[ US /ˈænjuəɫi/ ]
[ US /ˈænjuəɫi/ ]
without missing a year
they travel to China annually -
by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received)
we issue six volumes per annum
he earned $100,000 per annum
How To Use annually In A Sentence
- The scheme requires about 5,000 large organisations to report annually on their energy use and to buy carbon allowances in line with their carbon footprints. Computing
- Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
- Some researchers have estimated that obesity causes about 300,000 deaths in the U.S. annually.
- The show travels to nearly 200 cities around the world annually with the beauty, elegance, glamour and energy of a Broadway show.
- Referred to simply as the Gothic Cruise (for brevity), this cruise is for fans of goth and industrial music and has been held annually for the past 15 years. Twilight Lexicon » Go Cruising Vampire Style
- Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
- You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
- Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.
- For the next three years until 2001, private capital outflow amounted to between $8 to 10 billion annually.
- Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests