How To Use analecta In A Sentence
- At the same time, I consulted illustrious medievalists such as the dear and unforgettable 'tienne Gilson, but it was evident that the only Vetera analecta were those I had seen at Sainte Genevi've. The Name of the Rose
- I needn't add that these analecta did not comprehend any manuscript of Adso or Adson of Melk; on the contrary, as anyone interested can check, they are a collection of brief or medium-length texts, whereas the story transcribed by Vallet ran to several hundred pages. The Name of the Rose
- I quickly found the Vetera analecta at the Biblioth-que S.inte Genevi've, but to my great surprise the edition I came upon differed from the description in two details: first, the publisher, who was given here as "Montalant, ad Ripam P.P. Augustinianorum (prope P.ntem S. Michaelis)," and also the date, which was two years later. The Name of the Rose
- Musarum Anglicanarum analecta ... in duo volumina congesta. The Library of William Congreve
- Vetera analecta, sive collectio veterum aliquot operum & opusculorum omms generis, carminum, epistolarum, diplomaton, epitaphiorum, &, cum itinere germanico, adnotationibus & aliquot disquisitionibus R. PD. The Name of the Rose
- I delight in the analecta, the collectanea, as I may call them, of the preceding day’s dinner, which appear on such occasions — And see, there is Jenny going to ring the dinner-bell.” The Antiquary
- I delight in the analecta, the collectanea, as I may call them, of the preceding day's dinner, which appear on such occasions --- And see, there is Jenny going to ring the dinner-bell. '' The Antiquary
- Slop : analecta /Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, c2005. New Library Comics: Week of April 24, 2006