitch
  • The den contains a raggedy rug and two sketches Ty did himself of a beaver and a rooster.
  • The mud roof was covered with lynx, beaver, and other furs laid out to dry, beaver paws were pinned out on the logs, a part of the carcass of a deer hung at one end of the cabin, a skinned beaver lay in front of a heap of peltry just within the door, and antlers of deer, old horseshoes, and offal of many animals, lay about the den. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • As a result the 115 members of its Beaver colony, two Cub packs and Scout troop have had to meet in community centres and halls across town.
  • The first exploration of Canada's interior was for the purpose of finding beaver pelts to satisfy the obsession with fur coats by the European elite.
  • Canada geese, muskrats, groundhogs, beavers, and various bird species may cause nuisance problems in and around the pond.
  • Absolutely, Beaverton could host weekly UFC events, where gangs could meet in gladiator matches/knife fights. New home of the (stab, stab) Portland Beavers (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I've beavered through a few books with sections on this piece, plus liner notes in the CDs that I have, and nowhere do I find Beethoven mentioned have I missed some somewhere? Sibelius and Beethoven
  • If we seldom see the Beaver's father at work, we seldom see Mason at home - if we do, he has fallen asleep over a brief and is awakened by a potential client who has mysteriously gotten his unlisted home number.
  • Hunting provided most food: deer, wild cattle, elk, wild pig, pine martens, red fox, and beavers.
  • Already, they have funding and building advisory committees in place, a business plan and promotional brochure in the pipeline and a project team beavering away on the project.
  • About a mile away, a steady stream of fans arrived in pairs to take pictures at the life-sized bronzed statue of Paterno outside Beaver Stadium. Joe Paterno Cancer: Scott Paterno Says Former Penn State Coach Undergoing Lung Cancer Treatment
  • Various dingy display items were tacked up on the beaverboard walls—plastic windshield scrapers, keychains with tiny flashlights on them, and green felt pine trees to make your car smell better. DO NOT PASS GO
  • The rich tone and strong accents of Gabriel Beavers's solo bassoon were striking.
  • After a series of assassination attempts, Wirz was forced to make most of his journey to Washington in disguise: clean-shaven, and in a black suit and beaver hat.

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