

  1. coming only to the ankle or knee

How To Use ankle-deep In A Sentence

  • As they watched in bemusement she reached sand and promptly sank ankle-deep, wobbling precariously, grabbing at air for support, her balance an uncertainty from moment to moment.
  • It was as if the viewer were actually standing ankle-deep in the shallows overlooking the brink.
  • On the edges of the cities families huddle together in corrugated iron shacks, and the streets are ankle-deep in water during the rainy season.
  • He ran as fast as he could, but it wasn't easy in the ankle-deep snow.
  • In north-western Gonaives, Haiti's third largest city of about a quarter million people, residents waded through ankle-deep mud outside the mayor's office.
  • Dew soaked her shoes as she made her way through the ankle-deep grass.
  • It was too easy, even for Julia who, fearing she wouldn't get a bite, found herself ankle-deep in whoppers.
  • Everywhere there were people –- men working in the ankle-deep mud of the irrigated fields; a group of women sitting in a circle on a huge cloth, doing some kind of handwork I couldn’t quite see; children chasing each other down the long narrow mounds that divided the rectangular plots, or shooing cows from one meager pasture to another with long switches. Firedoglake » Good Governance Is More Than CYA…
  • He climbed from the tow-truck landing in an ankle-deep puddle, and ran towards Gregg, shouting for him to get out of the way.
  • Reportage potentially involves travelling distances to follow a story, and putting up with small privations like ankle-deep mud or freezing gales.
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