How To Use Angina pectoris In A Sentence

  • He also had severe coronary artery disease with angina pectoris that could be precipitated by walking only 50 feet.
  • APDS ( Angina Pectoris Diagnosis System ) is an expert consultant system developed for angina pectoris diagnosis.
  • Patients who demonstrated signs of angina pectoris or severe arrhythmia or had diabetes mellitus were excluded from our study.
  • Poppers were initially manufactured as treatments for angina pectoris, a painful heart condition.
  • Erstens handelt es sich um Menschen mit schweren Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen: Herzinsuffizienz, Angina pectoris, Erkrankungen des Gehirns Verkehr (Schmerzen im Herzen mit Last fizichekoy oder allein, Gedachtnis und geistige Leistungsfahigkeit). Matthew Yglesias » What Might Have Been
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  • All study participants had a history of myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris during the previous three to 36 months.
  • Angina pectoris can cause referred pain in the left shoulder.
  • Objective To observe clinical effect of aspirin low molecule heparin and nitro-glycerine unit to treat unstability angina pectoris(UAP).
  • For two days and two nights it was more like angina pectoris, as I have heard it described; but this went off, and the complaint ran into its ancient pattern, thank God, and kept me only very ill, with violent cough all night long; my poor Robert, who nursed me like an angel, prevented from sleeping for full three weeks. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Heartburn can be confused with other kinds of pain, especially angina pectoris, so you need to explore its specific features carefully.
  • Signs of heart disease include having had a previous heart attack, angina pectoris (chest pain when you walk or run), or procedures to prevent a heart attack (like coronary bypass surgery or angioplasty).
  • It has been assigned as one of the causes of early atheroma and of angina pectoris. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Physiology or Medicine concern the development of new drugs which have become essential in the treatment of a number of different disorders, mainly myocardial ischemia (angina pectoris), hypertension, gastroduodenal ulcer, leukemia, gout and infectious diseases. Physiology or Medicine 1988 - Press Release
  • These drugs are used to prevent angina pectoris, to lessen the risk of a second heart attack and to treat congestive heart failure.
  • Many symptoms of organic origin, like angina pectoris, are made worse by anxiety.
  • This study evaluated the treatment effects of hypnotic acupuncture therapy on angina pectoris.
  • When I try, my angina pectoris begins; I get scared and have to lie down.
  • If reduced flow occurs in the arteries that supply your heart with blood (coronary arteries), it can lead to a type of chest pain called angina pectoris.
  • angina pectoris can cause referred pain in the left shoulder
  • Because of the close proximity of the heart and the esophagus, it is difficult to distinguish chest pain that is caused by problems of the esophagus from true angina pectoris.
  • The AHA categories include ST - segment elevation myocardial infarction, non - STEMI myocardial infarction, and unstable angina pectoris.
  • Occasionally the pain may mimic that of pancreatitis, gall bladder disease, appendicitis, or angina pectoris.
  • Alzheimer’s disease amniocentesis amniotic fluid amniotic sac amphetamine anabolic steroids analgesic anemia anesthesia anesthetic angina pectoris angioplasty anorexia anorexia nervosa anthrax antibiotic antibiotics, resistance to antibodies anticoagulants antidepressants antigens antihistamines antiseptics anus aorta appendectomy appendicitis appendix arteries arteriosclerosis arthritis arthroscope ascorbic acid asthma astigmatism atherosclerosis athlete’s foot atria atrophy 22. Medicine and Health
  • The authors conclude that among Medicare beneficiaries with unstable angina pectoris, more than one half have atypical presentations.
  • Poppers were initially manufactured as treatments for angina pectoris, a painful heart condition.
  • Angina pectoris may be precipitated by; muscular exertion, violent mental states, stomach upsets, or cold weather.
  • Pain caused through this means should be taken seriously to exclude serious conditions like angina pectoris or any heart problem.
  • The first clinical sign of myocardial ischemia is usually angina pectoris, a term used to describe the strangling chest pain experienced by many patients with ischemic heart disease.

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