How To Use Anthropometry In A Sentence
“Nowadays science is measurement accurately calculated,” which means taking into account the physical and racial characteristics of Jews, what he called “their anthropometry or bodily measurements.”
Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometry.
Intestinal damage correlation with serology, glycemic control, anthropometry, and laboratory values in type 1 diabetic children at time of celiac disease diagnosis.
The researchers examined two large data sets from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: (i) 6,949 US adolescents (wave II, 1996) followed into adulthood (wave III, 2001-2002) and (ii) 1,293 dating, cohabiting, and married romantic couples from wave III, including measured anthropometry and self-report behavior data.
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Conclusion Our study seems to be feasible in establishing the estimation standard for skeletal age determination using developmental metaphysis and anthropometry.

This article measured the feature of external nose of Tu that live in QingHai by anthropometry.
Anthropometry studies fixed and dynamic human body dimensions - how easily can you reach the pedals on your car, can you adjust the radio comfortably, is your chair comfortable, etc, etc?
The (1 - 2 ) design challenge
Anthropometry still remains the conventional method for evaluating the nutritional profile of children.
Our objective was to determine whether baseline polysomnography, cephalometry, and anthropometry data could predict uvulopalatopharyngoplasty success or failure.
Obviously any such system would need careful definitions and perhaps a complex manual of diagnostics and classifications similar to DSM-IV - but at least we would have a way to assess, describe, treat, monitor and research obesity in a way that goes beyond the relatively meaningless anthropometry-based classification, which is nothing short of useless in clinical practice.
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His method, called anthropometry, relied on an elaborate set of anatomical measurements -- such as head size, length of the left middle finger, face height -- and features like scars and hair and eye color to distinguish one person from another.
A Rule of Thumb
During the Victorian era, the primary means of identifying a person and linking him or her to a crime was a "science" called anthropometry, which was developed in 1879 by French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon.
Portrait of a Killer
Anthropometry is the most frequently performed child health screening procedure.
Nutritional status of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients : Correlation of biochemical parameters with anthropometry and nutrient intake.
Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Symptomatology, anthropometry and laboratory correlation with histologic damage at pediatric celiac disease diagnosis; differences in diabetics versus non-diabetics.
First, as our brief foray into the history of anthropometry shows, the measurement and creation of body averages have their own politically inflected and culturally biased histories.
Intrigued by the historically reported differences in anthropometry between the bronchitic and emphysematous patients, researchers performed studies to assess body composition in both COPD subtypes.
Although we did not collect direct data for the assessment of bone lead mobilization during pregnancy, we observed 2 lines of evidence that indicated that bone lead may be mobilized and may have a negative impact in anthropometry at birth.
When we shall have instructed them in anthropometry and psychometry in the most minute manner possible, we shall have only created machines, whose usefulness will be most doubtful.
The Montessori Method
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, anthropometry was a pseudoscience used mainly to classify potential criminals by facial characteristics.