
How To Use Annually In A Sentence

  • The scheme requires about 5,000 large organisations to report annually on their energy use and to buy carbon allowances in line with their carbon footprints. Computing
  • Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
  • Some researchers have estimated that obesity causes about 300,000 deaths in the U.S. annually.
  • The show travels to nearly 200 cities around the world annually with the beauty, elegance, glamour and energy of a Broadway show.
  • Referred to simply as the Gothic Cruise (for brevity), this cruise is for fans of goth and industrial music and has been held annually for the past 15 years. Twilight Lexicon » Go Cruising Vampire Style
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  • Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
  • You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • For the next three years until 2001, private capital outflow amounted to between $8 to 10 billion annually.
  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
  • The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.
  • Antilocapridae, are native to North America, but are not true antelopes because they annually shed the outer sheath of their branched horns unlike other antelope species. Undefined
  • First dubbed the Mexican Riviera by the American cruise industry, today this magnificent shoreline is the fourth most popular cruise destination in the world with approximately 300 cruises annually. Retirement on the Mexican Riviera
  • During the period from 1860 to 1985, sulphuric anhydrite emissions, one of the leading causes of acid rain, increased from seven million tons to approximately 155 million tons annually. Fidel Castro Issues `Message' to UNCED
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • Along these arteries of traffic many tons of tracts and propaganda are hurled annually by train, felucca and colporteur. Pan-Islam
  • Even though children with MEN2B rarely have hyperparathyroidism, they should also be screened annually. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
  • Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
  • Organize vendor audit annually, submit audit report to management review.
  • Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
  • About 50 million wet tons of alfalfa are ensiled annually in the United States, and 30-50 percent of this tonnage is inoculated at a cost of about $1 per ton.
  • More than a dozen of these model conferences are held annually across Canada.
  • The scheme requires about 5,000 large organisations to report annually on their energy use and to buy carbon allowances in line with their carbon footprints. Computing
  • Under present policy the county council is putting down as many as five hundred dogs annually.
  • They want to stop rebating the $16 billion annually from the stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators; restore the progressive state income tax to levels from the 1970s; and raise $10 billion with a 50% bankers bonus tax. Alan Singer: New York Needs 50,000 Green Votes
  • But presidential elections are quadrennial affairs, whereas Superbowls happened annually.
  • As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that 1, 000 teens die annually by breathing fumes from easily accessible products.
  • This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhism-the Rome of Asia-is interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • A committed group of people turns out annually and hopefully if the weather is favourable on Sunday next we'll see a good number of walkers to keep up this long tradition.
  • Millions of euro are spent annually by local authorities in cleaning up after littering.
  • The award is given annually to a deaf person of outstanding merit in leadership, citizenship and general achievement.
  • The ceremony is held annually to commemorate the lives of all Irish people who have died in past wars or while on service with the United Nations.
  • a corporation, without a charter, such adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king, for permission to exercise their usurped privileges {See Madox Firma Burgi p. 26 etc.}. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  • Toronto-based broker Brockhouse Cooper reckons a spike in oil prices to $130 a barrel would lower U.S. industrial-production growth from roughly 5% annually to about 4%. Dollar's Haven Allure Slips on the Oil Patch
  • The convertible segment represents 300,000 U.S. sales annually.
  • Accounts that pay monthly interest may offer lower rates than those where the interest is paid annually.
  • He caused an estimate to be taken of the sum required for his own expenditure, and that of those in his personal service; and being told that six hundred scudi would be sufficient, (scudo was at that time the name of a golden coin which, retaining the same weight and value, was afterwards called a zecchino,) 1 he gave orders that this sum should annually be set apart out of his patrimonial estate, for the expenses of the table. Chapter XXII
  • The IPPF has received millions of dollars annually from the Conservative government and its predecessor Liberal governments since the mid-1980s. ProWomanProLife » The minister, who is of course pro-choice…
  • Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.
  • A certain amount is apportioned to each pastoral charge to be raised annually for this work. Religious Bodies: 1906
  • But, judging by the many flowers, lighted candles and small Israeli flags placed inside the crematory at Dachau, many of the nearly one million visitors who make their way here annually come just to pay homage.
  • During 1992-2002, an estimated 380,000 to 536,000 persons entered the United States annually as immigrants, refugees, or asylees.
  • Gervace, Abbot of Westminster, natural son of King Stephen, aliened the Manor of Chelchithe; he bestowed it upon his mother, Dameta, to be held by her in fee, paying annually to the church at Westminster the sum of £4. Chelsea The Fascination of London
  • It has been estimated that 30 000 cattle die annually in Brazil from RV infections, where sylvatic rabies is usually transmitted to cattle via a bite from a vampire bat.
  • Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.
  • Compounded annually, that growth rate is dramatic.
  • Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
  • The city hopes to attract around 3.5 million visitors annually, but last year's figures were little short of disastrous.
  • According to the plan , the intending shipbuilding scale will reach 5 million DWT annually.
  • The other four perish or are murdered on the way, so that the thirty thousand annually exported, as stated by Sir Bartle Frere, represents a loss of 150,000 human beings _annually_ from the east coast alone, altogether irrespective of the enormous and constant flow of slaves to the north by way of the White Nile and Egypt. Black Ivory
  • Employees are entitled to four-weeks' paid vacation annually.
  • The county court, meeting twice annually, was a principal forum for justice both civil and criminal.
  • It grows to about 60 cm high, and is best raised annually from seed or cuttings as it soon starts to straggle and look unattractively untidy.
  • Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.
  • These two board members will be appointed annually no later than October 1 by the above-named colleges.
  • The rate hike will be the first increase in the sewer rate in five years, said Ald. Deener said, who estimated the higher rates will generate an additional $220,000 annually for the city. QCOnline Metro News
  • This included a chapel, bedrooms, parlours, and a dining area together with a hall where operettas, plays and musicals are produced annually.
  • It is made annually for eminence in organic chemistry and includes a monetary prize of £2000.
  • Seventy or eighty of them form enormous pendulous bunches, of which each tree annually ripens three.
  • The same occurs in bulbous rooted plants raised from seed; they die annually, and produce others rather more perfect than the parent for several years, and then produce sexual flowers. Canto II
  • Clients are charged a flat rate of £250 annually.
  • Literally hundreds of billions of cups of joe are consumed annually.
  • Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles are caught annually in nets and on longlines.
  • The mosquitoes and the tsetze flies have been, only recently, proved to be the causes, the carriers, of diseases -- malaria, yellow fever, and sleeping sickness -- which annually have killed hundreds of thousands of men, colonists as well as natives. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • If so, I'd like to start with "bimonthly" (or biweekly, or biannually). Gabriel A. Feldman: Dwayne Bowe and the NFL's StarCaps Saga
  • Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually.
  • a disorder known as "the staggers," of which many thousands of sheep have died annually, is caused by an entozoon which presses on the brain, and that if the creature is extracted through the softened place in the skull which marks its position, the sheep usually recovers, is another debt which agriculture owes to biology. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The initial rent will be reviewed annually.
  • Robert W. Carter, of Sabine Hall_, on the Rappahanock, whose land is principally of that kind of clayey loam common upon that river, once rich but badly worn by cultivation, is so well satisfied that it is profitable to make rich lands still more rich, he buys annually 30 or 40 tons of the best in market. Guano A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers
  • The scheme could be a one-off pledge or renewable annually as a type of debenture or membership fee.
  • Bulgaria now exports 770 000 hectolitres of bottled wine annually, mostly to Germany, the UK and Russia.
  • The bill was designed to permit workers to take up to twelve weeks' unpaid leave annually for family reasons.
  • Long-finned pilot whales have been a staple of the Faroese diet since at least the ninth century, with an average of 850 whales taken annually.
  • The restrictions on job-placement tests may be costing billions of dollars annually in lost productivity.
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.
  • The full details of the scheme will be announced annually to individual participating employees.
  • But the real winner is stud fees: It is estimated that the horse could make some US $80 million annually impregnating mares for the next few years.
  • Smoking claims thousands of lives every year and treatment for the effects of the habit costs the taxpayer millions of pounds annually.
  • Awarded annually, the Gold Medal of the Society recognizes outstanding engineering or scientific accomplishments in optics, electro-optics, or photographic technologies or applications.
  • All grasses are broadly divided into three main categories: annually growing grasses, biennially growing grasses, and perennially growing grasses.
  • Since the war, important festivals have been held annually or biannually in Berlin, London, Moscow, Prague and Czechoslovakia.
  • No state is better acquainted with the porcine menace than Texas, where more than 2 million rampaging hogs cost landowners some $52 million in damages annually, and where lawmakers recently debated a bill that would have allowed private hunters to gun down pigs from the air. The Boar War
  • Physical inventories were recorded annually (1 June), and served as the starting point for the indents.
  • Also, Virginia is legally able, if it wishes, to "decouple" itself from the federal ban on sales taxes on Internet sales, an action that would gain $157 million annually, plus provide more local revenue. McMediocrity's Latest "Plan"
  • While it is difficult to measure pregnancy-related injuries and disabilities, estimates of maternal morbidity vary from 16 to 50 million annually and include such profoundly disabling conditions as vesico-vaginal fistulae, a condition many consider a fate akin to living death. Jodi Jacobson: Human Rights Council Declares Maternal Death, Illness a Rights Violation
  • The 2010 IOUG Database Growth Survey, conducted in July-August 2010, estimates that more than a zettabyte or a trillion gigabytes of data exists in databases, and that 16 percent of organizations surveyed reported a data growth rate in excess of 50 percent annually. Steve Hamby: Top Three Technologies to Tame the Big Data Beast
  • Managers annually appraise the employees reporting to them in one-to-one meetings.
  • The health effects of tobacco smoking are estimated to cause the deaths of more than 400,000 Americans annually.
  • As individual health-insurance policy premiums approach $30,000 annually, self-insurance—meaning no insurance in New York because the law prevents me from buying the catastrophic-only coverage policy I'd prefer—becomes an economically viable and sane option. The Other Side of Insurance Mandates
  • A provincewide ban to be implemented later this year is expected to drain at least $50 million annually.
  • A favorite in our household because of the large size and taste, we concentrate our picking efforts biannually on these trees when blessed with a crop. Archive 2008-12-01
  • This deficiency is the single-most important cause of blindness in about half a million children annually.
  • The fund is audited annually by an accountant.
  • Our cowshed has seen some repairs, the thatch is re-laid annually and old worm-infested wooden pole and frames are replaced.
  • The chairmanship of the committee rotates annually.
  • Company annually according to the employee's work performance periodically examine each employee's wages combine appropriate adjustment.
  • The highest income bracket households those earning more than $75,000 annually, are 20 times as likely to have access to the Internet as households at the lowest income levels, under $10,000 annually.
  • This competition is sponsored annually by Canon Sean Collier, former Parish Priest of Borris in Ossory and staunch supporter of the billiard club.
  • IMF and World Bank studies show a carbon-based bunker fuel tax, for example, could raise $30 billion annually by 2020.
  • These influxes were all associated with severe weather and numbers otherwise ranged between one and 24 annually, averaging about nine.
  • In the absence of the Chinese official the abbot of the lamasery was almost supreme in authority, but my desire to personally interview him did not prevail against the stringent laws forbidding women to enter the lamasery except once, annually, for the purpose of worship; so my conferences were carried on through my Mongol friend, for such he assuredly proved himself to be. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • The bonds will have an eight-year tenor at a coupon rate of 11.70 per cent payable annually.
  • With their voracious appetite for stored cereals and nuts, the red flour beetle and its kin cause millions of dollars of damage annually.
  • The BLS reports that physical therapist aides can expect to earn an average of, 760 annually.
  • According to Transportation Department estimates, a single daily flight by a wide-body jet from a U.S. airport to China generates about $213 million annually in economic activity in China alone.
  • Damage caused by cybercrime is estimated at $100 billion annually, said Kilian Strauss, of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
  • The farm, which would breed and fatten up to 150,000 hogs annually for slaughter, would have made the facility one of Alberta's largest hog operations.
  • Bulgaria now exports 770 000 hectolitres of bottled wine annually, mostly to Germany, the UK and Russia.
  • The policy is reviewed every year and the training programmes are conducted annually.
  • The foundation has to raise 150,000 annually to facilitate the two full time specially trained nurses and illness consolers.
  • When you get bonus money, you keep getting it annually as long as you keep your designation application active," Brawley said. Front Page
  • The amount of interest you earn over a year will vary depending on whether it is calculated monthly or annually.
  • Firstly, mammography was given annually rather than biennially, as has been usual in other modern breast cancer screening trials.
  • There are supply worries because demand for rare earth metals is likely to increase between 10% and 20% annually from growing use of such lanthanoid elements as neodymium, used to make generators for wind turbines, and dysprosium, used to make parts for hybrid car motors. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Saving 15% for retirement annually is a good goal to shoot for. 5 steps to get on the right retirement path in 2010
  • A variety of holidays in locations at home and abroad including guided tours have been arranged for them annually for many years.
  • Here's just one example: for the South Georgia Patagonian Toothfish fishery, stringent requirements include an independent observer on board every vessel on every trip to record catch data and fishery interactions with seabirds and a range of measures taken during the course of the involvement with the MSC program to reduce seabird by-catch has reduced albatross mortality from several thousand annually to single figures. Chris Ninnes: Protecting B.C. Salmon Stocks
  • Seven million doses of vaccine are annually given to British children.
  • Christian Catholic National Church is administered by a national synod which meets annually; besides the Old Catholic priests and the bishop its membership includes delegates elected by the parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • About 300, 000 patients undergo bypass surgery annually, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
  • A medfly plague would be even worse: if Mediterranean fruit flies were to take hold in California and continental America, it is estimated that they would cause 1.5 billion dollars in damages annually. The Fruit Hunters
  • That the cabildo, magistracy, and regimiento of Manila be ordered to allot annually the lading of the vessels to the citizens of Manila, for much harm has resulted to the citizens from the governor allotting it -- the lading being made illegally, and the governor having allotted it to many of his servants and relatives to the prejudice of the citizens and those born in this country. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 1601-1604 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Annually, about 173 million m3 of woodfuel and about 5.2 million m3 of industrial roundwood is produced, most of which is consumed within the sub-region. Eastern Africa and forests and woodlands
  • This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhism—the Rome of Asia—is interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity. Chapter 57. Public Scapegoats. § 3. The Periodic Expulsion of Evils in a Material Vehicle
  • The hospital records indicate a tally of four to five positive rabies cases every month and over 3,500 cases of post exposures annually.
  • Times Square attracts more than 30 million visitors annually.
  • There are 13,000 hospital admissions annually due to playground accidents.
  • Colombia ranks between fifth and tenth annually as a foreign oil supplier to the US.
  • Annually, each part-owner would get a real postcard from their Tretchikoff saying "Hullah howzit, I'm fine n'you? IOL Technology
  • But nobody fuses much over daily expenditures on sales and gasoline taxes -- even though they add up to large sums annually.
  • Like all mammals, we have a cycle of formation of rings around the tooth root called cementum annuli that form annually. Conversations: Bone Reader
  • In spite of the glowing reports issued annually from various foreign hospitals for natives, and the undeniable good, though desultory and practically infinitesimal, that is being worked by these institutions, we cannot blind ourselves to the fact that western medical science is not making more rapid strides than many other innovations in the great struggle against Chinese prejudice and distrust. Historic China, and other sketches
  • According to 2005 WHO estimates, 448 million new cases of curable STIs (syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis) occur annually throughout the world in adults aged 15-49 years.
  • About 300, 000 patients undergo bypass surgery annually, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
  • She has annually organised and choreographed sell-out shows starring her pupils, with all the proceeds going to local charities.
  • Regarding the city's AHP, which is calculated on median family income (MFI) for Westchester County as reported annually by the U.S. Undefined
  • In the last major subperiod 1926–1996 stocks returned 3½ times as much as bonds annually, and nine times as much after the War. Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Next Generation
  • Mature horses need less frequent attention but should be checked annually.
  • The prizes, the most prestigious awards given for journalism, are presented annually by Columbia University.
  • Also the dollars with which they annually purchased cargoes from the Chinese for the galleons came from Mexico. The Philippine Islands
  • The council meets annually to discuss matters affecting the entire Lakota nation.
  • Cynthia George, attorney for Lorrie Nantz, who had been seeking $1.5 million annually in alimony and child support, had no comment on the ruling. Fox's World Series TV ratings up 36% from 2008's record low mark
  • Sassarese accepted annually from the Genoese a Podesta, who swore fidelity to their constitution; and the Sassarese assert that while their city was under the protection of Genoa, they only styled that haughty republic in their statutes and diplomas, “_Mater et Magistra, sed non Domina: _” “_non Signora, ma Amica. _” Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • The company estimates 50, 000 golfers will see each ad annually.
  • So annually I dig them out and try to reinsert them in the annoyingly unco-operative memory. Well, it's been a quiet week here at The Inn. . . .
  • If the world economy continued to expand at 3 per cent annually, the output of goods and services would increase fourfold over the next half-century, reaching $172 trillion.
  • Those living in Greater London are the least likely to hand-wash their cars with an average of just 2.2 soakings annually.
  • He is the last gentleman, that I know of, of that old school that used to import their own wine and lay it down annually themselves, -- their bins forming a kind of vinous calendar suggestive of great events. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • The award is presented annually to the Royal Navy ship, squadron or Royal Marines unit that is judged to have done most to project a positive image of the Senior Service.
  • COSLA estimates that the savings from the site, which receives around 2.5 million visits from jobseekers each year, saves over £12 million in advertising costs alone annually. Reuters: Press Release
  • Up to seventy radioactive sources disappear from regulatory control annually within the EU alone, according to disturbing current estimates.
  • The inter-annual variation in rainfall and its monthly fluctuation during the season pose uncertainty concerning the success of winter crops, so that only half of the cultivable area is cultivated annually.
  • The e-waste generated annually worldwide is thought to be in the 20-50 million-ton range.
  • These orange trees fruit annually.
  • Only three of the stocks on the list paid dividends, and the highest of those was 70 cents a share annually.
  • The United States corporations donate to charity and other nonprofit purposes some $ 1,600 million annually.
  • An increasing number of healthy individuals are also choosing to be vaccinated annually to avoid a potentially debilitating illness.
  • Bosco = Skene island dedicated to forests and lumber as well as pig raising botaniste = horticulturalist; makes decisions about which species of plants or animals to resurrect from cold storage; annually elected position buono = upland burzaka = waterproof rain slicker SKENE GLOSSARY (SKENE TO ENGLISH)
  • Canadian National said the traffic shift would allow it to divert about 14,000 to 15,000 freight carloads annually from Chicago.
  • The lancet is a weapon which annually slays more than the sword," says Dr. Tully. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.
  • Africa annually, many the result of "backstreet" operations. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Feeding America, the largest foodbank system in the country has just reported it is annually providing food to 37 million Americans, including 14 million children. Stephan A. Schwartz: Benjamin Franklin And a Modern American Portrait of Physical Health and Hunger
  • Held annually in the spring, this event includes free films for children, senior citizens and underserved communities.
  • If so, I'd like to start with "bimonthly" (or biweekly, or biannually). Gabriel A. Feldman: Dwayne Bowe and the NFL's StarCaps Saga
  • During her 12-year tenure at Beacon, annual sales tripled and the number of titles carried annually by the Boston publisher doubled.
  • They could stop playing baseball after the game because, seriously, what would be the point of staging thousands of pathetic anticlimaxes annually?
  • Hurricanes, floods, drought, freezing conditions and heatwaves all take their toll annually in varying numbers.
  • Chrysanthemums may bloom either annually or perennially, from late summer to the start of winter.
  • Zakat Al Fitr: Muslims give away a certain percentage of the total value of all that they own annually and distribute it to charity and the needy. The contribution given at the end of Ramadan.
  • The subscription price - currently £14.70 - will be charged to your account annually until you cancel.
  • His love fever, which is of a very low kind, and intermits annually, never comes on till the autumn. Phineas Finn
  • They live in destitution while the land yields billions of dollars annually to the people who took it away.
  • An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul.
  • The Commerce Department points out that in the last three months in 2008, GDP dropped at the rate of 6.2% annually, which is the most acute downslide in 25 years.
  • Cornell University showing that "presenteeism" - people showing up for work sick - costs the economy $180 billion annually in lost productivity, or more than $250 per employee per year.
  • In the early 1970s workers in London fought for, and won, a commitment that not only was extra money needed to cover the cost of living in London, but that the amount paid would be uprated annually.
  • In the past, people might settle up annually with fishmongers, blacksmiths, dressmakers, and so forth.
  • The total capacity annually is 3000 tons of xylidines.
  • The writing and production team meet monthly, quarterly and bi-annually to develop both characters and storylines.
  • HG is a partner in the public partnership Belgian Blue Genetics(BBG). BBG provides over one million units of beef semen annually, both for purebred breeding and cross breeding.
  • Bear in mind that the viruses causing flu change annually and no two flu epidemics are identical.
  • In 1952, 3 billion 10-milligram amphetamine tablets were being produced annually in the United States.
  • That may be partly down to the 190 cm of rain that falls here annually, plus the balmy west coast air.
  • For sometime, I felt privileged but then again, my visits to Mexico kind of tapered and then they raised the price to $1440.00 annually for 1400 anytime minutes per month, which I hardly use anymore. Magic Jack
  • One 2GB and one 4GB are all i need, along side my third option of archiving all my music nd photos to cd/dvd's biannually. The Hidden Risks Of Cloud Computing | Lifehacker Australia
  • On kibbutzes and farms, apiculturists produce more than 3,500 tons of honey annually from 90,000 beehives, according to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics.
  • He said he was intent on protecting direct payments to Ireland which were worth 2 billion euro annually.
  • The Indian navy has already been conducting formalised exercises annually with several foreign navies since the past several years, such as the 'Varuna' series with the French navy, the 'Indra' series with the Daily News & Analysis
  • Against this income stream, Flynn faced mounting tuition bills, which averaged $ 29, 328 annually over 11 years.
  • Tulips, as a rule, do not naturalize well, and most species are therefore planted annually.
  • Chlamydial infection is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in the United States, with an estimated 3 million new cases annually, " write David S.
  • Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
  • In the deciduous woods, 10 to 17 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker breeding territories were established annually.
  • In addition to the Entitlements Guarantee, Labor will require superannuation payments to be made by employers quarterly rather than annually.
  • Over the last three years, Irish banks have been stung for an average of €5 million annually as a result of credit card fraud.
  • The Residuary Body would be wound up after three years and the levy was supposed to be reduced annually as properties were disposed of.
  • A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.

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