How To Use Astonish In A Sentence
If she levels a levelheaded, legitimate accusation, delegitimize it by feigning astonishment and outrage.
Ann rather astonished me by saying how she wouldn't mind a plate of egg and chips prior to leaving for the dinner.
Gretchen-One split the seconds into a thousand pieces releasing seconds as Einstein split the atom astonishing energy, unfathomable energy she destroyed that day remotely it lay in the distant timeline, she found it destroyed it with atomics with the atomic seconds thus saved mankind forever thus saved what remained of mankind a dry skeleton in an underground bunker deep in the heart of old egypt
Three gretchens
What you do get, however, is a sequence of eleven pieces of music of astonishing variety.
I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral

Over the years the area has struggled economically but what is happening there at the moment is quite astonishing.
The Sun
When she had said this she looked at Vinicius with astonishment and regret, for he had disaccustomed her to similar outbursts; and he set his teeth, so as not to tell her that he would have given command to beat such a brother with sticks, or would have sent him as a compeditus
Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
Friends and colleagues expressed astonishment last night as the news broke.
Even in 1935 they were being sent an ‘astonishing amount of illiterate and unintelligent writing’, but practised readers spent little time on it.
As it happens, the setback turned out to be the only hiccup in the 14 race series, and Andy made an astonishing recovery to claim 11 victories in his last 12 race meetings.
This medal is a fitting recognition of an astonishing research career spanning more than 40 years.
Times, Sunday Times
Today's attendance figures at those galleries and exhibitions would have astonished and thrilled curators in the 1960s.
I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
I timed it successfully, and had no doubt of having added four to my score, when, to my astonishment, I saw a fieldsman running from the direction of the hedge.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 14th, 1920
She had astonishing green eyes that had a slight tinge of blue.
The subtlety of the fragmentary relics of ancient hominid fossil evidence was astonishing.
She was astonished to find that she had only four hours' contact time in her first term.
Times, Sunday Times
For all its moments of typical silent-movie hamminess, it remains astonishingly modern.
Times, Sunday Times
The scorn and mockery heaped on this particular law firm was astonishing.
Times, Sunday Times
The established churches may be dying back in Christianity's historic heartlands, but Jesus himself shows an astonishing ability to escape their confines and find a new life as an all-purpose 21st century guru.
Still others, who are initiated by those making a craft of sacred rites, are worthy of astonishment and pity.
My - dear - Count!" says I, astonished, and everyone stopped talking; the Queen looked pop-eyed, and even Albert left off prosing to the noble corpse beside him.
The track of the jet stream winds can also meander around in spring, switching between winter and summer conditions at astonishing speed.
Times, Sunday Times
He, learning that she now employs his page, is astonished at her unsuspicious nature.
The horseman gave a cry of astonishment and pleasure, and without a word wheeled his horse and galloped past back at headlong speed toward the castle.
The Boy Knight
How the members of any pleasant evening-company might astonish or amuse each other by narrating together the contradictory views the same voluble discourser has unfolded to them successively during the passage of one hour! so easily we bend and conform, and deny God and ourselves, to gratify the guest we converse with.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
Well, whinges the person who thinks that this is a truly astonishing apercu, Tony Blair listens to him all the time and does what he is told.
I don't necessarily agree with all they do but ....
It is astonishing to see these tiny birds engaged in such a fierce aerial battle.
Times, Sunday Times
One consequence of the astonishing potency of the MIA myth is the refrain of today's American war films that no one must be left behind.
There were some astonishing scenes and changes of tempo.
Times, Sunday Times
They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
He is a perfect rat in appearance, but he would rather astonish one of our English tom-cats if encountered during his rambles in search of rats, as the "bandicoot" is about the same size as the cat.
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
Billings was a clumsy, maladroit man, his fingers astonishingly competent with a wireless set, his other limbs ungainly and shambling.
The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices.
And, indeed, so solitary and remote is this ancient edifice, and so simple is the mode of living of the people in this by-corner of Spain, that the appearance of even a sorry calesa might well cause astonishment.
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
The newly formed friendship is severely tested and I won't give the ending away, but it is indeed an astonishing twist of fate for all three men.
She could not hide her astonishment.
What truly caught his attention was not her astonishingly contrasting beauty, but her secretive ways.
This singer has a penchant for scatting and surprising material, but where he has an astonishingly pure voice, hers has more feeling.
Mainly, everyone there seemed astonished at the number of people who'd turned out.
It is astonishing that in 99.99% of trials a value better than 99.999% of those in the codomain is obtained with fewer than one million evaluations.
How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
Back in the 1950s, Dutch ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen conducted now-classic studies of the bird's incubation behavior and discovered something astonishing: When presented with a choice between brooding its own small egg and the giant egg of a much larger bird, the oystercatcher invariably chose to sit on the giant one.
From 'The End of Overeating'
So the federal government responded with astonishing alacrity, great efficiency.
As he was announced the winner to a huge cheer, he looked astonished.
Her writing shows astonishing depth.
The effects of these films leave us in states of astonishment.
The owner and the "surveyor" were the people responsible, and the plans, directions and details given to the workmen were astonishingly meager.
Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today
What likewise astonishes is how Victorian, prudish, and ultra-conservative in thought most of us really are despite the claim to modernity and non-traditionalism.
The speed of her rise to fame has been astonishingly rapid.
But on this particular day it seemed as if some of the ingredients were wanting, for the morning and afternoon passed, to the astonishment of all, without a single "phiz" as the girls were wont somewhat felicitously to call the frequent passages of arms in which the two girls considered it their peculiar privilege to indulge.
Hollowmell or, A Schoolgirl's Mission
Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E.
Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
Perrin says in the essay that he believes Williams en. (UK_writer) is less famous than Tolkien or C.S. Lewis partly because he wrote fiction only for adults, not for adults and children: “All Hallows Eve will never be a TV special – or if it is, it will be so debased and vulgarized as to make most TV specials of great books seem works of astonishing fidelity.”
2008 October 23 « One-Minute Book Reviews
The striking features of Negro evening dress consisted in astonishing turbans with marabou feathers, into which add accessories of squib shape and other forms were inserted.
A Renegade History of the United States
Suddenly his instrument shot up an octave in an astonished squeak.
IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
Some of them express dismay, others celebrate, but all are astonished.
Looking around, Jacob was astonished to find large plates of metal hanging down from the lower boughs of the tall trees.
The creek -- that part of it near which the willows grew, and where the old ashery used to stand -- had been their daily resort every summer-day all their lives; and they all looked at her with astonishment and dismay, but none of them spoke.
Shenac's Work at Home
A Falkland Islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off New Island, where seafood-rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number.
Vase of St. Martin, which is as follows: when St. Martin visited the Martyr's Field at Agaune, he prayed for some time, and then stuck his knife into the ground, and was excusably astonished at seeing blood flow forth.
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
It was to a large extent a self-education with the characteristic vices and virtues; when he came to power in 1949 he was still the brilliant autodidact, mixing shrewd unorthodox insights with astonishing ignorance.
Good God, that kind of sloppiness is astonishing, especially seeing as the errors are not due to the difficulty of the words being used.
Five-typo feast of fail
We couldn't hold on to the ball, and the number of basic errors we made was astonishing.
They all shared glances of astonishment, and sprinted around the back to loop behind the last supply ship.
There must be many thousands of small businessmen hearing this with open-mouthed astonishment.
Times, Sunday Times
The stupidity that excretes from the mouths of the rightwing underbelly is just astonishing
U.S. prepared to push for crippling sanctions, Iran warned
The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.
We were astonished by the severity of heartburn and other symptoms in our patients.
Figuring the cost of the patrol car, the patrolman's time and the overall distance covered, the cost per mile for her commute is astonishing.
Sound Politics: What should Mrs. Gregoire cut?
It absolutely astonishes me that the ‘Tab’ key will not indent a line in any website builder currently used by members of the group.
The sound of the howling was astonishing - not something you could just turn over and ignore.
Times, Sunday Times
Musical training is, of course, what goes on in our conservatories, and at its most fruitful it produces instrumental technicians of an astonishing virtuosity.
Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.
What all these tropical forests have in common, however, is their astonishing biological diversity.
The astonishment and anguish depictured on her countenance increased the apprehensions of this unfortunate father, and he renewed his question.
The Romance of the Forest
With what astonishment and veneration may we look into our own soul, where there are such hidden stores of virtue and knowledge, such inexhausted sources of perfection!
The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant
You will be astonished to learn that this made him a bit grumpy.
Times, Sunday Times
But his astonishing recovery and that he lasted the whole match have only added to the firepower at his disposal.
Times, Sunday Times
It was believed that the Tuscan giants were all set to buy the remaining half of his contract at the end of this term after his astonishing debut top-flight campaign.
The saddhu or enlightened Hindu masters are taken care of, even deified, so that they may continue to apprehend the Absolute and astonish us mere mortals with their insights.
The works often retain an astonishing degree of emotional intensity and chilling weirdness.
Times, Sunday Times
Even more astonishing is his chapel, designed by Einhard on the basis of the mystic octagon.
It is likewise astonishing that people select homes, mostly for pecuniary betterment, when their children will mate or mismate with those whom they are thus thrown.
Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth,
First of all, we have Natalie Portman's astonishingly physical and emotional tour de force, which is worthy of every plaudit and award she has and will win.
Scott Mendelson: 2010 in Review: Favorite Films of the Year
We were astonished that my wife's mother and my sister-in-law were very vague in their memories of what to do in the first six months," Gabrieli says.
Babies can cause 'momnesia'
Indeed, one civil engineer writing to the Irish Times this week expressed astonishment at the figure.
Two thousand Vietnamese rivers carry nearly a trillion cubic meters of water to the sea every year, fed by rains that in some parts of the country total an astonishing 10 feet a year.
Finding myself (not often in London on the day that comes so mercifully between the Saturday and Monday) beside the enisled Marble Arch, I spent half an hour in listening to the astonishing oratory that was going on there.
A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
It is this unwillingness to listen, to think things over after hearing the other person's point of view that continues to contribute to our intractability in the political arena, to the astonishing rise in hate groups since the election of President Obama and to the general distrust of our justice and other systems.
Andrea Lyon: Sometimes the Other Person Has a Point
Originally the sophist was a lover of truth; then he became a lover of words that concealed truth, and the chief end of his existence was to balance a feather on his nose and keep three balls in the air for the astonishment and admiration of the bystanders.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8
They contained fresh and astonishing details of underground movements and midnight rendezvous.
Turnout in the election was astonishing.
Times, Sunday Times
There is an instant change from mild anger and heavy annoyance to startled astonishment and disbelief.
Then as he walked rapidly down the lane, Anthony saw to his left, in a f ield, an astonishing sight.
But it never seems to have occurred to the court of committees that there was any danger to be apprehended from the Dutch, so that they were all the more astonished and chagrined at the failure to establish trade with the Moluccas, where the natives were so friendly to the
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11
The new foliage is astonishingly delicate, as good as any maple, and everyone loves that primitive, fan-shaped leaf.
Times, Sunday Times
I worked to identify it - the smell of stale ash, the blowback of an aged coal burner, cinders falling from the sky, the aftermath of some inflamed astonishment - or not.
Until now, they've had an astonishing run, most recently having convinced legions of roadies that a $1,000 pair of Ksyriums is a logical choice for an all-around training and racing wheelset despite the fact that you could have a more solid yet equally raceable pair of wheels built for less than half that.
Round and Round: Wheel in the Sky Keeps On Failing
As they wait for assistance to have the man taken into custody, they studiously ignored taunts and provocations and remained astonishingly polite throughout.
Since Beijing's first ski resort was opened ten years ago, the sport has enjoyed astonishellong increase.
When we got inside the French works, I was astonished to observe how little harm had been done the defenses by the German artillery, for although I had not that serene faith in the effectiveness of their guns held by German artillerists generally, yet I thought their terrific cannonade must have left marked results.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
Fiestas decorated with Mexican red, green and white commemorate the holiday known as Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates the astonishing victory of the Battle of Puebla, Mexico.
BYU NewsNet : Home
Given that most of Europe is regarded as an undifferentiated mass, however, it is astonishing how little most Americans know or care about the European Union.
Arguably the world's best player, astonishing skill and power in the midfield and great goal kicker.
Times, Sunday Times
The poshest hotels and some of the most prominent watering holes for tourists and the rich became charnel houses in massacres that threatened to undermine India's astonishing economic growth.
Cecil was whistling away when suddenly he gave a tremendous "whew" of astonishment and sprang to his feet.
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901
In your acknowledgments, you not only thank your teachers in flamenco, but also the astonishing guitarists who elucidated and inspired you.
A Conversation with Sarah Bird, author of the novel The Flamenco Academy
I hope that future generations will look back on this debate with astonishment and shame.
But I then noticed that my right hand was starting to get warm, like I had a mitten on I looked over at Blake and he must have noticed also, because he was also looking at me with an astonished face.
In a series of pro-am events in the north of England he won six times and was an astonishing 96 under par for the month.
His appearance makes for a quite astonishing bit of theatre.
Times, Sunday Times
The astonished lone drinker blinked when three foaming pints of Stella appeared on the bar before him.
An astonishing five billion TV viewers tuned in to see the dazzling display set on a vast artificial lake in Athens' Olympic Stadium.
She gasped in surprise but abruptly hid her astonishment from her mother who looked up at the sound.
He made the astonishing gates and suite of door furniture for Edward IV's chantry at St George's Chapel, Windsor, between 1477 and 1484.
When I became a primary school governor in 1990 I was astonished to discover that there were no formal grammar text books in school.
You'll probably be astonished when the answer is affirmative.
Times, Sunday Times
He likes to poor-mouth his candidate's chances so that the candidate will appear to have pulled an astonishingly strong victory.
And even more astonished he went back to la Sologne - not just physically but emotionally.
These uplands preserve some astonishing Roman and prehistoric remains.
He watched her in astonishment as she seemed to shrink into herself, and sank slowly onto the chair almost directly behind her.
His widow yesterday told of her astonishment at discovering her husband's debts after his death.
She can't be referring to obloquy in general, since it is her campaign that is firing out slurs and false allegations at an astonishing pace.
Simon's search leads him to a strip club, where all the dancers sport astonishingly fake breasts.
He likes to poor-mouth his candidate's chances so that the candidate will appear to have pulled an astonishingly strong victory.
Last week, I was surprised (and chagrinned) to learn that despite the widespread, inside-the-beltway knowledge of Senator David Vitter's (R-La.) prostitution scandals, an astonishingly large segment of his statewide electorate had no awareness of his past.
Louisiana Democrats Drop Vitter Prostitution Video Opus
We were all astonished to see him force a bar hooking.
Completely astonished, my incredulous father gets back up and opens the door, to what he now deems the nerviest dog he has ever met.
Wendchymes Diary Entry
Winnick was, therefore, understandably astonished when the news emerged only three days later that Wallis had not only met Yates over the last two years, but that the former NoW man's Chamy Media a conjoining of the names of Wallis's children, Charlie and Amy, had received £1,000 a day for his part-time consultancy work for the Met between October 2009 and September 2010.
Scotland Yard's finest called to account over 'culture of collusion' with the press
An astonishing majority of Scottish voters cast their vote for candidates and parties running on pro-European tickets.
If we give up our vague, devastating quest, I suspect the Iraqis will have a lot of suddenly frantic help from the chaos-sponsors and bystanders in their neighborhood, the countries which have been so deeply delighted at the ongoing spectacle of America's ignorant blunder, at the unhoped-for crippling of America, at the astonishing waste of American lives and resources.
Frank Dwyer: Better Numbers
But to my great astonishment she was gone.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.
Pawson was astonished after graphically plotting the data to discover that peaks in Israels rainfall coincided with aliya waves.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Astonished Humberside airport workers watched the bosses pause only to check their briefcases and take souvenir snaps of their twin-engine plane.
It is an astonishing comeback for someone who, five years ago, was charged with racially aggravated assault after allegedly calling a black lavatory assistant a 'jigaboo' before charmingly punching her in the face.
Life and style |
She has achieved what must be one of the more astonishingly high degrees of popularity in dance globally.
Astonishingly, there was virtually no opposition either from booksellers or university professors.
Times, Sunday Times
The occupation is often full of interest; and he who attempts it for the first time is astonished by the apparently illimitable distance and incoherence between the starting-point and the goal.
We were avoided by all the staff we saw and astonished at the lavish spread laid out for brunch, including an enormous cow on a spit, roasting in preparation for the evening's event.
John was an astonishing experimentalist, who always seemed to work out scientific ideas from first principles, all those ideas that are taught in introductory chemistry and physics classes.
Martin Chalfie - Autobiography
That a man who certainly did (as F.H. Groome says) look like a “colossal clergyman” should have joined the gipsies, that he should have wandered over England and Europe, content often to have the grass for his bed and the sky for his hostry-roof, has astonished very much (and I believe scandalized very much) this age.
Old Familiar Faces
An ethereal beauty named Fabrissa enthralls Freddie and then astonishes him when she begins to speak of his dead brother.
Anna Mundow reviews 'The Winter Ghosts' by 'Labyrinth' author Kate Mosse
With Planned Parenthood killing children and injuring women in abortions, Nixon displays an astonishing impudicity when she adds, "To me, it just makes sense: honor the courageous mothers who are raising kids ... with a gift to the courageous organization that helps so many women.
Latest Articles
These astonishingly well-preserved bones belong to an entirely new species of human ancestor who lived nearly two million years ago - and may have bridged the gap between ocean acidification, which is dubbed the 'evil twin of global warming', caused by a rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), threatens the world's oceans. - Articles related to '10 most wanted' plants inspected for clues to climate change
The ease with which she learns languages is astonishing.
I'm not a single malt person like some whisky people I know are, but that stuff makes me astonishingly happy.
Liszt developed a physical virtuosity for the instrument and transcribed for it, sacrificing musical subtlety to an astonishing mechanical technique.
One of the perennial streams that sometime rises to astonishing heights of activity is the Leonid shower.
You'll keep coming back to sneak astonished looks at these pages long after you have finished it.
Times, Sunday Times
the dog was capable of astonishing tricks
This has been the stormiest winter for 20 years, with an astonishing run of violent wind, rain and waves.
Times, Sunday Times
It's used as an expression of pleased astonishment, or at least it was when I was a boy.
The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes.
Both in the uplands and the lowlands insects continued to represent an astonishing diversity of forms.
If tourists visit the garden in summer, they will be astonished by the pleasing green and red of thickly dotted lotuses.
The plans were sparked by the astonishing discovery of a Roman stadium at Colchester Garrison.
Doctors were so astonished by the color of Benjamin "Benjy" Stacy’s skin that they raced him by ambulance from the maternity ward in the hospital near Hazard to a medical clinic in Lexington.
Blue Family Once Inhabited Kentucky | Impact Lab
While drawing gasps of astonishment from residents, the snowflakes failed to make an impact on the ground, where they melted into large grey puddles.
Times, Sunday Times
They paused with the same look of embarrassment and astonishment on their faces.
She was quite astonished by the price.
The Sun
He gave a small bow and then, to Faith's astonishment, he gave her a small smile.
Still he as constantly maintained them, with a kind of congruity that astonished me, and even rendered many of them plausible.
Anna St. Ives
The contrast between this astonishing piece of political theatre, televised around the planet, and another event a couple of days later, is so staggering, it is bathetic to mention them in the same column.
Eurozone leaders have been astonishingly flatfooted in response to this crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
He was astonished to learn he'd won the competition.
The astonishing first chapter opens in 1950.
I tried to contain my anger and astonishment, but apparently Isabelle didn't.
The amount of niches that are filled is a constant astonishment.
Times, Sunday Times
They were astonished at the colonials' high standard of living, reports the author.
Recent studies testify to the astonishing influence of the little tablet.
Times, Sunday Times
The pure and fine essential qualities of the voices, the dizzying harmonies, the fugal calls and responses, the strange relief of the unisons, and above all the free, natural mien of the singers, proudly aware that they were producing something beautiful that could not be produced more beautifully, conscious of unchallenged supremacy, -- all this enfevered him to an unprecedented and self-astonished enthusiasm.
The revelation was made all the more remarkable by its tim ing: only a few years after Donald Griffin astonished the scientific community in 1958 with his revelation that bats "see" the world with their ears.
The Fittest Books On Animal Survival
They emerged on stage bathed in a hellish red glow and launched into a set astonishing in its ferociousness and intensity.
When James first gave me a copy of the original I was absolutely astonished by its power, its passion and its smartness.
Thousands of families gathered to watch the Red Arrows perform astonishing aerobatics at breathtaking speed.
Moreover, many widely reported accounts of astonishing experiences are elaborations or flat lies.
He astonished us in the debate contest with his sharp tongue.
Given Trendelenburg's special emphasis in presenting the Leibnizian system, his significance for the mathematical reception of Leibniz's ideas in the context of the emergence of formal mathematics and mathematical logic in the second half of the 19th century is astonishing.
Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic
he looked at me in astonishment
There may not have been actual wrong-doing, but there is manifest evidence of astonishing mismanagement.
In 1984 Jones discovered an astonishing relationship between von Neumann algebras and geometric topology.
What astonishes me most is his complete lack of fear.
Extra miles, extensive preparation and exhaustive efforts usually show astonishing results. Dr Roopleen
His most famous work is the Summulae de dialectica (Compendium of Dialectic), a text of astonishing breadth and originality aimed at redeeming the older tradition of Aristotelian logic using the newer, terminist logic of
John Buridan
I also was astonished by how different the aesthetic system wasthe vertiginous staircases, the corbel arches, the huge reliefs, etc.
A Conversation with Charles C. Mann
They were originally gilt and the effect must have been astonishingly different, radiant and looking like a golden altar canopy.
One of our companions was astonished to find that the local Afghans only used flax as an oilseed, and had never heard of linen.
Immutable laws, such as gravitation and the conservation of energy, became wobbly, and I was prepared to witness their violation at any moment to remain unastonished.
The Amateur Navigator
Finally, in 1995, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz in Switzerland made a claim that stuck: 51 Pegasi b, a Jupiter-size planet about 50 light years away that orbits its star, 51 Pegasi, at the astonishingly rapid pace of once every four days.
It's Crowded Out There
There's some astonishing imagination at work here, and when the big central concept is revealed, near the end, it makes sense and is convincing rather than being empty technobabble.
Our benefits were astonishing in comprehensiveness and quality of care.
Excerpt: Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris
An astonishing diversity of life dwells in the crystal-clear pools that format low tide along America's Pacific coast.
Supreme in her graceful style and astonishing power, she took her second gold of the championships, with another likely to come today.
Times, Sunday Times
His capacity for learning languages astonished me.
In 2007, an even more astonishing record was established by a bar-tailed godwit.
When I would obtain, by a large splatch of color spread on with a knife, a striking and unexpected effect, she would, in spite of herself, give vent to a half-suppressed "Ah!" of astonishment, of joy, of admiration.
The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
It's an astonishingly accomplished piece of carving.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing is predictable in this astonishing novel, which expands on classic tales about selkie brides with unsettling imaginative thoroughness.
Times, Sunday Times
If so, they were rewarded with a fresh perspective on a composer of astonishing versatility, one whose best work speaks to high- and lowbrows alike without condescending to either.