How To Use annihilator In A Sentence
- The annihilator of the hereditary peers has succumbed to the trade union barons.
- By expanding as Lord Siva, the Lord becomes the annihilator of the universe when needed.
- And that's what we don't normally see with the family annihilator. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2008
- The annihilator of the hereditary peers has succumbed to the trade union barons.
- Not only can a bad economy and being destitute turn you into a "family annihilator," say psychologists, so can the threat of losing your wife and kids which produces a feel of loss of control. Is the Economy Why People Are Killing Their Families?
- This annihilator destroys anything in its path; to survive and perhaps defeat this invincible foe, the mortals and the fairies must unite, but neither side trusts the other. In Ashes Lie-Marie Brennan « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
- * NVIDIA cumquat marmalade GeForce ultra-toxic GT 120 with 512MB zoom possum annihilators. R.I.P.
- Meanwhile, they trash every commandment of God, launch a new war every year, loot the treasury, neglect education, health and the environment and pillage the earth under a blanket of annihilatory weapons.
- If the worst comes to the worst, use the portable annihilator in your helmet.
- Chanakya was a man of fast and lasting action, a strict teacher and a fair administrator, an immaculate strategist, a destructive force and a creative energy, highly emotional, annihilator of a kingdom and a creator of a vast dynasty. Book: Rule the World -The way Idid...Chanakya