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[ UK /ɐstˈɒnɪʃ/ ]
[ US /əˈstɑnɪʃ/ ]
  1. affect with wonder
    Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!

How To Use astonish In A Sentence

  • If she levels a levelheaded, legitimate accusation, delegitimize it by feigning astonishment and outrage.
  • Ann rather astonished me by saying how she wouldn't mind a plate of egg and chips prior to leaving for the dinner.
  • Gretchen-One split the seconds into a thousand pieces releasing seconds as Einstein split the atom astonishing energy, unfathomable energy she destroyed that day remotely it lay in the distant timeline, she found it destroyed it with atomics with the atomic seconds thus saved mankind forever thus saved what remained of mankind a dry skeleton in an underground bunker deep in the heart of old egypt Three gretchens
  • What you do get, however, is a sequence of eleven pieces of music of astonishing variety.
  • I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral
  • Over the years the area has struggled economically but what is happening there at the moment is quite astonishing. The Sun
  • When she had said this she looked at Vinicius with astonishment and regret, for he had disaccustomed her to similar outbursts; and he set his teeth, so as not to tell her that he would have given command to beat such a brother with sticks, or would have sent him as a compeditus Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
  • Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
  • Friends and colleagues expressed astonishment last night as the news broke.
  • Even in 1935 they were being sent an ‘astonishing amount of illiterate and unintelligent writing’, but practised readers spent little time on it.
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