How To Use Avert In A Sentence

  • If we want to avert a very deep recession it is absolutely vital that these psychological factors are reversed.
  • [42] Of such ministers and counselors, the holy king said that they who were confounded and ashamed should remove themselves far from him: _Avertantur statim erubescentes, qui dicunt mihi, "Euge, euge! The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis .
  • More sweat fell down his stubby chin as he tried to avert his eyes away from her steady gaze.
  • An airliner uncontrollably gains altitude, leaving the crew with a race against time to avert tragedy and land safely. The Sun
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  • The gardener roared nearby on his machine, eyes rigidly averted. Somewhere East of Life
  • She must avert her gaze from him for a moment or the tides that he was lashing about her would lift and carry her on their outsweep. A Pagan of the Hills
  • They reduce the frequency and intensity with which the authorities must intervene as lenders of last resort to avert systemic crises.
  • Loach's social-realist drama, written by his longtime collaborator Paul Laverty, is a distinctive, piercingly serious vision.
  • There was widespread destruction on the island of Sant’ Elena, where an even larger disaster was narrowly averted by when the twister nearly struck a crowded vaporetto moored at a pontile. A Tornado in Venice
  • Javert wrote these lines in his calmest and most correct chirography, not omitting a single comma, and making the paper screech under his pen. Les Miserables
  • In a quick tour, he points out the pupfish pond, a nature trail, and the cactus and native plants, all labeled so you can distinguish a teddy bear cholla from a beavertail cactus.
  • This was followed by an ignominious foray in inflatable boats, where again only a miracle averted tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet when it happens there is a mad scramble to see what is possible in terms of rescue and then what needs to be put in place to avert marine ecological disaster, prior to rescuing or salvaging the vessel.
  • Blue Bonnet sighed deeply as she recalled the averted tragedy. Blue Bonnet in Boston or, Boarding-School Days at Miss North's
  • Three main types of lumbar sympathetic nerve blockades for pain include the paravertebral approach and spinal and epidural injections of local anesthetics.
  • To get there, the Beaverton, Ore., sportswear giant plans to open more stores, put a renewed focused on recreational sports such as running and snowboarding, and emphasize its stable of local endorsers such as Chinese Olympic track-and-field star Liu Xiang and Chinese tennis player Li Na. In China, Nike Sets Out to Alter Sports Mindset
  • Some of the rooms depicted within Claverton Manor are considerably older than the house itself.
  • The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
  • He announced yesterday that almost 100 tonnes of food would have to be sourced to avert the threat of hunger in the affected areas.
  • Our ability to foresee and avert techno-terrorism or bio slip-ups may be more like Skating on Stilts over ball bearings in quicksilver. The Volokh Conspiracy » Smallpox in the garage
  • Talks aimed at averting fresh postal strikes were adjourned last night and resume today. The Sun
  • I turned my head towards aisle three to stare down Vader, but I was afraid of being turned into a pillar of salt so I averted my eyes.
  • The possible crisis in the back row was averted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. Garrison Keillor 
  • Only last week the airline averted what would have been the first strike by its pilots in its history after a revised pay offer was accepted. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the southpaw was able to avert further trouble as he got both Sean Casey and Wily Mo Pena to foul out.
  • Dr. Brian Little had attendees roaring with laughter with his psychological analysis of extraverts, introverts and ambiverts and how we are more efficient together.
  • She deliberately averted her gaze when he came in.
  • Inexorably impelled by time, he will, with inavertible necessity, pass through all the stages of human life, from the bottom to the top, from the top to the bottom. Savva and the Life of Man Two plays by Leonid Andreyev
  • Doing the humane thing—i.e., something good for the people of Haiti or Bosnia or Kosovo—could also be the smart and, to use the word commandeered by critics of such policies, the realistic thing, since it was good for the United States to avert instability in the Caribbean and the Balkans. The Great Experiment
  • There was the danger of the noted "thinness" -- which was to be averted, tooth and nail, by cultivation of the lively. The Portrait of a Lady — Volume 1
  • BRAHIMI: The minister also said that the U.S. and Britain were preparing to launch what he called a foolish and stupid attack, that Iraq was preparing for that, while it was at the same time doing all it could to cooperate and avert war. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2003
  • Meanwhile, Luke and I avert our gazes, looking with studied interest at the fascinating ads above the tube map, opposite.
  • Sully also has an advantage since it tells the tale of disaster averted. The Sun
  • Inflation fighting and the need to cut government spending will end - to be replaced by trying to avert recession and deflation.
  • A systematic aid programme might have averted the near-famine and encouraged the North to open faster.
  • Sophie's life, as rendered here, is a series of catastrophes nearly averted, not a string of triumphs.
  • They found, not surprisingly, that averting a major catastrophe would not be easy.
  • One question, for example, asks them to recount in 100 words a recent stressful incident in which they averted an unfavourable outcome.
  • Her dad looks up from his bag of chips on the couch for a moment, then averts his eyes immediately back to the television where a basketball game rages at a tied score.
  • Has emerged as a real defensive leader over the past 12 months and his calmness under pressure often averted danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talks to avert the strike collapsed at the weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1617, Doña Ana de Angulo was brought before the tribunal for giving a woman in labor peyote and placing scissors under her pillow to avert afterpains. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • I always tried to avert arguments and inject humour. The Sun
  • Privately, she was glad for the excuse to avert her gaze.
  • He listened sullenly, with averted gaze.
  • The model reflected the coupling optimization essence in topology optimization matter and effectively averted the puzzle of "ultimate stress" and "singular solution" on topology optimization matter.
  • The travertine floors had been freshly waxed, and Tara could smell lemon cleaning solution. Rogue Oracle
  • These descriptions are more accurate than the previous, but they only refer to the descriptions of extravert types obtained this way.
  • The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
  • The home, approximately 5,000 square feet, is a block from the Atlantic Ocean, has an outdoor pool and "Roman spa" and the inside features "pecky cypress ceilings, and Travertine marble and cherry wood floors. Lehman Vet Grapples
  • The shopkeeper had placed a small lump of coal in the centre of each to avert the evil eye.
  • The results also suggest that DTC [direct to consumer] advertising may have competing effects on quality, potentially averting underuse, while also promoting overuse.
  • Pennsylvania, and Vermont, and also a small amount of so-called onyx marble or travertine obtained from caves and other deposits in Kentucky and other states. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada: www. où vous pourrez consulter la section: AConseils aux voyageurs@ pour le Mexique pour des informations à propos des avertissements officiels concernant les ouragans. GtfdsHurricane Dean Information from Govt of Canada
  • He said it'can avert a much more costly and potentially catastrophic building failure in the years to come'. The Sun
  • Disaster was narrowly averted and a measure of farce was injected. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • Lloyds Bank cashed a Gieves cheque for £27,000, the crew were paid and a crisis averted.
  • Arbitrators have been called in as a last-ditch attempt to avert strike action by hundreds of Yorkshire miners.
  • This would be a cautionary tale of catastrophes narrowly averted and environmental damage now emerging.
  • As far as I know travertine is very UV stable so the floor will not yellow. david on 16 Oct 2008 at 10: 37 am # the home has plenty of overhang to prevent sun damage .. The Walker House in Sydney, Australia
  • Meanwhile, a dispute which threatened to cause similar disruption in Tralee has been averted.
  • The list of mistakes they tried to avert is familiar, but it bears repeating because of the fresh opportunity to learn from it. Getting Out Right
  • It is hard to convince people of danger when that danger has been averted. Times, Sunday Times
  • An innate horror at the sight of a naked sword averted him from the most just of wars; while his favourite Buckingham practised on his weakness, and his own complacent vanity rendered him an easy dupe of The Thirty Years War — Complete
  • I averted my gaze and felt uncomfortable.
  • In all, 16 rooms have been re-created at Claverton Manor—none more charming than the one dedicated to Shaker furniture, where pride of place is taken by a candleholder with prettily bowed legs, elegant in its simplicity. Telling Our Story Across the Pond
  • Then she, May Allah cut off my father and gar his kingdom cease from him and heal not his heart neither avert from him strangerhood, if he could desire a comelier than thou or aught goodlier than these fair qualities of thine! The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Steel could bear to look no longer and averted his eyes. Man of Honour
  • This new sunlounger trolley should avert the customary row. Times, Sunday Times
  • What averted catastrophe was the introduction of widespread electronic communications, especially for education and entertainment.
  • It's hardly a surprise that many members of Congress avert their eyes when your own safety experts complain that unsafe drugs are being rushed to market while postmarketing safety studies -- so necessary to ensure the public health - are delayed or simply ignored. Jeanne Lenzer and Shannon Brownlee: A New Year's Resolution for the FDA: Kick the Drug (Company) Addiction
  • Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted. Garrison Keillor 
  • I didn't want her to be a victim, but I wanted her to be someone who'd at least grown smarter from her year of living dangerously, someone who didn't scoff at the White House "meanies" who had tried to avert the mess, someone who was at least conscious about more than herself and her inner circle. Ms. Magazine Online
  • Kathleen stared at the pistol, which he held, that had a cloud of smoke whispering from its snout, then she averted her eyes to the fallen officer.
  • Only last week the airline averted what would have been the first strike by its pilots in its history after a revised pay offer was accepted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The honored role here in averting rhetorical disaster was assumed by Donald Rumsfeld, who expressed alarm at this overreach, and by Karen Hughes, who often checked our more blustery outbursts. Present at the Creation
  • Learn the lessons so that we avert disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jade and Pearl shapes natural sea sponges to fit a woman's body, absorbing flow and likewise averting the dilemma of throwaways, synthetic fibers and bleaching.
  • Pre-emption was the only method of averting defeat.
  • Muriel, being the modest girl that she was, averted her eyes and blushed.
  • Michael Laverty is ready to take the fight for the MCE Insurance British Superbike crown to the title chasing duo of Tommy Hill and Josh Brookes in the sixth round of the championship at
  • On this table stood the empty bottle and glass, and from these also he averted his eyes. The House of Mirth
  • I averted my eyes from the nasty little corpse and my gaze fell on the several shreddy parts that were all that remained of my left tennis shoe. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Yet again, while trying to appeal to the world's most sophisticated market, the impression is of Scots doing what we do best - squabbling and brawling with each other while shocked onlookers avert their gaze.
  • Suddenly his eyes averted over my head and he seemed distracted for a moment.
  • Steel could bear to look no longer and averted his eyes. Man of Honour
  • I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the invert converter.
  • Both pool and onyx are on a travertine block that the architect calls ‘an altar where burial occurs’.
  • ALABASTER) and other stalagmitic deposits also consist of calcite, and so do the allied deposits of travertine, calc-sinter or calc-tufa. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He had become a grotesque parody of himself and the gallery at last began to avert its eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using an "automatic train stop" could have averted the disaster.
  • This return, and its attendant anxieties, is averted by a surrogative shift to a passage from Joshua which focuses on the Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • It is hard to convince people of danger when that danger has been averted. Times, Sunday Times
  • She swallowed, carefully averting her eyes as she forked a small amount of the spaghetti onto her plate, taking her time as she did so.
  • If the generalissimo had been capable of listening to advice the war might have been averted.
  • My initial reaction was relief: We had averted another financial crisis.
  • Each of the three powers which now divide the world is in fact un conquerable , and could only become conquerable through slow demographic changes which a government with wide powers can easily avert.
  • He let Ethan spend thirty dollars of credit, on the theory it was free money anyway, averting his eyes from the actual selections.
  • The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
  • In reality, he is doing his damndest to avert a gargantuan cyberattack. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police were called to deal with the marooned low-loader on Friday morning after it became jammed on the crest of the bridge over the Kennet and Avon canal at Staverton.
  • There is a fair bit of literature regarding the demon, and from what I remember it explains why such a demon even it did exist, and was bounded by other laws like conservation of mass-energy would fail to avert the second law. A peer-reviewed article that supports ID . . . or something else - The Panda's Thumb
  • For the drama of _Faust_ is not a drama of damnation, but of redemption, and though the breadth and scope of the whole conception pass beyond all presentation in complete and rounded form, the great tragedy of Gretchen takes us from the splendid but abstract world of ideas into the simplest experience of human life, where Faust becomes human through love itself, but too slowly, too late to avert the tragedy. The Unity of Civilization
  • If we, the press and the people, refuse to avert our gaze from the misdoings of the BCCI, it might be forced to mend its ways.
  • But that may not avert another tragedy either. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spectre of bank collapse from foreign loans has been averted by bailouts and promises of bailout from the Federal Reserve, the nation's only manufacturer of dollars, which it can produce at will.
  • The parties have averted their gaze from the cost of the government's special savings incentive scheme.
  • In his second term, of course, Houdini submersed himself in a padlocked iron cage a mile deep in boiling water and left his fate to a gaggle of witches, a silly young intern, and Inspector Javerts.
  • PETERBOROUGH, Ont. - It appears a strike has been averted in Peterborough, Ont., which could have impacted municipal services like snow removal. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Last night unions and bosses were still in talks to avert a tanker strike. The Sun
  • Large complex teams need people from both ends of the introvert/extravert spectrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • But that may not avert another tragedy either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faltering talks over firefighters' pay left little hope last night of averting the start of an eight-day national fire strike this morning.
  • Too little fresh thinking was employed in trying to avert this war.
  • But the financial authorities and the leading players on Wall Street stand ready to avert a meltdown.
  • He had averted a major political embarrassment. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Within a month of my accepting that position, I was out there with the best of them covering my face to the eyes to hide the gaze of men, averting my eyes, and wearing chadori for trips to rural areas.
  • So relieved was I to have averted disaster on the tee that, before I had time to see sense, my feet were striding across the sand, and enabling a 7-iron to flick the ball clean off the surface and onto a position just ahead of the green.
  • Valenkov rubbed ash from the astrakhan collar of his dark overcoat, keeping his eyes averted. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The structure was built of a local porous tuff or travertine and brick, arranged in patterns. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The formula is some what the same except that the psychiatrist is now the seemingly crazy extravert and the client is the meek and submissive type.
  • Scientists now widely believe people generally fall into five personality traits: open, conscientious, extravert, agreeable or neurotic. The 5 Big Personality Traits: Which One Are You?
  • But that may not avert another tragedy either. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Companies with good corporate structures in place are much more likely to avert sharp downward movements in earnings.
  • Without outward flap, or reference to the manual, he located a previously unexploited function and the crisis was averted. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have to avert our eyes from the bombs and fires once in a while to look at the other images of this war.
  • Fuel efficiency is the only guaranteed way of averting higher prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hard and social science will of course progress even though the Supreme Court averts its eyes.
  • He was confident that, with just 5,000 troops under his command, the catastrophe could be averted.
  • However, things failed to go as per the plan as the 25-year-old 'bachelorette' was left sobbing by the time the latest episode of the ABC romance reality series reached its conclusion. more images Ali Fedotowsky'The Bachelorette 'star leaving Gavert Atelier salon in Beverly Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I averted my gaze to the tarred road between us, beneath us, and restrained my feet from shuffling ashamedly.
  • While past research has shown that extraverts are, in general, happier than introverts, no studies showed whether introverts who display extravert characteristics are also happier.
  • averting danger was his responsibility
  • Art, it seems, is the perpetual recidivist, always ducking back into the aesthetic as soon as vigilant life averts its gaze.
  • The next step involves the external fitting of the safety, beavertail and mainspring housing.
  • She rarely spoke and, when addressed, she replied in a whisper, eyes averted.
  • If only more had listened to H.G. Wells when in the 1930s he accurately predicted many of the horrors of what would become WWII. “1984” stood as a warning to all of us, and I would maintain might have helped to avert, at least in part, the threat of “Big Brother.” Wonk Room » Gingrich Pushes Suspense Thriller-Based Foreign Policy
  • He does not control the source of the danger, but he has control of the means to avert a dreadful accident.
  • Banks were refusing to honour Pelican House cheques and nearly £1 million was needed to avert a total financial breakdown.
  • What can be done to avert this disaster? Times, Sunday Times
  • He averted his gaze and picked up his glass. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • Neither of us cries but we are obviously repressing deep emotions, and peo-ple, sensing this, avert their gaze.
  • Drexler also needs to keep an eye on averting controversy the Gap's use of third - world labor.
  • Learn the lessons so that we avert disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ministers were faced with a choice of disasters to avert. Times, Sunday Times
  • But not somebody who goes from being an introvert to an extravert (because a true introvert is exhausted by being around people, and extraverts are energized by other people, and that just doesn’t change in real life) or from being a couch potato to loving exercise and training (because that’s an incredibly difficult change in real life too). Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Which Origin Stories are Plausible?
  • / * point a la fin * / else if ($testable_str {$butee - 1} = = $dot) $avertissement = array ( "Un point ne peut $et contigu à l'arobase", "A dot cannot be contiguous to the at sign"); Linux Journal - The Original Magazine of the Linux Community
  • ALABASTER) and other stalagmitic deposits also consist of calcite, and so do the allied deposits of travertine, calc-sinter or calc-tufa. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Watching Beaverton and Portland toss the Beavers too and fro is entertaining. Plan C for Paulson (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He averted his gaze and picked up his glass. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • Now I just avert my gaze. Times, Sunday Times
  • The allies fought to destroy a barbarous regime and avert the still more terrible outcome that would have followed its victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to better avert the threat of swine flu epidemics like the one currently spreading around the globe, public health efforts must address the conditions that allow pigs to become breeding grounds for infectious disease. Wonk Room » Flu Farms: Decreasing Factory Farming Could Help Avert the Next Swine Flu Epidemic
  • However, a speed trap locator (avertisseur de radar), is legal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grace decides to avert an international incident through the medium of party invitations and hats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politically, the idea is a potential disaster, which will take a lot of salesmanship and flowery prose to avert.
  • The interior uses limestone, travertine, and marble from the Philippines.
  • Fears of large-scale coastal flooding were averted as the fierce winds shifted at the last minute.
  • When I at last concluded with a loud note of joy, a long, involuntary suspiration in the darkening room told me that I had been listened to with profound interest; and, although no word was spoken, though I was still a stranger and under a cloud, it was plain that the experiment had succeeded, and that for the present the danger was averted. Green Mansions
  • The answer may be one or both of these and only a careful rescue package can avert a total disaster.
  • He appeared to address a combustible stand-off from which most of the world is only too happy to avert its eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
  • Now acyclovir is confirmed to improve avert the infection from coming back. I may have been a posting slacker...
  • But in a testy exchange, Mr. Clarke said the Conservatives would seek to avert or mitigate the government's proposed rise in national insurance, outlined in the prebudget report. U.K. Posts Smaller-Than-Expected Public-Sector Deficit as Tax Revenue Rises
  • What makes Mr. Piano's new pavilion just north of the BCAM an obvious relation is the architect's use of fitted slabs of gray travertine for the exterior, a north-facing "sawtooth" roof (like those of old factories) configured to capture variably filtered daylight, and his attempt to jazz things up by painting attached structures a bright scarlet - orange, popularly called "Renzo red. Nice Wing, Pity About the Art
  • Aid workers said law-and-order must be speedily restored to avert a humanitarian disaster.
  • A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.
  • Cave walls down which water habitually runs may become covered with sheets of travertine flowstone.
  • What averted catastrophe was the introduction of widespread electronic communications, especially for education and entertainment.
  • A decoration in white paint over the doorways of certain houses in the south is a relic of the religious custom of placing a bucranium there to avert evil. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • We tried to avert our thoughts from our massive financial problems.
  • We need to develop means of handling such health crisis as soon as possible as this would help in averting a lot of unnecessary deaths in the future. THE MYSTERY OF THEIR DEATH
  • Ragnor averted his gaze from the slender figure mounting the stairs and finished his ale with an angry gulp. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Her worn out old woolly overcoat finished off her appearance, thus she wasn't that surprised when a primly dressed young couple quickly averted their eyes from her as she crossed their front gate.
  • He had become a grotesque parody of himself and the gallery at last began to avert its eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes I get busted, I blush and avert my orbs.
  • Talks to avert a strike by fuel tanker drivers are set to go into a second week. Times, Sunday Times
  • A priest cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice, or to avert a public calamity.
  • The springs left deposits of travertine below the temple and among the ruins.
  • It's challenging to tease apart one's love of the massive sculpture from the perfectly proportioned piazza, with its oft-copied egg-shaped travertine pavement pattern, where the statue was permanently placed in 1538. Sometimes Two Is Better Than One
  • In contrast, extravert brains show more activity in areas related to pleasure-seeking. When Innies Love Outies: How Odd Couples Cope
  • A driving instructor's student narrowly averted an accident as they came across the rope.
  • The results are immediate and it averts closing-day disasters.
  • To avert this situation, and ultimately to consolidate strategic stability, it is expedient to limit search activity against missile armed submarines.
  • But why did she feel that she had to avert her gaze? Times, Sunday Times
  • An information desk to issue periodic bulletins and correct misinformation appearing in the electronic or printed media can help avert crises.
  • We glanced uneasily at the other naked bodies puled about us, then shuffled quickly into our clothes, eyes carefully averted. The Unusual Genitals Party
  • Sanghatissa, required some elucidation, and therefore inserted a passage in the "tika," by which his poem was accompanied, to explain that the motive of its erection was "_for the purpose of averting the dangers of lightning_." [ Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • They were able to avert the bipartisanship crisis and come together to restore the faith of everyone working in the local media industry.
  • He worked with the CEO of one Fortune 500 company who has a policy of silence for the first 15 minutes of meetings. He does not utter a single word, although he is an extravert.
  • Researchers measured extraversion and introversion among participants with a standard questionnaire and then compared extraverts to introverts by correlating the extraversion score to the strength of the positive-affect boost.
  • Avert your eyes whenever you pass a surveil-cam, keep your heads down and your faces blank, entertain no thought that could possibly play across your expressions and betray you. Only Terrorists Fear Surveillance « Blog
  • Unlike the Barcelona Pavilion, with its directional Modernist space and unaligned column and paving grids, at the Farnsworth House the column centers align with the grid of the travertine floor, classicizing the design.
  • The researchers measured four extraverted characteristics - talkativeness, assertiveness, adventurousness and energy level - in 46 college students.
  • Has emerged as a real defensive leader over the past 12 months and his calmness under pressure often averted danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gave a kind of shamefaced nod, but averted his face as he passed. Twin Moons
  • It was enough to help avert the danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was enough to help avert the danger. Times, Sunday Times

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