How To Use Analecta In A Sentence
At the same time, I consulted illustrious medievalists such as the dear and unforgettable 'tienne Gilson, but it was evident that the only Vetera analecta were those I had seen at Sainte Genevi've.
The Name of the Rose
I needn't add that these analecta did not comprehend any manuscript of Adso or Adson of Melk; on the contrary, as anyone interested can check, they are a collection of brief or medium-length texts, whereas the story transcribed by Vallet ran to several hundred pages.
The Name of the Rose
I quickly found the Vetera analecta at the Biblioth-que S.inte Genevi've, but to my great surprise the edition I came upon differed from the description in two details: first, the publisher, who was given here as "Montalant, ad Ripam P.P. Augustinianorum (prope P.ntem S. Michaelis)," and also the date, which was two years later.
The Name of the Rose
Musarum Anglicanarum analecta ... in duo volumina congesta.
The Library of William Congreve
Vetera analecta, sive collectio veterum aliquot operum & opusculorum omms generis, carminum, epistolarum, diplomaton, epitaphiorum, &, cum itinere germanico, adnotationibus & aliquot disquisitionibus R. PD.
The Name of the Rose
I delight in the analecta, the collectanea, as I may call them, of the preceding day’s dinner, which appear on such occasions — And see, there is Jenny going to ring the dinner-bell.”
The Antiquary
I delight in the analecta, the collectanea, as I may call them, of the preceding day's dinner, which appear on such occasions --- And see, there is Jenny going to ring the dinner-bell. ''
The Antiquary
Slop : analecta /Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, c2005.
New Library Comics: Week of April 24, 2006