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How To Use Anatolia In A Sentence

  • For example, the conquering Hittite King Shuppiluliuma I 1344–1322 B.C. stopped in southeastern Anatolia to review his troops and chariots before continuing onward to his goal, the siege of the city of Carchemish. The Trojan War
  • In my previous post Odysseus, Uthuze and Utnapishtim, I finished off with the dangling idea that the name Odysseus had reached Anatolia and the Aegean by the second millenium BCE. A Pre-Greek name for Odysseus
  • The dogs, Anatolian shepherds, live with the livestock on the range and protect them from cheetahs and leopards.
  • Employing a fluent Anatolian dialect and using minimum force Barossa extracts a vital nugget of information from the somewhat stubborn barber.
  • Iyarri Anatolian god of war and plagues, known as an archer “Lord of the Bow”, similar to Greek god Apollo. The Trojan War
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  • You can see Roman ruins in Turkey, some of the most famous mosaics are from the place the Romans called Anatolia, which is modern-day Turkey. Violet Eclipse
  • He was an important man from a wealthy region in southern Anatolia. The Battle of Salamis
  • The absence of phalluses and vulvae was remarkable, Mellaart thought, because they were often portrayed in the art of Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures outside Anatolia. The Goddess and the Bull
  • A small part of the ecoregion falls south of the Azerbaidjan-Iran border and is classified as a mosaics of Anatolian Aremisisietea fragrantis armeniaca and Sub-Euxenian oak forest remnants in Zohary. Azerbaijan shrub desert and steppe
  • Anatolia, the main Turkish landmass that historically has been known as Asia Minor, literally translates as "full of mothers". Zeyno Baran: Let the Truth Shine
  • The location this time is Eskibahce, a coastal town in south-west Anatolia.
  • But from 1300, the frontier emirate of Anatolia began slowly to eat into Byzantine territory, and in 1453 old dreams were realised and the ancient city of Byzantium acquired its present name: Istanbul.
  • Even Asia Minor, that is to say the uplands of Anatolia, is beginning to reveal herself to explorers although almost all the great sanctuaries, Pessinus, the two Comanas, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • Thousands of soldiers sweep toward the Mediterranean coast leaving behind their dead and their dreams, to wander in the Anatolian desert under a seemingly inexpiable curse.
  • One sunny afternoon last month I sat drinking a glass of tea in the office of a functionary in Mus, a market town in eastern Anatolia known for producing sugar beets, tobacco and violence.
  • “It is this kind of material, to some perhaps unspectacular, which is providing fundamental evidence on the problems of the environment,” French countered in the same issue of Anatolian Studies. The Goddess and the Bull
  • When World War I broke out Hankin, like many businessmen in Palestine, was charged with treason, arrested, imprisoned in Jerusalem and deported to Sivas in Anatolia. Olga Belkind-Hankin.
  • Puduhepa came from a noble family of high priests in southern Anatolia and went on to play a pivotal role in Hittite religion. The Trojan War
  • The Hittite word annas 'mother' is apparently an Anatolian innovation. Enticed by a drunken thought
  • Their indolence abandoned the coast of Anatolia to the calamities of a piratical war, which, after an interval of six hundred years, again infested the Euxine; but as long as the capital was respected, the sufferings of a distant province escaped the notice both of the prince and the historian. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Frederik Kortlandt expanded further on this by infusing it with the Glottalic Theory according to which PIE's ejectives became "implosive" in all dialects save Proto-Anatolian and Proto-Tocharian. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Rather, the marker *-s- specifies a specific event of an inherently dynamic verb a perfective nuance and this is why only some verbs were given a sigmatic aorist later on in non-Anatolian dialects. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The dogs, Anatolian shepherds, live with the livestock on the range and protect them from cheetahs and leopards.
  • Rather, the marker *-s- specifies a specific event of an inherently dynamic verb a perfective nuance and this is why only some verbs were given a sigmatic aorist later on in non-Anatolian dialects. The active-stative mess
  • Saruhan Bey conquered Manisa (Magnesia), which formed the base of the Turkoman principality of Saruhan in western Anatolia. C. 1297
  • All this being said, we then understand why the perfective action could not possibly have been originally marked by *-i as proven by non-Anatolian dialects if its function were originally to express this aspect, due to the obvious semantic contradictions that would ensue, and we also see why the sigmatic aorist couldn't have ever applied to all verbs, such as punctives, likewise to avoid simple contradiction. The active-stative mess
  • There are many different breeds including Komondors, Great Pyrenees, Kuvasz, and Anatolians.
  • All this being said, we then understand why the perfective action could not possibly have been originally marked by *-i as proven by non-Anatolian dialects if its function were originally to express this aspect, due to the obvious semantic contradictions that would ensue, and we also see why the sigmatic aorist couldn't have ever applied to all verbs, such as punctives, likewise to avoid simple contradiction. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The strong north eastern wind blows off the central Anatolian landmass in summer as well as winter.
  • For example, the Hittites are identified as a Canaanite tribe, whereas in fact they were centered in Anatolia pp. The Great Experiment
  • Bayndor: "In this sense, the Etruscan-Lemnian group is not a real mainland Anatolian relic language, but instead a result of re-colonization from the islands. A modification of Indo-Aegean, plus some new grammatical ideas on Minoan
  • The part that extends into Asia is known as Anatolia, and sometimes referred to as Asia Minor. Ronen Paldi: 10 Things You May Not Have Known About Turkey
  • Among the extinct descendants of Indo-European are two well-attested main branches, Anatolian including Hittite and Tocharian. The English Is Coming!
  • ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police Friday detained an unmarried mother and six other people near Istanbul for their suspected role in the so-called "honor killing" of a 2-day-old baby girl, state news agency Anatolian said. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Here he had stumbled upon something which made of Demetrios of Anatolia a temporary discomfort, and which bedwarfed the utmost reach of his ill-doing into equality with the molestations of a house-fly; and perception of this fact worked in Demetrios like a poisonous ferment. Domnei A Comedy of Woman-Worship
  • Marcus Lucullus is not to be confused with his brother Lucius Licinius Lucullus, who was busy at the time commanding Roman troops against Mithridates in Anatolia but is better known today for his love of gastronomyhence the adjective Lucullan. The Spartacus War
  • Asia Minor, or Anatolia, is a peninsula stretching westward from the Armenian mountains to the Aegean Sea, with the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean to the south. 7. Asia Minor, c. 3000-333 B.C.E
  • The relations between the Oghuz and the Salurs, the Seljuk Empire and the Salurs, and the activities of the Salurs in Anatolia and in todays Turkmenistan, are also discussed in this article.
  • Since the first conquests of the caliphs, the establishment of the Turks in Anatolia or Asia Minor was the most deplorable loss which the church and empire had sustained. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Anatolians also carry out their tasks with no need for folderol.
  • Maronites, Copts, Berbers, Kurds and Africans as well as Arabs and Muslims inhabit a miscellany of lands from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and from the Saharan desert to the foothills of Anatolia.
  • Anatolia, the main Turkish landmass that historically has been known as Asia Minor, literally translates as "full of mothers". Zeyno Baran: Let the Truth Shine
  • Experts in Roman religion believe that the Yorkshire cleric belonged to the officially sanctioned and important religious cult of a mother goddess called Cybele, who originated in Anatolia, present-day Turkey. Blast from the Past: Priest of Cybele Gravesite Found
  • Ranging in size from two to ten centimeters, the pieces include an ivory furniture plaque, a gold ring, a red jasper stamp seal, and the flat lid of a pyxis, or small box — from Anatolia, Mycenae, Vapheio, and Byblos, respectively. The Art of Foreign Influence
  • An experiential form, parallel to Mandarin guo 过, can easily yield explicit past tense "sigmatic aorists" in Core IE dialects, while forming special 3ps sigmatic past forms for an originally tenseless hi-class as evidenced by Anatolian and Tocharian. New thought: A 2D matrix of eventive/non-eventive and subjective/objective
  • We took a plane south-west across the Anatolian plateau to Cappadocia.
  • The swarms that followed the first crusade were destroyed in Anatolia by famine, pestilence, and the Turkish arrows; and the princes only escaped with some squadrons of horse to accomplish their lamentable pilgrimage. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The location this time is Eskibahce, a coastal town in south-west Anatolia.
  • Asia minor(A peninsula of western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is generally coterminous with Asian Turkey and is usually considered synonymous with Anatolia.
  • In 1922 Greek armies trying to conquer western Anatolia were routed by Turkey's military leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
  • It's always tempting to assume that everything in an older branch such as Anatolian is an archaicism but naturally that can't logically be the case. Thoughts on the early Indo-European subjunctive 1ps ending
  • Between screens and building are long thin pools, symbolic of the three seas that surround Anatolia.
  • The Turks forced the Anglo-Indian prisoners of war to march across the desert without adequate food, water, shelter, or medical attention and large numbers of POW's died under terrible conditions before reaching prison camps in Anatolia. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • This displacement manifests itself through destructive earthquakes along the North Anatolian Fault.
  • The strong north eastern wind blows off the central Anatolian landmass in summer as well as winter.
  • The town came to prominence as the capital of the Seljuk Sultans in 1076 when the Seljuks took control of Anatolia, though the area's roots go back much further.
  • In addition, the Anatolian prevails without benefit of a breed name, much less records or pedigrees, in its native land.
  • One sunny afternoon last month I sat drinking a glass of tea in the office of a functionary in Mus, a market town in eastern Anatolia known for producing sugar beets, tobacco and violence.
  • In this sense, the Etruscan-Lemnian group is not a real mainland Anatolian relic language, but instead a result of re-colonization from the islands. A modification of Indo-Aegean, plus some new grammatical ideas on Minoan
  • Even Asia Minor, that is to say the uplands of Anatolia, is beginning to reveal herself to explorers although almost all the great sanctuaries, Pessinus, the two Comanas, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • It's well known that Etruscan haruspicy ie. divining the future from sheep's livers can only have derived from Anatolia where it was also practiced. More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world
  • Anyways, as per my previous model, there are interesting quirks that seem to automatically surface when I personally take on the goal to finally account for both the mi-class/hi-class contrast in Anatolian with the durative-aorist-perfect system of Core IE dialects. Interesting quirks of a PIE subjective-objective model
  • Similar cosmological impressions stir in "gnostic" tracts dating from Sumer, Egypt, Persia, India, the Far East, Greece, Anatolia, etc., - not to mention Christianity - eg. the cosmic Christ - or - "cosmocrator". Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Ers, Mores and Merkery are surgents below the rim of the Zenith Part while Arctura, Anatolia, Hesper and Mesembria weep in their mansions over Noth, Haste, Soot and Waste. — Finnegans Wake
  • The primary inspiration for Santa Claus is the 4th century Christian bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra. Nicholas resided in the ancient Lycian town of Myra, located in Byzantine Anatolia.
  • Things get more complicated if one ponders a scenario where budding Anatolian dialects are affected by the Satem wave in the north of the Anatolian area and later on provide the basis for satem-like results in Luwian by way of dialect mergers and such. Diachrony of PIE
  • But as Christianity began to spread throughout Anatolia, a Christian ecclesiast outlawed the cult of Artemis in the fifth century. Archive 2008-10-01
  • This category is the origin of root aorists and imperfective past in Core IE while becoming the mi-class preterite in Anatolian. New thought: A 2D matrix of eventive/non-eventive and subjective/objective
  • At any rate, the Greeks destroyed some ships from Cilicia a region in southern Anatolia and then sailed back to Artemisium. The Battle of Salamis
  • The mountains of western Anatolia extend from east to west and form a horst-graben system with deep furrows created by rivers such as the Edremit, Bakırçay, Gediz, Küçükmenderes and Büyük Menderes. Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forests

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