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[ UK /bˈæptɪsmə‍l/ ]
[ US /bæpˈtɪzməɫ/ ]
  1. of or relating to baptism
    baptismal font

How To Use baptismal In A Sentence

  • During the baptismal service the Satanic hosts, as originators of sin, vice, and maladies, were expelled by insufflation of the officiating clergyman, the sign of the cross, and the invocation of the Triune Deity. Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
  • The alb, form the Latin word alba, or “white,” is the full-length garment symbolizing our baptismal purity, and the robes of righteousness Christ offers us by his grace. An Instructed Eucharist
  • In the early church, adult baptismal candidates had sponsors - Christians who vouched for their good character and accompanied them through the long process of becoming part of the Christian community.
  • In many Christian faith communities, this occurs after a person has gone through the catechumen or baptismal classes to learn the basic of their beliefs. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Christian worship may be assumed to have been a matter of ritual from the start, because of its roots in Temple worship, common festal meals, and the baptismal practice of Jesus and John.
  • Only three days later, when he took part in the magnificent christening ceremony that named the child Elizabeth, he saw that the iron cross was pinned to the inside of the chrisom, the robe in which the child would be wrapped when she was taken from the baptismal font. This Scepter'd Isle
  • (exception is occasionally made in favour of a cathedral or a mother-church; hence in the Middle Ages parish churches were often called baptismal churches), a confessional, and a cemetery. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • His baptismal name was Tadhg, but when he was professed in Louvain as a Franciscan lay brother, he took the name of Míchéal.
  • At last she discovered Christina Oldstrom's own baptismal entry for 1410, during the reign of Henry IV. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • So instead John started performing the baptismal ritual.
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