How To Use Apartment building In A Sentence

  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
  • Thomas and his accomplices empty the bags, which end of being full of rats, in the hallway of a low-rent apartment building.
  • It was a apartment building the rooms were nicely furbished and clean.
  • Most apartment buildings were rent-controlled, which meant that a tenant only paid about double what an apartment was worth. DOUBTING THOMAS
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  • Many of the fabulous art deco villas and apartment buildings are being torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • He began to slow down as his surroundings began to grow more familiar, and soon he found that his feet had taken him home, to the small, run-down apartment building where he and Lyra lived.
  • It was as high as an apartment building and as long as a city block. Bomber
  • For cities, I favor a mix of mostly low rise buildings and lowish office, stores, and apartment buildings — like Berlin. Matthew Yglesias » Density and Building Height
  • For instance, Youngna Park's "Balloons Midtown, Manhattan" is a row of balloons seen against a plate-glass window outside of which some high-rise office and apartment buildings are visible, but the sun is shining so intensely through the window that it bleaches the color from the balloons. Shadows and Light Somewhere in Time
  • Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly - built apartment building provides.
  • The New York apartment buildings in Stern's portfolio helped his firm nab the commission for a high-end multifamily project in a rundown section of Berlin.
  • On Malaysia's west coast, thousands of residents fled high-rise apartment buildings and hotels.
  • Finally, I reached an old apartment building coated with aging brick.
  • The latest is a 76-story structure in lower Manhattan, the largest swoopy apartment building in the world. An Architect's Blueprint for Overexposure
  • Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.
  • I went into the apartment building, there was a young man sitting at a desk, reading some book.
  • But the point somehow needs to be hammered home that more apartment buildings and social housing units need to be urgently put up.
  • She's looking to purchase a fixer-upper - a single-family home or three-unit apartment building - that she can get at a good price and resell later at a profit.
  • Most Romans lived in multi-storied apartment buildings called insula.
  • Receiving an eviction notice-their apartment building was converted into a cooperative - added to the couple's stress.
  • New Zealand students designed the "Plant Room", an attachable box that bolts on to the exterior of an apartment building, providing cramped city-dwellers an area ... 'Plant Room' Attaches To Apartments For Green Living (VIDEO)
  • That's bad news, but there was a surge in what we call multifamily units, that's apartment buildings, and that overcame that, which gave us an increase of the 9.1 percent. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2008
  • She quickly turned and began marching towards her apartment building, now only a block away.
  • Sadly, many of the sites she finds appear to be neglected and covered in stray cats or buried beneath apartment buildings and football stadiums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Architectural styles range from ornate, nineteenth-century villas to modern, high-rise apartment buildings.
  • He insists on leaving one overcrowded ruin of an apartment building because another refugee plays his radio too loudly.
  • This device is more commonly known as the dumbwaiter, and later became an important means of delivering garbage to the basement of apartment buildings built in the early 1900s. Undefined
  • Apartment buildings overlook it, but they are not the luxury units one might expect with such a commanding view of the waterway.
  • In Paris, a massive fire swept through an overcrowded apartment building housing immigrants from Africa.
  • He expected that the two could discuss rationally my quitting high school to move into a broken-down apartment building with a male of dubious prospects.
  • They're in a big apartment building which looks like an English housing estate from the outside but is clean, the lifts work, and there are no bodily excretions in sight or smell.
  • Luxury high-rise apartment buildings and large houses have all the amenities one would expect in the United States.
  • In the early morning, and on clear days, the sunrise reflects strongly upon the windows of the apartment buildings that make up the wall of Central Park West.
  • For a while, Heather wandered with no purpose or direction, passing apartment buildings and rows of small shops.
  • Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the population here lives in single-family detached housing; relatively few people are in high-rise apartment buildings or condos.
  • Lately, I have noticed a man sitting on the stoop of an apartment building near mine.
  • But this is not to say that the editorial staff was unaware of the situation at the apartment building.
  • He was arrested at a nearby apartment building shortly afterwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if they weren't houses then they were apartment buildings, or department stores, or supermarkets, or malls, or office buildings, or warehouses, or shacks, or kiosks, or maybe even tents.
  • We have tracked down some of the more prominent residents in the uptown apartment building that had the nine-foot-wide nest of a red-tailed hawk removed the other day.
  • In a heavily Russian subsection of West Hollywood, the three of us shared a sunburst-colored apartment building with a struggling actor, a surf-loving drummer, and a sad-eyed boy who had grown up in the Children of God cult and now worked at The Whisky on Sunset Boulevard. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving and Recovery
  • Apartment buildings and individual apartments must be commodiously planned with well-designed kitchens and baths, soundproofed walls and floors, ample daylighting, reliable elevators, well-appointed public spaces and attractive landscaping. How to make rentals more attractive as the American dream evolves, adapts
  • But by then I was being buzzed into the gloomy hall of a shuttered old apartment building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lance, you'll often find ... um, sculptures ... like those in hallways and lobbies of apartment buildings. Well, what do you know? They sold the frog!
  • In 1985, residents banded together to fight for downzoning after a Craftsman bungalow was torn down to make way for an apartment building.
  • Instead of cosy, low-rent substitute houses in old neighbourhoods, there were high-rise apartment buildings.
  • Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.
  • avenues lined with high-rise apartment buildings
  • In one photograph, Darwell surveys a cityscape of abandoned apartment buildings where the Chernobyl Power Plant looms hazily in the distance.
  • When our landlord sold our low-rent apartment building and I couldn't find an alternative that fit our combined incomes, I decided to return to trucking.
  • Ford tucked the photograph and the address into his jacket and headed to the garage below his apartment building.
  • We walked along with out a word, until we got to a red bricked apartment building.
  • Many of the fabulous art deco villas and apartment buildings are being torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company has expertise in building apartment buildings, shopping malls and office complexes.
  • The bus pulls into a massive parking lot, shadowed by yet more of the beehive apartment buildings, the surrounding hills actually covered in trees.
  • The Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design presents the Dingbat 2.0 Exhibition, featuring winning and selected entries from the recently completed Dingbat 2.0 Housing Competition, which challenged architects and designers to reconsider Los Angeles 'ubiquitous "dingbat" apartment building for the 21st century. Bettina Korek: Plan ForYourArt June 17-19
  • Firefighters found the burnt body of a third woman when they were called to an apartment building ten miles to the south. Times, Sunday Times
  • An image from 1964 shows the dark facade of an apartment building, its windows closed and curtained.
  • It was as high as an apartment building and as long as a city block. Bomber
  • This spurred construction of apartment buildings with several flats per floor.
  • Named after the run-down apartment building the band was eventually evicted from, The Lawrence Arms give us straight-up, Midwestern punk rock.
  • In the piece, the Times painted her as the queen meenie in the fight among landlords to evict rent-regulated tenants in order to "demolish" read: convert to condos apartment buildings. Chumley's Dark, But Still Standing—For Now
  • I am staying right now in the 9th arrondissement, by pure chance across from the apartment building where the composer Georges Bizet was born (26, rue d' la Tour d' Auvergne).
  • Then prosecutors plan to call the doorman and elevator operator from the Upper East-side apartment building where Linda Stein was murdered. Linda Stein Murder Trial: A Daughter's 911 Call
  • For 10 days, many small apartment buildings and old wooden houses had no heat.
  • The apartment building, a bizarre art deco confection called The Castlereagh, had certainly been there when Williams lived in U City, so maybe he was looking over my shoulder. Archive 2009-01-01
  • When the air raid sirens screamed, they left in their apartment building scrambled for the cellar.
  • Slice of life comedy based on a comic strip manga about an 18 year old female high school graduate who moves into an apartment building that is home to numerous aimless "ronin" (high school graduates unable to get accepted into college). Antenna
  • She waved and walked into her apartment building, pulling out her key as she trekked up the stairs.
  • In Mark's grandfather's apartment building, filled as it is with old Jewish residents, a minyan is not easy to come by: too many people are sick or atheists.
  • I took out a four wood, teed up a ball between the wooden slats of the platform and hit it cleanly over the hoardings and apartment building rooftops and into the baseball park.
  • The horizontality of her fallen body is juxtaposed to the vertical thrust of the apartment building.
  • They touched the tiles of the old apartment building's façade. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • One of their cars is at their apartment, and the other parked in the garage of the apartment building where Joe and I live.
  • Ither's house was actually a loft in an apartment building.
  • The management company for my apartment building has enforced the terms of the leases because flats were being used by holidaymakers, leading to noise and damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, the husband pals up with a solid, old-style earth Mother who lives in his apartment building, just so that we know how far his wife has strayed.
  • In attendance is Lobster's friend Bishop, who is a bit of a legend for randomly fucking the one-eyed African doorwoman at Lobster's apartment building (story for another time). Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • An apartment building downtown is on fire!
  • On one Manhattan block Sunday, sanitation trucks with front loaders were busy clearing snow, but garbage bins outside apartment buildings were filled to overflowing, and bags of recyclable beer bottles and milk cartons were stacked helter-skelter along with discarded Christmas trees and wreaths. NYC trash pickup resumes, a week after blizzard
  • As the shacks turned to makeshift apartment buildings, the drug of choice shifted from marijuana to cocaine, and the weapons that the teenage boys carried soon became automatic rifles.
  • Wealthy people bought entire apartment buildings and used the law to turn them into corporations. Times, Sunday Times
  • But ongoing construction will replace 270 hooches with no indoor plumbing with 44 four-unit apartment buildings and seven two-story, 72-occupant dormitories.
  • The six floor apartment building abuts the Fort Hamilton Army Base, a quarter mile away and is at the virtual foot of the Brooklyn side of the Verrazzano Bridge.
  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • The Japanese have lately appropriated the English word mansion, respelled it manshon, and used it to signify not a large single dwelling but a high-rise apartment building. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVII No 4
  • Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.
  • The lighted dial on his watch showed one-thirty a.m. as they exited the cab back at their apartment building.
  • First, he is arrested for the murder of the actress, the percheron having been found tethered outside her apartment building.
  • She was walking toward her apartment building.
  • Its the “world’s most high-tech residential tower” and “the first cybertecture apartment building in the world.”. 2007 November : about:blank
  • Just two weeks ago, he voted to approve a rezoning to allow a paint shop next to a large apartment building.
  • Now there is no real need for a passenger / commuter rail line unless the goal is to overdevelop the north shore with more townhouses, apartment buildings, and housing projects. Undefined
  • It was as high as an apartment building and as long as a city block. Bomber
  • In the 1980s, new beaches were developed from reclaimed land, and luxury high-rise apartment buildings and condominiums were constructed to appeal to wealthy residents and investors.
  • After considering other factors, he laid the blame on the doormen in their apartment buildings.
  • The ruins of the apartment buildings were quickly bulldozed after the 1999 bombings.
  • There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
  • `She owns three apartment buildings and four dry-cleaning places now. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • By the time she reached the small brownstone apartment building she was giddy with cold and past the point of shivering.
  • When I went back to see the room where I was born, it was just a grassy plot between two apartment buildings.
  • I called the out-of-state owner of a twelve-unit apartment building located near a large local university in Provo, Utah, to see if he wanted to sell his property. Nothing Down for the 2000s
  • By the time she reached the small brownstone apartment building she was giddy with cold and past the point of shivering.
  • Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings.
  • Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly - built apartment building provides.
  • It was as high as an apartment building and as long as a city block. Bomber
  • Chris Bently , a San Franciscan whose real-estate holdings include an apartment building on posh Nob Hill, this year paid a team of artists and metalworkers to build a car modeled after the "Nautilus" submarine from Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," said two people familiar with the project. At Burning Man, Air-Conditioning, RVs Make Inroads
  • The vast majority of the affected in San Salvador are poor inhabitants of apartment buildings and substandard housing.
  • More accurately described as a grungy alleyway, it is a rare piece of not-yet-gentrified property in Manhattan, and it's adjacent to some luxury apartment buildings on First Street. Libertarian Blog Place
  • I look up, and it's the developmentally disabled guy from my apartment building.
  • Finally, I reached an old apartment building coated with aging brick.
  • Then the crammed balconies of riverside apartment buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast to the rest of the country, hotels, offices, villas and high-rise apartment buildings are going up at a frenzied pace.
  • Many of the fabulous art deco villas and apartment buildings are being torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Lezhe we found a contractor who had just completed a couple of impressive apartment buildings.
  • There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
  • All visitors to the apartment building must be announced.
  • He showed up in New Orleans last week with some starchitects, talking about green apartment buildings that take river water and run it through turbines for cheap, clean power.
  • There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
  • Bordered by the Anacostia River (which many insist is rightfully named the Eastern Branch), Pennsylvania Avenue, 25th Street, Naylor Road and Good Hope Road, Fairlawn is a mix of traditional D.C. rowhouses, detached single-family homes and apartment buildings. Optimism is alive in Southeast D.C. neighborhood of Fairlawn
  • looking out over the roofs of low-rise apartment buildings
  • Some have been taken into custody because they lived in the same apartment buildings as the hijackers.
  • A concrete car park, several apartment buildings and part of a hospital unexpectedly crumpled despite their steel frames.
  • In most suburban communities, it's against the law to build apartment buildings, it's against the law to build duplexes, it's against the law to have small lots.
  • And the caribou swarming around the dumpster outside my apartment building are really, really scaring me.
  • Eventually, they came upon an apartment building with only two floors and three rooms on each floor.
  • When I pulled up in front of his apartment building, Nellie stood there dressed in jeans and a sport shirt.
  • Demolishing slum areas and constructing apartment buildings for former slum dwellers has never been a success in helping the poor.
  • They are working on a real estate project, designing apartment buildings as well as the interior decoration.
  • I passed countless restaurants, nightclubs, strip clubs, pawnshops, and apartment buildings as I made my way down the block.
  • The bank, which focuses on lending on rent-regulated apartment buildings, is on pace to exceed its 2009 total of $2.6 billion in multifamily and commercial real estate loan originations, Mr. Carpenter said. Brokers Expand Firm With Mortgage Unit
  • In Lezhe we found a contractor who had just completed a couple of impressive apartment buildings.
  • The view was blocked by two ugly high-rise apartment buildings.
  • `Insouciance" was the name of the place, tucked down a flight of stairs of a brownstone apartment building. ICED
  • He walked into the door of our apartment building. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is located on the fourth and fifth floors of a portered apartment building abutting the River Thames, and enjoys outstanding views through double-height windows. Live Like a Rockstar in London
  • The bungalow was an elegant older building crammed between the newer multistory apartment buildings. THE PROMISED WAR
  • And as a biographer of Virgil Thomson and a Gertrude Stein devotee, I am thrilled to be staying just a few blocks from the apartment building where Stein and Alice B. Toklas lived at 27 Rue de Fleurus. Paris Journal: Gerard Mortier and Paris Opera - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Anyone who unduly trusts the solid look of the basalt cobbles and wishes to go elsewhere will immediately be mired in sandy excavations, amid the blank walls of apartment buildings, under windows drawn in chalk directly onto the plaster. Translated Texts
  • New Zealand students designed the "Plant Room", an attachable box that bolts on to the exterior of an apartment building, providing cramped city-dwellers an area to garden. 'Plant Room' Attaches To Apartments For Green Living (VIDEO)
  • Part of the problem is that the catalpa tree outside the bedroom window is in dire need of a trim but who knows if the apartment building will be doing that this year.
  • These pesticides are used in schools, churches, business offices, apartment buildings, grocery stores, and homes on a regular basis.
  • And property owners in various districts continue to turn apartment buildings into condo units, or at least try to.
  • Suddenly the hints and puzzle pieces began to form a point and it hit me harder than falling ten stories off an apartment building.
  • Turning Beijing's apartment buildings into plain-clothes prisons for the intellectual elite may be ingenious, but perhaps human rights campaigners could use them to expose the regime's repression. The House Prisons of Beijing
  • Sadly, many of the sites she finds appear to be neglected and covered in stray cats or buried beneath apartment buildings and football stadiums. Times, Sunday Times
  • We strolled outside, squinted our eyes at the brilliant sun burning behind blockish brick apartment buildings. Molecules
  • Fire broke out on the first floor of the apartment building.
  • Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly - built apartment building provides.
  • They used the money to buy luxury flats in their apartment building. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get out of my car, unstrap Avery from his car seat, and carry Avery to the front door of D's apartment building. Second verse, same as the first
  • They each own flats in the same apartment building, for example, but are said to use different lifts to avoid seeing each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outside of the apartment building he grew up, he protests woundedly to the camera: I'm proud that I'm from here. Slate Magazine
  • He dropped her off outside her apartment building, pressing the flowers into her hand.
  • I try to think of a descriptive metaphor as we head west on Euclid Avenue, passing abandoned houses, new and gated condominiums, and apartment buildings with boards nailed to all the ground-level windows.
  • Striving for more private space people in apartment buildings partition original long hallways into smaller spaces.
  • It's in the grand tradition of big cities that there are little delis, cafés or coffee shops on the main floor of high-rise apartment buildings.
  • The sparrow is also fine, and is once more is outside our apartment building where he ought to be. October 23rd, 2005
  • There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
  • Just then, they broke in to show Ledger's body being wheeled from the apartment building. January 2008
  • You get a sense of the scale of the city as you speed down rivers that curve forever, flanked by electrical towers, bleak apartment buildings and factories.
  • Plans for two and three-storey residential developments along Forrest Street will include nine town houses and two apartment buildings.
  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • Instead of cosy, low-rent substitute houses in old neighbourhoods, there were high-rise apartment buildings.

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