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  1. measurement and study of the human body and its parts and capacities

How To Use anthropometry In A Sentence

  • “Nowadays science is measurement accurately calculated,” which means taking into account the physical and racial characteristics of Jews, what he called “their anthropometry or bodily measurements.” Bloodlust
  • Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometry.
  • Intestinal damage correlation with serology, glycemic control, anthropometry, and laboratory values in type 1 diabetic children at time of celiac disease diagnosis. Research
  • The researchers examined two large data sets from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: (i) 6,949 US adolescents (wave II, 1996) followed into adulthood (wave III, 2001-2002) and (ii) 1,293 dating, cohabiting, and married romantic couples from wave III, including measured anthropometry and self-report behavior data. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Saying “I do” Promotes Obesity
  • Conclusion Our study seems to be feasible in establishing the estimation standard for skeletal age determination using developmental metaphysis and anthropometry.
  • This article measured the feature of external nose of Tu that live in QingHai by anthropometry.
  • Anthropometry studies fixed and dynamic human body dimensions - how easily can you reach the pedals on your car, can you adjust the radio comfortably, is your chair comfortable, etc, etc? The (1 - 2 ) design challenge
  • Anthropometry still remains the conventional method for evaluating the nutritional profile of children.
  • Our objective was to determine whether baseline polysomnography, cephalometry, and anthropometry data could predict uvulopalatopharyngoplasty success or failure.
  • Obviously any such system would need careful definitions and perhaps a complex manual of diagnostics and classifications similar to DSM-IV - but at least we would have a way to assess, describe, treat, monitor and research obesity in a way that goes beyond the relatively meaningless anthropometry-based classification, which is nothing short of useless in clinical practice. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Classification: Time to Move Beyond BMI?
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