
apartment building

  1. a building that is divided into apartments

How To Use apartment building In A Sentence

  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
  • Thomas and his accomplices empty the bags, which end of being full of rats, in the hallway of a low-rent apartment building.
  • It was a apartment building the rooms were nicely furbished and clean.
  • Most apartment buildings were rent-controlled, which meant that a tenant only paid about double what an apartment was worth. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Many of the fabulous art deco villas and apartment buildings are being torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • He began to slow down as his surroundings began to grow more familiar, and soon he found that his feet had taken him home, to the small, run-down apartment building where he and Lyra lived.
  • It was as high as an apartment building and as long as a city block. Bomber
  • For cities, I favor a mix of mostly low rise buildings and lowish office, stores, and apartment buildings — like Berlin. Matthew Yglesias » Density and Building Height
  • For instance, Youngna Park's "Balloons Midtown, Manhattan" is a row of balloons seen against a plate-glass window outside of which some high-rise office and apartment buildings are visible, but the sun is shining so intensely through the window that it bleaches the color from the balloons. Shadows and Light Somewhere in Time
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