How To Use Ankle-deep In A Sentence

  • As they watched in bemusement she reached sand and promptly sank ankle-deep, wobbling precariously, grabbing at air for support, her balance an uncertainty from moment to moment.
  • It was as if the viewer were actually standing ankle-deep in the shallows overlooking the brink.
  • On the edges of the cities families huddle together in corrugated iron shacks, and the streets are ankle-deep in water during the rainy season.
  • He ran as fast as he could, but it wasn't easy in the ankle-deep snow.
  • In north-western Gonaives, Haiti's third largest city of about a quarter million people, residents waded through ankle-deep mud outside the mayor's office.
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  • Dew soaked her shoes as she made her way through the ankle-deep grass.
  • It was too easy, even for Julia who, fearing she wouldn't get a bite, found herself ankle-deep in whoppers.
  • Everywhere there were people –- men working in the ankle-deep mud of the irrigated fields; a group of women sitting in a circle on a huge cloth, doing some kind of handwork I couldn’t quite see; children chasing each other down the long narrow mounds that divided the rectangular plots, or shooing cows from one meager pasture to another with long switches. Firedoglake » Good Governance Is More Than CYA…
  • He climbed from the tow-truck landing in an ankle-deep puddle, and ran towards Gregg, shouting for him to get out of the way.
  • Reportage potentially involves travelling distances to follow a story, and putting up with small privations like ankle-deep mud or freezing gales.
  • The whole site was ankle-deep in sawdust and all around there were trees which had been sawn into longitudinal slices with small wedges between each slice.
  • They were all treading through ankle-deep snow in the parking-lot, holding their jackets up to their necks against the piercing gale.
  • They turned to see her standing before one of the massive doors, ankle-deep in the dust drift that lay before it. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • If the river is low, which is most of the time, you can walk across in ankle-deep water before turning upstream.
  • In places the ground was boggy, and several times I sank ankle-deep. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • A large, lumbering man, who fumbled through the ankle-deep water without grace.
  • A stray cat scampered across the alley, not sparing a glance at the girl who was wading through an ankle-deep swamp of old newspaper.
  • Those who escaped when their simple mud-brick homes collapsed sat among the debris, ankle-deep in mud and wrapped in blankets handed out by soldiers and volunteers.
  • In succession they passed ankle-deep through the spotted silk of soft rose catchflies, through the tufted satin of feathered pinks, and the blue velvet of forget-me-nots, studded with melancholy little eyes. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • So, to be brief, I threw a dark cloak over the damsel's shoulders, for indeed she was clad in little more than her loveliness and the gauziest filaments of a Hither girl's underwear, and hand in hand led her down the log steps, over the splashing, ankle-deep courtyard, and into the shadows of the gateway beyond. Gulliver of Mars
  • Standing along the female factory's stone washtubs with freshly-cropped hair, the women had been forced to sew large yellow C's on their jackets and stood ankle-deep in muddy water for twelve-hour shifts. Deborah Swiss: The First Female Flash Mob
  • The legs of his pants end above the tops of his shoes, a fashion preference dictated by the hours he spends ankle-deep in wet grass.
  • Standing ankle-deep in the brown waters of a paddy field in Niono, south of the Mauritanian border, rice producer Soumaila Kindo declares that private enterprise is the answer. Mali's farmer organisations
  • The nearby graves had been roughly weeded and the grass rather poorly mown, leaving an ankle-deep mulch of cuttings. GRACE
  • We found ourselves ankle-deep in water.
  • They were all treading through ankle-deep snow in the lot, holding their jackets up to their necks against the piercing gale.
  • The first three all tried for the same rock and ended up ankle-deep in water.
  • The kids are ankle-deep in water when it rains because of the drainage around their cafeteria.
  • By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
  • And stay offa my wetlands, snake-infested ankle-deep morassy-swamp lawn!!! Gator Update (Free Bill Warner! Edition)
  • Even if the sun is shining, chances are the puddles are ankle-deep.
  • The whole side of the peat-stack had tumbled bodily into the great "black peat-hole" from which the winter's peats had come, and which was a favourite lair of Jock's own, being ankle-deep in fragrant dry peat "coom" -- which is, strange to say, a perfectly clean and even a luxurious bedding, far to be preferred as a couch to "flock" or its kindred abominations. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
  • Fess waded through the ankle-deep coating of snow and slush around the 18-wheeler.
  • He stepped out of bed to find ankle-deep water.
  • Herds of angora goats cluster on the banks, while in the shallows summer crowds of villagers cool themselves, scrub their cars or sit at fruit-filled tables ankle-deep in the water.
  • Aiming back toward the city center, we forded ankle-deep streams that had once been boulevards.
  • By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
  • Tape recorder in hand, the reporter attempted to cross the field in ankle-deep mud.
  • They stepped into the tunnels of the sewers, in the ankle-deep, putrid water.
  • He thought he might fall forever, until he hit the ground hard, ankle-deep water sloshing at his feet.
  • As soon as we got downstairs, we were walking in ankle-deep water and there seemed to be an urgency to just get us out of the building.

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