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[ US /əˈmɛɹəkəˌnaɪz/ ]
  1. make American in character
    The year in the US has completely Americanized him
  2. become American in character
    After a year in Iowa, he has totally Americanized

How To Use Americanize In A Sentence

  • We do NOT need them in Americanized live-action or even 3D form. James Cameron Quickly Updates His Battle Angel Adaptation «
  • That's why the Clinton administration's argument that lifting the arms embargo will "Americanize" the war doesn't make sense. Let Bosnia Control Its Own Future
  • The new immigrants and these ultramontane clerics who came to serve them overwhelmed the small, relatively Americanized Catholic Church they found here.
  • So if she's not calling for his firing, what the hell does she want? please tell me what is "debasing" about that comment. did he lower her in stature??? wait, wait, now i see the angle: shuster african-americanized chelsea. ahhh, i see. that's more in line with Bill and the post-SC colors shining through. Hillary To NBC: Fire David Shuster
  • The diner offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, serving traditional American fare, and some Americanized dishes like chicken Parmesan and gyros.
  • Not being catered to like the others on her tour who were living in Americanized luxury at the Hilton and other expensive hotels. The Dirty Duck
  • Synonymous with jerk or the more recent nerd, shnook is an Americanized Yiddishism probably derived from the German Schnucke, “a small or weak sheep.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • This assimilation has been so successful that it is challenging to discover the ethnic antecedents of many families who have become completely Americanized.
  • What I'm wondering is how he is going to "Americanize" the sexual and perverse storylines, which have just as much to do with the film as the angst. Matt Reeves Says 'Let Me In' Will Be Darker Than 'Twilight' «
  • The well nigh inexhaustible field of folk-lore of his own people is ready to be told to the world, whether in the crude dialect of the race, or in Americanized English, it matters little. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
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