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  1. expressing, composed of, or based on an analogy
    the analogical use of a metaphor

How To Use analogical In A Sentence

  • Maybe I should add for completeness, that if Grassman's Law surfaced already during this hypothetical common "phonation shift" between Proto-Hellenic and Proto-Indo-Iranian, then forms like Greek títhēmi would have to be explained as resulting from analogical pressures that forced *d to devoice along with *dʰ in the underlying post-Grassman's-Law form, *dídʰehmi. Winter's Law in Balto-Slavic, "Hybrid Theory" and phonation - Part 2
  • He gives this argument in the course of addressing what he calls "the analogical argument for cognitivity," which he associates with William Alston, Warranted Christian Belief
  • the analogical use of a metaphor
  • But there are also adaptive and purely analogical homologies, such as the interdigital palmation of aquatic birds, amphibians and mammals. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • It should be noted that while accidents by inhesion modify substance, they are witnesses to its nature, being the medium whereby the mind, through a process of abstraction and inference, builds its analogical concepts of the constitution of substances. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Is there just one concept that corresponds to an analogical term, or is there a sequence of concepts?
  • If light ‘sees,’ then the speculum which reflects this seeing light can analogically participate in the solar vision that it reflects; it can derive from it its own vision.
  • And first, whether are you for managing it analogically, or dialogically? ' The Vicar of Wakefield
  • For Blake the unit of signification can be anything along a sliding analogical scale of the particulars of textual production: from the whole of a published, finished copy down to the smallest drops of ink and finest of etched marks, Blake's vision of signification is like a great chain of reading with every link forged as it is perceived by the reader. Unlocking Language: Self-Similarity in Blake's _Jerusalem_.
  • The company has announced that the alternator has been a real breakthrough for the factory as it has become an integral part of the production of transport equipment for the US Army because of its advantages to analogical products. (Sofia News Agency)
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