How To Use Americanism In A Sentence
Not an Americanism after all, and a significant antedating.
Using a Dictionary to Define Inflation Can Spell Trouble
Including Russia (but not China or France) in the ruling committee might impart just the right soupçon of anti-Americanism to the new organization, which must be credible yet not intractable
Chief of these was the Know-nothings who stood for what they called Americanism, and raised an opposition to Catholicism.
Children of the Market Place
Made during the Second World War, it’s packed with jingoistic Americanism, but this ties in with Cohan’s own attitudes and the unself-conscious sentimentality of his songs, and Cagney’s stiff-backed hoofing is so spirited that the moldly plot turns hardly bother one.
2009 July 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
It moved Lady Bird Johnson to become an environmentalist and Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor and it is a social patriotism which is star-spangled Americanism at its most authentic.
Ideal Americanism would take the Greek spirit and law, and democratize and scientize and
Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
Steve Hicks Lawrence, Kansas In his article, "That Dirty Bird," on the onomastic migrations of the shitepoke [III, 3], Steven R. Hicks makes passing reference to the intriguing word shyster, an American colloquialism dating from at least as early as 1846 (see Mitford Mathews, Americanisms, 1966).
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
Monty's nativist Americanism is rooted in the biological determinism of fascist ideology, while Max's Americanism insists on the voluntarism and pluralism of liberal ideology.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
For all the woolly sort of anti-Americanism afoot within the Canadian liberal-left, it is also true, and not the tiniest bit pathetic, that to formulate a position on the Afghanistan question the Canadian left has in the main simply adopted holus-bolus the American counterculture polemics on Iraq, and changed some names.
Daimnation!: "Hats off to the Canadians"
Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity and hardihood - the virtues that made America.
Only those who accept "Americanism" in all its anhedonic glory need apply for citizenship, a precondition for which is knowledge of Gelernter's "sacralized reading of American history"?
Art and Culture
In the ideological struggle between HUAC and Hollywood, the older xenophobic, antiradical, antimodernist tradition of Americanism was pitted against a New Americanism, the more cosmopolitan, modernist, and pluralist popular nationalism of the war years that was broadly shared by the studio moguls, the liberal activists, and the radical dissidents in Hollywood.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
View It » there's nothing to applaud. they can set up any number of currencies, but if they don't have the faith and support of solvent gov'ts, the only ones they are kidding are themselves. go to google and look up the first sucre. see how that did. how you can spin this move by Chavez and his socialist thuggee into your standard leftish antiamericanism is astounding.
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They are both, to the core, celebrations of Americanism, great assimilative affirmations.
Pilgrims in Beirut, Pumpkin Pie in Manhattan
Ultimately, then, my analysis of Crossfire and the career of Adrian Scott suggests that the mid-century discourse on Americanism cannot be fully understood without reference to antifascism and anti-Communism, both as ideologies and as political movements.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
In the ideological struggle between HUAC and Hollywood, the older xenophobic, antiradical, antimodernist tradition of Americanism was pitted against a New Americanism, the more cosmopolitan, modernist, and pluralist popular nationalism of the war years that was broadly shared by the studio moguls, the liberal activists, and the radical dissidents in Hollywood.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Well known for their anti-internationalist, anti-New Deal voting records, both subscribed to an anti-Communism that hearkened back to the xenophobic, antimodernist "100 Percent Americanism" of the 1920s.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Throughout the world, anti-Americanism and anticapitalism are in decline.
Literature and the Search for Liberty
As someone who thought of anti-Americanism as a temporary perturbation, I do think he is massaging the evidence and overstating his thesis a bit.
Gertsle , Gary . Working - Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor a Textile City , 1914 - 1960 . 1989.
America's image abroad was of particular concern, for he firmly believed that movies, in whetting international appetites for the abundance and democracy promised by his liberal Americanism, could help to realize the nation's anti-Soviet foreign policy goals.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Ideal Americanism would take the Greek spirit and law, and democratize and scientize and (thence) truly Christianize them for the whole, the globe, all history, all ranks and lands, all facts, all good and bad.
Good-Bye my Fancy ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
Blaine was a great and famous politican and diplomat in American history, and he was respected as the founder of Pan-Americanism.
Or another way, currently America "owns" (with a few others) free markets, and anti-Americanism is often just masked anti-capitalism.
How Would the World Change If Everyone Shared Your Factual Beliefs?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I don't think it is in the spirit of real Americanism.
In other words, the program's real purpose is to promote the supposedly progressivist ideologies of radical feminism, gay rights, multiculturalism, and, lest we forget, anti-westernism read: anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism.
Archive 2008-11-01
Surprisingly, the term spider is American in origin, according to both sides of the Atlantic: The Dictionary of Americanisms (1951) and The Oxford Dictionary agree.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The exhibition could be read on many levels, but the immediate impression I had was of its strong Americanism.
Much of the real reason for anti-Americanism of this type - though it will be hotly denied - is nothing more than envy.
Henry, and other books written about this time contain Americanisms (e.g. highball for whisky and soda) which an Englishman would not normally use in propria persona.
In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse
QUOTATION: Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism
Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1995)
This phrase is labelled as an Americanism in this dictionary.
They're riven with anti-Americanism, it's soaked to the bone in Canada, and it's often reflexive and knee-jerk.
An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
The media, modernity, Americanism, and a permissive ‘therapeutic’ culture can be ritually scapegoated.
For example, they have cultivated the idea that American interests are interchangeable with Israeli interests, and that anti-Americanism is the same thing as hostility to Israel.
Neo-Con Rage « Blog
But it does suggest that the steady, malign drip of anti-Americanism is not without its perils, if turning away from the US creates a vacuum which is filled by the European Union.
Saddam "the federator of Europe"
I would say there is less anti-americanism than a general anti-westernism, this is implicit in a number of the readings, including that which Melanie cites.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Our unprecedented affluence also explains much, although its role as a facilitator has been relatively scanted in most discussions of anti-Americanism that I have seen.
On the other hand, while the characters may indeed be idolatrous, money-grubbing boors, the Americanisms they use in their speech suggest that these are values they picked up right here in the United States.
Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.
Gertsle , Gary . Working - Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor a Textile City , 1914 - 1960 . 1989.
‘Americanism’, incidentally, is one of my least favourite words: not for the meaning, the concept is marvelous, but for its lack of euphony.
Raja Petra is what Che Guevara means to Malaysians, a gung-ho revolutioner whose interest in motorcycles helped him craft his own hugely successful "motorcycle diaries" and helped him symbolize and embody the free-wheeling spirit of Americanism of the "Easy Rider era".
Lim Kit Siang
Why not just give the programme-maker Adam Curtis another big budget to churn out three more hours of anti-Americanism - and they did: "The Trap - What Happened to our Dream of Freedom".
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Chambers English Dictionary of 1872 included an eight page appendix of Americanisms printed in small type, three columns to a page.
I can be proud of my ancestry without hyphenating my Americanism.
The exhibition could be read on many levels, but the immediate impression I had was of its strong Americanism.
I have to say that objecting to "Hyphenated Americanism" is not necessarily racist, but I also have to say that it is an easy veil to throw over xenophobia or mysoxeny.
Archive 2007-03-01
Mr. Buckley is there in San Francisco when, at a prenomination rally, thousands of college students declare opposition to their professors '"intensive indoctrination in state welfarism, anti-anti-Communism, moral libertinage, skepticism, anti-Americanism.
Principled and Pilloried
Anti-Americanism in the mid-east, on the other hand, has morphed into hatred.
The exhibition could be read on many levels, but the immediate impression I had was of its strong Americanism.
The mistake Tim is making is trying to link the various forms of anti-Americanism and the specific act of barbarism which took place in New York City.
When he refused to ease down his pace and bleated about freedom of contract, independent Americanism, and the dignity of toil, they proceeded to spoil his pace-making ability.
Americanisms have vitalised the English language.
Against this bleak background, the good news is that there is a clear distinction between anti-Americanism and criticism of US policies.
In Pakistan, the issue has become embroiled in widespread anti-Americanism and suspicions, fanned by the Pakistani media and used for political advantage, that U.S. spies and intelligence contractors are secretly operating in the country.
U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat
His anti-Americanism is shrill to the point of self-parody, and he has no powerful protectors.
A Convenient Enemy
Goodhart thinks he can play on a certain visceral anti-Americanism that is characteristic of the British left.
To answer your intent, as I understand it, though, I will say that "Americanism" is a combination of a number of factors - Constitutional law and intent, Historical practice and precedent, and general popular opinion.
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In the early days of Operation Iraqi Disaster, I engaged in some fact-based blog discussion with what can only be described as a hard-right, neo-fascist group of truly wacky self-described “veterans”, who took my dissention from the party line as a clear case of Treason, and Anti-Americanism.
Waldo Jaquith - High-profile bloggers planning code of conduct.
This arises largely and insidiously from the slavish adoption here of virtually all Americanisms - some invaluable, the majority deplorable.
Washington, D.C. "The idea underlying the formation of the American Legion is the feeling among the great mass of the men who served in the forces of this country during the war, that the impulse of patriotism which prompted their efforts and sacrifices should be so preserved that it might become a strong force in the future for true Americanism and better citizenship," Colonel Roosevelt said.
The Story of The American Legion
The Spectator has a good send-up of anti-Americanism.
But when I checked the OED definition, I found that the OED gives it a sense of "faker" as an Americanism. FAKIR/FAKER
Link wal-mart has institutionalized hypocrisy. they sell massive amounts of chinese goods while trumpeting their americanism. now, they create a political enviorment that encourages republican repression instead of american freedom. wal-mart is un-american.period. —
Groups to File Complaint Against Wal-Mart - The Caucus Blog -
Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.
The illustrations were augmented, and the entry and definition coverage expanded to include Americanisms, slang, and colloquialisms.
They had taken notice of the anti-Americanism and the antimodernism of his regime.
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Nothing I heard or saw on my travels offered a single, practical clue about how to turn back the global tsunami of anti-Americanism.
Americanism, untainted and unvarnished by a hyphen or an "ism," especially when the word pacific precedes the latter.
The Story of The American Legion
Henry, and other books written about this time contain Americanisms (e.g. “highball” for “whisky and soda”) which an
Collected Essays
All true, but also all tending to indicate a certain blinkered quality to the “anti-Americanism” frame.
Matthew Yglesias » “Pro-American”
But the illusions of the movie's Europeans are a darker matter, for they help create a pervasive, reflexive anti-Americanism that is ultimately extremely dangerous.
This was nothing compared with the unabashed pro-Americanism of their declaration.
I've noticed more and more Americanisms sneaking into the English language and I blame computers and spellchecks for that.
An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
The parallels between the schools of reflexive anti-Americanism and big-business globalism are far from exact, but they are multiple and they are suggestive.
Julian had begun to suspect there was some anti- Americanism in this household.
Europhobia seems to be more a reaction against anti-Americanism and its theoretical foundations.
The word bleachers is an Americanism that first appeared in 1889 in the Chicago Tribune.
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Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.