How To Use Allochthonous In A Sentence

  • This has led to debate on whether this basement complex is allochthonous or autochthonous.
  • These rocks are also of biogeographic interest because unlike truly allochthonous terranes they are parautochthonous with respect to the craton.
  • What clues from the rock record or the fossils themselves might tell you whether a fossil assemblage was autochthonous, transported only a little bit, or truly allochthonous?
  • An indicator of the degradation of the flora is the allochthonous species that have established themselves in the wild, already accounting for 42%. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Twenty-five taxons are native (68%) and 11 are allochthonous (32 %). San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
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  • However, this does not prove that the Moine rocks necessarily constitute an allochthonous terrane in the North American sense.
  • In our paper, the authors found that the Gaochuan slab is an allochthonous geological terrain and named it as the Gaochuan Terrain.
  • Synorogenic flysch deposits were laid down in front of the advancing allochthonous complexes, and were overridden by them.
  • These sea ice communities can be supported by materials (both dissolved and particulate) that are allochthonous and autochthonous.
  • If we consider only native species, the similarity percentage (Söhrensen) of the flora on the two islands is 64 %; 8 taxons are found on both islands, 15 are found only on San Ambrosio (including 11 taxons endemic to this island and two allochthonous species) and 11 taxons grow only on San Félix and of these two are endemic to this island and 7 are allochthonous. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • In terms of flora, the most affected is San Félix island, with 42% of allochthonous plants. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Although some skeletal remains are evidently allochthonous, other remains are probably parautochthonous.
  • The allochthonous units that overlie the eastern part of this terrane were probably emplaced when the Magnitogorsk volcanic arc collided with this margin in late Devonian times.
  • An indicator of the degradation of the flora is the allochthonous species that have established themselves in the wild, already accounting for 42%. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • The principal threat associated with human presence has been the introduction of many allochthonous species of plants and animals. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • The two methodologies give opposite results when accounting for the input of allochthonous (produced outside) organic matter to a particular ecosystem: CO2 flux measurement gives negative NEP due to increased CO2 emission from soil to atmosphere, while weighing gives a higher accumulation of organic carbon (C) in the soil. Uncertainties in the understanding of ecological processes and changes driven by climate and UV-B radiation
  • In terms of wealth, San Ambrosio has 24 taxons (22 species, 13.6% of them allochthonous) and San Félix has 20 taxons (19 species, 42% of them allochthonous). San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Assemblages of plant fossils that are preserved close to where their parent-plants originally grew are called autochthonous; assemblages that have been transported are referred to as allochthonous.
  • More generally, given that the magnitude and recurrence interval of water levels produced by ice jams often exceed those of open-water conditions, breakup is probably the main supplier of allochthonous organic material in cold-regions rivers [11]. Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
  • Apparently, from the point of view of flora, environments are well preserved and to date there are three allochthonous species that have established themselves in the wild (13 %). San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Two new allochthonous species were recently found, Amaranthus reflexus and Mesenbrianthemum cristallinum. San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Instead, the proportion between allochthonous and autochthonous carbon in the crustacean zooplankton was consistent with a rather conservative use of the energy mobilized by bacterioplankton and phytoplankton in the lakes.
  • The fossils of the westernmost exposures of the Hoko River Formation are allochthonous, preserved in reworked concretions within conglomerates that were deposited as part of a submarine fan system during late Eocene time.

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