How To Use Assuming In A Sentence

  • Assuming that 15 pound breaking strain line is used, an angler using monofilament might have to use a six or eight ounce sinker and use a 20 lb class rod to carry that sinker weight.
  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Animals were visitors from the other world temporarily assuming animal shapes.
  • He is liked by every one in the auberge, which is more than can be said of yourself; he is always good tempered, and is quiet and unassuming. A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
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  • I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • Assuming of course (4) that Germany, which wants to revise the Lisbon Treaty to apply the new rules EU-wide, and France, which wants nothing to do with a re-opening of the Treaty and therefore wants the fines to apply only in euroland, can resolve their differences. Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
  • Note the telling musical score, anticipating events, cueing the audience as to when to be scared, assuming we cannot figure that out ourselves.
  • Assuming that I don't have some sort of malignant brain tumor *knocks wood furiously*, it must be that this alien life-form, this adorable-but-nonetheless-parasitic superbeing, is sucking every nutrient from my body and turning these to his own nefarious supergrowth purposes. Pass The Smelling Salts
  • And yet we should be cautious in history of assuming _post hoc propter hoc_. The Age of the Reformation
  • However, for our purposes, we have used a working definition anchored on Haramiyavia, assuming that the unknown intersection between multituberculates and modern mammals is the appropriate break point.
  • Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around. Faster
  • Nest initiation dates were estimated by candling incubating nests and assuming an incubation period of 24 to 26 days for hatching nests.
  • Otherwise this unknowable is not only compatible with knowledge but is the efficacity of knowledge, perhaps of all possible knowledge, assuming the world is like this (as opposed to the Blakean world). Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Aren't you rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?
  • The charges of the ionized groups were assigned assuming standard amino acid protonation state at pH 7. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But her unassuming demeanour masked a sharp intellect and powers of observation essential for the task of a secret agent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many shooters don't understand the purpose of such a dual action, assuming that the pump mechanism is a fail-safe against a malfunction with the semiauto mode.
  • For an unassuming pair of country-folk dreamers, their debut resonates with a wild collection of weirdos: county-fair folk-fest burn-outs, cowboy junkers, and record store braggarts.
  • You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.
  • The same youngster will have spent only thirteen thousand hours in school, assuming that he or she is regular in attendance.
  • But these problems don't stop the authors from speculating on the potential applications of anhydrobiosis in humans (somehow assuming that their hypothesis has been proven correct). We are going to freeze dry you all!
  • Julian could learn a whole lot in five minutes, assuming he lives to tell about it. halothane Wednesday, July 28th at 2: 59PM EDT RedState
  • Thus, income taxes and government services and other amenities and disamenities such as crime, traffic congestion, and air quality would be put aside by assuming that the costs associated with such factors did not change over time.
  • Elizabeth's dress, of white and gold brocade, is much less elaborate than the ‘Armada’ costume, and the head-dress is comparatively unassuming.
  • He was assuming that the big, bull-necked, slug-like guys were in some way connected with InfiniDim Enterprises, but it was a reasonable assumption and he felt happy about it because they had logos on their armour-plating which said ` InfiniDim Enterprises 'on them. Mostly Harmless
  • Many recent papers still quote the 2002 figure, but assuming 17% growth during 1994-2001, 25% growth* between 2002-2010 would mean: Asian Correspondent: Bangkok Pundit
  • But in social security the biggest scam is people pretending to have a disability that they do not have, rather than assuming another name.
  • This always struck me as redundant, since if we assume the system obeys the equations of motion, the action must be invariant under ANY infinitesimal variation (since the EOM are found by assuming that the action is at an extremum). Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • Washington sent out sixty-five of his 150 men under two officers, to intercept the French between the Meadows and the Monongahela, assuming that they had canoed up the river. George Washington’s First War
  • According to the American Heart Association, a healthy total cholesterol level for someone with no additional risk factors (smoking, obesity) is less than 200mg/dL (milligrams per decaliter), assuming their LDL and HDL totals are also at desirable levels. EHow - Health How To's
  • Sounds like in the story here today there are some folks quite ready to get themselves hoaxed, assuming the perpretators aren't themselves. On Bigfoot, Flying Rocks, and Missing Socks
  • Assuming the rest of the world continues to grow, this sector may benefit.
  • She was an undemanding friend, ready to listen with attention, whereas I was incurious about her, perhaps assuming that since she was so young, she had nothing to teach me about books or life, an idea which seemed terribly sad years later.
  • The baseline is a humble, positive uplifting of Shona culture and values, which is why guitars, drums and horns take a back seat to the unassuming little mbira finger piano.
  • The round, muted bluesy guitar is solid and unassuming until it explodes into a dizzying solo.
  • Jonathan has found a array of aged Shakespere texts in a living room of a Franklin Inn Club which assumingly have been left here during assorted times by members of a Society, as good as he has pleasantly donated or sent during a behind of to their place of proceed these copies of a Bard's plays. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Assuming a loan-to-value ratio of 70%, the initial payment for a 675-square-foot flat would be around four times median household income.
  • I am all for the concept of middle-agedness kicking in somewhere around eighty-five or so, as I'm assuming most of my friends will all be too senile or stoned on their "glaucoma medicine" to join me in reckless frivolities by then anyway. Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • Assuming aggregation happens on the cell surface, we choose a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice.
  • It will not stop them from assuming that, as the clock strikes twelve, you want them to take hold of your face and plant a smacker on your lips.
  • He was not a tall man nor heavily muscled, and his clothes were simple and unassuming.
  • While Anita was the live wire who inspired, remonstrated and cajoled, Gordon's great strength was a sympathique nature that enabled this unassuming, conservative Scot to build friendships in the most surprising places. Observer Ethical Awards: Gordon Roddick, Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Assuming that to be the case, all connected with the sport will hope the Baxter family motto proves accurate.
  • amiable and unassuming," and though one of the first, if not the first lady at Vienna, as not at all partaking of the insolence and hauteur which is by some ascribed to the society of that capital. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861
  • Assuming one of my compadres has slipped, I brace for the fall, a routine reflex; however, because I do not believe my anchors will hold, my heart plugs my throat and I wait to be plucked into eternity.
  • So, assuming that you do have rental income to shelter, how can you go about choosing an investment property that will work for you?
  • Julio Lugo gets the nod at shortstop from the start, assuming he is recovered from a mild shoulder separation.
  • The independent float of an activity is calculated assuming the worst circumstances.
  • USA should restore ties, and try to address the moderates in Iran without assuming the civilisationally-superior tone of hectoring or blustering. proudlyleft New Statesman
  • It is his temerity in assuming that love is universally a good thing and a cause for celebration that has doomed him.
  • On Sunday the Alice News - assuming corrective action had been taken - put the system to the test.
  • Without assuming noble or self-sacrificing motive, each individual has, nevertheless, become a microcosm of the whole.
  • I would point to Francis Fukuyama's insightful "The End of History", which was only been flawed by assuming that the US was a real democracy --- and not a very subtle, guileful ruling-elite 'corporate financial Empire' disguising itself behind the facade of this two-party 'Vichy' sham of democracy. Coming Soon-- Riots in America?
  • Seven per cent confessed to assuming another person's identity through forging their signature on letters or cheques.
  • Penelope will be down for dinner later this afternoon, assuming she has remembered!
  • Rarely has such a quiet, unassuming display prompted such effusive praise and raucous celebration. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unassuming but apparently magical dry-erase board accretes a roster of chores throughout the week.
  • This explanation sounds plausible, but we need to be wary of assuming that the Danes and East Angles still thought of themselves as fundamentally different from one another.
  • Keeping in mind that the "Corazon de Melao" song was a very rhythmic catchy tune (and coquetish), and assuming it is the root of her flirtiness-cariño, you could respond based on an equally, or more, flirtish song along the same lines. Corazon de melon?
  • If you want to top your own, they're making all their organic condiments in-house even jarring their own pickles, resulting in hand-ground mustard, slow-roasted tomato not-quite-ketchup, a hot sauce so blistering that making it requires goggles, and roasted garlic mayo, which, assuming you persist in eating dirty water dogs, is the very clinic you'll need treatment from. Thrillist: Feed Your Hole: A Truck To Make You Truck
  • Polakow-Suransky pierced the consciousness of Gotham's education community late last year, in the wake of Cathie Black's appointment, assuming the role of deputy chancellor for performance and accountability to buttress his boss' subpar C.V. Dubbed "a data mining administrator" by The New York Times, he was introduced to the locals with the menacing headline, "New Schools No. 2 Wants More and Better Testing. Susan Ochshorn: Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Getting It Right
  • Where others in this vein opt for a hazy, nebulous cloud of half-remembered dreams, Manitoba's music is direct and unassuming while still remaining evocative.
  • The forward-thinking family policy has to be gender-blind, assuming both sides of a couple will choose to maximize their earning power and ambitions.
  • But assuming the study was accurate, why is it that women are the ones who are seen as having an unusual response here, deviating somehow from the ‘norm’?
  • If you file electronically and arrange for your refund to be deposited into your bank account, you'll get your money in less than two weeks, assuming the return is accurate.
  • JohnDewey: I think you're possibly assuming a bunch of other things about the malcontents that aren't necessarily justified i.e. that their malcontent is a personality trait, rather than a result of situational factors. More Unhappiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If parents reject advice - and assuming you can not compromise your professional judgement - respect them and leave.
  • There is, as it seems to me at least, nothing in that judgment which the court should now seek to vary, modify or retract, assuming that it were open to the court to do so.
  • Nor has the bank any specific bargaining leverage, assuming Lincoln can obtain finance from an alternative source.
  • Bareboat charterers are responsible for every detail of a vessel's operation, including finding a crew and assuming liability for accidents.
  • They represent the maximum size of possible transactions, assuming that they were not counterbalanced by other transactions in the opposite direction.
  • Frequent feeding is the key to producing good offspring, assuming they inherit the potential from their parents.
  • Remember, he's the voice of the lumpenproletariat, the great unwashed, the rough part of Los Angeles (assuming it has any smooth parts).
  • Behold him next assuming the reins of government at a time when every other mind on earth would have shrunk aghast from the fearful task, or sunk beneath its complicated perils. The Great Funeral Oration on Abraham Lincoln
  • Martin will likely call an election some time after assuming leadership of the country.
  • Do indies have a real voice at the Academy, assuming that we don't count Miramax as an indie?
  • Besides being a fine banjo picker and showman, he took an unassuming but near academic interest in folk music.
  • May I not presume upon Your mercy by assuming there will be no consequences for my sin. Help me to confess and then to sin no more.
  • Ampère proposed electrical currents in atoms to explain magnetism and Poisson showed how electrostatic induction could be explained by assuming atomic dipoles.
  • We seem to be out of margarita mix, so I'm assuming this is just tequila with a lime stuck in it.
  • Also in his rallying end-of-conference speech, he warned against assuming Labour would win a third term.
  • Later, full of bravado, he stepped on a 'chockstone', assuming it would take his weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assuming that your question is not rhetorical: a tiller is the "stick" you use on a sailboat to control the rudder and steer the boat. Snap Polls Give Debate Win To Obama
  • In the Copenhagen formalism, one could calculate the probabilities of various outcomes assuming a measurement was taken at a particular time; during the interval between measurements, those “probability amplitudes” changed in definite, calculatable ways, while at the instant of measurement, another process took over and caused the system being measured to settle into a single eigenstate. On Quantum Theory And Parapsychology
  • Especially something as trivial as incorrect dress (assuming it’s not something like forgetting to put your trousers on!); this is classic Army RSM behaviour for getting new rookies under the thumb; nitpick. on January 30, 2007 at 11: 37 am | Reply Teeth grinder from the South Memory Is The Guardian Of Everything « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I am assuming the groomsman is an incipient politician - maybe mayor number three?
  • Current models of associative learning explain nonlinear discrimination by assuming that people store stimulus information configural.
  • All this is assuming you don't start running us in for bigamy - or murder. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • Taking Pestalozzi's idea that the purpose of the teacher was to give pupils new experiences through contacts with real things, without assuming that the pupils already had such, Herbart elaborated the process by which new knowledge is assimilated in terms of what one already knows, and from his elaboration of this principle the doctrine of apperception -- that is, the apperceiving or comprehending of new knowledge in terms of the old -- has been fixed as an important principle in educational psychology. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • We would humbly request that - assuming the gods favor us with freedom before it is too late - you would assemble your armies and add their strength to that of our own.
  • Admittedly, most are floor fillers of some kind yet assuming so many guises has allowed a free rein to experiment.
  • Left to herself, Saxon worked with frantic haste, assuming the calm she did not possess, but which she must impart to the screaming bedlamite upon the floor. CHAPTER XIX
  • My first instinct would be to stop using the pretentious word "idempotent", which is a symptom of the Haskellers 'disease of assuming that math terminology is a good way to concisely communicate concepts to non-mathematicians ... what's new online!
  • How long can an average person survive in an airtight room that's packed with plants, assuming there is plenty of food and water?
  • Julio Lugo gets the nod at shortstop from the start, assuming he is recovered from a mild shoulder separation.
  • We can put up with many obscurities and apparent irrelevancies, without assuming that this makes no sense.
  • On the other hand, the ancient revulsion against emasculation, effeminacy, and males assuming, or forced into, the passive role of females is far less pervasive today.
  • New boy Mark Ballard said: ‘To assume all young people are neds is no fairer than assuming all politicians are numpties.’
  • He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.
  • And Mehlis should not, assuming that he is "professional" and "neutral" and "apolitical"--and he is none of these things--have summoned reporters in Lebanon to reply to Husam Husam. Thursday, December 01, 2005
  • On a typical side street in the Latino East Side of Austin stands a middle-sized, unassuming house.
  • Despite the title, this play adds little to our knowledge or appreciation of Beckett although assuming a fairly comprehensive acquaintance with his works.
  • Assuming that MMP's version refers to the 7am news headlines, it is clear that MMP changed the text of Radio 786 report by adding the words "Angolan", "find" and "dead" to the news reports, Hendriks said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘I wasn't aware you read, Ezekiel, ‘said Sutton, reassuming his seat facing the desk.’
  • Assuming cert is granted, this is going to turn on how broadly the statute’s savings clause for state licensing should be construed. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the SG’s Brief in U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Candelaria
  • Assumingly stemming from this here specific move, we all will see the uprise of some - yet - unknown political party, for/against the European Union, incl. those Scy cultists, right across the street. Dutch Usenet group sues BREIN
  • At first he appears unassuming and on occasion bumbling yet his disarming manner, like that of Louis Theroux, is one that seems to entice his interviewee into spilling the beans.
  • Add to that "decentralist", I admit to assuming something along the lines of "workers' councils and cooperatives. The desperation of Welsh Unionism
  • He was most modest and unassuming - though when at the helm he was inspiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waal," commenced the widow, settling herself in her chair, and assuming the air of one who has a story to narrate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 25, November, 1859
  • They are, however, wrong in assuming that our paper gives a misleading message.
  • So they endure, assuming in their deepest doggy subconscious that whatever we abide for them is what is to be abided.
  • If returnees haven't gained any significant business experience during their absence, they usually return to the same position with the same salary that they had before, assuming that position is available.
  • A factor must surely be that by far the majority of mollusc species are aquatic (I am assuming again) and harder to study. Where are all the malacologists?
  • Also, I think you're assuming that Wittig and other lesbians/feminists want to ‘liberate’ a true, natural womanhood from cultural baggage etc.
  • Impressed with this convergency of testimony from so many different quarters, they will be utterly at a loss to account for the unanimity of these early witnesses -- all sharing in the same delusion, all ignorant that a false Mark has been silently substituted for the true Mark during their own lifetime, and consequently assuming as an indisputable fact that the false Mark was received by the Church from the beginning. Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Assuming that the figures are an effective measure of overall hospital performance, what action should then follow?
  • Bosnia's five-member presidency has announced the formation of a republican army after assuming emergency powers to prepare a co-ordinated defence.
  • Assuming that a counterfeiter does not wish to be caught, would it not make much more sense to fake wines that would need to be cellared for twenty or thirty years and which are made in quantities of 20,000 or 30,000 cases instead of a barrel or two? Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • A related view also occurs much later; Ashworth reports that Menghus Blanchellus Faventinus held that term negations such as ˜nonman™ are true of non-beings, and he concluded from this that ˜A nonman is a chimera™ is true (apparently assuming that ˜chimera™ is also true of nonbeings). [ The Traditional Square of Opposition
  • By the time the child is 18, and assuming annual growth rates of 6.4%, they'd be looking at a lump sum of nearly £35,000.
  • Therefore, since the curvature of the universe is essentially set by its expansion rate, the expansion rate of the universe determines how far away assuming special relativity works (which is typically as far as the expansion is negligible, so within a megaparsec or so, and also far away from any really dense objects, such as black holes or neutron stars). Does Space Expand?
  • Now, however, this is a risky and unpredictable situation and assuming that we have the best of airmanship and nothing else goes wrong, which is an assumption that you really can't make, there should be a very favorable outcome.
  • Not only did he sweep the junior event but the unassuming youngster also won the open competition.
  • On the other hand, for unfocused conditions assuming a beam area of 1 cm2 which is maybe an upper limit for the lasers used, 0.1 cm2 might be slightly better - personal communication E Rabett the fraction of NO2* will be about 0.003 and saturation will not be an issue. Rabett Run
  • But calculations of the potential energy available show that, yes, it can provide enough power, assuming we wish to the cover the state of Arizona with solar panels, along with every housetop in America. Was Chicken Little Right? « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • In El Nino the tropical atmosphere warms, and the vertical structure of this warming is indeed close to that obtained by assuming that the atmosphere stays near a moist adiabat, that is, the warming is substantially larger in the upper troposphere than near the surface. Truth Machines « Climate Audit
  • Common law lawyers tend to talk about things assuming everyone knows what they mean.
  • Assuming you're doing this in a gravity environment, more mass means more weight.
  • He would then be tanned, rested and ready to carry his home state in a future presidential run-assuming he wins the statehouse, that is. Capitol Letter: A Problem With The Messenger
  • Nor should we be guilty of the error of assuming that the problem relates only to Genesis.
  • Earlier approaches started with an elliptic orbit of the Moon round the Earth, assuming the Sun had no effect, then perturbing the orbit to take account of the gravitation of the Sun.
  • It is a worse state of affairs when someone dies (whether from being killed or from natural causes) than it is when a person fails to come into existence, assuming that in both cases the lives would have been worth living.
  • Assuming you are driving south on IH 35, the best place to cross the border is the place you have always crossed. Best place to cross the border (TX)?
  • The victim then walks away assuming his card has been "swallowed" - leaving the thief free to recover it and, using the PIN he has just memorised, withdraw as much money as possible. Evening Standard - Home
  • Even assuming the improbability that all the wounded died, the overall picture does not change.
  • (Assuming the embedded doohickey works; it seems to be a bit temperamental right now.) March On!
  • So, assuming that the environment does not have a point of view and that things cannot go better or worse for it, where does this leave the idea that the environment can be harmed or helped?
  • For tax allocation purposes, assuming an equal consumption of liquor, tobacco and other dutiable items, then the implication is that Maori would bear 84 per cent of customs duties.
  • They are Iraqis, we are assuming, because they've been checking whether they were so-called friendlies, i.e. coalition forces, or hostiles. CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2003
  • While assuming a pose of utmost civility and cordiality, Caroline is relentless in her campaign to undermine me.
  • This interpretation is, assuming the consistency of B, an n-tuple satisfying the relation RAX defined by AX. The Frege-Hilbert Controversy
  • With the main business completed, he asked me if I wanted him to take care of the short hairs, and assuming he was referring to the wispy ones on the back of the neck, said yes. The Guardian World News
  • Assuming public accountability is the function of public finance, and government accounting is the assertion, measurement and communication of the process of the discharge of public accountability.
  • I have to say that he was a thoroughly nice bloke, genuinely modest and unassuming.
  • Assuming an effective role as mediator in the region, the group might be able to adopt a position where it could exert a highly positive influence over the future of the region for a long time to come.
  • He claims that his only quarrel is with “the idolatry of woman,” but it is one thing to want to take la femme off her pedestal — assuming she was still on it in the 1930s — and another to assert that when lying on her back during sex she looks “ridiculous … froglike.” Monster of Marriage
  • Sometime in the next few decades, assuming civilization is still here yadda yadda, a company will manufacture and market a cleaning robot capable of “stopping messes before they start,” including learning and self-initiative. Matthew Yglesias » The Rise of the Machines
  • "I am now assuming command of this force, " I told them.
  • But you are richt in assuming I do have these dislikes. Mythicist Misunderstanding
  • The actress tells of how she was so infuriated by the letter that she wrote a reply, castigating the woman for assuming she knew her parents' beliefs better than she did.
  • Who are you?" is Vic's big question to Montoya -- and it may, as has been speculated, lead to Montoya assuming the mantle of the Question -- but it could be applied to almost every major character in the series, either because of their emotional/spiritual crises (Ralph, Black Adam, Renee, Booster) or because of some literal physical transformation (John Henry's steel skin, Adam Strange's eyelessness, Mr. Mind's reported evolution). Week 20: Language Is a Virus from Outer Space
  • Assuming that the transparency of the mind is not merely an otiose and decadent luxury, a device for self-absorbed wallowing, but that it has evolutionary value, knowledge of contents independent of attitudes is of no interest.
  • Assuming a constant wing shape and oscillating stroke, the average lift is proportional to the square of wingbeat frequency.
  • And that's assuming some hypothetical ideal of day care.
  • An uncatholic national feeling had been aroused some years before in New York, assuming under Bishop Connolly all obsequiousness to that prelate and zeal for his honor; under Bishop Du Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886
  • And now, since you will not put me quite at my ease by assuming, in words, that I have been properly 'chaperoned' here, Mrs. Falchion, Complete
  • Assuming the textor wasn't the fatality in question. Nuts & Boalts
  • So am I correct in assuming then that you would argue that churches who have tax-exempt status (thus giving them “special treatment”) should be fored to admit all comers, even those who are sharply opposed to their religious mission? The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • He was a quiet unassuming person. The Sun
  • unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work
  • Second, you can always try to wear your belt a notch tighter - that is, assuming it's comfortable.
  • Someone who had been 'a remarkably undogmatic man, unassuming and even diffident in manner' became obstinate in the extreme.
  • I'm assuming the Zolars are amateurs at this kind of search game. INCA GOLD
  • The Venetian republic forbade its citizen nobles (those who sat in the Consiglio Maggiore) from assuming titles such as prince, duke, marquis, or count.
  • He will have fled the scene (assuming his truck even stopped after pranging you), and the truck company's insurance may or may not cover you, but in any case could take months to sort out.
  • Assuming a rape cannot possibly occur between friends, colleagues or family members is on par with how most children define the term "stranger. The Full Feed from
  • That is, assuming the neighborhood is at least pretty close to some already gentrified areas, it both starts to draw in Bobo money from neighboring areas, draws in other similar businesses (a cluster effect: if Bobos are going to Whole Foods, have some other Bobo-friendly businesses near by on the still-cheap real estate), and sends a signal about what kind of neighborhood one is in. Bobos in the Hood
  • Rarely has such a quiet, unassuming display prompted such effusive praise and raucous celebration. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the village pub - unmodernised by any rapacious brewery, although in this decade new roadhouses spread like scabs along arterial roads - Donald hears unassuming rustics quote Shakespeare.
  • His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.
  • Assuming that there were no problems in having a trial (the complainant was available, usually the biggest hurdle) then why on earth did they accept a plea to that? The Reality Behind The Crime Figues « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I could of course say that it was an iamb followed by an amphibrach; honestly, I'm not assuming very much at all about how these metrical forms are represented.
  • An alternative for 4a, assuming we mean Alia Shawkat to be in apposition, is to repeat the preposition: The serial, Harvard, or Oxford comma « Motivated Grammar
  • The bees, he announced, would be taken to "a farm in Connecticut," which, assuming this is not a euphemism, is hardly the worst summertime fate for a New Yorker, apiarian or otherwise. Alex Henry: An Apiarian Incident
  • The error in assuming the bickering is bad is assuming its ill intentioned. Today's Video: NASA Shuttle-derived Sidemount Heavy Launch Vehicle Concept - NASA Watch
  • Assuming that future technology innovation with random occurrence lead decline of the value of current new technology, this paper gives the valuation and adoption decision models of new technology.
  • Stereotyping is when you make an irrational judgement by taking certain characteristics of a person/thing and assuming other characteristics are also present. Can you love God and feminism? - Feministing
  • I buy my cameras, spectacles, binocs, etc. assuming they'll be dropped and splattered, and they should hold up to this misuse.
  • I'm assuming the scorch marks referred to by Charlie are caused by the SRB separation motors. Today's Video - External Tank Falling to Earth in HD - NASA Watch
  • With the global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency, education is on everyone's front burner.
  • If CEOs are really stealing money from shareholders (I'm assuming that's what you're implying when you say "quid pro quo backscratching of CEOs of each other"), then why do people continually invest in the stock market at such incredible rates? Paul Graham on the Distribution of Income, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Every two years, one member country hosts the council's secretariat, assuming the costs of its operation.
  • Assuming a look of bland courtesy, Jane led the way toward a separate room at the far end of the cadjan dominated by a long table where several young Ceylonese women were busily working. A Covert Affair
  • Presumably (assuming insects do derive from Crustacea) primitive hexapods evolved from marginal marine and amphibious crustaceans during the late Silurian or early Devonian.
  • He could not abduct Ruth, even assuming he had instructions to do so, which seemed unlikely.
  • Some of nature's most complicated chemistry takes place in the shoots and leaves of the tiny, unassuming periwinkle plant.
  • As a homeopath I am used to people assuming that I can use remedies almost like a magic wand to cure skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • Throughout these long years of public service he retained his modest, unassuming and kindly manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six foot tall, slim and with a deceptive unassuming air, his blond hair and cadaverous cheek bones say rampant sex drive packaged as boy next door.
  • Assuming you aren't a mute, what will we talk about on our date?
  • Jammer also accuses Einstein of assuming the expression for the relativistic kinetic energy of a body.
  • Here is an affectionate tribute to a unique and unassuming northcountryman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assuming those difficulties are overcome, married people must also concern themselves with how they are perceived by others.
  • Assuming the requisite piece of paper, which I suspect is about to be handed to the Registrar, arrives in time, then we need not trouble ourselves with that.
  • This is all rather like a dog complacently assuming that you will give him the entire turkey if he merely sits on his hind legs and limps his forepaws.
  • The amusement might come in diagramming the sentence (assuming that the French do that). Tl; dr | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • Assuming that shares are purchased, whether to acquire full control, majority holding or a minority stake?
  • Thus, assuming two-thirds of those retiring were replaced in work by unemployment beneficiaries, the financial costs could have been halved.

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