How To Use Baptismal In A Sentence

  • During the baptismal service the Satanic hosts, as originators of sin, vice, and maladies, were expelled by insufflation of the officiating clergyman, the sign of the cross, and the invocation of the Triune Deity. Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
  • The alb, form the Latin word alba, or “white,” is the full-length garment symbolizing our baptismal purity, and the robes of righteousness Christ offers us by his grace. An Instructed Eucharist
  • In the early church, adult baptismal candidates had sponsors - Christians who vouched for their good character and accompanied them through the long process of becoming part of the Christian community.
  • In many Christian faith communities, this occurs after a person has gone through the catechumen or baptismal classes to learn the basic of their beliefs. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Christian worship may be assumed to have been a matter of ritual from the start, because of its roots in Temple worship, common festal meals, and the baptismal practice of Jesus and John.
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  • Only three days later, when he took part in the magnificent christening ceremony that named the child Elizabeth, he saw that the iron cross was pinned to the inside of the chrisom, the robe in which the child would be wrapped when she was taken from the baptismal font. This Scepter'd Isle
  • (exception is occasionally made in favour of a cathedral or a mother-church; hence in the Middle Ages parish churches were often called baptismal churches), a confessional, and a cemetery. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • His baptismal name was Tadhg, but when he was professed in Louvain as a Franciscan lay brother, he took the name of Míchéal.
  • At last she discovered Christina Oldstrom's own baptismal entry for 1410, during the reign of Henry IV. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • So instead John started performing the baptismal ritual.
  • This must be established by incontrovertible evidence like his sire's birth certificate or baptismal records.
  • Its liturgical name is Dominica in albis depositis, derived from the fact that on it the neophytes, who had been baptized on Easter Eve, then for the first time laid aside their white baptismal robes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • baptismal font
  • The baptistery was built in the area formerly occupied by the two furnaces; the hexagonal baptismal pool in the centre was formerly covered by a canopy on six columns, two of which survive.
  • Somehow, we maintain when they call the baptismal party up to the font, repeat a flurry of meaningless words. Ellen Hopkins: Crank Trilogy
  • Note 54: Anglican parish records for Ferryland district, extant from 1823 onwards, registered the occupations of fathers in baptismal entries until the incoming minister in 1855 stopped recording this information. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • The baptismal records in the archive of the Cathedral at that time written in Spanish attest that the late Mr. Thomy Lafon was born in this city on December 28th, 1810. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922
  • Luther retained the customary prebaptismal ceremonies of exsufflation, the giving of salt, and anointing.
  • If you have a child for Baptism you are asked to give two weeks' notice so the Baptismal team and the priest scheduled to celebrate the ceremony may arrange to visit you.
  • And when I hear of people bringing water for baptismal purposes from the Jordan, I say in my heart, "How much more would I value for myself and friends the administration of the chrismal sacrament with the diviner flow from that low sand-hill in Andersonville — Volume 3
  • The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven.
  • Godparents became the ones to pronounce the baptismal vows for the infants they were to receive from the font, assuming responsibility for the welfare and religious education of their godchildren.
  • But the baptismal water proved unequal to the task of washing away Benjamin Disraeli's innate orientalism of deportment.
  • The water spills out over the baptismal font, drenching the minister and the acolyte holding the green book.
  • At one time the new Christians who were baptized on Holy Saturday wore their white baptismal garments to the sacred liturgy for all of Easter week and only resumed ordinary clothes on this Sunday, Dominca in albis. 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
  • Reflection on its meaning can more easily occur without reference to the demands of the baptismal life or the existential revolution to which the paschal mystery points.
  • Baptistic baptismal practices
  • The aspect of anaphora is developed by John Zizioulas, ‘Ministry,’ in contrast to its baptismal withdrawal from the world.
  • The third aspect of our baptismal identity as God's new creation involves learning to be a sinner.
  • Baptismal vows were renewed as they were, once again, next morning, Easter Sunday.
  • 'I'm afraid that I shall be the officiant and that there will be two other baptismal parties present. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The child is then anointed with chrism, a consecrated oil, and placed in a white baptismal garment.
  • With good reason, they had come to believe that the path to freedom ran through the baptismal font of the Reformed Church.
  • In the center of these arms is a gold (yellow) plate, called a bezant, on which is placed a dove, in his proper color, to honor Saint Fabian, the Bishop's baptismal patron.
  • Members of the congregation renewed their baptismal vows and in response received a generous sprinkling of water from the huge font.
  • Make the presentation much more prayerlike, an invocation for the Spirit to help us with our own baptismal vows.
  • Only renewed, prophetic churches, churches true to the fundaments of the faith, living as communities of resistance, can meet their baptismal commitments to Rachel's children in this dangerous time.
  • Herbert calls for all Christians to remember often their baptisms and baptismal vows.
  • As one pundit told me, marble follows the locals from the baptismal font to the tombstone.
  • There are three very old images, one at the front, and two on the side; the baptismal fount is surrounded by turned wood, and the choral section has a 20th Century organ. The Meseta Purepecha
  • In the south wall there is a beautiful piscina, and in the north wall an ambry with a small stone penthouse; an octagonal baptismal font of remarkable design stands against the east wall of the aisle. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • I fancy, that, when he sat at the laird's table, (Sir Walter's,) and called the laird's lady by her baptismal name, and -- not abashed in any presence -- uttered his Gaelic gibes for the wonderment of London guests, -- that he thought far more of himself than the world has ever been inclined to think of him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • Christian baptismal formulation, preserved in Paul's epistle to the Galatians, is a radical declaration. Who Do Men Say That I Am?
  • John's baptismal water may put out some of the fires we have kindled ourselves.
  • As expressed in the baptismal theology of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, the mission of the Church is given in its life as the body of Christ.
  • I have shaped the structure of these reflections in accord with the creedal affirmation and the five promises made by those who wish to renew their commitment to Christ in the baptismal covenant.
  • Chinese baptismal class begins on April. Please contact Pastor Shu for details.
  • i only got, baptismal certificate, birthcertificate, Transcript of record at cedulla and also school ID. is that enough po bah? salamat po. additional question po pala, ilang days po bah ang e allow ng bureau of immigration in taking vacation inside asia? from philippines po ako and im planning to visit my girlfriend in malaysia. kaya po bang 1month? ma'am/Sir Intiendes
  • The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.
  • The oratories tended to have permanent officers under the direction of the rector of the local baptismal church.
  • Non-violent action was called a baptismal service. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2008
  • The original baptismal basin was incorporated into the installation and water flows continually among the pieces of the new baptistery.
  • For those of us who fulfill our baptismal call to follow Jesus in and through the sacrament of matrimony, kenosis is the call to a self-emptying or dying to our needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • The text of the Mass itself is not changed; the same collect and the same Easter Hanc igitur are still said, although the baptismal rituals to which they refer are suppressed. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • After the baptismal ceremony, the parents, godparents, child, and guests returned to a family home for a celebratory meal.
  • Its second task, in short, is to make activists of baptismal initiates.
  • Further, with this requirement Japanese Baptists had to loosen the requirement of believer's baptism by immersion and tolerate various other baptismal traditions.
  • The sprinkler is filled with consecrated water from the baptismal font, which is drizzled onto the initiate during the ritual.
  • I'm not quite sure how, apart from the obvious indicators, eligibility would be further established, perhaps a body scan to determine the circumcised or genitally-mutilated, in addition to passengers producing additional documentary evidence (a baptismal certificate say, or copy of a police complaint laid against a priest from when you were an altar boy). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Then he handed the altar cross, eternal light, altar service book, paten and chalice, baptismal bowl and lectern Bible to parishioners who removed them from the sanctuary.
  • Herbert calls for all Christians to remember often their baptisms and baptismal vows.
  • The stoop, or baptismal font, has also been found and returned to the church.
  • Here we must mention first of all the numerous baptismal fonts of bronze, which are decorated on their outer sheathing with representations in relief and architectural ornament, next the seven-armed candelabra, door-knobs, water-vessels (aquamanile), lecterns, especially the beautiful eagle-lecterns. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Stickney (Harry Clarence Fowler Stickney to whomsoever his full baptismal cognominal burdens may be of interest) reached his address at six-thirty Wednesday afternoon. Rolling Stones
  • Lemke claims that Presbyterians believe that paedobaptism removes original sin (that is actually the Roman Catholic view; Lemke also mistakenly implies that Presbyterians believe in baptismal regeneration) Between Two Worlds
  • coolness and stood near the baptismal font next to the door. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • My daughter fixed the ceremony with the Vicar some weeks ago and we have arranged a baptismal party. GOODBYE CURATE
  • In today's baptismal service, all who are present are invited to participate in the creedal affirmation of faith.
  • A number of these revisions allow a presbyter to administer some rites of renewal, particularly the renewal of baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil.
  • Before the renewal of baptismal promises begins, the priest imposes incense in the thurible again, and incenses the Paschal candle. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.2 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the Font, Litany of the Saints, Mass and Vespers
  • It enabled both an entry into the Christian faith and a healing of the spiritual wound of original sin, both actions being necessary for access to heaven. 3 However, the baptism of children effected major changes in baptismal practice and theology. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Allusion is here made to the rite of exsufflation which formed a part of the early baptismal service.
  • Its baptismal font (in which many of my ancestors' noggins were wetted) now reposes in a side-chapel of the nearby Johanneskirche.
  • Have on hand the baptismal font, pitcher of water, the Advent wreath and matches.
  • The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven.

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