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How To Use Anti-american In A Sentence

  • I would take Palin anyday over the anti-American socialist in power. CNN Poll: Favorable view of Palin dipping
  • All true, but also all tending to indicate a certain blinkered quality to the “anti-Americanism” frame. Matthew Yglesias » “Pro-American”
  • Anti-American protests have been a feature of the political landscape for about 20 years here.
  • In the early days of Operation Iraqi Disaster, I engaged in some fact-based blog discussion with what can only be described as a hard-right, neo-fascist group of truly wacky self-described “veterans”, who took my dissention from the party line as a clear case of Treason, and Anti-Americanism. Waldo Jaquith - High-profile bloggers planning code of conduct.
  • Sarah Palin is clearly an Anti-American, terrorist thug and should be treated as such, per the anti-terror rules set forth by the Bush Administration. melton Media shut out from Palin's Hong Kong speech
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  • Dissent is dehumanized, as it is branded with this pejorative title and other insulting labels like xenophobe, nativist, peacenik or anti-American dupe.
  • Goodhart thinks he can play on a certain visceral anti-Americanism that is characteristic of the British left.
  • Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday Seeds of Terror
  • His anti-Americanism is shrill to the point of self-parody, and he has no powerful protectors. A Convenient Enemy
  • Whatever audience they target, they speak a lingua franca of anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-American hatred racists such as al-Mansour constitute a significant proportion of these hate mongers? Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  • As I pointed out in an earlier post, after journalist Jill Carroll was released late last week Washington Post media columnist Howard Kurtz wrongheadedly questioned her first interview, which was taped by Iraqis before she was handed over to U.S. forces, and lent credence to the idea that she was too sympathetic to Arab causes, thereby making her somehow anti-American. Eric J. Weiner: Someone Send Howard Kurtz to a War Zone Immediately
  • In Pakistan, the issue has become embroiled in widespread anti-Americanism and suspicions, fanned by the Pakistani media and used for political advantage, that U.S. spies and intelligence contractors are secretly operating in the country. U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat
  • Against this bleak background, the good news is that there is a clear distinction between anti-Americanism and criticism of US policies.
  • Naturally this has a certain appeal in some quarters of the Continent, where the anti-American Gaullism of the '60s is not entirely dead. Europe To Clinton: A Wary Welcome
  • Anti-Americanism in the mid-east, on the other hand, has morphed into hatred.
  • Critics see the show as a Western import at a time when anti-American sentiment is rife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Buckley is there in San Francisco when, at a prenomination rally, thousands of college students declare opposition to their professors '"intensive indoctrination in state welfarism, anti-anti-Communism, moral libertinage, skepticism, anti-Americanism. Principled and Pilloried
  • Still, I try to accept Europe's moral absolutism on the death penalty in good faith -- the criminological equivalent of pacifism, not a cheap anti-American posture. Europe's dangerous death penalty gesture
  • What’s more, you’re “love it or leave it” hokum is the height of anti-American rhetorical irony. Matthew Yglesias » Good Fences Make Bad Policy
  • Anti-American sentiment remains high in the region.
  • Passion is known to obtrude judgement and there is a lot of passionate anti-corporate and anti-American sentiment around.
  • And though openly opposed to the wars, he did not express anti-American sentiments, they said.
  • The idea of the bully fits neatly with one of the most grotesquely enduring of all anti-American beliefs: that Americans are all dumb Yanks.
  • Many new al-Qaida members say, unconvincingly, that they decided to become a jihadist after reading an extreme, anti-American blog, or after converting to Islam, sometimes just a few weeks before.
  • The smug and superior manner in which the rest of the country has embalmed the region in the 1960s, so as to better patronize it, has echoes of Europeans on an anti-American binge.
  • What does Obama actually say about the sort of anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Semitic militance symbolized for him by Rafiq? Radical-In-Chief
  • Why not just give the programme-maker Adam Curtis another big budget to churn out three more hours of anti-Americanism - and they did: "The Trap - What Happened to our Dream of Freedom". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The mistake Tim is making is trying to link the various forms of anti-Americanism and the specific act of barbarism which took place in New York City.
  • Whether it's her love of conspiracy theories (but only those that involve the American Gov't perpetrating them), her Anti-American views, her hatred of America's military, or her love of anything that could possibly cause embarrassment to the US, the human roadblock they call Rosie is a big hit in lefty circles. Archive 2007-07-01
  • I had the opportunity to kind of eavesdrop on a couple of interrogations, which are certainly surreal, if you're used to this sort of anti-American propaganda, where the guys are in dungeons and chains, chained to these little, wooden chairs under the bare light bulb, or some guys beating the information out of them. Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt reveal the true impulses underlying yesterday's vote
  • She is an anti-Indian, anti-American anti-national.
  • Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.
  • In keeping with its maddening, self-regarding role as the American Pravda, a hand-wringing New York Times "analysis" worries that "the images could incite anti-American sentiment at a particularly delicate moment in the decade-old Afghan war. Ethan Casey: Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban: How Low Will We Go?
  • Europhobia seems to be more a reaction against anti-Americanism and its theoretical foundations.
  • The parallels between the schools of reflexive anti-Americanism and big-business globalism are far from exact, but they are multiple and they are suggestive.
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • Rev. Wright is on tape spewing some pretty vile anti-American stuff from the pulpit, yet Klein accuses Davis of being the one "spreading the poison" for having the temerity to question whether it was appropriate for Barack Obama to sit silent in the pews of Trinity United for 20 years. Lanny Spreads 'The Poison' - Real Clear Politics –
  • I usually give Citgo a pass because most of the company's profits wind up on the hands of the Venezuelan government, headed by the socialist, Castro-loving, anti-globalization, and virulently anti-American Hugo Chavez. Oil is Oil, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But the illusions of the movie's Europeans are a darker matter, for they help create a pervasive, reflexive anti-Americanism that is ultimately extremely dangerous.
  • At a time of war, in the face of the grand civilizational challenge that radical Islam poses," fumed, "Kagan treated military recruiters worse than she treated the high-powered law firms that were donating their expensive legal services to anti-American terrorists.
  • The dexterosphere takes it to mean that two conditions were necessary for the candidate to remain affiliated with (or at least to feel comfortable at) Trinity United Church of Christ: Pastor Wright had to both retire and acknowledge that his anti-American sermons were wrong. Slick Barry: A New Clinton Moment
  • A crowd numbering in the thousands later marched on the nearest US base, hurling rocks and chanting anti-American slogans.
  • The report, which would often be cited by journalists and activists, fanned anti-American sentiment around the world.
  • In recent weeks, there has been a fair bit of anti-American rhetoric in the campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not the time, he says, to stir up anti-American sentiments, or sermonise over US foreign policy.
  • Similarly, there would be no concern over whether the courts are operating properly and without anti-American sentiment since the trials would occur in functioning U.S. military courts. David Isenberg: The Benefit of Using the UCMJ for Prosecuting PMC Crimes
  • Nothing I heard or saw on my travels offered a single, practical clue about how to turn back the global tsunami of anti-Americanism.
  • They had taken notice of the anti-Americanism and the antimodernism of his regime. Egypt's 'Heroes With No Names'
  • As tensions have spiraled between Pyongyang and the US, Anti-American sentiment has exploded in South Korea.
  • In some countries, most notably Venezuela, this vintage left-wing, anti-American fervor is not small, but is predominant, which is what has led that country to be under the repressive thumb of Fidel Castro-copy Hugo Chavez, whose primary interest in attending this Latin American regional summit seems to be to lure Bush and the U.S. into some sort of game of childish taunts rather than doing something constructive to aid his impoverished, unstable country. The reality of Latin American reaction to Bush
  • How can one fail to understand that this fraternisation, with all its razzle-dazzle, is an insult to everything new the recent insurrections have been able to bring to an Arab world crushed under the yoke--an insult to the youth of Tahrir Square in Cairo, who demonstrated for weeks on end without uttering the shadow of an anti-western, anti-American, or anti-Israeli slogan? Bernard-Henri Lévy: "Oh ! The Fools!"* (On a Palestinian Munich)
  • I'd like to see you clarify your remark about the "nasty old Constitution"... liberals respect it, whereas conservatives just seem to use "Constitution" as some kind of magic-word pixie-dust without understanding it at all in an attempt to endorse their anti-American agenda. Top headlines
  • It would be easy to condemn the film as leftist, anti-American propaganda.
  • The Spectator has a good send-up of anti-Americanism.
  • Not only in our own history, but in the history of the world … A wave of anti-American leftism is sweeping Latin America. Breaking News on U.S. -Mexico Minuteman Spy Scandal
  • His books should have been plumbed for all the anti-American statements, and they should have been broadcast as often as possible. So, what’s the most offensive part of this missile defense cave? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • They saw these omnipresent portrayals as creating the perception in the United States that anything Arab was almost inherently bad or anti-American; therefore Arabs, Arab Americans, their speech, or their perspectives were easily dismissible and politically risky. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • They are weak, petulant, hypocritical, disunited, duplicitous, sometimes anti-Semitic, and often anti-American appeasers.
  • I think the better question is: will the anti-American Attorney General accept responsibility for his actions, and admit that he, personally, is responsible for allowing someone to be attacked or killed simply due to his anti-American zealotry? Think Progress » Virginia attorney general instructs state colleges to stop protecting gay students from discrimination.
  • Having to make tough choices after an attack on American soil in a world that was already becoming polarized into pro and anti-American camps isn't a task I'd envy of anybody.
  • Thousands of protesters swarmed the streets of Peshawar, in the north west, shouting anti-American and anti-Pakistani slogans.
  • At the same time, critics of his position are painted as disloyal, unpatriotic and anti-American.
  • November 11th, 2009 12: 39 pm ET that's good news! unfortunately, the bad news is we still have to suffer the onslaught to our nation caused by the irresponsible and anti-American democrats until 2010 .... and 2012 to unhinge the worst of all, Obama. Poll: GOP makes gains in battle for Congress
  • Bret led his brother and brothers-in-law through the anti-American campaign, going to lengths in their interviews never before seen.
  • Analysts say both Pakistan and the United States fear that any official confirmation of such missile strikes inside the Pakistani border may fuel anti-American sentiment.
  • As someone who thought of anti-Americanism as a temporary perturbation, I do think he is massaging the evidence and overstating his thesis a bit.
  • Throughout the world, anti-Americanism and anticapitalism are in decline. Literature and the Search for Liberty
  • You can't go far wrong with a foreign policy whose opponents are mainly dictators, anti-American European politicians and leftist whackos.
  • When we arrived in Paris, we searched in vain for evidence of its anti-American posturing, its supposed rudeness to all who fail to be Parisian and its intolerance of any language other than its own.
  • Despite political protests from anti-American populists in Manila, the potent tool of U.S. airpower may well be applied.
  • Their new Iranian president is described as a "hardliner" who is "fiercely anti-American" These claims are normally accompanied by quotes from unidentified sources who refer to a fictional nuclear-weapons program that is just months away from developing the bomb. The Inevitable War with Iran
  • In this world view objecting to isreali overkill is “anti jewish”, and objecting to american troops raping and killing innocent iraqis with impunity is “anti-american”. Think Progress » 66.
  • I am not anti-American - the easy glib retort by that is repeated parrot-fashion whenever one raises these issues - no, I love America, and I hate to see what this wretched war is doing to its people.
  • Because maybe people would accuse them of being unpatriotic or anti-American or something…
  • Economic growth was the American way of inoculating them against communism, neutralism, socialism, and other potentially anti-American political orientations.
  • The most likely source for an anti-American nuke is our own stockpile or the one in Russia (or countries who used to be in the U.S.S.R.). No Nukes? It’s No Billboards - The Caucus Blog -
  • The director general Greg Dyke had to apologise for the anti-American sentiments expressed by the studio audience in an edition of the programme shortly after the Manhattan and Pentagon bombings.
  • Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.
  • If this had occurred today, I could possibly blame it on their anti-American attitude perhaps fomented by the ranting of one of the most visibly outspoken critics of the "commies" -- Sarah Palin. Harvey Gotliffe, Ph.D.: Don't Blame Palin, Blame Stalin
  • For all the woolly sort of anti-Americanism afoot within the Canadian liberal-left, it is also true, and not the tiniest bit pathetic, that to formulate a position on the Afghanistan question the Canadian left has in the main simply adopted holus-bolus the American counterculture polemics on Iraq, and changed some names. Daimnation!: "Hats off to the Canadians"
  • Because the Easterners are acting as a moderating, sensible influence on the rampant anti-American nouveau socialism of the EU elites.
  • This is a pretty blunt warning that candidates who are seen as anti-American, or as hoping for things to go wrong, are doomed.
  • She defended President Obama's overtures towards Presidents Chavez in Venezuela, saying that efforts to isolate anti-American leaders had only made them more receptive to other powers.
  • America needs to be seriously bitch-slapped awake by more content anti-Americans like Rodriguez to get the people to WAKE UP!!! The Volokh Conspiracy » Discourteous to Wear American Flag Images on Cinco de Mayo?
  • Including Russia (but not China or France) in the ruling committee might impart just the right soupçon of anti-Americanism to the new organization, which must be credible yet not intractable
  • Certainly there are few communities where anti-American sentiment is as widespread as in Fallujah.
  • Whatever audience they target, they speak a lingua franca of anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-American hatred-all in the name of Allah. Pat Dollard | Young Americans
  • Elsewhere, there are increased reports of factions of the Pakistani military and Intelligence Service harrassing American officials in Pakistan, suggesting a growing anti-American sentiment within the security community and resistance to the growing American influence and presence in the country. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Our unprecedented affluence also explains much, although its role as a facilitator has been relatively scanted in most discussions of anti-Americanism that I have seen.
  • I would say there is less anti-americanism than a general anti-westernism, this is implicit in a number of the readings, including that which Melanie cites. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • But it does suggest that the steady, malign drip of anti-Americanism is not without its perils, if turning away from the US creates a vacuum which is filled by the European Union. Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • That image just seems to have appeared unbidden in his fevered little fantasy about nefarious Anti-American Red Cross workers with foreign sounding names.
  • Naturally they are entirely satisfactory to Germany and equally naturally they are in this country satisfactory to every pro-German and pacifist and socialist and anti-American so-called internationalist…. How Wars end
  • For example, they have cultivated the idea that American interests are interchangeable with Israeli interests, and that anti-Americanism is the same thing as hostility to Israel. Neo-Con Rage « Blog
  • But the real Hopper knows you for what you are: a cheap, neurotic two-bit sophist anti-American divorcée. THE DICE MAN
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • They're riven with anti-Americanism, it's soaked to the bone in Canada, and it's often reflexive and knee-jerk.
  • Giving the UN a role could soothe anti-American tempers and offload some of the burden of responsibility.
  • No doubt, even those who are not firmly anti-American will be deeply suspicious of American motives.
  • His policy of anti-American neutralism, which aimed to keep Cambodia out of the war, led him to permit the Vietnamese Communists to station troops on Cambodian soil.
  • What I want to know, was the term anti-american a phrase Matthews made up or was he directly quoting her from a previous speech or interview? A Day At The Congressional Races
  • Having said that, we all have a duty to vote for the candidate who best represents not only our aspirations but one whom the great american nation NEED, especially after the disastrous GW period characterised by such monumental failures as the rise is anti-american sentiments worldwide, terrible war in Iraq, Housing meltdown, disastrous foreign policy, declining economy, the changing global playfield to name but a few. Hillary Backer Bayh Pressing House Members Not to Endorse At All
  • Much of the real reason for anti-Americanism of this type - though it will be hotly denied - is nothing more than envy.
  • I beg allof you to rally around Obama and prevent McBush from further debilitating the american economy and fanning anti-american sentiments around world. Schneider: How did Clinton win big?
  • And being the Schroeder man that he is, it is only a matter of time before Steinmeier must begin the rhetoric about "emancipating" Germany and Europe from the United States and begin playing with the division between the pro - and anti-American factions in Europe, always a big vote-getter in Germany. Blogger News Network
  • In other words, the program's real purpose is to promote the supposedly progressivist ideologies of radical feminism, gay rights, multiculturalism, and, lest we forget, anti-westernism read: anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism. Archive 2008-11-01
  • It classified the books as pro-North Korea, anti-South Korea, anti-American or anticapitalism. Korean Court to Rule If Army Wrongly Fired Lawyers
  • France has in the past four years shed its Gaullist complexes and found a fresh voice that's not reflexively anti-American or ornery. French Politics After l'Affaire Strauss-Kahn
  • Or another way, currently America "owns" (with a few others) free markets, and anti-Americanism is often just masked anti-capitalism. How Would the World Change If Everyone Shared Your Factual Beliefs?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Saddam's saber-rattling, his accumulation of weapons of mass destruction, his brutal police state, and anti-American and anti-Israeli rhetoric were resolutely downplayed -- "certain Iraqi policies and activities" -- and Bush pronounced himself "pleased" with Saddam's willingness to attend the Jedda conference that Saddam himself had convened at the point of a gun. Geoffrey Wawro: Desert Storm Turns Twenty: What Really Happened in 1991, and Why it Matters, Part I of II

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