

  1. of or pertaining to Native Americans or their culture or languages
    Native American religions
    Indian arrowheads
  1. any of the languages spoken by Amerindians

How To Use Amerind In A Sentence

  • This Amerindian descent is still evident in the northern countryside where pottery and other Indian crafts are made with traditional methods.
  • The location is typical of an Amerindian settlement in that it is located on the windward side of the island (a location more difficult for enemy landings due to the constant battering of wind and waves).
  • In pottery, woodcraft, and basketry, Amerindians produce for the domestic and foreign markets.
  • Alberto Vilar, the multimillionaire Royal Opera House donor, and Mike Sandifer, launching their charm offensive this week, are set now to talk up the prospects for Amerindo's diverse portfolio of unquoted technology investments.
  • In some cases, the Southern Amerind loanwords acquired by English through the filter of Spanish, Portuguese, French, and New Latin had already passed through another language. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
  • Particularly in Amerindian communities, curanderos function as healers who communicate with nature gods and spirits.
  • CACIQUE Term is still used in Haiti to refer to the pre-Columbian Amerindian rulers and divisions of the country. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • The general legal status of Amerindians has evolved over the generations but the general question was resolved well over a century ago: anyone of genetic Amerindian descent has certain rights and privileges stemming from the dubious “dependent sovereignty” status of the tribes as sloppily defined back in the 19th Century and mangled through a series of treaties negotiated in bad faith and dishonestly managed by the federal government. Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
  • Getty Images/Gallo Images An Amerindian village in the savannah-dominated region of Rupununi in southern Guyana. From Guyana to Guiana
  • These Amerindian-Spanish people are known locally as Ladinos.
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