
How To Use Analytic In A Sentence

  • By virtue of the fact that analytic judgments are necessarily true, and given Kant's thesis that necessity entails apriority, it follows that all analytic judgments are a priori and that there is no such thing as an analytic a posteriori judgment. Kant's Theory of Judgment
  • I've harped on about this before, but was interested in Bryan Caplan's critqiue of the Levy-Peart project: I'm going after analytical egalitarians because they're wasting their talent and energy defending the undefendable. Baffled by "Analytical Egalitarianism", Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In this paper, the design of curve of grooved drum is researched, which deduced two types of circular cone curves analytic formula of grooved drum.
  • This paper extends the particular conclusions on the symmetry of the space figures in terms of the coordinate zero dot, coordinate plane and coordinate axis in Analytic Geomtry.
  • Using software to tie together those desktops into a single ‘grid,’ it assembled, in effect, a supercomputer to run its analytical software.
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  • The necessity that the article imagines to this, feasibility and established means to undertake analytics card.
  • Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
  • Medeva does however have a development laboratory capable of formulation, stability and analytical work, which is being expanded.
  • That way they can see the analytics for their post, see how much traffic it received, maybe since day one.
  • Its contents goes well beyond what is actually relevant for analytical chemistry.
  • Ed Overton -- who is a Ph. D, a professor emeritus at LSU, and who unlike yours truly is a scientist (in analytical environmental chemistry) -- spoke to us the next day and told us that the kind of dispersant used was not only not poisonous, but also that the amount, though it sounded immense, was minuscule, given the volume of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Rachel Ben-Avi: Dinner at Tara
  • One might as well tell the patient she is possessed by demons, as give her a psychoanalytic explanation of her physical disease or disorder.
  • The code was validated by comparing the computed forces and torques with the analytic solutions for a hemisphere and sphere in point contact with the wall and also computations for axisymmetric spherical caps and spheroids.
  • Navier equations for orthotropic plates (analytical solution) IMechanica - Comments
  • Most testing instruments rely on the assumption that it is possible to separate analytically different aspects of language competence without reference to the context of use.
  • To summary the recent advances on analytical detection for acrolein and the detections of acrolein in wine.
  • Ruby's overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more. E. Lockhart's Blog:
  • She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side.
  • For negative assurance, enquiry and analytical procedures will be required.
  • Donald added: ‘the switch from a predominantly narrative mode of thought to a predominantly analytic or theoretic mode apparently requires a wrenching cultural transformation’.
  • This is one of the better books on cryptology on the market, partly because of its emphasis on cryptanalytical techniques, and partly because of its authoritativeness and technical depth.
  • Adaptive behavioural analytics is enormously useful to all manner of online businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can accept your moldy old science with its unanswered questions and stupid bland facts and its ‘rigorous analytical processes.’
  • An example is the nonanalytical stopping of arriving at work today by car when you have arrived today by bus. The Two Truths in Vaibhashika and Sautrantika
  • Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
  • He has a highly pertinent comment, to my mind, when he notes that [d] ebate in analytical philosophy is not directionless. Archive 2009-06-01
  • We derive an accurate and analytical expression for electromagnetic fields of a vertical magnetic dipole over an anisotropic uniaxial medium half-space.
  • Some firms prefer candidates with business backgrounds because business courses emphasize quantitative analytical skills.
  • Because of the clarity and care with which his elementary texts on analytic geometry and trigonometry were written they are still in demand.
  • But it is ordinary reciprocity that good psychoanalytic practice must, axiomatically, bar from the relationship of analyst and patient.
  • These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
  • This type of analytical framework posits a range of views from strong versions of racism to weak versions of ethnocentrism.
  • He also wants better use of data and analytics to improve marketing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Analytical scientists should be delighted, because it is not often that those who develop workhorse instrumental techniques are awarded the ultimate accolade for chemistry.
  • This work exemplifies the analytical power of critical discourse analysis by illustrating how language is utilized as a tool for political ends.
  • This type of analytical framework posits a range of views from strong versions of racism to weak versions of ethnocentrism.
  • You are minutely analytical and can fulfill any task that requires meticulous attention to detail.
  • All materials (cellulose Soxhlet thimbles, silica wool, vials) were cleaned with analytical grade organic solvents prior to use.
  • Even so, the two poles reject the analytical spirit of modernity, to which they oppose a synthetic approach.
  • I know about than the preposition vs. than the introducer of elliptical clauses, but this example took me (intuitively, not analytically) aback.
  • When formatted into a full-length text, though, this new arrangement struggles to maintain coherence or sustained analytical depth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Sometimes the football folk simply ignore it, which makes the analytics department rather pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1931 there were no medications to treat mental illness (lobotomies came into vogue in 1935, for example) and psychiatry was divided between those doctors treating state hospital patients (many of whom had paresis or were schizophrenic/bipolar) who were considered “organic” and those who were more psychoanalytic, mostly in big cities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jerome Frank on Oliver Wendell Holmes:
  • In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive - psychological analytic model.
  • Analytical Research and Technology (University of Liège, Belgique), show that exposure to chlordecone (also named Kepone), an organochlorine chemical with well defined estrogenic properties used in the French West Indies until 1993, is associated to a significant increased risk of prostate cancer. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • They focus on core programs in analytics, and then have a very experiential period - similar to the clinical rotations used in other professions.
  • Science - linear, atomistic, analytical - is a typical left-brain activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, By Himself, published in 1845, is another example I cited -- "passionate, demanding, denunciatory, self-analytical: 'autobiographies' now differed from people's 'memoirs,' as their authors challenged themselves and the world to be honest about their own lives. Nigel Hamilton: Bush and Memoirs
  • Many search-engine sites offer free analytic tools of their own.
  • One of the pleasures of Feedjit is you sometimes get to see patterns upfold that are missed in the vast quantities of data you collect with an analytics service such as Google Analytics. Archive 2009-02-01
  • At a time when the photography of sculpture in general is being problematized and historicized, it behooves the field to think analytically about the implications of various photographic strategies in its publications.
  • The Hurt Locker, the senses are stretched to a point of acute tension and wary, analytical alertness; but one facet of Bigelow's greatness is the way that this sort of subjective state, as well, can be seen, heard, and felt to overflow as a kind of nonsubjective sensorial immersion. Warren Ellis
  • This issue comprises an extensive effort to apply economic modelling techniques and other analytical approaches to policy issues in a specific sector.
  • Neither question is analytically resolvable: the answers turn on value judgments, not analytical findings.
  • Therefore rational expressions must be possessed of mature minds, judgment and analytical abilities. In addition, a certain amount of cognitive reserves is required.
  • A Levy-Jennings quality control chart is a graphic representation of the acceptable limits of variation in the results of an analytic method.
  • Clinton's arc provides the analytical foundation, but it also frames the related tentacular outgrowths in politics, society, and the press: The comediennes who so memorably capitalized on the election. AJ Rossmiller: Brilliant New Book About Gender and 2008 Election
  • Psychoanalytic thinking proposes to shine a high-beam headlight into the dark cave of our most primal urges.
  • The focus on the single political actor has analytic advantages, since data gathering and analysis can be precise and intensive.
  • Social network analysis ( SNA ) is proposed as an analytical tool to explore coalition governance.
  • Donald Worster, on the other hand, provides an analytic reinterpretation of explorer John Wesley Powell as a neglected visionary.
  • It features secure data preparation, early case assessment with prereview analytics, full e-discovery processing, advanced review, and production. The Common Scold
  • I also wonder whether there is a term in psychoanalytic theory for this perception of our body's radical alterity.
  • Automated capabilities such as multivariable testing (MVT), segmentation and targeting, product recommendations, and advanced analytics provide advanced functions that increase conversion rates, sales, customer engagement and lifetime value while automating processes to lower costs and increase marketing agility. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Analytical cubism is generally considered the early phase of cubism.
  • Reports help you to analyze historical values of numeric business measures that belong to a cube, which is a multidimensional representation of data needed for online analytical processing.
  • Analytical methods which will work on undiluted, individual ingredients may not work well on finished products containing other non-herbal ingredients or excipients.
  • Feminist empiricists prefer the tools of analytic philosophy of science.
  • Suppose, further, that these are essential to accounting for the other basic psychoanalytic categories like phantasy, projections, introjections, denial, defense, repression etc.
  • One has the impression that Greenfield was informed she would be asked about this period in Freud's early psychoanalytic career, so she mugged it up from a psychoanalytic source and regurgitated it as best she could.
  • Some marketers may want to set the threshold to 10%, and others 5%, because some might want to monitor fluctuating conversion rates in the United Kingdom verses "spikier" conversion rates in Australia, explains Amy Chang, group product manager for Google Analytics at Google. Undefined
  • Still, the influence of Husserl has been more widely felt among the "continentals" than the "analytics," and that's probably why he's referred to as one of the former rather than the latter. Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Habermas
  • All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.
  • As tools, these processes and habits don't fit, and the fault is not so much that the object of your studies is unworthy of your scholarly attention as that the analytical methods themselves are inappropriate.
  • While separating these activities analytically from other major processes, like emotional support, it does this for justifiable theoretical reasons.
  • There is a need to develop methodologies, including selection of analytical techniques, for the characterization of micro- and macrostructural features that can be used to determine the effects of materials, processing, and environmental variables on performance of concrete.
  • MILMAN, The Newton diagram of an analytic morphism, and applications to differentiable functions, Bull. RegEM « Climate Audit
  • Techniques of suggestion are compatible neither with the analytic attitude that Symington describes nor the therapeutic attitude that Cervantes describes.
  • Creative thinking is based on ares cognitive ability and analytic ability.
  • a keenly analytic man
  • The study of organic forms, or morphology, is thus, more than any other science, interested in the doctrine of descent, because through this doctrine it first obtained a practical knowledge of effective causes, and was able to raise itself from the humble rank of a descriptive study of _forms_ to the high position of an analytical science of _form_. Freie wissenschaft und freie lehr. English
  • A thorough knowledge of analytical chemistry and experience in chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques is therefore essential.
  • This was shown in the earlier analytical ultracentrifugation analyses comparing DNA content from thermally ruptured phage (when all of the DNA comes out) with that from samples treated with LamB with and without PEG.
  • There are no psychoanalytical shortcuts into my pants , okay?
  • The conventional approach to management based on analytical problem solving can no longer cope with accelerating change, complexity, uncertainty and conflict.
  • A design flow is built, from the design of behavioral stage , transistor stage and analytic procedure.
  • Pamela Harris, director of Georgetown University's Supreme Court Institute, added, He is an extremely shrewd and analytically precise lawyer. Justice Stevens to retire from Supreme Court
  • Analytical reading of history texts should never permit a passive acceptance of other people's interpretations of the past.
  • We might want to reflect on the future of this relationship between analytic textualism and research. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Perhaps as a society we dislike to gaze analytically on our communal icons of church and family.
  • I think of it as reading critically and analytically and also knowing that you are going to be writing [about what is being read]. A critic's life can be a happy one, with the right frame of mind. Robert Birnbaum talks to Pulitzer-prize winner Gail Caldwell about a life well read, 19th-century novels, and the changing of hearts.
  • Every one of these search queries is landing in your Web analytics. Is Google Analytics a Creative Writing Tool? | Write to Done
  • I mend one's ways A record rapidly come, pass two many hours await, the domain name is analytic become effective.
  • Many recent analytical advances address ongoing problems, including arsenic, perchlorates, and methyl tert butyl ether in soil and water supplies.
  • For the methylimide determination, the fact that the ratio of the hydriodic acid to the substance quantity used (approx. 3 mg) would be far more favourable than for the macro-analytical process, had not been foreseen. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • In this connection we may mention that one of the first results was the discovery that the yellow colouring matter in corpora lutea of cattle ovaries was by micro-analytical carbon hydrogen determination found to be carotin, the substance which is in carrots widely found in the vegetable kingdom. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • Note that someone does not need to validly cognize the ceasing of “something that never happened” in order to attain on his or her mental continuum a parting and a nonanalytical stopping of valid cognition of that something. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Six: Using Analogies with Quantum Mechanics, Clearing away Doubts That Might Arise
  • For one, legal training is great for teaching lawyers how to rip apart facts and legal doctrines analytically.
  • The calibre and analytical ability of students have increased due to the curriculum and this is one of the reasons for the increase in demand for the profession.
  • Freudian psychoanalysis refers to a specific type of treatment in which the "analysand" analytic patient verbalizes thoughts, including free associations, fantasies, and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the unconscious conflicts causing the patient's symptoms and character problems, and interprets them for the patient to create insight for resolution of the problems. Analysand verbalizes thoughts
  • They help, because completing one shows that you have analytical and critical skills.
  • Given that the label 'nontrinitarian' is the result of a misreading of Clausewitz, in a sense it is devoid of proper analytical meaning. Chicago Boyz
  • The emphasis is on the development of critical and analytical skills.
  • The model, which combined attribute recognition theory with hierarchical analytical method, is a new unstructured decision - method.
  • An analytical expression for determining of singularity configuration which is a polynomial equation is set, and the numeric symbolic manipulating technique is introduced.
  • The phenomenon of "transference" is one of the cornerstones of psychoanalytic theory.
  • Using a semi-analytical method, the nonlinear stability of a spherical shallow shell under centrally distributed and concentrated loads is investigated in this paper.
  • Applicants should have a degree or equivalent qualification in chemistry and relevant post-graduate experience or training in analytical chemistry.
  • It is not surprising that much of the argument of the Analytic concerns the ideas of substance and causality, as Kant wished us to understand them.
  • That parting and nonanalytical stopping last forever and never change. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Six: Using Analogies with Quantum Mechanics, Clearing away Doubts That Might Arise
  • There is also a chapter on special sample introduction techniques together with an introductory chapter providing an overview of analytical atomic spectrometry.
  • There he taught courses on analytic functions and functional calculus.
  • Finally, some practical analytical theory and numerical technique of reliability assessment and prediction of the fatigue life for deepwater risers are presented.
  • His speech was precise, his mind analytical and his code of conduct above reproach.
  • There's a conviction that the analytics-driven company does best in a consumer-facing game--or, even better, in a born-digital, consumer-facing game prototypically, Amazon. 10 Insights: A First Look At The New Intelligent Enterprise Survey
  • All other reagents were of analytical grade and aqueous solutions were made up with distilled water.
  • We have already noticed the analytical tendency of preliterary Latin. The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life and Literature
  • Postgraduate work on psychoanalytic theory floundered in exhausting research. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Political power should be regarded as analytically distinct from economic power.
  • Mark graduated from IT Sligo with a national certificate in chemistry, a national diploma in analytical chemistry, a degree in environmental chemistry and a PhD in environmental radiochemistry.
  • They greatly impress me with their intellectual and behavior-analytic skills and their consistent industriousness.
  • As an example of the former, Wiseman applies his wonderfully analytic mind to question specific prior efforts to criticize the conclusions of the Feilding Report.
  • Edward Lucas in The Telegraph, his article entitled "Russia sees us as pawns on its chessboard" is well written, nicely analytical and very very worrying. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In curing speech of specters and ghosts, analytical philosophy claims to cleanse the mind of a dreamy fondness for every sort of idealism, vitalism, Platonism, and transcendentalism.
  • Specialized appliances find their sweet spot in the market as an abstraction layer for complex functionality that fits poorly in vanilla server hardware (think core routers) or by using the appliance as an interface to unique functionality that offers more than just first-order convenience (e.g. some database analytics appliances). Schooner Launches Specialized Servers for Speedy Data Delivery
  • In this fascinating anthology, the relevant texts are embedded in analytic commentaries and bibliographies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This paper combines perspectives from sociolinguistics, musicology, fashion and dance theory to propose a new analytical model that I call ‘corporealinguistics’.
  • That can be a difficult thing to do, requiring emotional balance, maturity, and analytic clarity - a huge effort.
  • But he questions whether wage indexation is in fact even feasible in the long run. indexing future retirement benefits to wages is analytically equivalent to indexing them to the overall returns experienced by the owners of capital ... the government faces a massive quandary if it tries to guarantee relative living standards via wage indexation while funding the program with less risky investments like short - or intermediate-term government bonds. Social Security and Indexing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The development of epistemological genealogies requires the creation of new analytical architectures.
  • Web analytics will still be dealing with the transactional, backword-looking web stuff at the Tactical / Marketing Productivity Blog
  • Hence, an analytical solution is required to cater to all soil type and varying site conditions.
  • NSE of scale - free networks is presented analytically by introducing a degree - rank function.
  • Born in Austria under the name of Sigismund Schlomo Freud, he was a neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic method of psychiatry. Five People Born on May 6 | myFiveBest
  • For example, Freud analysed his own daughter Anna over a period of several years, a flagrant violation of psychoanalytic principles which most psychoanalysts would condemn.
  • The last opposition of I and O statements, later to be dubbed subcontraries because they appear below the contraries on the traditional square, is a peculiar opposition indeed; Aristotle elsewhere (Prior Analytics Contradiction
  • These include cluster analytic investigations carried out in Florida, The Netherlands, and Finland.
  • Analytic informatization construction sheds line of business in content developing importance.
  • Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness.
  • Just like the Austrians, I'm going after analytical egalitarians because they're wasting their talent and energy defending the undefendable. Baffled by "Analytical Egalitarianism", Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • And in your professional studies, do you strengthen those critical and analytic powers and invite students to make their own syntheses?
  • Over 4000 exhibitors from 67 nations will showcase state-of-art products in the fields of medical technology, diagnostics, analytics and therapy.
  • And so that is a de-resourcing, that is plans guided by analytics and ongoing. Retail Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • As he traces the evolution of intertwined ideas, he provides vivid portraits of Shannon and other pioneers of our Information Age, including Charles Babbage, whose unbuilt 19th-century "Analytical Engine" anticipated modern computers, and Alan Turing, whose machines helped the Allies crack German codes during World War II. Little Bits Go a Long Way
  • A thorough knowledge of analytical chemistry and experience in chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques is therefore essential.
  • These papers demonstrate also the necessity of international cooperation between analytical laboratories.
  • Several numerically calculated trajectories are illustrated, and base Archimedean spirals are compared with analytically obtained results.
  • It also makes an ideal text to support an undergraduate degree course in analytical chemistry.
  • With painstaking, cold, analytical skill, Abramov emptied the secret places of Hillsden's mind of all previous loyalties. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • It's the product of a stunted, overanalytical mind that demands unfairly that all ancient art, art which is by nature expressive and non-rational, must be reduced to purely non-religious origins and meanings, even when a religious interpretation is wholly unavoidable given a competent understanding of greater context. The myth of the secular
  • Method Using the analytical comparison to find out the similarities between inspection of public health and the permeative marketing.
  • Seeing is reading: hence the fundamental role of the aesthetic in epistemological philosophies such as Kant’s, and hence the burdened role of the human body in phenomenological or psychoanalytic discourses, where the body must provide fundamental shapes and surfaces for the production of meaning, yet must also serve as a screen or surface onto which the possibility of form is projected. _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • A Levy-Jennings quality control chart is a graphic representation of the acceptable limits of variation in the results of an analytic method.
  • Analytic ethics has been very fairly impoverished given the postivist legacy of emotivism, the formalism of Kantian ethics and the technicalism of utilitarianism.
  • Finite element analysis for constraint model was conducted on the gear box casing of 7YPJ agricultural tricar using modal analytic theory according to its structural characteristics.
  • The analytic solution equation can provide a useful geometrical model and a new calculation way to design and manufacture the unfolding roller (or carrier roll)or the superfinishing machine roll.
  • Viewed in cold and analytical light, the figure was probably erroneous because of the lack of precision of the aircraft's instruments.
  • That is why the word obsession is a convenient one in the analytical vocabulary. Neon Rain
  • In recent years, he has proposed the analogy between analytical dynamics and analytical structural mechanics based on the symplectic mathematics.
  • E. coli SSADH is also redox regulated, furthermore it reveals that the bacterial SSADH is structurally suited for NADP Recombinant E. coli SSADH was purified as a tetrameric molecule (determined by analytical size-exclusion chromatography; data not shown) which is in agreement with the previous description in the literature. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • First, it becomes obvious that New Political Economy, if understood as an analytical tool to produce value-free statements about the preferability of alternative social orders, is bound to fail.
  • A number of URL shortening sites have added or are adding new features ranging from detailed analytics about who's clicking your links and geographically where they're coming from, to features that "unmask" shortened URLs-so you know where a link will bring you before you click.
  • She is the associative restimulator something his analytical mind, told to scent danger, picks up as the cause.
  • The Center for Science in the Public Interest published a statement this week saying further testing is necessary: “Because the new analyses seem so improbable, confirmatory studies using the best analytical method need to be done before the alarm bells ring too loudly.” Soda drinkers beware: You may be consuming more fructose than you thought
  • Babbage's microprogram mechanism, from Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, 1838, Bromley, Allan G., in IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 20, No. 4, 1998. Babbage-Boole Digital Arithmetical and Logical Mill: Part 2 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • The deeper problem resides in the built-in patriarchy of depending on a Freudian psychoanalytical model, where an active or powerful woman is nothing but a 'masculinized' woman (or a closet lesbian.) Pretty/Scary
  • The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
  • In one fell swoop, Web analytics can help you figure out all the important information about people who visit your site.
  • But to advance our knowledge such views need to be supported by rigorous analytical reasoning and the dispassionate gathering of cases and data.
  • In deconstructive and psychoanalytic readings in particular, this allegedly pure and self-referential language returns to haunt the text's unity, coherence, and independence.
  • These are the analytical tools that judges, who in our system are generalists rather than specialists, bring to the task of adjudicating cases in specialized fields of law.
  • In reality, analytical and intuitive thinking support and complete each other.
  • When looking at the body of psychoanalytic literature dealing with perversions it becomes evident that today there is clearly fading support of the theory of phallic primacy.
  • Using the latest "web analytics" technologies, publishers can now monitor the trails of the "clickstream" - a measure of what their users are choosing to read, watch and share. Undefined
  • It is quite different from the shattered fragments found in the analytic cubism of his contemporaries Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso.
  • According to the psychoanalytic model of the self, there are thoughts we keep to ourselves, thoughts we keep from ourselves and thoughts we don't even know we have.
  • He continues to hone his analytical skills as a theatre commentator and critic.
  • However, mathematicians began to demand more rigour with the growing interest in analytic investigation.
  • In its analytic frame, implicit cost is actually fixed hypothesis, compete completely namely the cost of the enterprise in the enterprise in the market and hold the market it is identical.
  • In flavor production, chemists use steam distillation in preparative and analytical chemistry.
  • 67More than fifty years after the first African nations achieved independence we should ask why historians 'eyes remain preoccupied with "progress," which has largely emphasized the history of societies through the analytical lenses of politics and economics. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • What animated this article is my sense that we have witnessed, and continue to witness, a largely tacit degradation in the vital axiom of international humanitarian law (IHL) that insists on the analytic independence of jus ad bellum and jus in bello, which, following Michael Walzer, I call the dualistic axiom. Opinio Juris
  • By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis, the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
  • It's not that the analytics aren't important.
  • The dose regimen of TCI based on traditional compartmental model could be solved analytically.
  • If we look at a 1d steady, fully developed laminar flow problem the analysis can be solved analytically for a wide variety of viscosities as a function of depth. Guliya Core #2 and Mountain Glacier Flow « Climate Audit
  • When finished, its prime function will be to house research in organic and analytical studies.
  • The analytic solution equation can provide a useful geometrical model and a new calculation way to design and manufacture the unfolding roller (or carrier roll)or the superfinishing machine roll.
  • Although theoretically sound, Myers' behavior analytic approach to conceptualizing violent relationships has received little attention in the partner violence literature.
  • Other feminist writers, however, have tried to reevaluate the significance of psychoanalytic theory for feminism.
  • The goal of the present project is to empirically establish behavioral correlates of what is referred to in the analytic literature as the ‘anal stage’ of libidinal or psychosexual development.
  • Whether analytical or romantic, it is committed to existence, not to essence.
  • As a captive of Western analytical thought, what Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari call tree thinking or "arborescence" "reality" must be rooted or grounded, with its parts connected in fairly linear fashion, while object and subject remain separate, I came upon Rorty's work quite by accident, when a classmate handed me his "Contingency, Irony and Solidarity. Richard Rorty, October 4, 1931 – June 8, 2007
  • `all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition
  • Out of the art gallery and into our offices, as practitioners of psychoanalytic psychotherapies, we witness the pain of patients stuck in interpersonal relationships or, more often, intrapsychic conflicts demons known as negative introjects. Penelope Andrew: The Freud(ian)s: Inspired by Sigmund's Passion for Antiquities, Jane Debuts Her Own Paradigms of the Unconscious
  • But as the philosopher Morton White has pointed out, Dewey nevertheless played a little fast and loose with apriority: In his Logic [: The Theory of Inquiry, 1938] Dewey makes a distinction between what he calls "existential" and "ideational" propositions which resembles that between synthetic and analytic statements. Archive 2008-08-01
  • It was 1959, a time when most psychiatry was psychoanalytic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The list of products on display also included plastics and packaging equipment, analytical instruments, air compressors, radiators and industrial bellows.
  • The two distinct categories are muddled in a manner that is difficult to separate analytically.
  • Salehi said Iran would soon send a detailed and analytical rebuttal of the concerns raised in the report, which he called "unstudied and unjust. Reuters: Press Release

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