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barn swallow

  1. common swallow of North America and Europe that nests in barns etc.

How To Use barn swallow In A Sentence

  • What Does the Barn Swallow Eat?
  • When the team injected barn swallow chicks with foreign antigens, the color of the chicks' gapes dulled as their bodies drew upon all available carotenoids to mount an immune defense.
  • The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
  • No relationship was found between offspring sex ratio and male mating success in corn buntings Miliaria calandra or barn swallows.
  • He published a scientific article on his barn swallow theory in Bird Watcher's Digest.
  • The barn swallow is a approximately 18-g, migratory, semicolonial passerine that breeds commonly throughout most parts of the Palearctic and Nearctic temperate regions.
  • A phoebe and a scissor-tail worked the fence, and Barn Swallows perched along the wires or flew overhead.
  • We also saw collared doves, wood pigeons, barn swallows and a red-wattled plover.
  • I have now chased out one pigeon, captured one small brown bird, and outsmarted one barn swallow.
  • Most studies trying to identify the function of external tail feathers in the barn swallow have focused on males; much less attention has been paid to females.
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