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How To Use Angered In A Sentence

  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • They may feel that mechanized trail use is inappropriate and are angered by the inefficient two-cycle engine noise and exhaust.
  • These need to be kept tight, sharp and limited, because the woollier they get, the more endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of only two remaining alligator species in the world, this reptile has the dubious distinction of being the planet's most endangered species.
  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
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  • One of his previous books on natural history, The Song of the Dodo, dealt with island biogeography and endangered species.
  • It could, so various spokespersons for Leichhardt council, have “endangered staff and/or public.” Librarian Threatened to Stop Palestinian Exhibit
  • There have been concerns raised that on such a scale, the shark is at serious risk of becoming an endangered species.
  • As she frequently reminded them, they were now the endangered species, more vulnerable than the lemur and slow loris. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • In addition, the teams surveyed the numbers of other plants and animals including endangered golden monkeys, elephants, and forest buffalo.
  • More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
  • They were added to a red list of endangered British birds last year. The Sun
  • He remains strong in the polls as Canada has suffered less from the worldwide Quebec, with 23% of the national population, its distinctive French-language ( "francophone") culture, angered the western provinces by wielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
  • Such profits are endangered by the strike by about 500 United Auto Worker members who are demanding a contract with higher wages.
  • Bob Hoffman, the endangered species branch chief for NOAA's Southeast regional office, told the Huffington Post on Wednesday that the burns had been temporarily curtailed because of high seas, and that when they resume, NOAA will now make sure each "burn team" -- made up of two shrimp boats hauling booms and an "igniter" boat -- includes a trained observer who will be able to rescue turtles before they are incinerated. Gulf Oil Spill: The Plight of the Sea Turtles
  • A ban was enacted Tuesday on international trade in caviar and other ichthyological products derived from the wild, endangered sturgeon. Will Whitman's EBay Savor Caviar Ban?
  • Rat predation had reduced one of the largest breeding colonies of Xantus murrelets to just a few pairs, earning the seabird a potential spot on the federal Endangered Species List.
  • Veterans are disappointed if not a little angered by the dither and delay which means the collection is now going 100 miles away.
  • But, as a result of constant draining, the lake's suckerfish declined and eventually became an endangered species.
  • Bob Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts cloned an endangered wild cattle species called the gaur using a cow's egg. New Scientist - Online News
  • The contradictory messages and parallel lobbying efforts have angered administration officials. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was before the Ghezouba Dam was built on the Yangtze River in the early 1980s, cutting off the sturgeon's migratory path, just as it did for the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish .
  • The MPs angered the party leadership in June by resigning the whip at Westminster in a row over policy.
  • Half-artist, and half-Forsyte, Jolyon was constitutionally averse from what he termed 'ructions'; unless angered, he conformed deeply to that classic description of the she-dog, 'Er'd ruther run than fight.' The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • Her friendship with the fashion glitterati would be endangered by Ronan's cowboy sense of style, his membership at the golf club threatened by her wild and wanton ways.
  • Sam Behrend, executive director of Access Tucson, is angered by the survey.
  • Yet its former inhabitants, much like the seabirds, are endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, actually compared to chimpanzees and gorillas the orangutans are really much more endangered.
  • It was a reckless challenge with excessive force that endangered the player's safety. The Sun
  • These forests are home to other unusual and endangered species, including the Asiatic jackal and silvered langur, many of which have also disappeared from Laos.
  • The organization has created 15 birding reserves, like the El Paujil Reserve, where birders may be lucky to see the endangered blue-billed curassow, at left. Guerrilla Birding
  • Only a handful of endangered species, such as the Tecopa pupfish, the longjaw cisco, and the dusky seaside sparrow, have ever been taken off the list because they went extinct.
  • Threatened plant species currently being protected or monitored include the endemic saltpan cresses (Lepidium kirkii and L. sisymbrioides matau), the upland shrub Hebe cupressoides, the endangered Hector's tree daisy (Olearia hectorii), native Peraxilla mistletoes, and the epiphytic forest shrub Tupeia antarctica. Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
  • A BRITISH company has vowed not to drill for oil in a national park home to critically endangered mountain gorillas. The Sun
  • Strikes by ships and entanglement in some types of fishing gear are the biggest threats to the endangered right whales.
  • Northwest lawmakers and agencies also are watching to see how much the administration will dedicate for endangered Columbia River salmon and steelhead.
  • Two other endangered birds, the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) and the regent honeyeater (Xanthomyza phyrigia), were regularly seen in the region 20 to 30 years ago but are now rarely if ever encountered. Naracoorte woodlands
  • The Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is also critically endangered. Western Java rain forests
  • The red-tailed phascogale is an endangered species that was once widespread over Australia. This species can currently only be found in the wheatbelt of western Australia.
  • Their way of life is endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.
  • By issuing the order, the Ministry of Defence can argue that the soldier endangered himself by refusing to obey the command.
  • Angered by the show of force, workers hurled stones, iron rods and machine parts.
  • CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called off drastic energy rationing in Caracas after a chaotic first day of staggered blackouts angered his supporters, but the measures will continue across the country. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Rwanda held a traditional naming ceremony for some of its rare mountain gorillas on Saturday in an effort to attract tourism and help to preserve one of the world's most endangered species.
  • Birders can watch migratory species such as endangered clapper rails, dowitchers, and American avocets from the platform at Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary.
  • A vegetation study was conducted within central Pennsylvania's Ridge and Valley Province at the Mohn Mill natural area, an area that harbors the federally endangered northeastern bulrush, Scirpus ancistrochaetus.
  • Amy had not been accustomed to hearing herself spoken of as a "person," and the word angered her. Reels and Spindles A Story of Mill Life
  • If this happens at every gig I am going to have to assume I have indeed angered gods of some kind.
  • Highly endangered endemics include the Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow), whose nesting sites are currently restricted to a few outlying islets, and the Bermuda skink (Eumeces longirostris). Bermuda subtropical conifer forests
  • The ring in his voice terrified her, but his terms angered her yet more. The Purchase Price
  • The Dingle Peninsula has been highlighted as an international stronghold for an endangered Irish bird, the distinctive red-billed chough.
  • The Endangered Species Act has long been a bugaboo for anti-environmental lawmakers, who have unsuccessfully attacked it from every imaginable direction.
  • Richard Douthwaite is the author of The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth Enriched the Few, Impoverished the Many and Endangered the Planet.
  • This unapproved, reckless deviation from the study protocol endangered lives, Kusel charges.
  • However, it is now an endangered species found naturally in only a few locations in the United States, primarily because of water developments and the introduction of non-native mosquito fish.
  • Something in the alacrity the "bug-hunter" displayed angered Smith. 'Me--Smith'
  • If you're lucky, you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks, red-tail hawks and the elusive, endangered Peregrine Falcon.
  • She was angered at the balance the homely girl displayed.
  • Today, the red wolf is still critically endangered.
  • In 1998, the Service proposed to list the Pecos pupfish, a small fish native to the Pecos River, its tributaries, and nearby waters in New Mexico and Texas, as an endangered species.
  • They include the endangered Mexican Wolf and giant Saguaro cactus.
  • Our Southwest deserts are home to endangered Sonoran pronghorn antelopes, desert tortoises, kangaroo rats, pupfish, springsnails, and other desert species that are adapted to very specialized niches and therefore particularly vulnerable to changes in climate and habitat. Leda Huta: A Marshall Plan for Nature: How to Protect Endangered Species from Climate Change
  • Her work on environmental matters, conservation and protection of endangered species ranks high on her list of endless worthwhile endeavors.
  • Dorsey chose to work with the bicolor damselfish because they are not considered a threatened or endangered species.
  • MacFarlane's four-o'clock was listed as endangered by the State of Oregon in 1989, and the State is working toward a similar upgrade in status for the plant.
  • In 1995-96 the Badghyz Reserve had about 7,300 onagers and this species was no longer considered endangered. Badkhiz-Karabil semi-desert
  • The dam would flood the Macal River valley - a so-called ‘Biogem’ of rain forest and fertile flood plain that is home to many endangered species like the howler monkey, jaguar, and tapir.
  • Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the Hawaiian monk seal has had some of its coastal habitat protected.
  • The sites are protected by international treaties designed to preserve rare habitats and the endangered bird populations they support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marri trees produce large amounts of blossom and nectar, and mature trees often have the very large hollows that are nesting sites for endangered species such as black cockatoos, western ringtail possums and owls.
  • The fairy pitta is one of the most precious birds in Linnei Township and is listed as a critically endangered species.
  • This is the launch of the government's latest attempt to conserve the endangered countryside.
  • The collective claims VicForests is illegally cutting down old trees in the area and threatening the habitat of the endangered Leadbeater's possum, which is one of Victoria's emblems. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The air traffic controllers with whom we now chat are fast becoming endangered species.
  • On March 6, we listed the Buena Vista Lake shrew, a tiny insect-eating mammal native to California's southern San Joaquin Valley, as endangered.
  • The sea turtle is an endangered species .
  • It is pretty evident that Maoist cadres have been involved into the smuggling cordyceps and other endangered medicinal herbs and regarding this they have also established their own so-called regulative mechanism. Scrutinizing Mr. Yadav's Allegations
  • The contradictory messages and parallel lobbying efforts have angered administration officials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Introducing free-ranging African cheetahs back to the Southwest, the scientists assert, could restore strong interactions with pronghorns and provide endangered cheetahs with new habitat.
  • For these reasons, these animals have been added to the endangered species list.
  • The short films, no longer an endangered species, are archived on an easily navigable Web site.
  • Anolis carolinensis, green anole, by Al Denelsbeck — Not endangered or even threatened at this point, they nevertheless are getting crowded out in Florida by the introduced and more aggressive brown anole. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
  • When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.
  • You're likely to see waders as well as a variety of herons, stilts, and even the endangered West Indian whistling duck.
  • A subspecies of mouse deer, the Balabac chevrotain (Tragulus napu nigricans), which is confined to Balabac Island, is also considered endangered. Palawan rain forests
  • She was also angered that police chiefs had not apologised for the way the case had been handled.
  • Last year, it was also discovered that the site has a thriving population of the endangered water vole due to the rank grass which provides ideal protection and a source of food.
  • Two globally endangered species -- spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank -- were also spotted in Sonadia. The Daily Star
  • Abstract: The freshwater sawfish Pristis microdon is a critically endangered elasmobranch. Breaking News: Ontogenetic Depth 2.0! - The Panda's Thumb
  • So thick are the palisades of thorny mimosa -- an aggressive weed akin to the touch-me-not -- that India's endangered one-horned rhino can no longer move about freely in Kaziranga National Park. Attack Of the Aliens
  • Most illegal imports are beef, pork or chicken, but the trade also includes meat from endangered species, known as bushmeat.
  • The great whites are critically endangered and the tourism industry props up their protection, so it's a great thing to do. The Sun
  • Two who heard the program, Marty Vibul and Linda Patterson, wanted to donate funds to help the project, and with the added assistance of store owners Tim and Margie Griffiths of Wild Birds Unlimited the Peaks decided to supplement their 17 bluebird nest boxes at Audubon Park with some boxes specifically tailored to the prothonotary warbler, which is considered as endangered in some areas of North America. Stories
  • There is little time to discover the answers as the Southern bluefin tuna and the populations of the Northern Atlantic bluefin tuna have been considered in the past two decades for endangered species listings.
  • As machinery began to overtake the use of workhorses, the Black Forest horse became endangered.
  • What angered people was nowhere in the letter did it say the home was for elderly people.
  • There are several large mammals of conservation significance in this ecoregion, including the endangered douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), red-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates gabriellae), and pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) and potentially the tiger (Panthera tigris). Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests
  • However monkey, chimpanzee and many other rare and endangered species are plundered from the forest and killed for food.
  • Should the subspecies be considered endangered, when the species itself is not?
  • There are several threatened species such as the endangered snow leopard, takin, and Himalayan goral (Naemorhedus baileyi), and the vulnerable serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) and Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus) (in eastern Nepal and Sikkim) in this ecoregion. Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • She was so angered by this thought that she had changed forms and was halfway to the center of the circle before she realized what she was doing.
  • Wildlife biologists say the troublesome invaders — dumped in the Everglades by pet owners who no longer want them — have become a pest and pose a significant threat to endangered species like the wood stork and Key Largo woodrat. Pythons Invading Florida Everglades | Impact Lab
  • So Newt Gingrich can campaign on family values while abandoning a succession of wives for more nubile alternatives; Bill Clinton's extra-mural activities have to be shoved under the carpet in a celebrated TV interview (with his wife loyally at his side) before he can resuscitate his endangered candidacy in 1992. Shashi Tharoor: Importance of appearing to be earnest
  • Mexican mesic forest survives as one of the world's rarest and most endangered vegetation types. Wildflower hunting in Durango
  • These trends are bound to continue into 2001, with more people around the world being displaced by floods, endangered by wild weather and starved by droughts.
  • But her research is doubly important now that they are endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's one of the few places in Britain where you can catch sight of the endangered sand lizard or smooth snake.
  • Then the decrease in polar bears will almost certainly push them into an endangered species classification. Think Progress » Sarah Palin calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
  • In the late 1980s, Leakey switched careers to take over as head of Kenya's Wildlife Service, working to protect all endangered wildlife and eco-systems.
  • The park contains habitat for at least eight endangered mammal species and is also proving to be an important geobotanical laboratory for studies on pollen and climatic changes in the Amazon basin. Rio Abiseo National Park, Peru
  • There is a glossary, along with lists of endangered and threatened taxa and references.
  • I am angered and appalled at the way the news media has made a circus of their portrayal of this case.
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
  • Consider Ecuador's endangered phantasmal poison frog -- smaller than a dime, but an extract from its skin blocks pain 200 times more effectively than morphine, seemingly without addiction and other serious side effects. Peter Seligmann: America's Commitment to Nature: Another Endangered Species?
  • Jeff Groscost actually wanted the Legislature to determine whether a species was truly endangered before the state enforced federal protections.
  • Endangered species such as the wild dog, not sighted since 1996, has reappeared here, while Sariska is also home to the elusive caracal.
  • This area is home to several endangered and endemic birds, including the white-necked parakeet, coppery-chested jacamar, and bicoloured antvireo. Eastern Cordillera real montane forests
  • By the time the gray wolf was listed as an endangered species in the conterminous U.S., its breeding range had been reduced to a small corner of northeastern Minnesota and Isle Royale, Michigan.
  • The court accepted his plea of not guilty to'being reckless as to whether life was endangered'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some islands provide nesting habitat that is critical to the survival of the endangered roseate tern.
  • He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
  • If I angered Kosinski, he might eliminate me, the way that Tarden cleverly exposed Veronika to radiation without her knowledge.
  • The great perils in the life of man, which endangered him in this world and the next, were the superficial elation of superbia, when by whatever acci - dent Fortune favored him, and the ruinous desperation of accidia and dolor, when Fortune frowned. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The refuge's fan-shaped palms harbor migrating warblers, green jays, and long-billed thrashers, and are part of a wildlife corridor for two endangered wild cats, the ocelot and jaguarundi.
  • Skylarks, one of Britain's most endangered birds, can be spotted near the sixth fairway, common lizard, brown hare and hen by the ninth and pied wagtail, wheatear and spotted flycatcher by the 18th.
  • Last year their vulnerability was upgraded to critically endangered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such tortoises are increasingly rare because they are frequently poached, and they are critically endangered in their native Madagascar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
  • The Turtle Conservation Fund has listed the 25 most endangered turtles to highlight the survival crisis facing tortoises and freshwater turtles and to unveil a global plan to prevent further extinctions.
  • The silky sifaka lemurs are among the most critically endangered primates in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those members of the endangered species known as tenured professors and a select number of adjuncts or wage slaves, the ones who are doing what they think is right, regardless of current trends, let me say this: Good for you. Rambling Man (redacted)
  • Bush issued a rule at the end of his term intended to serve as a poison pill against using endangered species protections to regulate climate change; Obama has hinted he would repeal that "midnight rule," but he has yet to do so, despite congressional authority to revoke the Bush rules with the stroke of a pen. Edward Humes: Climate Change Decision in 11 Days: Ostrich or Hawk
  • She helped protect the endangered loggerhead and green turtles.
  • He said at the police Endangered Species Protection Unit (ESPU) banquet in Pretoria the code would be non-negotiable, and was aimed at reversing what he described as a breakdown in the criminal justice system. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Sam Behrend, executive director of Access Tucson, is angered by the survey.
  • Endangered species of pawpaw trees in Florida, for example, grow what botanists call recalcitrant seeds, which don't survive drying and freezing in seed banks.
  • The chimpanzee is an endangered species.
  • There are two species of sea turtles that mate and nest in the Gulf: the hawksbill and the green turtle, both endangered species.
  • We haven't seen a Florida panther, an endangered species that has been reportedly sighted in the reserve, but we are more than content with ‘our’ bobcat.
  • Two of the species to be harvested in larger quantities are considered endangered.
  • The lizards are classed as an endangered species .
  • The move extends hope for survival of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle, which feeds in Cuban waters.
  • Japan, which uses a scientific loophole to claim its whaling is for scientific research, will this year kill hundreds of endangered Pacific minke, sei, Bryde's and sperm whales.
  • We forbid the sale of goods made from endangered species such as elephants and rhino.
  • The eight endangered species of birds are common scoter, hen harrier, grey partridge, corncrake, red-necked phalarope, nightjar, roseate tern and corn bunting.
  • Animal lovers said earlier that the case was a step in the right direction against illegal ownership of endangered animals.
  • The sperm whale is 1 of 6 Gulf whales listed as endangered. Peter Lehner: Congress, the Mabus Report, and Why Gulf Restoration Matters for All of Us
  • And Ian Bone, founder of Class War, tells us that anarchists, angered by the transport arrangements for the Olympics, will contest the 2012 Greater London Authority elections. Diary
  • The ecoregion harbors several threatened species, including the endangered red panda (Ailurus fulgens), takin (Budorcas taxicolor), serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), and particolored squirrel (Hylopetes alboniger). Eastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests
  • 14 per cent of primate species are highly endangered.
  • Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
  • It was a reckless challenge with excessive force that endangered the player's safety. The Sun
  • It's critically endangered and lives nowhere else on earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the largest rookery in the world for the critically endangered species and half a million turtles nest here every winter.
  • They harbour some of the world's most endangered wildlife and provide vital food and medicines.
  • They are also angered by company moves to dismiss five oil union members.
  • The nets also pose a serious threat to the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, especially curious pups, which can become entangled and drown.
  • These conditional drug company offers have angered AIDS groups.
  • GOP sources said Palin's call galvanized conservatives on the race but angered some insiders who resented her interfering in the matter. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Indonesia is also a haven for the international trade in endangered animals, an illegal activity that ranks only behind drug trafficking in lucrativeness.
  • A suit has been filed by the Center for Biological Diversity to protect 24 endangered species including the Desert tortoise, Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard, Arroyo toad and Desert pupfish.
  • The shift by Mr Gilchrist has angered some union leaders in Greater Manchester.
  • The felling of a sycamore tree in Bradford on Avon has angered residents who petitioned for its survival.
  • The country's Jewish population was angered by the prime minister's remarks.
  • The endangered Magazine Mountain shagreen is restricted to a single population found on the talus slopes of Magazine Mountain in the Ozark National Forest of Arkansas.
  • Of the many threats facing the endangered mountain gorilla, habitat loss is one of the most pressing.
  • The adoption has been a great success for the endangered red pandas. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there was no aviation bureaucracy to stifle initiative and smother the life from our most wild and impractical dreams - an endangered species if there was one.
  • Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, Mass., has already cloned an endangered animal: the gaur, a humpback relative of the cow from Southeast Asia.
  • Now, and for no reason, the poor things are on the endangered list in some places. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reserves were created to save critical habitat for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, saiga antelope, Russian desman and black stork.
  • I must say, it was the sharp ring of truth which angered me so.
  • In the event that it decides to develop the area, there will be serious risks to the health and long-term survival of the region which is home to jaguars, pumas, tapirs and many more endangered species.
  • Following is a complete listing of the endangered avians.
  • All the successive central and state governments have completely neglected this forsaken and endangered community.
  • I was angered, nay, infuriated, by your review of the movie.
  • A variety of Ethiopian endemics can be found, including the critically endangered Walia ibex (Capra walie) and endangered mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni). Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands
  • A joint initiative with BBC Talent, the octet flew to the jungles of Borneo to undertake a project to save the life of endangered orang-utans in the area.
  • We were endangered to attend to which Matt Dupee has had to bear a heart catheterization procedure, nonetheless "heartened" to know which all has left well. Archive 2009-11-01
  • An estimated 700 foreign-owned vessels are fishing regularly in Somalian waters for endangered tuna, shark and lobster.
  • The students also sighted the endangered species of butterflies such as the Southern Birdwing, Malabar branded swallowtail and the Malabar Rose during the camp.
  • Do mysterious and presumably endangered manlike creatures inhabit swamplands of the southern United States?
  • Endangered species include tapir, guar and banteng, wild buffalo, serow, red dog, Asiatic elephant, and leopard.
  • The Eastern and Western Atlantic stocks of bluefin tuna have been so severely plundered that they were proposed for listing as an endangered species in 2009 - a designation strongly opposed by Japan, which consumes around 80 percent of the bluefin caught in the world. Corbin Hiar: Why Did One Japanese Blufin Tuna Sell for $736,000
  • It's one of a long list of endangered species in a 2 hour Central Documentary tonight.
  • As I sit here with tears flowing, I am again angered at the waste of human life as a result of the conflict in Viet Nam. Loveletters From Vol 3
  • In the event that it decides to develop the area, there will be serious risks to the health and long-term survival of the region which is home to jaguars, pumas, tapirs and many more endangered species.
  • The news angered officials at unions involved in pay disputes with both companies.
  • The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.
  • New legislation still does not offer adequate protection for many endangered species.
  • This clonal and recombinant species, which produces both vegetative and sexual diaspores, is considered endangered in most parts of Central Europe and in other industrialized regions.
  • Among other rare and endangered mammal species protected in this ecoregion are: marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna koshevnikovi), otter (Lutra lutra seistanica), manul cat (F. manul ferrugineus), and a number of species of bats and rodents. Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
  • Such tortoises are increasingly rare because they are frequently poached, and they are critically endangered in their native Madagascar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Indus River dolphin, the Baluchistan bear, the Suleiman markhor, Hotson's long-tailed hamster, and the Central Asian cobra are classified as endangered. Baluchistan xeric woodlands
  • The adoption has been a great success for the endangered red pandas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our findings are particularly relevant for the highly overfished, overtraded - and hence endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna, for which there is a growing campaign to impose a temporary ban on international trade," added co-author Dr Sergi Tudela of WWF. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Britain is home to 40 per cent of its total population and it is on the amber list of endangered birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to the giant catfish, the project focuses on other endangered species, such as the giant barb, the national fish of Cambodia, and the seven-striped barb.

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