How To Use Annihilator In A Sentence
The annihilator of the hereditary peers has succumbed to the trade union barons.
By expanding as Lord Siva, the Lord becomes the annihilator of the universe when needed.
And that's what we don't normally see with the family annihilator.
CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2008
The annihilator of the hereditary peers has succumbed to the trade union barons.
Not only can a bad economy and being destitute turn you into a "family annihilator," say psychologists, so can the threat of losing your wife and kids which produces a feel of loss of control.
Is the Economy Why People Are Killing Their Families?
This annihilator destroys anything in its path; to survive and perhaps defeat this invincible foe, the mortals and the fairies must unite, but neither side trusts the other.
In Ashes Lie-Marie Brennan « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
* NVIDIA cumquat marmalade GeForce ultra-toxic GT 120 with 512MB zoom possum annihilators.
Meanwhile, they trash every commandment of God, launch a new war every year, loot the treasury, neglect education, health and the environment and pillage the earth under a blanket of annihilatory weapons.
If the worst comes to the worst, use the portable annihilator in your helmet.
Chanakya was a man of fast and lasting action, a strict teacher and a fair administrator, an immaculate strategist, a destructive force and a creative energy, highly emotional, annihilator of a kingdom and a creator of a vast dynasty.
Book: Rule the World -The way Idid...Chanakya
We'd better pretend to get prepared by pretending we have a super-duper laser beam bomb annihilator thingy.
The first fire extinguishers were of the "annihilator" pattern, so arranged in a building that when a fire occurred carbonic acid gas was evolved, and, if the conditions were right (as the mediums say), the fire was put out.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
The most infamous family annihilator from early U.S. history is James Purrinton (sometimes Purrington), who slaughtered his wife and children in 1806.
War is… a destroyer and annihilator, in short, as an evil that strikes all, victor as well as vanquished.
I'm afraid that if I ever saw my annihilator and his friends again, they'd gang up on me and insist that he's innocent and that I'm just being vengeful.
Speak-out Diary Entry
Mary had been assured that "Dolly" was absolutely dependable, would not shy, had a kind and gentle disposition, and was easy to manage; but now she was actually gazing upon this amiable annihilator, the courage oozed out of her suddenly pounding heart and her eyes widened with fright and suspicion.
The 1926 Tatler
The Annihilator actually appeared in an episode before that called ‘Hawk and Dove’, where it was made by the god Hephaestus for the god Ares, and then given to one side in a conflict in Eastern Europe so Ares could sit back and lol at the peasants killing each other.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Black Cat’s Review Forum
JORDAN: This particular type of mass murderer is rare, not the family annihilator.
CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2008
Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.
LEVIN: A family annihilator is usually the husband/father (certainly one of the family members) who kills the family unit, not just his wife or one of his children, but every member of the family.
‘Better-Off Dead’