[ UK /ɐvˈɜːt/ ]
[ US /əˈvɝt/ ]
  1. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
    Let's avoid a confrontation
    avert a strike
    head off a confrontation
  2. turn away or aside
    They averted their eyes when the King entered
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How To Use avert In A Sentence

  • If we want to avert a very deep recession it is absolutely vital that these psychological factors are reversed.
  • [42] Of such ministers and counselors, the holy king said that they who were confounded and ashamed should remove themselves far from him: _Avertantur statim erubescentes, qui dicunt mihi, "Euge, euge! The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis .
  • More sweat fell down his stubby chin as he tried to avert his eyes away from her steady gaze.
  • An airliner uncontrollably gains altitude, leaving the crew with a race against time to avert tragedy and land safely. The Sun
  • The gardener roared nearby on his machine, eyes rigidly averted. Somewhere East of Life
  • She must avert her gaze from him for a moment or the tides that he was lashing about her would lift and carry her on their outsweep. A Pagan of the Hills
  • They reduce the frequency and intensity with which the authorities must intervene as lenders of last resort to avert systemic crises.
  • Loach's social-realist drama, written by his longtime collaborator Paul Laverty, is a distinctive, piercingly serious vision.
  • There was widespread destruction on the island of Sant’ Elena, where an even larger disaster was narrowly averted by when the twister nearly struck a crowded vaporetto moored at a pontile. A Tornado in Venice
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