- a custom that is peculiar to the United States or its citizens
- loyalty to the United States and its institutions
- an expression that is characteristic of English as spoken by Americans
How To Use Americanism In A Sentence
- Not an Americanism after all, and a significant antedating. Using a Dictionary to Define Inflation Can Spell Trouble
- Including Russia (but not China or France) in the ruling committee might impart just the right soupçon of anti-Americanism to the new organization, which must be credible yet not intractable
- Chief of these was the Know-nothings who stood for what they called Americanism, and raised an opposition to Catholicism. Children of the Market Place
- Made during the Second World War, it’s packed with jingoistic Americanism, but this ties in with Cohan’s own attitudes and the unself-conscious sentimentality of his songs, and Cagney’s stiff-backed hoofing is so spirited that the moldly plot turns hardly bother one. 2009 July 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
- It moved Lady Bird Johnson to become an environmentalist and Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor and it is a social patriotism which is star-spangled Americanism at its most authentic.
- Ideal Americanism would take the Greek spirit and law, and democratize and scientize and Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
- Steve Hicks Lawrence, Kansas In his article, "That Dirty Bird," on the onomastic migrations of the shitepoke [III, 3], Steven R. Hicks makes passing reference to the intriguing word shyster, an American colloquialism dating from at least as early as 1846 (see Mitford Mathews, Americanisms, 1966). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
- Monty's nativist Americanism is rooted in the biological determinism of fascist ideology, while Max's Americanism insists on the voluntarism and pluralism of liberal ideology. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
- For all the woolly sort of anti-Americanism afoot within the Canadian liberal-left, it is also true, and not the tiniest bit pathetic, that to formulate a position on the Afghanistan question the Canadian left has in the main simply adopted holus-bolus the American counterculture polemics on Iraq, and changed some names. Daimnation!: "Hats off to the Canadians"
- Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity and hardihood - the virtues that made America.