How To Use Amenia In A Sentence

  • Girls rarely conceive before the catamenia appear.
  • Conclusion: Chromosome abnormality is a major genetic factor that causes abortion, amenia and dysgenitalis, and should be highly emphasized by clinicians.
  • From this point on the male's contribution is typically termed gonê (semen), and the female's katamenia (menses). Aristotle's Biology
  • A dark gray complexion indicates prolonged stagnation of blood such as a consumptive disease with blood deficiency accompanied by menoplania or amenia.
  • During the catamenial period, _i. e._, during one week out of every month, a woman should abandon intellectual or physical labor, either because she is already incapacitated for it, or because she will be so ultimately, if she does not take the precautionary rest. The Education of American Girls
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  • It often happens, however, during the first critical epoch, which is isochronal with the technical educational period of a girl, that after a few occasions of catamenial hemorrhage, moderate perhaps but still hemorrhage, which are not heeded, the conservative force of Nature steps in, and saves the blood by arresting the function. Sex in Education or, A Fair Chance for Girls
  • I am of opinion that, if the general health were perfectly good, the cessation of the catamenia would always be accomplished naturally.
  • I know that the Yale Law School doesn't just let anyone in (and the only language missing from the frequent quotations at Scott Horton's Harper's blog, as far as I can tell, is Hittite), but what are the chances that this law student being interviewed would a) know the word "catamenial" and b) use it in conversation? Jonathan Goodwin
  • D'Andradé 1.6 cites an account of a healthy Parsee lady, eighteen years of age, who menstruated regularly from thirteen to fifteen and a half years; the catamenia then became irregular and she suffered occasional hemorrhages from the gums and nose, together with attacks of hematemesis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • _ When the defect of the due action of both the absorbent and secerning vessels of the liver affects women, and is attended with obstruction of the catamenia, it is called chlorosis; and is cured by the exhibition of steel, which restores by its specific stimulus the absorbent power of the liver; and the menstruation, which was obstructed in consequence of debility, recurs. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The mechanisms on catamenial epilepsy show that ovarian steroid hormones not only regulate reproductive behavior but also exert short-term and long'-term effects on the brain.
  • The deficiency of the catamenia in these cases may be looked upon as incurable.
  • Lie thou down with me on thy own bed, after the catamenial bath, on the night of the eighth or the fourteenth day of the moon. ' The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • After delivery, the lochia continue to flow for a longer time than the true catamenia.
  • Emmenagogues are remedies which have the property of exciting the catamenial flow; ecbolics, or abortives, are drugs which excite contraction of the uterus, and are supposed to have the power of expelling its contents. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Females exposed to cold or undergoing powerful excitements, experience a suppression of the catamenia.
  • the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females
  • The last described form of dysmenorrhœa is sometimes attended with spasmodic contraction of the _os uteri_, thus preventing the catamenial flow. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • By chance, while working as an English teacher I also have a degree in English I discovered other women were suffering from what is termed catamenial epilepsy, seizures caused by the menstrual cycle. Jo Ann Greenwald: The Story of Emily's Edibles

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