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How To Use Anthropology In A Sentence

  • The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • A social scientist of great distinction and international reputation, Malinowski was a founder of modern social anthropology.
  • The announcement electrified the paleoanthropology community.
  • By fknvty, December 23, 2009 @ 5: 01 pm peeping principals more like it. fk the anthropology, i spent the best part of 2 years at uni committing m. meade to heart only to discover some years later she was a complete and proven dialectic nutjob. fkn yanks yet again.pz. v. Cheeseburger Gothic » Yes I get ffkn grmpy whn I’m on fkn deadline.
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  • As Clifford Geertz has argued, in a witty and perceptive essay on Benedict, in itself the book is perhaps better seen as a kind of Swiftian satire, in which the alienness of Japan is used to unsettle US assumptions about the naturalness of their own society, than as a work of 'scienti c' anthropology (Geertz 1988; see also Lummis 1982). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In this paper, I will try to show that these contributions fail to articulate an adequate concept of embodied personhood for anthropology because they presuppose impoverished notions of semiosis and language.
  • Aesthetic mentality should be intensified in aesthetic anthropology so as to distinguish aesthetic anthropology from general cultural anthropology and highlight its own aesthetic features.
  • At the university, I lectured in physical anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rykwert, The idea of a town - The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy 1999, p.126: "As the egg was a picture of the whole universe, so the telluric mundus became a representation of what the Pythagoreans were the first to call cosmos. Archive 2009-07-01
  • He looked at history from the standpoint of social anthropology, the discipline in which he was first trained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside human identification, it specialises in forensic anthropology, craniofacial reconstruction and the study of the human body. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drawing on data from biological anthropology, historical linguistics, and archaeology, he attempts an etic examination of the processes of formation of ethnic groups in the Japanese islands between 400 BC and the medieval era.
  • With splurges of undigested Freud and lashings of dud anthropology, these essays fail to convince.
  • Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture.
  • Authors include composers, performers and professors of technology, musicology, anthropology and science.
  • Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture.
  • With expertise in anthropology and Aboriginal arts, Chen's specialties and dedication in these fields have gained him numerous honors and awards.
  • A more narrowly technical cross-disciplinary effort in Mozambique is Paul J.J. Sinclair, "Ethno-Archaeological Surveys of the Save River Valley, South-Central Mozambique," Working Papers in African Studies, 11 (Department of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University, 1985). Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Uncertainties in history, archeology, biogeography, anthropology and biosystematics obscure the dates and places of the first domestication of cultivated crops.
  • Taking a biosocial perspective on human reproduction, we examine contributions from biological and cultural anthropology concerning men's reproductive health.
  • A social scientist of great distinction and international reputation, Malinowski was a founder of modern social anthropology.
  • Rivers played a fundamental role in the establishment of both experimental psychology and social anthropology as academic disciplines in Great Britain.
  • Thus anthropology has much to contribute to the understanding of the major issues that divide contemporary society and endanger world peace. Cultural Anthropology
  • Tornay's approach, however, is nuanced by the self-reflection that has characterized social anthropology during the past generation.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • So he studied anthropology, inquisitive about human societies and their desires and needs.
  • I spoke to a willowy girl from Adelphi University visiting the show one day for her anthropology course.
  • It culminates in an ethical characterology or philosophical anthropology in which passion and reason are properly ordered by sheer force of individual volition. Asthmatic
  • Joe Nalven, an artist/educator who teaches anthropology at the University of California at San Diego, is a man of many talents. Max Eternity: Joe Nalven: Living Anthropology and the Art of "Homage"
  • He also owes debts to the cultural anthropology of Clifford Geertz and to the theory of scientific revolutions excogitated by Thomas Kuhn.
  • The tug of cultural anthropology and sociology is strong here, and underscores food as symbol and metaphor, a cultural numerator essential to the human equation.
  • Its ten contributors are drawn not only from archaeology, but also from social anthropology, philosophy and theology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In this engagement they successfully combined civil administration wisdom and anthropology.
  • In the cultural anthropology perspective, the pilgrimage every Muslim lifetime of a typical "transitional protocol" is a change in the status of the Muslim community identity and a religious ritual.
  • In my view, the 1970s and perhaps early-to-mid 1980s represent the apogee of the Anthropology Department, if not the University of Sydney itself.
  • For instance, there is anthropology's trademark practice of ethnography which entails both fieldwork and writing.
  • First of all, let's not confuse ethnography with anthropology.
  • It doesn't turn anthropology or the story of human evolution on its head, a piece of science-correspondent gabble I think I heard during my goggle-eyed, gobsmacked, yelping look at yesterday evening's TV news.
  • Another important area that will be influenced is anthropology, evolution and human migration.
  • He has no more training in fields relevant to evolution - biology, paleontology, anthropology, geology, etc - than I or most other people do.
  • A judge and landlord, he throve on amateur metaphysics and early anthropology, purveying monkey theories almost a century ahead of Darwin.
  • The cultural consultant to the series is Professor Yunxiang Yan, Ph. D. A graduate of Harvard University, Professor Yan is an author and faculty member at UCLA's Department of Anthropology.
  • The multipart series about art, nature and anthropology was born. Globe and Mail
  • The first was Crime Science, which teaches science concepts through the medium of forensic anthropology and crime casebooks.
  • The book is primarily designed for students of forensic anthropology and presumes a background in human anatomy and osteology.
  • Rivers played a fundamental role in the establishment of both experimental psychology and social anthropology as academic disciplines in Great Britain.
  • This principle is not the special prerogative of anthropology, and it transcends all the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.
  • I studied plants and plant evolution for the last six to seven years in the states and was in charge of science at the museum, mainly anthropology and zoology.
  • For example, he recounts his own scholarship in ethnohistory - the marriage of anthropology and history - as a way of showing how a number of scholars have crossed disciplinary boundaries to study interesting questions.
  • She was pretty much raised by a grandfather she calls an anarchist and studied cultural anthropology at the University of Wisconsin.
  • Anthropology follows one set of standards, while sociology opts for another.
  • Major social sciences today are economics, political science, anthropology, and sociology.
  • She had a postdoctorate in anthropology.
  • This paper argues that his philosophical anthropology was a continuing development of his ethical personalism posed in his early ethical theories.
  • Many of the findings and theories of history and anthropology (particularly cultural anthropology and archaeology) form an important part of this book. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • It has its rituals, customs and anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • This changed towards the end of the century, when a turn to evolutionist Darwinian theory and German nationalism drove German anthropology towards racialism.
  • The first three parts of the book, up to page 116, lay the groundwork, drawing on psychology, sociology, and anthropology to elaborate the incredibly rich and ramified concept of the trickster and its relation to the paranormal.
  • This conference presents papers from academics and postgraduates working in disciplines as diverse as Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Film Studies, Palaeontology, Zoology, Theatre, and Theoretical Physics: on the Emergence of the Posthuman Subject. Ballardian » The Emergence of the Posthuman Subject
  • Since the 1990s, ecological anthropology has incorporated a political dimension into ecological analysis.
  • Forensic anthropology is primarily concerned with identifying bodies through examining their bones and any flesh that remains.
  • The extensive exhibition incorporates biology, gemology, anthropology, mineralogy, and ecology.
  • In particular, I do want to answer an earlier comment's question about "What if Boudicca had defeated the Romans?", though of course my answer will go the touchy-feely, anthropology route, not rely on military history. Great Scots
  • This is also evident in every issue of Anthropology News, published nine times a year by the American Anthropological Association, and Anthropology Today, published bimonthly by the Royal Anthropological Institute.
  • As the prototype for a normalizing physical anthropology, however, phrenology, with its value-laden stereotyping psycho-techniques, introduced new ethical problems.
  • He looked at history from the standpoint of social anthropology, the discipline in which he was first trained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its ten contributors are drawn not only from archaeology, but also from social anthropology, philosophy and theology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The pattern of population size change across the Pleistocene has come to be of critical interest, linking paleodemography with population genetics, paleoecology, and paleoanthropology.
  • Talking to the Enemy is recommendable not just for its vivid insights into the motivation of terrorists, but also for its study of Islamic radicalisation and the anthropology of religion in general.
  • Its ten contributors are drawn not only from archaeology, but also from social anthropology, philosophy and theology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And Mary Manhein, director of the Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services Laboratory at Louisiana State University, and a professional in residence in the Department of Anthropology.
  • Krause, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and his colleagues extracted DNA from two 38,000-year-old Neanderthals collected from El Sidron Cave in Asturias, Spain. Could Neanderthals Communicate? | Impact Lab
  • Contributors include accomplished specialists in geology, paleontology, and paleoanthropology.
  • This book is mainly about cultural anthropology. Cultural Anthropology
  • Then he went to Cambridge to read anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deeply influenced by cultural anthropology, they have found in the often surprisingly rich documentation about festivals, processions, charivaris etc.
  • Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.
  • This transformation did not result primarily from scientific advances in biology and physical anthropology. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism
  • And Daniel in particular went on to use it as a home from home whento his surprise, I think, and certainly to ourshe eventually settled in Israel after his graduation, with a double first, in his tripos course of archaeology, anthropology and social and political science, from Cambridge. A Question of Honour
  • Archaeology and cultural anthropology possess similar goals but differ in the methods they use and the cultures they study. Cultural Anthropology
  • I think we’re underrepresented in cisgender queer theory, cisgender “third gender” anthropology, and armchair feminism, that those fields reify this gender-non-conforming/third-gender/gender-non-binary/whatever deal, and that subversivist communities look down on transsexual women (and sometimes men). Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • Our understanding of the physical anthropology and ethnobotany of this prehistoric people has increased considerably in the past several decades.
  • Anthropology, our source of narratives of otherness, has a professional bias towards difference.
  • Physical anthropology and palaeopathology are also yielding an increasing quantity of data.
  • The qualitative Methods: Used in educational psychology often derive from anthropology, sociology or sociolinguistics.
  • In the context of this militant polygenism of 1854-57, the new anthropology professor Quatrefages accepted a version of black perfectibility.
  • His expedition was less a holiday than an exercise in comparative anthropology, since he wanted to examine the differences between American and Australian myths.
  • By then he was reputed worldwide for his pioneering work in anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • My annotations avoid only one subject, parallels of European folklore and fabliaux which, however interesting, would overswell the bulk of a book whose speciality is anthropology. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • On the contrary, his assessment of the economic origins of human evolution relies heavily on literature, data and facts from anthropology, biology and other natural sciences.
  • This is a one-year course that involves studying the anthropology of northern peoples and indigenous knowledge systems as well as the polar physical sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anthropology is derived from the two Greek words ( '' {{polytonic | ανθροπος}} '') meaning man and ( '' {{polytonic | λογος}} '') meaning word or study. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Well first of all I must distance myself from the image that is presented by nearly all introductory textbooks of cultural anthropology.
  • The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
  • Like modern archeology, anthropology also depends upon the historical perspective which Hecataeus and his successors first opened.
  • CONAN: Now that you're motivated to get your degree in forensic anthropology, is it easier? Think You Know How To Study? Think Again
  • His pals kept him supplied with books from the university library and with the latest journals and papers in his fields of interest: anthropology, ethnobotany, mythology, and neuropharmacology. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis, making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories, as addressed previously.
  • To tell a story of the world in 15 minutes through a series of objects requires a sure grasp of cultural and social anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • The qualitative Methods: Used in educational psychology often derive from anthropology, sociology or sociolinguistics.
  • Discovering that it was anthropology, describing village life in the Trobriand Islands, he boasted that it proved he was an intellectual, and flashed it like a badge, saying, "I'm real area-dite. Beard
  • To tell a story of the world in 15 minutes through a series of objects requires a sure grasp of cultural and social anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have so much yet to learn from anthropology and ethnography, cognitive psychology, and, yes, even graphic art.
  • anthropology's kinship with the humanities
  • Terrence Deacon works at the interface between neurobiology, developmental biology and biological anthropology.
  • Moreover, since anthropology started as a museum discipline, this has resulted in a focus on exotic and remote locales and populations.
  • The categories and relations of evolutionist theory in anthropology expressed deeply held values.
  • Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany had previously dismissed the idea of interbreeding when he analysed Neanderthal mitochondrial The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Forensic anthropology and anthropological archaeology, as well as palaeopathology and archaeometry would offer some of the best avenues for seeking to retrieve such data/evidence. Fallen Heroes Bulletin Board
  • H. Samy Alim, a professor of anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles who specializes in global hip-hop culture and sociolinguistics, also doubted the newly minted songs would retain the clever wordplay and innovative rhyme schemes inherent in popular music. Software Morphs Rapper Prodigy Into Global Cipher
  • History and anthropology do not throw up many examples of poor people wasting money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country has produced important work in biology, medicine, geology, mathematics, physics, genetics, psychology, and anthropology.
  • A large team can now be involved in investigations and she can draw on the expertise of many forensic specialists in anthropology, dentistry and even entomology (the study of insects).
  • This principle is not the special prerogative of anthropology, and it transcends all the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.
  • Applied anthropology must "come of age" in this kaleidoscopic environment.
  • The new Cartesianism of cognitive science and biological anthropology provide some contemporary exemplars.
  • Within anthropology, there has always been a tradition seeking to locate underlying and generalizable processes and patterns in material culture studies.
  • We seem to be witnessing a classic struggle in palaeoanthropology between the molecules and the fossils.
  • The programme goes on a quest for evidence, looking beyond the narrow confines of Biblical studies to bring in research from other fields, such as archaeology, anthropology, climatology, oceanography and vulcanology.
  • Her music is a reflection of her multicultural childhood in Mexico and her studies in anthropology in Minnesota, with its combination of Mexican folklore, boleros, borderland rancheras, opera, and American jazz and blues.
  • She was pretty much raised by a grandfather she calls an anarchist and studied cultural anthropology at the University of Wisconsin.
  • By then he was reputed worldwide for his pioneering work in anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the event are exhibitions of indigenous art and a colloquium on visual anthropology.
  • Others have applied anthropology to community development, but outside the conventional bureaucratic channels of government agencies.
  • In 1924 Malinowski joined the London School of Economics as reader in social anthropology.
  • In the field of anthropology this narcissistic consciousness, which prefers to measure itself by its own impossibility, oneiric or otherwise, but impossible nonetheless, hasn't stayed idle.
  • Uncertainties in history, archeology, biogeography, anthropology and biosystematics obscure the dates and places of the first domestication of cultivated crops.
  • Mid-Atlantic Library Futures Conference: For two days in May, two hundred librarians will meet with visionaries from the disciplines of anthropology, architecture, public policy and science to discuss the future of libraries. March 2007
  • With expertise in anthropology and Aboriginal arts, Chen's specialties and dedication in these fields have gained him numerous honors and awards.
  • Houk was in Trinidad in 1988 to gather information for his anthropology dissertation, which he completed in 1992.
  • She is President emerita of Spelman College and Professor emerita of Emory University from which she retired as Presidential Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Women's Studies and African American Studies.
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.
  • Professor Henry Harpending (Chair of Anthropology at Univ of Utah) has claimed that the hundreds of years of being restricted to the moneylending profession in medieval Europe led to a selection for higher IQ in European Jews. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • Cultural Studies, it should be said at once, are everywhere these days, not only in sociology and anthropology but in politics, history, the higher journalism, the arts, science, sport - and now musicology.
  • He is a little too fond of building huge abstract entities on the back of discoveries from anthropology, zoology and neuroscience.
  • This is a one-year course that involves studying the anthropology of northern peoples and indigenous knowledge systems as well as the polar physical sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since every schoolboy since Radcliffe-Brown knows the importance of the avunculate in African society, I simply counted my blessings, figuring that I must actually be ‘doing’ anthropology.
  • Social anthropology examines family relationships in detail.
  • Most of them have picked up a degree in social anthropology or the like and a good working knowledge of Goa. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the framework of biological evolution, physical anthropology and the existing and extinct species closely related.
  • In 1924 Malinowski joined the London School of Economics as reader in social anthropology.
  • In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion.
  • At the university, I lectured in physical anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the 1960s this remained the intellectual agenda of U.S. anthropology, which largely ignored the emergence of both functionalism and structuralism in Europe.
  • Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
  • This was unfortunate as it narrowed the scope of the potential field, separating kinesics from much that was of interest to mainstream anthropology.
  • This is the apogee of my career in anthropology, as well as the highlight of whatever personal accomplishments I may have earned in my chosen profession.
  • The other half of the school week is run by the adult Aboriginal students themselves, teaching the white teachers - and others - Aboriginal skills like language, bushcraft, anthropology, traditional practices.
  • She has a year until her final exams and hopes to study anthropology at university. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a battle that cries out for a dash of social anthropology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Before proceeding, it is important to examine the theoretical developments in anthropology on the politics of reproduction.
  • Kane's stand-up (as usual, with a cheeky but thought-provoking take on the social anthropology of his native Essex) is always a reliable source of entertainment, while Conaty's leftfield character comedy and lovable anecdotal material shows why the judges are tipping her to go far. This week's new comedy
  • He looked at history from the standpoint of social anthropology, the discipline in which he was first trained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reflecting older cosmologies, evolutionist schemes in anthropology differed markedly from biology in positing universal stages through which cultures pass, and into which extant cultures can be placed.
  • Ethnography is a research approach that developed in anthropology to study cultural groups and that has more recently been used to study small-group culture.
  • The categories and relations of evolutionist theory in anthropology expressed deeply held values.
  • There are passages where the narrative flounders, information is disordered and the author loses focus, veering from rich narrative to dry anthropology.
  • Evans-Pritchard's arguments against Freud have been very influential in anthropology and, by extension, within sociology.
  • From the perspective of folklore, sociology and cultural anthropology, festival is regarded as a folk record and interpretation of cultural elements and the actual image of the abstract history.
  • Cultural anthropology is the original multicultural approach to human social life. Cultural Anthropology
  • Members of the research team include a postdoctorate at the University of Chicago, and the associate professor of anthropology at Indiana University.
  • Anthropology is closely allied to the field of psychology.
  • Historians certainly recognized a good thing when they saw it, borrowing both the expression ‘historical anthropology’ and the approach from anthropologists, for many of whom it was synonymous with ethnohistory.
  • But here we shall deal mainly with the applied aspects of cultural anthropology. Cultural Anthropology
  • These were the scientists who were to devote their labours to the study of natural history, geology, astronomy and even the nascent discipline of anthropology.
  • And later, through the influence of structural anthropology as well as feminism, feminist anthropology developed as anew branch discipline on the basis of anthropology of women.
  • Archaeology and cultural anthropology possess similar goals but differ in the methods they use and the cultures they study. Cultural Anthropology
  • In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion.
  • In addition, new intellectual tools were exploited, especially from anthropology.
  • The sociology of music remains a somewhat amorphous subdiscipline, with no very clear lines of demarcation between sociology, social anthropology, and ethnomusicology.
  • We should not be ethnocentric, a term drawn from anthropology, which tells us more about the meaning of openness. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • Many of the findings and theories of history and anthropology (particularly cultural anthropology and archaeology) form an important part of this book. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • There is a major problem with some views concerning new developments in anthropology and cognate disciplines.
  • The qualitative Methods: Used in educational psychology often derive from anthropology, sociology or sociolinguistics.
  • The only serious study I know of the anthropology of serialism in post-WWII American academia is by Joseph Straus, who concluded that any claim of serialist hegemony was, at best, rather exaggerated. Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it
  • At the university, I lectured in physical anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he went to Cambridge to read anthropology. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this reason it can be said with certainty that the first chapter of Genesis has established an unassailable point of reference and a solid basis for a metaphysic and also for an anthropology and an ethic, according to which ens et bonum convertuntur (being and the good are convertible). Dr. Janet Smith replies to Dr. Schindler, defends Christopher West
  • Critical social theory Anthropology and sociology have provided us with an explicit critique of Western culture or civilization. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • From my reading of anthropology, it seems fairly clear this carving is an object of reverence, of worship, with fertility being only one aspect of what was revered about her. Archive 2009-05-01
  • This stigma of disease has been placed upon him and repeatedly emphasized, but despite the fact that the effort has been made for years, by men learned in anthropology to find and prove the inherent inferiority of the Negro, based upon anatomical, physiological and biostatic peculiarity, to-day the bare statistical fact of his high mortality alone supports the calumnious fabrication. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • He said that he tended to be a lumper and felt that the splitters had often created many more species than the evidence justified, which he said is a ‘huge problem’ in paleoanthropology.
  • But here we shall deal mainly with the applied aspects of cultural anthropology. Cultural Anthropology
  • The authenticity of Huichol art on the market today becomes of some importance when called into question by no less an authori ... read more anthropology art huichol The Mummies of Guanajuato: Powerful Memento Mori
  • Uncertainties in history, archeology, biogeography, anthropology and biosystematics obscure the dates and places of the first domestication of cultivated crops.
  • The unique fieldwork and " ethnographical " methods of modern anthropology provide an approach to solving this thorny aesthetic problem.
  • Twenty-two more collections have been added to the Fototeca since that time, much of it coming from the INAH's own archives specializing in archeology, anthropology and history; others from the private donations of Mexican photographers and collectors. Out of the past, speaking volumes
  • Comparative studies declined and anthropology shifted to universities.
  • The new ecology movement in anthropology relates to a deeper understanding of the relationship of technology and social organization to the environment.
  • It's a battle that cries out for a dash of social anthropology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Anthropology is a social science discipline whose primary object of study has traditionally been non-Western, tribal societies.
  • Just as the majority of students who study mathematics do not become mathematicians, so too the majority of students who study anthropology do not become anthropologists. Cultural Anthropology
  • Archaeology is that branch of anthropology that is concerned with the remains of ancient societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The author stresses that he derived his approach from three different fields of study: cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology and popular music studies.
  • We met in Austin at DPS headquarters, and convoyed up I-35 to Bruceville-Eddy with a pair of Texas Rangers and a dozen forensic anthropology grad students. Archive 2010-04-01
  • It is a book about cartography, archaeology, anthropology and several other things, as well as exploration and imperial lust.
  • I suppose I am formally polytheistic, philosophically pantheistic, and intellectually agnostic (or maybe I would call myself a autotheist in the sense of believing that the gods are part of the self), yet I spend an hour every day studying subjects related to my religion (history, anthropology, etc). The Volokh Conspiracy » Considering a Candidate’s Religion:

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