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How To Use Barn swallow In A Sentence

  • What Does the Barn Swallow Eat?
  • When the team injected barn swallow chicks with foreign antigens, the color of the chicks' gapes dulled as their bodies drew upon all available carotenoids to mount an immune defense.
  • The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
  • No relationship was found between offspring sex ratio and male mating success in corn buntings Miliaria calandra or barn swallows.
  • He published a scientific article on his barn swallow theory in Bird Watcher's Digest.
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  • The barn swallow is a approximately 18-g, migratory, semicolonial passerine that breeds commonly throughout most parts of the Palearctic and Nearctic temperate regions.
  • A phoebe and a scissor-tail worked the fence, and Barn Swallows perched along the wires or flew overhead.
  • We also saw collared doves, wood pigeons, barn swallows and a red-wattled plover.
  • I have now chased out one pigeon, captured one small brown bird, and outsmarted one barn swallow.
  • Most studies trying to identify the function of external tail feathers in the barn swallow have focused on males; much less attention has been paid to females.
  • We note that, in the model, sex and year effects showed the same patterns of difference as in previous analyses (results not shown): sexual dichromatism in UV reflectance and blue chroma seem independent of age in the barn swallow.
  • Barn swallows and house swifts trawl above the water.
  • The barn swallow is an approximately 20-g passerine, migratory bird that feeds on flying insects captured on the wing.
  • Judson cautions that the term ‘promiscuous’ doesn't adequately describe the barn swallow's sexual behavior.
  • Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
  • The research group was established in 2003 with the aim of investigating the ecology of Barn Swallow and House Swift in Hong Kong and promoting their conservation.
  • The study site at Badajoz consists of open farmland with pastures, cereals, and fruit plantations, and most barn swallows breed in barns and other farm buildings.
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
  • The barn swallow is a socially monogamous, semicolonial, insectivorous passerine.
  • Barn swallow song consists of sequences of various song types organized in bouts.
  • Plumage coloration, not length or symmetry of tail-streamers, is a sexually selected trait in North American barn swallows.
  • However, only terrestrial species have been tested, such as barn swallows, tree swallows, dunnocks, alpine accentors, and acorn woodpeckers.
  • However, only terrestrial species have been tested, such as barn swallows, tree swallows, dunnocks, alpine accentors, and acorn woodpeckers.
  • The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
  • The barn swallow has figured largely in studies of sexual selection and exaggerated traits.
  • Yesterday in our morning walk we turned a sharp bend in the road and walked into a cloud of fledgling barn swallows and their proud parents.
  • There may still be very good mechanistic reasons why melanic plumage color reveals individual quality in European barn swallows, but they should have nothing to do with carotenoid signaling.
  • Barn Swallow nest at Kwun Tong is now raising the second brood this year.
  • The cornflower and the barn swallow are common national symbols, and stone and wood have an organic meaning for peasants struggling against nature.
  • Some of those species include bluebirds, robins, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, tree and barn swallows, purple martins, owls, flycatchers, and woodpeckers.
  • The best evidence so far for parasite-mediated sexual selection has been found in the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica.
  • The central aim of our study was to demonstrate that both natural and sexual selection have been important in shaping the tail streamer of the barn swallow.

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