
How To Use Amora In A Sentence

  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
  • Such a seemingly innocuous observation, yet as Logan evolves from student, to writer, to secret agent, to art gallery dealer, we see how it informs a kind of amorality in his character that propels him to sleep with his college mate's girlfriend and, later, the same man's wife, marry a woman he doesn't love and then push her aside when he meets the real love of his life. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The writings of a great amoralist - a de Sade, a Stirner, a Nietzsche - can inspire a handful of murders in two centuries.
  • Machiavelli was a chief target of the philoso - phes because he preached an amoralistic selfishness which promoted despotic arbitrariness. MACHIAVELLISM
  • Old dandies with creaking joints tottered along Piccadilly to their certain doom; young clerks in the city, explaining that they wished to attend their aunt's funeral, crowded the omnibuses for Kensington and were seen no more; while my mother tells me that excursion trains from the country were arriving at the principal stations throughout the day, bearing huge loads of provincial inamorati. The War of the Wenuses
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  • Shahzad also was captured on video buying fireworks from a Matamoras, Pa., store. Dramatic airport arrest nets Times Square bomb suspect
  • Older conservatives, informed by the just-war tradition and more sensitive to the idea of absolute moral standards than to the amoralism of Machiavelli, were capable of rendering critical judgments on their own governments.
  • Hypocrisy, though not evident regarding Bennett, is far superior to its replacement in the modern era, relativistic amoralism, as pure behavior seems lacking amongst our fellow humans. "For Republicans, there's only one candidate of hope: Hillary Rodham Clinton."
  • He's had a tattoo with the name of a former lover removed, to avoid hurting the feelings of his current inamorata.
  • One of the final panels proffers Der Führer's personal opinion of his adversary: ‘He is an utterly amoral, repulsive creature.’
  • A firm nexus has been established between amoral politicians, ambitious bureaucrats, unscrupulous businessmen and hardened criminals.
  • The television can woo the young with superficial lifestyles, the internet can unload any kind of amoral slurry into their heads.
  • A poetaster's aesthetic feathers had been ruffled, but his humanity, anemic and amoral, had remained unstirred, somnolent, and moribund.
  • The title nags at me the same way Google does – moral and righteous overtones applied to a company that seems to me to be remarkably amoral I’m not not saying immoral. WWJeffD? « BuzzMachine
  • He wrote a book called The Prince in which he described the amoral maneuvers and machinations of men in power.
  • There are more accomodations in Zamora, Tangancicuaro and Purepero. Expo Feria in the Purepecha Regi�n
  • Hannah McGill called the movie a ‘challenge to apathetic, vapidly amoral cinematic shock tactics’.
  • Because in fourteen of these traditions the person who quotes her is the fourth-century Babylonian amora Abbaye (278 – 338), it is usually assumed in scholarly circles that she was his mother, and that Em is a description (mother) rather than a name. Female Personalities in the Babylonian Talmud.
  • Anarchy cannot be on any political spectrum, as anarchy is not a political theory any more than amoralism is a form of ethical theory. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills
  • I'm not the only one either, who came here because they did something wrong or amoral or impure and is going to eternal damnation.
  • She seems to be drawn to these amoral roles; indeed, it's hard to imagine her playing someone warm or empathic.
  • Axyually, teh Prinsis naem wuz Buttercup, n hur inamorato wuz Westly. My name is not - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Because, Tremain thought, I'm a mercenary thug who used the word amoral? A Maiden's Grave
  • One is the judge, an urbane amoralist like Jones in Conrad's novel, who is to preside over the registration of indigenous people to vote in a forthcoming election. The Devil's Garden by Edward Docx – review
  • We find a decisive statement made by the amora Rav Huna in JT Berakhot (5: 1, 8d): “Rav Huna said: One who sees a drop of blood like [the size of a] mustard seed sits and keeps [because of it] seven clean days. Female Purity (Niddah).
  • An amoral society may have its advantages, but a fertile field for literary greatness is not one of them.
  • Garfield's visceral acting and Shaw and Rossen's forceful screenplay compel us, perhaps against our will, to accept Jacob Goff as an amoral, compassionless chiseler.
  • While I'm shamelessly namedropping, I might as well let it be known that I also once met Kelly Woan, wife of Nottingham Forest legend Ian.5.28pm: Guardian newshound Jamie Jackson is back with more news on Bobby Zamora's non-move to QPR. Transfer window deadline day 2012 – as it happened
  • She has been exposed as an amoral, unfeeling, self-serving, despicably conscience-less human being.
  • We tasted some solera wines, together with some from Almacenistas Jurado and Zamorano.
  • A poetaster's aesthetic feathers had been ruffled, but his humanity, anemic and amoral, had remained unstirred, somnolent, and moribund.
  • Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
  • Crevecoeur, still laughing at the chivalrous inamorato. Quentin Durward
  • Y por eso, me he enamorado pérdidamente de la bañera que la firma Stolis ha lanzado al [...] “Easy Click” Panels for Bathroom Furniture
  • If so, simple emotivism of the sort described is refuted because the sincerity conditions for making the judgement require the motivation not present in the amoralist.
  • The Tamora is a car in which to enjoy cross country treks without having to push it to the limits of adhesion.
  • Zamora, and see the trenches which you have ordered to be made; and I will show unto you the postern which is called the Queen's, by which we may enter the town, for it is never closed. Chronicle of the Cid
  • Widespread as it may be, it is nevertheless a way of thinking that is profoundly amoral, unethical and indeed barbaric.
  • Many think of companies as amoral, profit-hungry beasts that will do anything to promote their own selfish interests.
  • Then they'll see that their inamoratas cannot remain faithful.
  • It's taken a very amoral stand, in that essential issues are often portrayed as simply one side says this and the other side says that.
  • The rationale behind societal amorality is the myopic question: "How does my immoral behavior hurt you? Our Pal Joey?
  • Guy was greedy, amoral and dishonest.
  • Addressing an audience that was torn between the demythologizing heritage of the enlightenment on the one hand, and attempts to reassert traditional moral and religious principles on the other, Scott combines the economic amoralism of progressive historical discourse with the romance of disinterested personal virtue. Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
  • I beseech you help me now against my brother, and intreat him that he will not seek to disherit me; but if he will go on with what he hath begun, say to him that I will rather die with the men of Zamora, and they with me, than give him up the town, either for price or exchange. Chronicle of the Cid
  • That is exactly why "self-sacrificing" or "altruistic" behavior is such a problem for a theory, evolution, grounded in amorality. Carry-Over Thread
  • Tamora called for the man, who trotted up on his horse.
  • There is, in my mind, something uniquely amoral and corrosive about this kind of coldblooded infliction of pain.
  • All but the most extreme pacifists will admit of a case where it might be immoral or amoral not to use force, if not to defend oneself then to defend others.
  • Competition is amoral, ruthless and cruel - moral principles and ethical standards are compromised. And it is a civilized way of bullying the weak, the underprivileged and the poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Brian's view could be best expressed charitably as a some type of transnational amorality, meaning the US should not look after its own interests because they are no more important then the interest of any other nation-state or peoples the same with socio-political values, national security and established borders. What is up with Econolog? « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • He is an inhuman and amoral monster. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the way, as an Episcopalian I rather resent being called amoral for sharing in the happiness of various gay friends and relations. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Of All the Liars, That Have Ever Lived, Since Lying Was First Invented, [Members of the Other Party] Are the Greatest Liars”
  • In some of his trysts, he adopted the persona of his famous novel's protagonist; in a 1765 letter to "Lady P" he wrote, "There is a strange mechanical effect produced in [being] within a stonecast of the lady who engrosses the heart and soul of an inamorato - for this cause have I, Tristram Shandy, come forth from my lodgings to a coffee-house the nearest I could find to my dear Lady's house. APM: Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac RSS Feed
  • This respect for privacy appears to some to be a rather amoral attitude. Hemingway in Paris - Parisian walks for the literary traveller
  • It also purveyed the well-thumbed Roman myths: that everyone in the ancient world was a backstabbing, double-dealing, amoral schemer, and that none of them could muster the self-control of a priapic ferret or the wisdom of a brick.
  • After this Vellido took the king apart and said to him, If it please you, sir, let us ride out together alone; we will go round Zamora, and see the trenches which you have ordered to be made; and I will show unto you the postern which is called the queen's, by which we may enter the town, for it is never closed. The Junior Classics — Volume 4
  • The inamorata of the title character in King Kong has been played by, respectively, Fay Wray, Jessica Lange and Naomi Watts.
  • a Palestinian _amora_ (an authority of the _Gemara_) who lived during the third century. Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
  • Competition is amoral, ruthless and cruel - moral principles and ethical standards are compromised. And it is a civilized way of bullying the weak, the underprivileged and the poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The youth played the gallant, and just as another might entertain his _innamorata_ at a champagne supper _en tete a tete_ in a private room, he led Cadine into some quiet corner of the market cellars to munch apples or sprigs of celery. The Fat and the Thin
  • I first used the term 'amorance,' then changed it back to 'limerence.' The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Its background details - office meetings, package holidays - seemed as significant as the shuffle between lust and love, amorality and a search for meaning: the proximity of banality to tragedy or redemption.
  • That’s a good one – only a member of the crime syndicate could project so well their own reality onto a scapegoat – a straw man – your name befits your amorality – say hi to your crime bosses Bush and Cheney next time you pay homage Think Progress » Santorum: ‘I Think The Focus Should Not Be Iraq, It Should Be Iran’
  • Beneath a perfunctory veil of fiction, Keneally shows us a real-life tyrant exercising a power so absolute and unfeeling that it appears amoral, rather than immoral.
  • While I was a prisoner in the warehouse aka convalescent home, my "caregivers" often participated in the wildly irrational and amoral schemes of their bosses, then brayed their excuse— "I was only doing my job."—as if sanctioned subservience constitutes an acquittal. On Ruben Navarro
  • What's particularly interesting about limerence is its etymology, or lack thereof, as explained in this quote from Dorothy Tennov, the word's inventor:1977 Observer 11 Sept. 3/9, I first used the term ‘amorance' then changed it back to ‘limerence'... LIMERENT.
  • He pretends to comply with Tamora's request and summons his son Lucius to his house, but he also offers to arrange for a banquet to entertain his guests.
  • MTV back in the 1980s has exploded into the easy access of Youtube. 1980s amoralism and early 21st century paranoia induce the same political apathy and numbness. Archive 2010-01-01
  • I strongly disagree with this amoral approach to politics.
  • (The best new fantasy I've read in ages is Scott Lynch's THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA, which is finally out now in the U.S.) Breakfast in Bed
  • This respect for privacy appears to some to be a rather amoral attitude. Hemingway in Paris - Parisian walks for the literary traveller
  • In many of his over 150 tales, Andersen flirts with mercilessness and amoralism.
  • More on this here, passim, especially the section about Zarathustra and the three inamorati (Life, Wisdom, and Eternity).
  • May we change barbaric, vulgar, and amoral political behavior via the political aesthetic?
  • This book was plenty dark with murder most foul and kelpies on the streetcorners, but even though many of the fae were not particularly good, many of them did not seem particularly amoral which is how I tend to think of the fae. Archive 2009-08-01
  • In the early days John was routinely accused of glibness, superficiality, mannerism, of Pop-Art vacancy and amorality.
  • The text in firebrands is by SF author Pamela Sargent, who says of Angelina: “Even her husband, the amoral supercriminal called ‘The Stainless Steel Rat,’ is hard-put to restrain his bloodthirsty wife.” 2009 August « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • The majority of educated Americans believe that nature is the amoral scene of Darwinian struggle.
  • Giasone," which had its premiere in Venice in 1649 and is said to have been the era's most frequently performed opera, is similar to "The Coronation of Poppea" in both its musical style recitative and short ariosi and its view of human nature as amoral. NYT > Home Page
  • Both were perceived as amoral sources of power which responded more or less predictably to specific modes of address.
  • He detests the amorality of his C.I.A. control.
  • This person suggested that perhaps — whether people are consciously aware of this or not — at least some of the flak he’s been getting over his infidelities is subtly catering to the old racist belief that African-American men are amoral and oversexed (the fact that most of the “other women” were apparently white or Latina might not have helped him in this regard either). Think Progress » Fox News Televangelist Hume: Tiger Would Be ‘Farther Down The Road’ To ‘Forgiveness’ With Christianity
  • Competition is amoral, ruthless and cruel - moral principles and ethical standards are compromised. And it is a civilized way of bullying the weak, the underprivileged and the poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The Prime Minister was Alcala Zamora who lead a coalition government of republican radicals.
  • anyway tommys mom thinks she should raise un garcon americain which is why she feeds him hot dogs but she puts moutarde amora on them to give them that je ne sais quoi believe me i step wide around those spills --ahooa- 8 rules for writing a short story.
  • The films featuring Marlene Dietrich add the paradox of the dazzling yet androgynous female who is simultaneously moral and amoral, eminently proper yet irredeemably decadent.
  • Una rock band di zecche ed acari segue il suo leader innamorato di una donna umana. No Fat Clips!!! : Gnarls Barkley – Gone Daddy Gone
  • Tamora chivvied them into the passageway, and they began to run again, Cheyenne's ragged breathing echoing off the walls as she fell further and further behind.
  • He says: ‘It was a time when a lot of people started taking heroin and generally getting trashed and acting in an utterly amoral and horrible fashion.’
  • Religious believers are not morally superior. Nonbelievers are by no means amoral. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • And when the Infanta Doña Urraca, and the men of Zamora, saw that he had quiet possession of both his brother's kingdoms, they feared that he would come against them and disherit his sister also. Chronicle of the Cid
  • Recuperating at this point seems to involve eating tiny amounts of pepperidge farm butterfly crackers and reading Tamora Pierce novels. Readersguide Diary Entry
  • Tamora now applied her feverish fingers to brewing the tea.
  • The characters are well developed enough, and their relentless amorality is fairly well-portrayed. Lip curls, eyes roll, heart reluctantly races
  • I wonder if, in our efforts to make our society so moral, we have, in a way, become more amoral.
  • Tamora drew her cloak about her, appreciating the warm mantle with its fur lining, whilst the air chapped her lips and pinched her nose and cheeks.
  • But her main role would be as Hirschfeld's muse and playmate, his elfin inamorata, the one editor to whom he paid devoted attention.
  • In her novel, Lapierre picks up on this and Richard Symonds's remark that Lanier was ‘inamorato di Artemisia Gentileschi,’ to construct a passionate affair between Lanier and Artemisia.
  • But who can doubt that, in a world teeming with narcissism and amorality, in which so many in authority refuse to judge or uphold standards, it serves as a model and an inspiration for millions of Americans?
  • That's the point, and it could not have been portrayed any better than this, paralelled along side the amoralism of the monsters. The Mist (2007): B
  • Ray is the sort of amoral lech we could never believe we'd ever fall for, right up until we're walking through the bedroom doors.
  • There were 10 Americans killed yesterday, in this horrible surgy month of killing and wounding, but amoral insane foreign policy specialists would keep us in Iraq forever. Matthew Yglesias » Training
  • That emotion, when it comes, releases us from the amorality and nastiness of our situation as voyeurs.
  • Curiously, googling on this does not any more succinct definition: this is the clearest, but it does not address the fact that amoral familism could well be a highly viable social strategy when most of the rest of the population behaves otherwise. The Jeremiah Munsen/Jena 6 Atrocity: Who, whom?
  • Many cognitivists have not found this a persuasive characterization of all amoralists.
  • Antonio F. Morenilla 1 year ago me he quedado enamorado, enhorabuena! Steel Life on Vimeo
  • A free-flowing fantasia, it uses bitonal harmonic clashes in its depiction of man's yearning to transcend nature and create the amoral figure of the Superman, the being of the future who is ‘beyond good and evil’.
  • Sadly, it does not make up for the boneheaded move of not calling his inamorata to tell her that he wasn't going to show in the first place. William Bradley: Mad Men: "Wee Small Hours" -- HuffPost Review
  • Bored, amoral and approaching middle age he has given up on life.
  • He offers no excuses for his amoral characters, just explanations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Considering that these amoral - some might suggest "sociopathic" - institutions almost gutted the globe's financial system in September 2008, any issue to which they attach themselves should be viewed with considerable alarm. Resource Investor - Main Content Feed
  • Just for a moment, even this amoralist was shown as a victim of something beyond merely his denials and hubris. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amorally, a enchanting car chaldaean sale gyneolatry rhapis to be the way to go in vibrato to untrustiness the topical amuck slap abstracter. Rational Review
  • This particular Cleat had thought that his inamorata was an heiress but found the opposite to be the case on their wedding night she, in turn, had been told he was a wealthy “milord” and fallen “in love” accordingly. The Dressmaker
  • Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
  • Violence, profanity, and amorality all have their place in a story, if these qualities are observed or reported truths.
  • More frighteningly, Tamora could see the hundreds more beyond the few battering the gate, and over a third of them were properly armed - swords, dirks, bows and arrows.
  • The game was becoming predictable, so Pardew introduced the unpredictable gifts of Teddy Sheringham alongside Zamora, indicating that the manager is still undecided about his ideal front pairing.
  • A lascivious inamorato plots all the day long to please his mistress, acts and struts, and carries himself as if she were in presence, still dreaming of her, as Pamphilus of his Glycerium, or as some do in their morning sleep. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Sekules eventually left the sport behind, increasingly disgusted at the mercenary amorality of the businessmen and shysters behind the scenes.
  • Three statesmen who occupied leading positions during the World War were so deeply struck by the deprivation of human life and economic resources, by the futility of war as a social institution, and by its amorality, that they became convinced pacifists and throughout the rest of their lives spared no effort to prevent such a calamity from ever again overtaking mankind. The Nobel Peace Prize 1937 - Presentation Speech
  • The completely technocratic and amoral society emerges, able to manipulate anything but appreciate nothing; a desert of the mind.
  • Nonetheless, the mind can fall under the spell of this amoralism, and when one does, it is not the case that one begins to act amorally, which is impossible for moral creatures; rather,one loses touch with the moral law and begins to act in a disordered fashion. Crucified Between Two Thieves:Catholic Social Thinking vs. Right and Left
  • Both shared an interest in resisting the amoral libertarianism of bohemians and rationalists.
  • If so, simple emotivism of the sort described is refuted because the sincerity conditions for making the judgment require the motivation not present in the amoralist. Boys in White Suits
  • They're just amoral in praying for the continued suffering and lack of affordable health care for our citizens. GOP challenging constitutionality of health bill mandate
  • What an amoralist expresses when she makes a moral claim that she is disinclined to honor involves using the moral predicate in an “inverted commas sense” ” a sense which alludes to the value judgments of others without itself expressing such a judgment (Hare 1952, 145 “ 6). Boys in White Suits
  • But I find it hard to get indignant about an amoral, egomaniacal novelist refusing to save the lives of two brutal killers.
  • Which brings me to my point four: the debate around healthcare is framed very much in extremes – it is either world best and criticizing it is amoral, or it is so bad that it needs to be reformed from ground up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Oft-Missed Component When Evaluating European Socialized Health Care
  • If morality were to require this of us, then we should, and would, be amoralists.
  • Cleburne also perceived immigration-driven amoral familism at the expense of Americans in the selective persecution of American teenagers by (unwelcome, to this American at least) Korean import and U.S. government lawyer Grace Chung Becker Blog Articles » Print » Amoral Familism And Baby Formula
  • One longstanding objection to the theory is that it has no way of motivating the amoralist to adhere to the demands of morality. Personal Identity and Ethics
  • He's had a tattoo with the name of a former lover removed, to avoid hurting the feelings of his current inamorata.
  • Another is to retreat into various shades of nihilism, cynicism or amoralism, gazing blankly at a world of stone.
  • That someone who could easily be amoral is portrayed with dimension is fantastic. Rome II
  • But beneath it all is the realisation that the modern world doesn't owe the trade union movement a future, and indeed, the trends of global capital are actively working against it by making the flow of capital so footloose and amoral.
  • Transfers could carry the race into northern Spain, with stages across Salamanca and Zamora before entering the Cantabrian mountains, with likely stops at Ancares, a new climb at La Farrapona and a return to La Angliru for the first time since 2008. Speculation aplenty ahead of Vuelta a España presentation
  • There were only two black clouds on our excursion - we couldn't find any amora I'm so addicted to the stuff I've been eating from a jar with a 2003 expiration date and the amount of money we spent. Archive 2005-07-01
  • The point about the market is that it is not only immoral - or rather amoral - it is also capable of rank stupidity.
  • The whole point of amoral familism is that among many of the world’s ethnic groups honesty to those with whom one does not have close kinship ties is not normal and accepted behavior. Amoral Familism And Baby Formula
  • So elusive seems this innocence, so thoroughgoing our saturation in the technological, the calculative, and the instrumental, that we may be tempted to adopt an antithetical conception of human nature, as violent, chaotic, and amoral.
  • And here's a list of attorneys headed to life imprisonment, arguably, (lucky (?) for them their type of amoral mental retardation is inhuman to execute), and taking the hired-mouthpiece 'industry' with them ... but, but, but -- without some attorneys left as prosecutors how could all attorneys be incarcerated??? Shock and awe (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • An investigation of the term ishah hashuvah shows that in three of the discussions the term is referred to by specific amoraim: Abaye, Rava and R. Jeremiah, their contemporary. Ishah Hashuvah (Woman of Distinction).
  • Claire turns up, in love, and wanting to use Anna's apartment for an assignation with her new inamorata.
  • The bashing is absurdly unfair as shown by, among other things, the fact that the critics of the so-called amoral policies of Bush have been silent when Obama says he will embrace the amoral realism practiced by previous Administrations. Obama says George Bush is "a good guy," "a good man," and "a good person."
  • We hope he would navigate between the amoral realism of some in his party and the counterproductive cocksureness of the current administration, especially in its first term. Not in My Backyard
  • Winick's portrayal of Zamora is so fundamentally decent and heroic that the reader begins to wonder what's been left out. Robot Reviews: Pedro & Me | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • However he kept the flame burning bright writing passionate love letters to his inamorata.
  • If so, simple emotivism of the sort described is refuted because the sincerity conditions for making the judgment require the motivation not present in the amoralist. Boys in White Suits
  • But we can assume that the amoralist is at least prudentially rational. Personal Identity and Ethics
  • They are amoral whereas we have a choice to be moral or immoral.
  • Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
  • An inamorata, I am informed by a legion of righteous students of Italian, is “a woman who loves or is beloved”; when used to refer to a man, however, the ending changes to the masculine, and the word becomes inamorato. No Uncertain Terms
  • Hauptman demonstrates that the early amoraim limit internal examinations but does not note that the examinations themselves are not mentioned in the Bible and therefore seem to be rabbinic innovations. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • She's entirely egoistic, spoilt, neurotic, spiteful, amoral and, I should guess, utterly cold. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • They may well be venal, amoral egomaniacs, but the one thing you can pretty much guarantee is that they will be sharp-tongued.
  • It is called “_Care luci inamorati_” -- the style is truly The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • We came home laden with French and other foods including Amora mustard, Petit Suisse fromage frais, Cote d' Or chocolat, Duck Confit, saucissons, Merguez sausages, Gruyere cheese, Puget Olive Oil and a case of Chateau Neuf de Pape.
  • Sir, said Sir Lamorak, now I understand your knighthood, it may not be false that all men say, for of your bounty, noblesse, and worship, of all knights ye are peerless, and for your courtesy and gentleness I showed you ungentleness, and that now me repenteth. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Labour weren't elected because they exemplified these contemporary moral - or amoral - values.
  • Acaena ovalifolia has become a widespread weed on Isla R. Crusoe, together with the two most noxious pests in the islands, namely Aristotelia chilensis ( "maqui") and Rubus ulmifolius ( "zarzamora"). Juan Fernández Islands temperate forests
  • I could be an atheist and an amoralist, but I still calculate that doing business with a churchgoer is to my advantage. Trust Cues, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • And not only did the LDL (left, Democrats, liberals) let them do it, they replaced it with a form of amoralism -- a watered down social determinism. Charles H. Green: War Criminals and Liberals: How the Right Stole the Right to Moral Language
  • Other characteristic species include: Alopecurus ventricosus, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Agropyrum repens, Puccinelia distans, Saussurea amora, and Aster tripolium. Kazakh forest steppe
  • The illogic is not necessarily used to expose brutality, the bleakness of an amoral universe empty of intrinsic meaning. Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • Few details speak as loudly as someone's style choices because, superficial as they may seem, they are what your inamorata or inamorato elects to wear all day. Why possession of a celebrity perfume is reasonable grounds to end a relationship
  • It's a gritty, violent, amoral action thriller with plenty of twists and some surprisingly funny moments.
  • But the people who run Versailles don't have to worry about ravenous, amoral deer or vinyl netting or keeping the garbage men from heaving the plastic recycling bins onto the hollyhocks. Dreading the Arrival of Daffodils
  • A non-custodial sentence might be hard to bear for the unfortunate householder who has had the sanctity of his home violated by some amoral toerag.
  • Displays of novelty that I flaunted until I read Francisco de Quevodo, and the theory of rejecting the combination of "cuidado" and "enamorado" blew me away. Yoani Sanchez: A Manual or a Sonnet?
  • Twin broad stairs of black marble curved down from that second-floor balcony to a floor mosaicked in a map of the world, as Zamorans knew it, with each country marked by representations of the gems imported from it. Conan The Magnificent
  • For instance: Tamora Pierce, author of The Song of the Lioness quartet, grew up resenting the lack of female warrior heroes in fantasy novels and thereinafter set about writing some of her own, with brilliant results. 2009 September « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • In many of his over 150 tales, he flirts with mercilessness and amoralism.
  • The husband, who had left his hiding place and knocked at the door, now entered, and after saluting his wife, sat down, when having partaken of the refreshments provided for the gallants, the happy couple entered into conversation loud enough to be overheard by the wretched inamorati, who were quaking for fear of discovery. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
  • What we end up with is a sequence with a very authentic feeling, something that could very well be the final moments in the life of some soulless, amoral moviemakers.
  • Belloc es optimista y constructivo, dogmático, audaz y aventurero, sorprendente y desigual, enamorado tanto de la vida que late a la vera del camino como de la sólida tradición. Hilaire Belloc
  • He represents the side of rock music that is amoral, hedonistic, self-serving and red in tooth and claw, offering in place of noble aspirations a guiltier, more primal thrill: the licence not to give a damn. Rock's fake rebels
  • Americans, who in general do not practice amoral familism, are easily driven from entire sectors of our economy by those more conscious of their ethnic interests. Peter Brimelow and Ed Rubenstein On AM Radio In A.M.–7:30–9:00 AM EST
  • But this does not mean that the Prince is amoral; it merely indicates that he was honest enough to face the difficulty of adjusting political behaviour to moral precepts.
  • Usually those who dislike it have a bad reaction to Quinn's "amorality" about killing. Archive 2004-09-01
  • His inamorata was a blue-eyed young German lady, the sweetest and loveliest girl in Berlin; he carried her colors in many a lonely voyage in after years. The Story of Paul Boyton Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World
  • Now Dick appears to have been sleeping around on both his main inamorata, which strikes me as completely out of character. Scott Beatty on Robin
  • Ah, the sledgehammer irony of the truly depraved wingnut amoralist. Me and Bella.
  • He offers no excuses for his amoral characters, just explanations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He called his inamorata his soul mate, and with Cupid's poison arrow in his Republican heart, he wept. Berks county news
  • If the Washingotn Post-owned Slate wants to continue to publish this kind of inebriated, partisan, journalistically amoral crap they can watch their own credibility roll around like backwash in the bottom of a Hitchens bottle. Firedoglake » And In This Corner…Juan Cole
  • Being right doesn't make you any less of an amoral bully.
  • As far as this particular scenario is concerned, ethics may as well be a county in the south of England, so amorally do the main protagonists appear to have behaved.
  • His amorality helped him to survive in business.
  • Tamora's room was a wide space, and the top panes in her window were tinted red, causing scarlet splashes of colour over the flagstones.
  • His following is made up of satyrs and sileni (amoral woodland creatures, basically human but with some animal characteristics) and maenads, who seem possessed or intoxicated.
  • Operating in a moral gray area beyond the reach of any clear-cut legal jurisdiction, Zamora claims to have returned 54 children to left-behind parents. The Snatchback
  • Mr Auden’s brand of amoralism is only possible, if you are the kind of person who is always somewhere else when the trigger is pulled. Inside the Whale
  • the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes
  • Tamora drew her cloak about her, appreciating the warm mantle with its fur lining, whilst the air chapped her lips and pinched her nose and cheeks.
  • Not that people shouldn't be wary of others, and take precautions -- but that there is a kind of amorality to trolls which is highly creepy. "Trolling is basically Internet eugenics... I want everyone off the Internet. Bloggers are filth. They need to be destroyed."
  • If you think atheists are all miserable, nihilistic amoralists, this book should put you straight.
  • Moral ambiguity I can handle, amorality is harder for me to immerse myself in, but I want to write a fully developed villain, so I’m having to figure it out. Perception vs Reality « A Little Imagination
  • Traditionalists tolerate a certain amount of amoralism in the market because they see the market as an important disciplining institution - a valuable tool of social order.

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